Toaru Majutsu no Index, or in english, A Certain Magical index. A certain magical index is the main story within this series, which follows the lead of Touma Kamijo and his Co-Lead, Index. With their lead, the story progresses with Touma protecting his city from various magical threats using a mysterious power located in his right hand.
One of the biggest focuses with the drama of this anime is the tension between scientific and religious beliefs.
This anime features so many side characters within Index alone, I can count about 30 important side characters within Index alone. You might think that with many side characters, they just have to be bland or have no development at all, right? Actually it's the opposite. It’s actually my favorite part of the series, seeing characters which were perceived as villains grow and eventually learn to become a better person through the lead characters.
All in all, I ended up giving this series an average of 9 out of 10 for its three seasons.
For a more solid, video review, check it out here: