Do you want to root for an abusive romance just because it's yuri? Do you want to see non-consensual lewd yuri scenes? Do you want to see people cheating and causing others pain? Do you like watching people so unlikeable that even those with the lowest of self-confidence can point to them and remark, "Well at least I'm not like them." Then NTR is for you.
Not only is NTR filled with terrible people doing terrible things, but it's also a terrible story filled with terrible characters. First off all of these characters besides the main guy are unlikeable. Yuma is at least meh, but she still does terrible things even though it should be obvious that what she's doing is wrong. Ultimately I view her more as the scapegoat for Hotaru's abuse rather than someone to hate on her own. However, her own "feelings" towards Hotaru are so tacked on and poorly done that it makes it hard to like her even with this knowledge. She's tainted by those around her and what the plot decided to do with her. Especially when she started to turn into a controlling douchebag too. It was as if they thought 2 controlling douchebags weren't enough, they needed to have 3 of them.
Fujiwara and Hotaru are the worst of the lot, and it's hard to imagine characters that are worse than these two. Hotaru is a manipulative and abusive dirtbag. She frequently comes onto Yuma under the guise of helping her. Then she molests her without her consent even as Yuma tells her to stop. The show is clearly trying to go with "Yuma loved her all along so it's ok", and makes this clear as it develops. But no, that is sexual abuse and it is not ok. Furthermore, the way that Hotaru acts is disgusting. She manipulates Yuma into relying on her for everything. She is trying to be her practice, her outlet, the thing that helps her stand. This is a common abuse tactic as it makes it that much harder for the person to get rid of their abuser. She's trying to make it that she is needed, so that she can't be disposed of, and quite frankly it's disgusting. The way that she tried to plant seeds into her mind that she liked it, the way that she takes advantage of her, and the way that she has no respect for relationships or boundaries. I don't even care that much about the cheating, I care about the main ship is one that's based off an abusive relationship.
And no just because Hotaru is being abused by Fujiwara does not make it ok. In fact, it only trivialized it as it feels so phoned in that it's hard to take seriously. It's clear that they're trying to come up with some sort of excuse for one of their leads to be abusive, but it just doesn't work. You can't just magic away something like that, especially with an obviously evil villain. It looks fake, and like it was all set up just to excuse her. Which again I find disgusting.
Even outside of abuse the two girls basically tell each other that they can't-do / shouldn't do the very exact things that they themselves do. I'm not sure why I would want to watch a bunch of controlling douchebags but here is NTR to provide that.
The sad part is the last guy is actually decent and show what someone should be like in a healthy relationship. However, all he gets to show for it is to be cheated on and lied to. I'm so glad that we get to see the only decent person here suffer. Thanks, NTR.
Did I mention the story? First off its crap. It can't decide between echii fanservice or drama and thusly switches between the two without rhyme or reason. As a friend of mine put it, there's too much drama to just enjoy the echii, and too much echii to distract from the drama. Not that the drama is any good, and personally I find it hard to enjoy echii between scumbags. Even worse is the fact that story ends up stalling. For a good half of the show, it decides to go no where with it, and just leave at the same point. Stalling is terrible and for a show that already has so little to say and do like NTR it just makes it worse. Although admittely every minute that they don't progress means that it's every minute farther away from the yuri couple getting together, which is a benefit although a small one. Not to mention it keeps on cycliDo you want to root for an abusive romance just because it's yuri? Do you want to see non-consensual lewd yuri scenes? Do you want to see people cheating and causing others pain? Do you like watching people so unlikeable that even those with the lowest of self-confidence can point to them and remark, "Well at least I'm not like them." Then NTR is for you.
Wait was I somewhere? Sorry about that. But I'm sure you can see how that can be annoying..
Not to mention it keeps on cycling the same plot ideas over and over again as if it's incapable to come up with new ones, which at this point I'm pretty sure is exactly what happened.
The art is also pretty bad, and the production values are all terrible. I never really payed attention to the sound because these immoral douches drowned out any care I had about the other parts of the show. When a show glorfies a couple based off cheating and abuse it's hard to care about any other part of it. Add to that a story that goes no where and some of the least likeable characters imaginable, you have a recipe for one of the worst anime out there, which NTR is.