饾槖饾槩饾樃饾槹饾槼饾樁 饾槙饾槩饾槰饾槳饾槾饾槩
饾槇饾槸饾槳饾槷饾槮:饾槙饾槮饾槹饾槸 饾槑饾槮饾槸饾槮饾槾饾槳饾槾 饾槍饾樂饾槩饾槸饾槰饾槮饾槶饾槳饾槹饾槸 饾槪饾槳饾槼饾樀饾槱饾槬饾槩饾樅:13 sep 2000(15yo)(i'm also born on september 13th!^-^)
饾槇饾槼饾槷饾槳饾槸 饾槇饾槼饾槶饾槮饾槼饾樀
饾槇饾槸饾槳饾槷饾槮:饾槇饾樀饾樀饾槩饾槫饾槵 饾槹饾槸 饾樀饾槳饾樀饾槩饾槸
饾槪饾槳饾槼饾樀饾槱饾槬饾槩饾樅:3 nov ////
饾槕饾樁饾樁饾樆饾槹饾樁 饾槡饾樁饾樆饾樁饾樅饾槩
饾槇饾槸饾槳饾槷饾槮:饾槢饾槹饾槵饾樅饾槹 饾槑饾槱饾槹饾樁饾槶
饾槪饾槳饾槼饾樀饾槱饾槬饾槩饾樅:8 june ////
饾様饾槳饾槾饾槩 饾槇饾槷饾槩饾槸饾槮
饾槇饾槸饾槳饾槷饾槮:饾構饾槮饾槩饾樀饾槱 饾槙饾槹饾樀饾槮
饾槪饾槳饾槼饾樀饾槱饾槬饾槩饾樅:25 dec 1984
(19/24-yo in the anime)
饾槡饾槸饾槹饾樃 饾槗饾槳饾槶饾樅
饾槪饾槳饾槼饾樀饾槱饾槬饾槩饾樅:14 march ////(unknown age)
(he was my very first husbando)
饾槒饾槩饾槸饾槩饾槵饾槹-饾槵饾樁饾槸 饾槩饾槸饾槬 饾槙饾槮饾槸饾槮
饾槇饾槸饾槳饾槷饾槮:饾槕饾槳饾槪饾槩饾槵饾樁 饾槡饾槱饾槹饾樁饾槸饾槮饾槸 饾槒饾槩饾槸饾槩饾槵饾槹-饾槵饾樁饾槸
(I hope there is going to be a season 2,btw I'm reading the manga and It's beautiful as the anime)
饾槖饾槩饾槼饾槷饾槩 饾槩饾槸饾槬 饾槙饾槩饾槰饾槳饾槾饾槩
饾槇饾槸饾槳饾槷饾槮:饾槇饾槾饾槾饾槩饾槾饾槾饾槳饾槸饾槩饾樀饾槳饾槹饾槸 饾槉饾槶饾槩饾槾饾槾饾槼饾槹饾槹饾槷
(I love this gif)
Hisoka and Illumi
饾槇饾槸饾槳饾槷饾槮:Hunter x Hunter
(yes,there are going to be other hunter x hunter characters in this ''list'')
Chrollo lucifer
饾槇饾槸饾槳饾槷饾槮:Hunter x Hunter
Ryo Asuka
Devilman crybaby(he's my mood)
Shizuku Murasaki 饾槇饾槸饾槳饾槷饾槮:Hunter x Hunter
(She's my supreme waifu)(i'm so sorry but i have other hxh character left to add in the list:')
饾槇饾槸饾槳饾槷饾槮:Hunter x Hunter
Mikasa Ackerman
饾槇饾槸饾槳饾槷饾槮:Attack on Titan
Illumi Zoldyck
饾槇饾槸饾槳饾槷饾槮:Hunter x Hunter
饾槇饾槸饾槳饾槷饾槮:Jibaku Shounen Hanako-Kun
Kurapika Kurta
饾槇饾槸饾槳饾槷饾槮:Hunter x Hunter
Hi I'm Yuki,I'm italian,in 2017 i moved in germany,so i can speak Italian,German and English,my personality type is INFP-T,my zodiac sign is Virgo and my ascendant is Sagittarius.I'm bisexual and any pronoun is fine.
Things I like:
-big cities at night
-playing videogames/visual novel
-Osamu Dazai's books
-Anime and Mangas
-all type of romance anime(shoujo,shoujo ai,shounen ai)
Things i don't like:
-Noisy kids
-homophobic,transphobic and racist people(if you are one of these people,please go away from my profile.)
if I wrote something wrong please tell me in the comments
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