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Violet Evergarden
Violet Evergarden
Mar 3, 2018 8:51 PM
Watching 2/13 · Scored -
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Mar 3, 2018 8:32 PM
Watching 13/64 · Scored -
Jan 23, 2018 2:32 PM
Watching 6/11 · Scored -
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Tokyo Ghoul:re
Tokyo Ghoul:re
Mar 3, 2018 8:31 PM
Reading 162/181 · Scored 9
Pandora Hearts
Pandora Hearts
Jan 22, 2018 1:32 PM
Reading 32/107 · Scored -
Shingeki no Kyojin
Shingeki no Kyojin
Nov 18, 2017 11:19 AM
Reading 99/141 · Scored 10

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KannoSugako Mar 4, 2018 3:49 AM
Hiii gurrrrrrl!! Of course i do!!! *big massive hug* I remember you were in the process of moving out and all! Being independent and all that jazz, besides school work of course!

And don't worry, thank you for not forgetting about meee! Take your time, i for starters have just recently returned after a hiatus (exam perior in January-February) so i'm just getting active again. Everything has been great, i just survived that session so i'm good, i'm good. Hope you are doing wonderfully and can't wait to hear back from you!

berto64X Mar 3, 2018 10:19 PM
Awww i wished you popped in and wished me happy birthday on your week off haha well depends which week was it but hey im glad you had a week off! :3 and wait you just started FMA ? haha XD yes 10 years late but no worries im the same i haven't watched it back then and i still haven't yet but is it good though ? :) haha true >< especially school still haha.

I'm glad the midterms went fine for the most part omg which one was the horrible though ? XD haha well hey you arent the only one then, everyone seemed to struggle on the exam thus the average isn't high ? at least you aren't alone there. and i hope for the last one you did pretty well still :) maybe you did since you feel it then im sure you did well :)

Awwww you're welcome haha ;3 awww haha *hugs tightly* haha oh when i got on MAL and i looked at whos online ? i saw that you were and i was like " ima stick around and surprise you" XD and i did and im glad you're happy Alisa! and you're very welcome! ^^ its been awhile and i guess at any chance we do get to talk i wanna make sure i talk to you , you're my best friend you know so of course i'll always talk to you! :3

Omg haha XD well we're not alone then cause i kinda read the plot also. probably its for best to not play it for awhile xD cause yeah i know some parts that were well too much you know one of the characters commiting suicide, in which im sure it depends on how you play the game and having the character do that but still... maybe play it later when you got time xD i'll do the same then, the game is a huge meme though on the internet so people memeing it kinda spoils it ? XD

You're welcome! :D good keep trying, you can do it!! i believe in youuuuuuu and yes you have to survive ;3 i'll make sure you do with all my positivity and support when you need it :P EXACTLY GOTTA CATCH EM ALL GIRL!!! XD

Yes it was on February 6th haha :3 awwwww thank youuuuu Alisa!! :D <3 belated but better than never . im 22 now and i can't believe i am 22, i can remember 10 years ago being 12 and being the naive little dork that plays Pokemon everytime after school and now here i am 22 years old.. talking to you, living with parents just for this year only or lesser. time really goes by fast huh ?

Yes i did :) that was around back in January i think ? its been awhile haha oh that island country Trinidad and Tobago ? XD omg i wish i want a tropical getaway and go relax enjoy the beautiful warm tropical climate, the beaches, if only XD but nah its Colorado haha yes mountains and weed and a huge city such as Denver really. want me to go get some weed ? haha xDDDD jkjk i don't do drugs :P and lets see we got family in Trinidad ( a small western town that was a center for mining ?) and then go to Denver and see more family there and go shopping, sight see. i'm gonna definitely take a ton of pictures though. would you like to see em ? :) im not sure what else since some things are still kinda in the planning stages but for sure we're going to Denver, thats for sure.
Yes originally but theres a new adaptation called Voltron Legendary Defender in which its on Netflix you can watch it there and its ongoing. but yes its that old space mecha series but the modern one is really good though :)

