There will be a day when I actually start making a new profile design
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The scoring system I use is pretty much the full mal scoring system. However, for rating each anime, it depends on the type of anime. Whether its a TV series, Movie's, OVA's (Original Video Animation), ONA's (Original Net Animation), Music video or Specials. The only condition I have for the ratings of 9's and 10's that applies for all types of anime is that they must be a favourite of mine, even if they are really really good, which is the main reason why Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood is only an 8 and not higher.
TV series - My ratings on TV series is based on a variable ratio of personal enjoyment, characters, show quality and thoughts I have when I look back on it. When I say show quality, I mean the animation, music, va, story quality and the theme('s) the show is focused on. Overall, ratings are dependent on a variable ratio of different factors, that ratio depends on the type of show it is.
For example, Konosuba is parody comedy type which for me, characters and the comedy is the more important factors for me than the animation and music. I loved the characters and comedy of the show which already gives it a high rating, but with the way, the story and animation are able to bring out all those little quirks and problems with all the party members. It just ends up making the characters and show so loveable which is mainly why I gave konosuba a rating of 9.
Where another example of a lower rating for me would be gurren lagann, which I know is not meant to be taken seriously and is a parody of some tropes. However, even though it is the very nature of the show to make things the extreme such as the action and "power of friendship". That is the very things that rather than make me accept it for what it is, it just makes it unlikable for me. Don't get me wrong, IT IS a fun show but it's only a short thrill ride. Meaning it could be a thrill watching it, but after a while, it starts to fade away as it fails to leave a lasting impression on you. Proof of this would just be the fact it was a show everyone was talking about back in the day, now...a very different story. Overall, while the story is average at best, its the over the top use of action and the eye candy animation was what usually makes up for the story. However, if you weren't the biggest fan of that which was the case for me. There wasn't really much else to like, the characters being forgettable (Yoko is the only exception) and the music being average at best. It ended up with me not enjoying it as much as I should have and I don't really think much of the show, even now.
Movies - these aren't too different from tv series apart from the main fact of the movies being mostly one film that is longer than a normal tv episode. However, usually, it adds up to less screen time than tv series so while the rating I use for tv series applies here. The only alteration to it is taking into that shorter total screentime when deciding on different factors for the rating. There is an extra alteration that only applies with a condition, that being if the film has really high-quality animation. Usually, films compare to tv series made at the same time look better, but this is phased out due to time so while metropolis was a really good looking show back in its day. Nowadays, it looks good for what it is trying to go for but compare to Garden of words and Your name, there is no competition. Back to how it affects the ratings, while I will take the high-quality animation into mind. I wouldn't give it as much value as I would in a tv series as it is a film and it is usually excepted to look better.
OVA's - the ratings again are the same for how I rate tv series but in some rare cases. I do take in the fact that there was not aired at all and were only released on DVD, VHS etc. Why mainly to keep in mind that the deadlines that they usually have with OVA's are much less strict than with tv series as it can be released whenever. Meaning more care and detail can be put into the show, but it rare that I consider it and there isn't any condition for this.
Specials & ONA - for these, I admit that while my expectations are lower, I still judge them for what they are. Which is usually a short 5 minute special or ONA with a load of general ramblings that nobody really cares about. These I will rate it low as why do we need to see it, a lot of the time, it isn't needed. However, the main difference in the way I judge between these and tv shows is the length. So if it is only 1 or 2 minutes long, I look at the quick enjoyment value from it, whether it was a bit of backstory or whether just it was some of the characters just chatting. Due to this, I am biased in the way that I would find more enjoyment in seeing a special with characters I like rather than one with characters I don't really care about.
Again for 12 to 24-minute specials and ONA, the same applies but I will judge it with the usual way I rate tv series. This is with a slight twist, what is it. Simple, how it complements the main series itself. A lot of specials do suck if watched alone with no context of the show because of how short they are and what they usually contain (not much). It's almost like watching part 2 of season 3 in aot without watching or knowing too much about the previous seasons.
Music Video's (MV) - these are usually not common due to the fact that it much cheaper and easier (in most cases) to do the music video in real life than to animate it. Anyway, the way the ratings are for these is not like the others at all. The usual way I would judge an mv is a third about the story/theme the mv is trying to tell. Another third is how much I actually enjoy the music itself. The last third would be how the animation compliments the music itself as it is all well and good if the animation and story are great, but for example, if it was an animation of a action packed samurai all out battle but the music is just some chillwave. It just won't work and both the animation and music will suffer.
I guess "malgraph" is back to working properly again now.
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