
Oct 25, 2020
When i first started watching Darling in the Franxx, i quite enjoyed it. I enjoyed the world the characters were set in and the drama interwoven between the characters as they are trying to understand their purposes in the world and how they relate to each other. The themes of romance, alienation, and reliance on ones friends make the show compelling to watch. In many ways, Darling in the Franxx shares a lot of characteristics with Neon Genesis Evangelion. Although this makes the show less original, i would say there would be no better show to take influence from. Therefore, the show is still enjoyable despite some lacks of originality. I had issues at first with the show not fleshing out the world very well and explaining who the antagonists were. However, i had hope that the show would reveal all at the proper moment. I was kept engaged because the show gave me the feeling that the world wasn't what it seemed and that i would find out something sinister about the world itself. i was disappointed when i found out that the reveals and explanations behind the world was lackluster and lacked deeper development. That is one of the biggest issues with the anime itself. Things just aren't fleshed out enough. Some characters get development here and there, but other characters remain standard archetypes and fade into irrelevancy. The world seems intriguing at first. however, the viewer will be able to point out many plot holes and inconsistencies within the story. The many flaws of the show really come to light in the final stretch of episodes where almost all of the plot is scraped for a new enemy to emerge that the viewer neither cares for nor understands. All of the subtle world building of the first half gets traded in for bloated set-pieces that undercut what the viewer originally enjoyed the anime for. Despite all this, the first half of the anime is extremely enjoyable. The characters are likable and easily gain investment from the viewer. Their relationships add heart to the show and make the show different from a standard action mecha. However, the lack of development for the other features of the show make it fall extremely short. the show had promise. but it comes across in the final half as rushed and leaves the viewer extremely disappointed.

1. I felt that this series should have had a second season with maybe twelve episodes due to the fact that (without me spoiling anything) the anime in the second half of it's run after episode 15 feels incredibly rushed: -almost as if everyone involved was told that they are only getting these twenty-four episodes so make it work- kind of rushed.

2. The series takes neck breaking plot twists that make no sense later on, that only compound the first mentioned point as it doesn't get to 'naturally' progress and feels incredibly forced.

3. Then later explanations given when trying to richen the world experience that are presented to us... don't feel very satisfying or mind-blowing, almost as if the creators crunched on time couldn't make the details as rich or be as creative about their vision, or it feels like they got lazy when under-pressure. Which it is? I don't know.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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