Wait you're living alone with no roommates ? cause i did remember you were gonna live with some roommates but i guess that changed ? how is it like living alone right now ? XD ah good you been cooking a lot haha. :3 mmm rice and chicken is good, you don't add anything else to it right ? like maybe more of a Asian style flare to it or something ? omg XD haha well you're still learning to living on your own and cooking so of course you're gonna fail a couple of times but you'll get the hang of it ok ? :3 haha they are, slow cookers and rice cookers make cooking stuff so much easier, better than the traditional ways... horrifying :P
anyway me ? i'm gonna be getting my drivers license later in the year and ima be studying for something also so i'll be doing that soon. and after all that ? hopefully find work and get out of this house so this year well the remainder of it i'll be abit more busy but i'll be around to talk to you still and other friends. i just want to move to Texas still.. omg... other than that the usual i guess, but i seen better days but i'm gonna change all that :)

haha no wonder i didn't see any gifs and pictures. its ok XD you're sleepy right now right ?
berto64X Mar 3, 2018 8:50 PM
Oh hey you appeared!! :D awwww its okay, darn school though :/ haha oh i bet when school will take a lot of your time ? you won't have much time for anime or anything. oh good how did midterms go for ya ? :) oh i hope so i missed you so much Alisa! :( haha i really did though but i understand school takes time away and you focus on that more. awwww :3 yes i am still i mainly chill to meet new people and reply to messages from other friends and of course your comments. im happy i get to hear from you again. how you been ? ;D

Nope sadly XD i forgot to, its still installed on my computer so i really should. did you and your friends finish it ?

Awww im happy you're doing well xD i understand im sure its been a busy time with exams and whatever else they throw at ya :/ YAYYYY!!!! hang in there ok ? ;D you'll make it :3 and well me... lets see we didn't have that birthday party sadly so my birthday was more laid back if anything but good news i'm definitely goin to Colorado next month, unless something changes that but i doubt it. so i'll be goin to Trinidad, Pueblo, Colorado Spring and the Denver metro area ( Denver and its suburbs) and anything i been watching. not really except Voltron Legendary Defender and caught up on the latest season but games ? yes i have :) i got a couple more and been playing whatever else i got also. about all. what about you ? :) what have you been doin in your spare time ?
berto64X Jan 24, 2018 8:45 PM
Oh haha XD then i reply a lot quicker than you do then Alisa lol. ;3 hey Alisa :) this time its a late reply for sure, sorry about that :(

Oooo dim sum :D yummy haha. ;3 no worries all is fine now :) i didn't watch it sadly but i guess i still celebrated the day in my own ways but it was fine regardless XD. haha it does make me feel better, thanks haha XD its true though especially in Japan, South Korea and China >

Oh i figured haha like you're in college now attending classes or maybe you lost interest ? and im glad its been slightly better :) and hey that's good maybe it will get better and you'll like it as much as she does :D and really ? awesome :D i'm glad you ended up enjoying it and you found it good :)

Good :D let me know what you think of it ok ? :)
Oh that one, i say since you probably won't play the games ? watch it, maybe it'll be good to you since yeah i hear people say its soso but maybe you'll like it ? give it a try! :)

Dang that isn't far i think, i haven't started it sadly :( haha good don't spoil me i gotta play it then :D

ikr!!!! :D

how are you doing btw ? :)
KannoSugako Jan 8, 2018 12:00 AM

Hi girrrl! Merry Christmas and happy new year! How were those celebrations!? Did you get to eat a lot? I sure did, lol. Glad to know you got to finish you exam period before the festivities so you could be more chill and get some rest in that holiday break! Oh! So you haven’t seen Monogatari series!? How did you like Bake? To me it was one of the least favorite that’s for sure, but i watch the Kizumonogatari movies after that and fell in love with the series and that’s what kept me wanting to watch all the seasons and now i love it overall! Have you watched anything else from it?
As for the K-drama, i’ve never ever since one, do you enjoy them lots? Glad to know you were/are being that productive, lol.

YES, we are freaking lucky enough to choose (always that it is on exam period obviously) what exams to do. So of course i always do the ones i like more or are written and leave the oral ones for the last, OBVIOUSLY. It’s like, let’s say this semester i took courses X, Y, Z and from those i get to do them all if i want to, but if i just wanna do the exam for the Z course and some other two from the previous semester i can perfectly well do it without any problems. So yeah, it’s pretty convenient indeed, lol. And no, at least for anthropology it’s not necessary, like you can do the exam for DEA II and not having done DEA I which is pretty crazy.

I don’t even know if i would pursue or not further education, i mean, i’d love to, but due to my age and the fact that i really should get to work already i probably won’t, but who knows, maybe if i land a job that allows me somehow to keep at it i think i’d love it without doubts. Hahaha not cool at all, guess i’m just stubborn and i really love anthropology so i’d love to finish it for sure. And i know you’re absolutely right about it being relative; but you know it doesn’t feel that way, it’s like, i feel i need to be doing something else at this point of life (not that i’m super fond of the idea of working, but guess it depends on the job obviously) but i don’t know, i mean i know you’re right. And your dad is so freaking cool i mean, cheers for him for real! D: now i feel ashamed after thinking that way!

Wooow Canada it’s quite cold itself, uh? -19C at midnight it’s quite heavy. I guess it’s also cause of all the global warming consequences, i’ve seen crazy stuff such as snowing in Florida and sharks freezing to death :( which is super shocking.

Also I would pay to see myself trekking a mountain; literally would just complain nonstop, ask "are we there yet" every 5 minutes and take a break every 4 minutes.

LOL, this made me laugh for like a minute, no joke. But i know it’s not for everybody, you gotta be quite the masochist to enjoy stuff such as trekking or cycling, i’m 100% aware of that. I mean getting tired, burning legs (cycling) or sore feet are regulars when doing those. Yeah yeah right, let’s believe that thing that enjoying anime and such are not the reasons for why you wanna visit Japan *i’m super joking* ahahah, no seriously, i understand. I mean, of course they are really interesting places to visit and there’s lot to watch. And buying stuff it’s like, i mean i don’t buy much things myself but i know i’d love so many things in there and ended up being broke for life >__<

 I don't think assimilating means being an exact copy of everyone in the native culture.

That what you say it’s exactly how i see it; to me integrating and being an active part of a community is just embracing and accepting those said differences, not eliminate them. As well as people have different music tastes and still manage to live together as a community, the same should be about other types of more fundamental differences. I don’t think it’s the case to loose the beauty and richness of diversity, if anything, that diversity just makes our world richer.

Did you manage to finish Kamisama?Btw when to you start school again? Umm it doesn’t exactly cover all the manga, but the OVA after S2 covers the very end so...i guess it is still satisfying to watch just the anime. But you could also read the manga and love it (i did so myself)

And 3 Gatsu’s S2 it’s way better than S1, and S1 was already really good so i don’t know D: i’m like, seriously loving it and suffering and laughing so much with it, the story is really compelling, i mean, yes, the MC plays shogi but it’s more about human relationships and about character development for Rei, it’s really beautifully done i swear. As for Blend S yes it was funny but that was pretty much it, and i agree on Food Wars, i watched the first season long ago out of curiosity and even thou it’s quite entertaining it’s not a pillar in my anime roost.

Oh you’re picking Monogatari series again. Well, as i said before i really didn’t love bakemonogatari that much, mainly cause i’m not super fond of fanservice and i thought Shaft did many things (animation wise) that kinda bothered me...but it grew on me after watching the three movies and to me that was the best thing i could do in order to convince myself to watch the rest. The movies were totally epic. As for Nisemonogatari i get what you say, and even thou at that point i had already embraced the heavy fanservice there were some things in it that were like ‘ugh’. But Nise i guess was ok, i mean i liked it better than Bake, my least favorite were Bake, Neko and i guess Owari S1. Favorite are Monogatari Series season 2, the movies and Owari S2 and Hanamonogatari, this last one i recommend watching at the very end.

Well, i understand, this past season wasn’t that great, i mean, i watch many but didn’t love most of them. If i had to pick my favs (leaving aside 3 Gatsu) those would be Houseki no Kuni, Girl’s last tour.

