I actually just finished it up last night! I was a bit disappointed at first because I got one of the bad endings on my first playthrough. but then after doing the true ending my mind was blown lol it was so great.
Reading it? Does that have a manga/light novel too? I don't think there is.
Yeah I'm really excited for the third and final game. There are still a lot of questions unanswered that arised after the second game, I can't wait to see them answered. I'll play it on my PS Vita after I finally beat Persona 4 Golden but the game doesn't end lol. I remember finishing Persona 4 much faster but I had more time to spend gaming then so it's probably normal.
I wish I had an uncle who plays video games. It'd be cool to talk about games lol
Oh, I've heard of Umineko. Haven't watched it but it looks good. My profile pic is of Suigintou. She's from Rozen Maiden.
Thanks for the FR, btw. Nice to meet you. :)
Oh I was watching a video about Prisoners' Dilemma in youtube and everyone was talking about VLR there and I was intrigued how a game could use that in it so I started with 999 and fell in love with the game. VLR I also enjoyed but not as much as 999, mainly because of it's too overly complicated ending and twist after twist lost it's impact in my opinion. I haven't played ZTD yet but I'm thinking of playing. It looks promising.
If you'd like anime recommendations I really liked Psycho Pass for similar reasons I liked Monster and the first half of Death Note. Psycho Pass is also a psychological thriller with mystery elements that arguably has a more interesting premise than Monster. I think where Monster shined was turning a very basic and simple premise into something much more intricate and complex with each character (including the side characters) feeling human. But in Psycho Pass we have a highly interesting premise from the start and a great villain like in Monster. It's similar to Death Note in the sense that both shows tackles the question what is just/moral. So you might like Psycho Pass for that reason too.
All Comments (12) Comments
lol bro why did u even bother
I'm good. :>
Welcome! Feel free to chat with me! It's just that I tend to make late replies. Sorry about that.
I believe you are Filipino eh?
Yeah I'm really excited for the third and final game. There are still a lot of questions unanswered that arised after the second game, I can't wait to see them answered. I'll play it on my PS Vita after I finally beat Persona 4 Golden but the game doesn't end lol. I remember finishing Persona 4 much faster but I had more time to spend gaming then so it's probably normal.
I wish I had an uncle who plays video games. It'd be cool to talk about games lol
Thanks for the FR, btw. Nice to meet you. :)
Not recently. Is there any you recommend?
oh glad you liked em hahaha
If you'd like anime recommendations I really liked Psycho Pass for similar reasons I liked Monster and the first half of Death Note. Psycho Pass is also a psychological thriller with mystery elements that arguably has a more interesting premise than Monster. I think where Monster shined was turning a very basic and simple premise into something much more intricate and complex with each character (including the side characters) feeling human. But in Psycho Pass we have a highly interesting premise from the start and a great villain like in Monster. It's similar to Death Note in the sense that both shows tackles the question what is just/moral. So you might like Psycho Pass for that reason too.