“Pall Mall Gazette,” October 30, 1891
A remarkable duel took place yesterday in the forest of La Rocca. The combatants were Count Bertazzoli and Signor Calderoni. They are both in love with the same lady. They agreed to fight, without seconds, a duel to the death. The weapons chosen were daggers. They met in the wood without witnesses, and were fighting for three-quarters of an hour. Both were stabbed in many places, but neither could kill or disable the other. With blood flowing from many wounds, they continued to combat till neither was able to stand, and, when found by servants, both were lying helpless. They were hurried at once to the hospital and treated, but their condition is critical.
Taken from page 457 of A Complete Bibliography of Fencing & Duelling. Comp. Carl A. Thimm. New York: Benjamin Blom, Inc., 1968.
About me:
I love fencing and horseback riding.
I love anything fantasy, especially dragons.
I generally don't have much to say, but I'm open to anything.
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I only do epee :P
Wut wep do u do?
It has finally happened guys! WE HIT 1000 MEMBERS!!!!! *throws streamers* I love all of you guys soooo much! Thank you for sticking with me all this time and making We Love Bishies the friendly, boy crazy club that it is. It would be nothing without you guys.
I have one more announcement. Starting next month I am not going to be sending out the newsletter to everyone. Only the people who sign up for it HERE will get one. With the club growing so much it’s becoming difficult to send it out. Thank you *bows*
Here are links to things you might like:
LE 1000 card
LE Bishie of the Month Cards
Vote for Next Month’s Bishie
Whip a Bishie
Sign up for Newsletter
Hi hi minna-san! Sorry that we missed last month’s newsletter, I had a little hiatus pretty much all of June and spent July making up for it. Please forgive me! -bows-
Anyway, let’s get down to business! Here’re the goodies for this month:
Bishie of the Month Cards
Vote for Next Month’s Bishie
Whip a Bishie for August
We Love Bishies is always looking for perky members that wish to step forward and join our staff. Every month we need willing vict-- *ehem* volunteers to help pass out the newsletter. It is one of the most important jobs that we have in the group and is rewarded every month with special privileges. If you’re willing to take a stand for the bishies, please message Taichou on her page so she can mark you down!
Happy Nosebleeds