Oh Yona is LOVE. I watched long ago and LOVED it so much; to the point that coincidentally i just started the manga cause honestly i don’t know if we’re ever getting a second season </3, Tasogare is something i’ve been meaning to watch but never do, how was it? Oh and i haven’t seen Mirai Nikki cause i’ve read it’s not that great, do you agree with this?

Well, last year i watched so many things, lol, i mean, wow, i don’t even know where to start but i guess my favorite things from last year were Shouwa Rakugo, 3 Gatsu no Lion and Made in Abyss. As for what i didn’t like from last year that would be Children of the Whales, Just Because and i think that’s it. I usually drop very easily so i don’t really try to sacrifice myself to finish something if i already hate it at the beginning, aka Clannad aka Angel Beasts (lol) oh and i also saw this really BAD romance called Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora , now THAT was horrible. Shinsekai Yori  it’s something i try to watch for a first time and dropped. But i met this friend that LOVES it and kinda convinced me to push foward; ended up loving it hahahhaha. Any recommendations from you girl? (i know i already asked about Mirai and Tasogare ahah) Btw, did you already move out? Or when it’s that happening exactly?

Well, i’ve being doing weight training since last year, April to be precise; with that forced break i had to take on November i guess that makes it 7 months i’ve been doing it, and hell i love it, it has become an obsession almost. What pushed me to start was my boyfriend; he was going to the gym and since i only did cycling i was SUPER ULTRA WEAK on everything else but legs, like, i had no strength anywhere else, so he convinced me and now i’m more obsessed that him, funny isn’t it? And don’t worry girl, i’m telling you, i also couldn’t lift anything with my arms, back, chest. Now i can do bench presses, bodyweight pull-ups (YES SUPER CRAZY I KNOW) and have muscles in my upper body. It’s pretty satisfying if you ask me, the sense of achievement you get it’s really motivating, like, not only cause you start to build lean muscle and look better, more fit and healthy, but because each time you get stronger and stronger and are able to lift more and more and hell that is super satisfying, like, each week being able to pull/push more it’s the best feeling. And yes it hurts and you get tired but it feels good. You should totally try it, i mean if you even need help with a program or anything i could totally hook you up with one for beginners and send some tutorial stuff and such.

Oh so you rather being called Yinfei or Alisa? Both are cute so you let me know what you prefer hahah. My MAL user name it’s the name of a japanese anarcho-femminist; she was trialed and hanged for conspiring to kill the emperor, such a powerful woman she was. (

Yes i had a short break on holidays, and yes i wasted it. Basically a friend pushed me to Berserk and HELL I LOVED IT. So of course, i had to read the manga. And i basically started the manga on December 10 and finished it on December 28, so it took me 18 days to read 352 chapters, insane isn’t it? I mean, now i’m on the run to study everything i have to but I REGRET NOTHING ahhahaha. Besides, i really needed some air, i mean, who studies on christmas holidays!? WHOOO?

Thanks for the wishes; i actually wasn’t planning to reply on MAL for some time, but today (since yesterday) i’ve been feeling super bad (headache, nausea and more) so i thought i may as well take advantage of my disgrace (lol) and get back to some great people like yourself.

Have fun Alisa! And have a nice week!

jag_ Jan 6, 2018 1:50 AM
Ugh it is indeed so cold :(
OMG yes! Fate is one of my favorite series :P definitely worth watching Fate/Zero btw (its my fav out of all of them).

ahh yes Pandora Hearts! it was a great watch for me too :D I havent read its manga tho but hearing about that makes me wanna check it out XD

3-gatsu is definitely worth checking out....i'm not that into really serious anime but this is one of the few exceptions; speaking of which, i am in fact very excited for season 2 but am waiting for it to finish airing before i binge it all in one go :D

If you like feelsy shows you can try "sakurasou no pet na kanojo": It has the a great mix of comedy, drama, feels and slice of life.
Overlord is pretty decent but nothing too special imo but its the type of anime that one can relax while watching so no harm in checking it out.
If you are into comedy/slice of life its really worth checking out "Minami-ke" I recently watched all of it and its been really worth the watch.
For a general high quality/top tier anime i reccomend "kekkai sensen" and now season 2 is out too (altho i havent watched season 2 yet...) but its a great all round anime but mainly action. Really enjoyed its first season so definitely recommend that.

