It's nice and all that the script seems to be largely untouched (even if the characters are husks of their former selves), because the anime (and, presumably, the novel it was based on) is fantastic, but this? This is like if Schindler's List got a comic book adaptation created by Brazzers or something. Why is there so much porn now? Sure, there was a plot point about subtle mind manipulations leading people to bone instead of fight, but that was never meant to be the story's central focus. And are we going to conveniently forget that the characters
Jun 10, 2017
Slayers Next
Slayers NEXT was, for nearly 7 years, my favorite anime. And even now, I still have nothing but fond memories for this series. Over time, the luster has faded away, but I would still consider this to be a damn fun series. So let's get this MAL-style review underway, shall we?
Story: 6/10 Eh, not the greatest thing the series has going for it. It's all well and good that there's a central goal for the cast (find the Claire Bible and learn all the things), but Slayers NEXT's road to that end is nothing short of rocky. The second half of the series does feature a ... Sep 5, 2016
Kantoku Fuyuki Todoki
The fact that this little series' score hovers just below a 6/10 is a crime, if you ask me. I, personally, highly recommend this little gem, and I have to question whether the people who rate this anime so lowly even know what it is they watched. Let's not beat around the bush and get right to doing this MAL-style review thing, shall we?
Story: 9/10 It's as simple as simple can be--Director-kun and Rompers (a.k.a. Hideaki and Moyoco) are fuckin' otaku, and they make otaku jokes in the midst of their day-to-day activities. But sometimes simplicity is a virtue, and for the purposes of a gag ... |