
Jun 5, 2017
This type of anime is probably my favorite , i love the calm story-telling anime with new characters every episode very much but this one was a bit different .
I didn't like this one probably because of the way it was presented , the anime tries to make it like all the main characters are good characters and what they did was right , for example : the first episode had a very very shitty person as the main character , someone who cheated on their lover and hid the fact that she was pregnant from another man from her husband , the same thing with the 2nd episode .
While it may not have been planned but it feels like the anime is trying to say that cheating is ok as long as you don't love your husband/wife and tries to say that they deserve to be happy despite cheating on their loved ones which i personally hated that .
The 3rd episode was nice tbh i thought for once in a while that an adult looking older character was cute and it had that funny ending with her so called "childhood friend"
The 4th episode was the best one because it had someone with actual dignity in it that was trying to defend herself and be a good person and it also had actual relatable worries and dealing with them not just using excuses to cheat or run away like in the first 2 episodes .
So pretty much i give the episodes these ratings : 1 , 3 , 6 , 8.
Overall i give it a 5 but wouldn't recommend it to anyone .
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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