This anime is on par with Overlord, Tate no Yuusha, Re: Zero hajimeru, in my opinion.
Why? Because the animation is very solid. The art style does not drop after the first season. The story is very huge, in fact so huge that I don't think that covering 10 seasons would do it justice.
Besides all this, even though the plots are full of cliches and mediocre characters it has as it base drive story a device that is uncommon and ORIGINAL. The creator of the series knew very well where to touch true anime fans.
Sound quality was okay. It was good. Pleasant to hear. The opening and ending did not seem very appealing to me, but they still get their 10.
You may be enraged why would I give such a good note to this anime. But the truth is that ORIGINALITY blows everything out of scales of comparison and the effort to mantain a good styled anime it is what makes anime an anime and not just a cartoon. Those 2 things are statements on how things should go.
And now the review:
* You may get spoilered. Read at your own risk.*
It is an isekai anime where the whole world engages in contact with another magical world. The whole world as it can be possible be depicted in the real life is put in conflict with another magical world. So I would rather place this into a slice-of-life, isekai as impossible as it would sound.
The main character is not the one portrayed in the anime. Is the whole world. The so-called main character I think is just a plot-device to offer the viewer the chance to see what would happen if... This is the only reason why it would be hard to get and why you won't really fall in love with the main character. Because you don't watch isekai because you are a fan of reality too much, you watch because you want to escape the current world and to relax and have fun in another one.
The main story is portraying huge conflicts, I would call them macro-conflicts, and the usuall small plot anime cliche devices, even though drag the story at some points, they are not enough to drag the whole story down, partly because they are secondary.
I could go on and on. Just go watch it.
Jun 3, 2019
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