
Feb 16, 2016
The one flaws i see in many people who doesn't understand the situation, the trouble, the repetitive, the logic, the subtle meaning in people's action, the misinterpretation about the reasons in the characters (they even uses their past to justify the character's behavior and reasoning to their contemporary life as well), the hidden form of human nature in people who're clouded within their own zone of popularity and selfish needs, and predictable thinking about the young within this generation is just a holistic thinking. Which was display quite well within this anime. It shows us different form of subtle messages when a person, or probably a character with personality that can fit itself well. There's... I guess alot of sophistry within it too. It's a great show if you're bad at catching a person who's going into sophistry just to deceived you within his or her argument or just simply dodge the main topic of discussion. (like how they would use sophistry to make themselves looks smart but ended up failing to come into the conclusion when their initial reasons were to do just that. Just like how it was presented in this anime's character discussion and interactions.)

Story: 7
As far as we all know, all slice of life anime tend to have a pretty crude, mundane, and plain story line or progression that it can literally be seen as a cliche ones. Nevertheless, most of the story that we would ever get from this are usually the ones that are... I guess, a story or a challenge that can be pretty life changing to one's relationship, future, and human's life. I feel like, the story itself aren't really a story. But more like a series that talks about human's or high school's problems that tend to go unnotice to our generation of learners and wanting the viewers (especially teenagers) to notice these things at school, so that they wouldn't commit or be deceive by other's actions, or being misunderstood by others simply because girl did this to you or a guy did this to you. Unless you have a much more clearcut, or on point information that the person who's acting like this to you are actually interests in you.
P.S this is all Hikigaya thought process, which is a pretty reasonable with his background story too. It's just the author's way or subtle messages to the audience that, you and others should think about other people's feeling when you behave in a certain way towards them. Why? Every behavior in our daily lives's interaction are subjective to interpretation. So you may ended up forcing them to think about the positive things (and ignores the negatives) about them, others, or you. Which may ended up horribly if it were to be use for some development of that person's love interest or a mean of changing things.

Art: 10
As far as it goes, the art itself are as fitted and well drawn, specifically for an anime of this genre. The art itself aren't that extremely glorious or glamorous and amazingly drawn with an articulate details on the character's design, feature and shapes. But it fits this anime. The character's body language are well translated too. Which is rare for an anime to go to this details on it. In addition, Not every good story has to have the best art, with the best or welly drawn character and background pics. As long as you find it to be fit to the story itself. Then it's not troublesome for your taste of art. Unless you're one of those perfectionist that only like anime with a high quality art ones. And if you planned to use art as a way to evaluate the anime's quality than you're just committing a fallacy of appealing to beauty. Because these matter are subjective to the person's wants on how the art should be in a slice of life or within any other anime out there. But i would recommend you, sakurako san no ashimoto, fate zero, fate stay night unlimited, attack on titan, or some of the other old ones and possibly some of the upcoming anime in 2016 as well. If you want to see a high budget anime with an extreme investment on art, and animation (the number of the same images but not entirely, being display with the remnant of its high quality art per frame to make the movement looks smooth and with quality of the same level of the primitive art design of the initial scene. When it's being loop or being aired live)

Sound: 10
Every music pieces or OST that you will hear are pretty well fitted for the mood of a specific scene. Like the ominous/sad/emotional sounding OST when you hear one of the character shutting other's opinion down, despite it being decided and ended up trying to sacrifice themselves into solving other people's own problems. While not being acknowledge for helping them in any way. And the voice acting are pretty perfect for each of the character's personality, and the attempt of the character of trying to condescendingly talks or mocks the other within this show. It sounded so real (due to the swaying of tone or its sound) to make you either get sick or piss off by them.

Character: 9
While some of the character may seem pretty normal to us, and stereotypical for this generation as well. They do possess... something that this generation of children or teenager never has. And that's, critical judgement on relations, popular kids having a supreme jealously over how knowledge-able Hikigaya (the introverted but extremely willing to help others as long as he's being the one who's being hurt as a result of solving their problems) and he would always has a conversation or beg him for somethings in order to.... I guess, becoming closer to how he thinks. Or an extremely deep thinker, mature, adult like characteristic female teenager who's extremely rude, while considerate at times when she's within the situation where they can be considerate or in debt of a favor to them to make them to be considerate. They aren't innocent and human like basically for that age. They thought about things that no teenager would ever thought about. Especially Hikigaya and Yukino. But that's what makes their character interesting and fun to see. Them with a polar opposite opinion but mutually a loner before they apply into this volunteer club. For hikigaya case it's understandable, but not to this level of self awareness and observant type.

Overall: 10
I thoroughly enjoy this anime simply because it has a much different and a more deeper approach to human's behavior, body language, subtle ways of saying things while trying to make it positive just for the person's appearance, sophistry that we use, and methodology to solve a human's problem that may affect both parties or just the individuals. Simply put, the anime itself help us to understands human better. Relationship specifically and the way human behave or talks in a certain way. And i can solidify and make a confirmation about it base from my past experience to these high school life's dilemmas and other teenager's actions when they could be seen acting into this stereotype that portrays in this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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