Nice talking to you again :D btw maybe its time to upgrade your system or get a better laptop if you cant even load webpages ;)
Anim3Punk Jan 5, 2018 10:26 PM
IKR the holidays just take my willingness to study out of me and the weather is terrible down here too. Anyway, I understand the compromise of campus life but it beats having to drive to school every day. There are days where I don't even want to go just because of sleepiness congested roads. :(

In other news....
Watching Fairy Tail is for Shounen fans. I'm watching it to fuel my need to binge watch things ..... and to get it off my list.

Like you, I also felt like I was one of the few who kind of enjoyed SAO. I liked the premise and romance parts of Season 1. Those parts kept me going until the season's end (Kirito's sudden death then revival totally broke my suspension of disbelief).
However, I can't wait until the Project Alicization Arc comes out. According to people who've read the manga, the Alicization Arc is much better than the previous SAO seasons. So, I'm still holding a candle out to SAO's future. Hopefully, they adapt it well enough in the anime otherwise it will just be another disappointment.

What are some of my favourite types of genres? Mystery, Military, Super Power, Seinen, Action ... according to,anime
InKensify Jan 5, 2018 3:17 PM
So sorry for the late response! ;_; been super occupied and tired

I've just been enjoying the holidays and such the past 2 weeks. I didnt really do too much this year cause relatives werent really around this year. I made some investments in crypto currencies last month and I'm super hyped about my profits so far haha.

How about you what've you been up to lately? And happy new year!
Added btw :p
berto64X Jan 4, 2018 8:20 PM
Hey Alisa, first of all i'm sorry for the late response on the comment. i been having a terrible 2 days :( family problems but they were really bad but i'm here now and i'll respond to everything now ok ? :)

YAY! im glad it was and you had fun too :) despite the freezing weather haha but dang a lot of pretty fireworks and a good time in a city near Toronto, did you eat anything good also ? :D and mine wasn't that great due to family problems and a problem with a friend :( and i missed out on watching that countdown to the new year on TV that airs from NYC ? i love watching that but i missed that. but at least i ate good food though :3

Wow 20 one hour episodes equivalent to 60 anime episodes ? thats long! XD 20 hours so makes sense.
Hehe good then i shall give it a watch then! :3 and that helps since they're scored very high enough then for sure they gotta be good then haha so it helps no worries. :) and is it getting better now or no ? :o and yes try to ok ? though i know school is starting soon cri :( but try to but yeah it could especially now you're back in campus .

Yes there is ;3 Persona 3/3FES and Persona 4 on the PS2 if you're asking for the Persona games, those are it :) and you can haha :3 do it XD
hehe good :3
YAYYY!!! haha then we can fanboy and fangirl about our favorite characters then!! :D
Yas Tales :D the games are amazing and oh which one ? :) and honestly just go ahead and watch em, if you can't play the games, especially Abyss, Zestiria that has anime adaptations ? go for them, they'll be good still in their worth so i say go for em. i haven't watch em yet and i will soon but i hear they're pretty good still even from someone that plays these games. so i say go for it! L(

hehe well thats a pretty good sized TV still haha, mine is 22' so mine is definitely smaller! XD so yeah its pretty decent and everyone can see the game playing hehehehe mwhahaha

You're welcome! :D and that really sounds like spring break!! lordy ain't it any better than wearing sorts in cold weather and stuff and stuff i swear i just read the most Canadian spring break ever haha XD XD i laughed hard at that Alisa! XD ikr why Canada whyyyyy!!!! XD

