
Jun 4, 2017
Preliminary (6/12 eps)
[Spoiler Warning]

Another siscon work from the author that gave us OreImo, surely this one must be as good and hopefully with a satisfying ending.
Who knows? Because I don't see how anyone could in good faith call this a good anime and hate themselves so much to endure watching it to the end.

Let's knock off the easy things first; starting with:

Sound and music: To be honest there's nothing spectacular here, the OP/ED are quite nice however. 1/2 points.

Art and animation: The art is quite nice and the illustrations drawn by the characters are fairly gorgeous, however the animation is lackluster in certain episodes such as #6 where 2 of the characters are shown moving to a new area through a series of stills as they continue their conversation, rather lazy coming from A-1 Pictures. And let's be honest, the age of consent in Japan might be 13, but sexualizing teenagers should not be praised. 1/2 points.

Story and Characters: Okay so what do we have here, brother living alone with his sister, classic siscon plot... but wait! They're not even blood related, how original indeed. Except it's really easy to figure out that this was an attempt to bypass the same publishing regulations that prevented the author from making a good ending to OreImo.

Let's continue that later, let's look at the characters. Generic big brother who writes light novels for a living, shut-in little sister that draws lewd art, tsundere love interest that's the MC's rival, overly energetic and happy school girl that loves dicks... WAIT WHAT?!
Yes you read that right, in the start of episode 2 we're properly introduced to Megumi, the little sister's class mate (or would be if she actually went to school instead of being a shut-in). And she insists that she not only loves dicks, but that every girl her age loves them! This being said with a smile while uncomfortably invading the MC's personal space and staring at his crotch, only to be played off as a joke?! Okay let's be real here, you're a 13 year old schoolgirl, you come to a stranger's home, you ring their doorbell and then proclaim with a big smile right in their face that you love dicks. I'm sorry but, are you an underage prostitute? What in the name of all that is holy is wrong with you? This isn't something you say as a joke even to your best friend of several years, let alone a complete stranger. Even the MC himself asks "What's happened to Japan?" upon hearing this, and let me tell you it's nothing good. This scene alone should've made me (and everyone else) stop watching and drop the show for good, but I was foolish enough to give it a second chance.

This foolish behavior lasted until episode 6 where the MC signs up for a rookie tournament in order to secure a publishing opportunity for his upcoming novel. But oh no, a new rival appears and she's going to stop him from attaining this spot... for some reason. Said rival is the highly praised author Masamune who's produced a bestseller spanning 11 volumes and a 2 season anime adaption. Except that due to her status as a bestselling author she has no problems securing publishing opportunities for her work meaning she has no motive for entering this tournament, the tournament is also strictly for no-name rookies (the MC only being allowed in due to his editor pulling some strings), something she definitely isn't. Is this the kind of writing that passes for a plot these days? Normally I'd give both of these categories a point each but due to these 2 outrageous insults to human intelligence and societal norms I'm going to deduct a point each, leaving them: 0/4 points

And finally, did I enjoy this show? To be honest, what IS there to enjoy? The bad plot? The sexualized underaged characters? I imagine the only reason people watch this is because of the latter as they're somehow incapable of just watching a loli hentai instead, something that deserves a sudden visit from the authorities. Don't get me wrong, I like cute girls, I like lewd stuff, but this show should not be allowed to air on TV, I don't ever recall feeling disgusted from watching an anime. Admittedly I somehow endured watching it halfway through so I guess that's worth a bonus point for masochistic pleasure. 1/2 points.

And now with some advanced math we total that up to an amazing: 3/10, the worst score I've ever given. Do humanity a favor and go watch something that isn't hebephilia.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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