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Oct 3, 2024
Mixed Feelings
This is a pretty good series with a pretty good premise, in my opinion. I love the power fantasy vibe in any kind of medium and this one has that and more. What I do not enjoy, also in any medium, is a steadfast reliance on flashbacks. If I'm supposed to know something, weave it into the narrative and don't cut away from things just to be like "oh by the way, here are ten minutes of explanation about this particular thing, which may or may not be vital to your enjoyment."

For a super light spoiler, there's a sequence about why the party was formed. ...
Jul 27, 2023
Mixed Feelings
I love isekai and I'm not ashamed about it. I also love OP MCs who trample all opposition with ease. Not ashamed about that either. Fantasy? Yep, love that shit. Harems? You bet. High school? actually that one I'll pass on. With so many boxes checked I was ready to really enjoy this, but a very weak ending and supreme loss of focus doomed it to the pile of middling anime that never get second seasons.

Iseleve is simultaneously too short and too long; on one hand it's the typical "season one is actually just the prologue and nothing beyond the rise-to-power arc will happen" ...
Sep 29, 2022
Overlord IV (Anime) add
IV is basically a massive step up from II, but a step down from III and a huge disappointment compared to I.

I hated II because it focused way, way too much on side characters. My favorite genre is isekai (yeah yeah, bully away) and hand-in-hand with that is the OP protagonist part that's so common. IRL, my body is defective and has been letting me down since before I was born, so the power fantasy thing is extremely appealing on a personal level. Just like a ton of isekai characters, I too wish I could trade my hospital visits with another world. I got sidetracked: ...
Jul 20, 2022
Premise: 10/10
Plot: 10/10
Execution: -14,408/10

It's 90% exposition. After the first two episodes it literally just becomes ten loooooooong videos of people blabbering on about how cool the premise is. There are some flashing lights, a couple battle scenes, but yeah, those ten episodes only serve to have people talking. Talking. Talking. Talking. JFC they're actually just talking. These twelve episodes are a one-episode flashback in a regular "isekai" (yeah...) stretched out to four hours.

I'm not even being facetious here. It's just talking. So much fuckn talking. Such an incredible buildup, such an incredible backstory that's revealed, so many cool characters (and by that i mean like ...
Aug 7, 2021
Tytania (Anime) add
Tytania is infuriatingly unsatisfying, to the point where I can't find any good reason to spend all the time watching the series.

As a disclaimer, I've only watched to the mid-60s of LOGH...twice...before becoming fatigued, but the incredible feat it possesses is impeccable pacing. Thinking of Tytania as a Galactic Heroes-lite is definitely obvious, particularly since the source material is by the same genius author. But as I said, LOGH's episodes are packed with substance with barely any downtime or filler. Tytania is frontloaded with promises of a big battle, or showdown, or inner collapse of the titular dynasty, but it never comes. Literally. It doesn't ...
Jan 20, 2021
Oh look, it's another one of those series that starts super strong then around episode six devolves rapidly into a mess of sideplots where the good guys are actually the bad guys, the protagonist fights a big bad evil while they both announce exactly how they're doing their moves, and an ending that concludes nothing. If that wasn't enough there's also an 11th hour love triangle, an 11th hour "betrayal," an 11th hour introduction of a major character, and did I mention an ending that concludes nothing?

For positives, Kimi to Boku Blah Blah looks fantastic. A lot of the special effects have beautifully contrasting colors ...
Aug 28, 2020
Oresuki is just too smart for its own good...or, perhaps more accurately, it's not quite as smart as it thinks it is.

My understanding is that the premise revolves around a harem centerpiece who *finally* doesn't act like a beta bitch and instead chads up to make his goals come true. I even read several reviews to that effect, and for a bit that fantasy seemed accurate. But then I realized that Joro always loses. He's always outwitted by the women (and men!), and all his fourth-wall-breaking diatribes and quips do is smokescreen the fact that he's the same old "heart of gold" harem MC like ...
Aug 16, 2020
Kyokou Suiri (Anime) add
I feel like the creator had a good idea about the main characters, their origins, motivations, etc and then by accident, while writing notes, the TV turned on. What was playing? Those Sherlock Holmes films with RDJ and Jude Law. "Oh wow these parts where he explains the crimes are so interesting! Perfect, that's exactly what my cool idea needs!" Unfortunately, the creator was hit in the head with a brick at some point so all the creativity expended on the characters was totally lost when it came to pacing. Now clinically braindead, the creator to decided to stretch the part he was writing into ...
Jun 18, 2020
Imagine taking Wheel of Time and cramming it into a five page essay, or Lord of the Rings and describing it in ten words or less. Or maybe edit Harry Potter into a haiku, every Star Wars novel into limerick, or even this entire joke into one word. That's exactly what's wrong with [Long Title Anime 432124].

This could possibly have worked as a 24-episode series, but even then I can't imagine the massive amount of characters would be shown enough for me to give a pinched fart about. Having seven protagonists was sidestepped clumsily by electing the Anime Eyes™ Guy as leader and focal point ...
Jun 15, 2020
Hanayamata (Anime) add
Dazzling artwork ✓
Incredible animation ✓
Great voice acting ✓
Enjoyable setting/focus ✓
Excellent characters ✓

What's not to love?

Well, there's a huge lump of coal in my anime stocking and it's that Hanayamata is just a series of melodramatic setbacks that constantly get in the way of all those positives. About halfway in I was shrugging off the negativity because I really enjoy CGDCT and I figured the series would follow a typical pattern in that around episode 8-9 the roadbumps would be done and everything would cap out with a good vibe. Well...that doesn't happen until the last four minutes of the last episode. In fact, it's around ...

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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