Feb 10, 2021
First of all, sorry for the bad and poor english, i'm from Guiné-Bissau, and i studied english all by myself since i was 12. With this in mind, have a nice reading and have in mind that this is all my opinion and i don't want to offend anyone that likes this manga.
How to begin with this... thing, i think everybody saw or read at least one insanely trash anime or manga in their whole lives, but this one is just repulsively bad written and it's an ofense to the readers' cleverness, this review contain spoilers, so if you haven't read it (i don't recommend
u so) don't read the review, cause that will ruin your experience.
Story - The whole "story" its about the MC revenge against the "heroes" that treated him like trash, and that's absolutely okay, but everything in life has limits and when i say that he seeks revenge against the heroes that tortured and raped and treated him like a pig, im saying that he seeks revenge against every hero that ever stepped on the world, the author calls them "yuusha" but all and every one of them are just a bunch of assholes with powers, literally all of them are just bad and trashy people. And u might be asking "why the hell are they like this?", and i tell u this was the way that the lazy author found to make all the actions of revenge from the MC seem reasonable, he rapes, torture and etc. with the convenient excuse "they did it to me, so i'll do it to them", the author doesn't even try to build a world nor a nice and enjoyable environment, all the chapters are about sex, sex, torture, horrible jokes, sex and sex, it's like a cheap and horrible type of hentai. Not to mention, that the MC was supposed to be a healer and NONE of his skills are about healing, i think this is the best part of the joke, or should i call it "manga".
Art - Don't have much to say about the art, it doesn't have any originality, it's just mediocre.
Character - Well, as i said before, their all the same, MC included, all of them are just a bunch of scum, without a trace of personality, all greedy and nasty, and the most important part is that the majority are all women, so that our dear author can keep making sex and rape scenes that will secure him that the "only fap" fans don't drop this. The most ironic part is that the MC wants "revenge", and all he does is raping them and add'em into his harem to take care of them and have lots and lots of sex (i think this is the only thing that our horny author thinks of), and this applies to every single one of them.
Enjoyment - I don't think anyone can enjoy this, but i'm not gonna be a hypocrite and i'll admit that this made me laugh with it's hideous writing and horrible jokes.
Overall - I do not recommend this to anyone that have at least 5 IQ, just trust me when i say this is one of the worst manga ever made.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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