Honda-san is an adorable, simple, and heartwarming anime short series that is an absolute joy to sit through without taking up much of your day. The short-and-sweet beauty of the show makes it an easy watch that holds your attention, since it doesn't even really need that much of your attention to begin with. As somebody who has trouble with staying interested in a show, Honda-san's mini plots really helped me breeze by without losing the want to keep watching.
The characters, especially Honda, are so beyond lovable and all play their own little role to keep the silly, colorful nature the show strives for and
Oct 8, 2018
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
While the anime came out a few years back, I have only gotten around to watching Assassination Classroom recently. I felt EXTREMELY compelled to write a review on the show after deciding to drop it.
I find that a way to describe Assassination Classroom (at least, in a way I believe to be accurate), it to imagine a piece of paper that has "GOOD CONCEPT" written on it in black marker. Then, imagine handing that piece of paper to a toddler with a box of sharpies and telling them to go hog wild. Eventually, you cant even read the original phrase because it is just covered ... Jun 29, 2018
Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii
When I first went into this show, I went in fully expecting the most stereotypical of romance anime series filled with endlessly repeated character troupes and jokes constantly told. But hey, everybody is wrong sometimes!
I was extremely pleasantly surprised by the pacing and humor of Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii. A tale about two people entering adulthood while embracing their embarrassing, childhood interests, while ALSO falling in love, brought forth a completely heart warming feeling. The romance skips the unnecessary fan service and keeps the relationships growth slow and steady, showing both the better and worse moments of it. This makes for one of the ... |