Ahah, thanks for the comment! Ready for story time?
Ages ago I knew this guy completely obsessed with the Precure franchise and because of his enthusiasm I put it on my plan-to-watch. Eventually I got around to watch it and it amused me at first. But the more seasons there are, the less patience I have for the "cutesy" (rather annoying) voicing and baby helpful (?) creatures and dumb villains. In my opinion, every Precure season has been copy paste of the previous ones.
So why don't I drop it?
Because I have a "no drop" rule. I'm weird like that. :/
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Ages ago I knew this guy completely obsessed with the Precure franchise and because of his enthusiasm I put it on my plan-to-watch. Eventually I got around to watch it and it amused me at first. But the more seasons there are, the less patience I have for the "cutesy" (rather annoying) voicing and baby helpful (?) creatures and dumb villains. In my opinion, every Precure season has been copy paste of the previous ones.
So why don't I drop it?
Because I have a "no drop" rule. I'm weird like that. :/