i'll try to explain! XD basically its a cake that is soaked in 3 types of milk and then the toppings can be anything sweet really last year i had mine with oreos and omg it was so good :D so basically a cake soaked in 3 milks and you can do any topping with it cookies ? yuip, candy ? yup anything you can think of thats sweet of course so one of these days you should try it :D
Hehe ikr :D and i bet it will be tons of fun !!:3. OMG YES PLEASE!!!! it'll make me so happy if you came haha :3 no really! escape from the midterms come here have some fun!! and yes steal pig i won't mind! ;)
jag_ Jan 3, 2018 1:19 AM
Hey! Long time no talk!
Thank you very much! Happy New years to you aswell! (couple days late lol :P)
hmm yeah unfortunately school has been pretty much taking over most of the time but I did manage to catch some Interesting shows :D
I think personally speaking Fate/Apocrypha was one of my favorites out of the recent anime I finished.
Really excited about steins gate 0 for sure :D
How about yourself? been busy or found time to enjoy some anime?
Also if you are looking for more specific anime recommendations I can always help with suggestions :P
Hope you are well too!
berto64X Jan 1, 2018 10:56 PM
AWWW THANK YOU!! :D HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU TOO ALISA!! :D how was your new years btw ? :)

Oh ok so pretty old like from the beginning of the decade then. :) i'm glad you're enjoying it yet still watching it haha, and wow 1 hour episodes no wonder, how many episodes does it have ? :)
I'm happy Bakemonogatari is really good and noted the trailer is misleading thinking its a horror but really in your words its not haha has some supernatural stuff then ? i think i'll like that and the comedy and the romance? :D i should consider it then. :) awww good im glad the romance is cute there. :3 so the second one isn';t as good so far then according to you lol hows the second one then ? more laid back with comedy and romance ? and i see why you got into the first and i hope it gets better :) which episode are you on right now ?

See ? they are fun haha. :3 it looks and trust me they are! :) and sadly yes all the Persona games are only on PlayStation. the PSP has the older ones 1,2 and 3 . Vita can play all of the Persona games before 5. there's a chance Persona 5 can come to the Vita but you can play that on the PS4 and PS3 right now and PS2 you can play 3/3 FES and Persona 4 :) and anime wise. to me i seen some of Persona 4 the animation like some because i stopped since i didn't wanna spoil myself with the story, yes they are like to me if you're not gonna end up playing the games ? watch the anime. Persona 5 the animation is coming around Spring this year so definitely look forward to that too. :) and yes i am haha :D i could get a PS4 next month for my birthday but then i'm thinking on getting the Nintendo Switch so hmm decisions, decisions haha. and yes i have :) lets see anything not Persona or Pokemon . Final Fantasy, Tales series ( i played Abyss, Graces f, Hearts, Xillia, Symphonia and Zestiria ) Kingdom Hearts and yes Pokemon counts hehe. XD
Haha i knew you'd say that XD and out of those ? Tales of Hearts R :)
Haha i will XD i haven't started on it yet since family is still home due to the holidays and i don't want them to see me playing that type of game but i may see them goin out to town tomorrow so ima try to and let you know all about it ok ? :) and probably i hope so ? its not a big download btw so tell her to download it pls. XD then y'all can have some fun lol and I imagine that also hehe. XD OMG PERFECT XD do that make everyone see it on that small TV in the tiny living room and seriously its that small ? XD hehhehehee make em suffer Alisa! XD

Ikr ? :( but exactly even i talked to them it makes it up for them and i told them i'll make it up for them soon anyway so surely i will :) and yup exactly since i was anyway.

Haha you're welcome! :D you're very welcome Alisa! :3 i hope your semester will go well and fine from now to Spring break :)

I won't! :) i'm okay now no worries and exactly like you said before it does wonders and they were happy to hear from me anyway and that matters! :)
Haha ikr ? my first party and yet i'm gonna be 22 ? XD and yes i am actually since what mom told me, its gonna be in Lovington, NM and probably even we'll head into Texas that day since where my uncles that also share birthdays in February ? they all live at the state line area and one of em shares the same birthday haha. ;3 and food ? from i heard they're gonna do something roasting an entire pig that, i'll show you now, its a Spanish dish actually . its called lechon. they said they may have that but they're still thinking about it. other than that i'm not sure they said they're gonna cook whatever favorite dishes we like also but don't worry i'll let you know ok ? :) AND YES I LOVE CAKE! :D my favorite ? Tres Leches cake, ever heard of it ? :)

