Honestly, a 17.42-point rating system would be ideal.
Welcome to the most deranged rating system of all time.
There is no system and there is no order to my rankings. Some things that are ranked 4 I like more than some things that are ranked 6. If I ranked it 5 it's the worst ranking of all, because that means I think it's completely forgettable. Basically, my rankings are 8 and higher, 7, 4, then 3 and under, and finally 5 and 6.
5 means I'm likely to not remember it. I guess 5 is kind of like 0?
4 is sort of good since I remember it but it's usually for bad reasons.
3 means it could be fun to laugh at or I just remember it was bad or stupid and am more likely to watch it again. The same is true for 2 and 1.
6 is general acknowledgment that something is technically good even if I wouldn't call it something I actually like. Typically I liked it a little or I enjoyed watching it. Overall, 6 is a pretty bad ranking for an anime to have since it's usually something like a second 5, but I actually remembered it.
7 means I have more positive feelings toward it - "I liked it", but even so it could technically be worse than something at 6.
8 and higher is excellent in varying degrees.
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