Hehe yup :D i'm quite excited for it actually! :3 and thats okay haha XD yes higher altitude and plus mountains haha and of course Denver its largest city. and hmm tbh i may sightsee around, take pictures of the area. i'm gonna stay in Trinidad, CO north of the NM-Colorado state line but there is a chance we may go into Pueblo or Colorado Spring, we'll see what they decide as time goes on. but pretty much sightseeing, maybe go and enjoy the scenery also, i know there's a lake also so i may go there and walk around and relax. maybe some shopping too ? there's a western store that is a local chain there that i oughta check out. if we do go to Pueblo or Colorado Springs ? then definitely do more stuff there for sure. :) and ikr ? :3 'll be seeing my distant aunt there and cousin there and my step uncle i believe so i hope it'll be a good time. :)
Anim3Punk Jan 1, 2018 10:40 PM
Hey, Happy New Year to you as well!
School has been a struggle... but I'll survive.
At the moment, I'm just chilling and watching anime til school begins again. I'm about to start on Fairy Tail.

For Overlord, the anime is exactly what it says it is. Think of Log Horizon but with the protagonist as an evil overpowered Overlord and you pretty much have the whole anime figured out.
I found first season to be enjoyable for the most part. I like the protagonist's logic approach to his new environment instead of him immediately declaring war on everyone weaker than him, like any cliché villain would. The battle scenes are entertaining to watch but given the show's premise, the victor has already been decided.

Have I watched anything recently that I enjoyed?
Sword Art Online Movie: Ordinal Scale, it brings back the nostalgia of the first season of SAO before the series became crappy.

Anything I'm looking forward to?
Finishing a portion of my anime list before school starts. I can't decide whether to watch Cyberpunk or Survival Game/Gambling. (I watch anime based on themes/genre)
KannoSugako Dec 31, 2017 7:07 AM

Happy New Year!!! May this next year be a great one for you! A big hug!

PD: i'll get back to you next year, hihihi have a great day my dear friend!
lengnobaka Dec 28, 2017 2:19 PM
IM GOOD!!!! HOW ABOUT YOURSELF? How was your xmas :D!?
berto64X Dec 27, 2017 1:03 AM
Hehe nice! :D though i haven't heard of Secret Garden, is it a new kdrama ? and the anime yes i heard of the Monogatari series in general but i never watched them though well at least not yet haha how is it though ? :) and Kamisama Kiss i heard of it, im sure you suggested that to me a month ago Alisa! :3 gotta watch it soon

The games i got a lot tbh haha, mainly on the PS Vita though im sure you heard of the handheld right ? its the successor of the PSP ? :) i got Persona 4 The Golden i actually had a copy before but somehow i sold it and i forgot i did but i got another copy and ima keep it and play it again soon :D, Tales of Hearts R ( im sure you're familiar with the Tales series so i think i dont need to explain about it ? ) , Freedom Wars , thats a action RPG that takes place in a dystopian world and you have todo hunting jobs and other stuff to be freed from your million year prison sentence, pretty interesting game though,Metal Gear Solid HD Collection 2 Hyperdimension Neptunia games, one is a action hack and slash and the other is a RPG so pretty much i got a bit too much haha. :3 and right now i'm currently playing MGS 3 and Freedom Wars and then i may finish up Pokemon Ultra Sun soon :) YAY!! finally you're playing one of the games! :D and im happy you're enjoying Awakening right now and yes you should Alisa! :D haha exactly get your own soon and you won't have to mooch off of hers so do that ok ? :) and if you wanna, get Pokemon also and we can battle and i'll give you some pokemon :D
Yes i have ! i got it downloaded on Steam though waiting for a good chance to play it haha. XD omg your roommate is crazy but hey it won't hurt right ? who's gonna download the game and play it mainly ? hehe i understand but maybe it won't be that scary ? we'll see soon but good be excited and let me know what you think of it, please ? XD
Thats good you been relaxing,watching a ton of stuff, hanging out etc :) im sure it does like hey its a 2 week break or so ? no stress about school your work is done! enjoy it while you can lol. :3
YAY!! im happy yours was really fun! :3 ah hehe its always good to spend time with family and especially eating a lot of food! and me not really, i wanted to go to see my grandma and other family but i wasn't able to because one my mom and siblings decided to stay a night there thus no extra space to sleep at either my grandma or uncle's house, they really wanted me there and i feel bad for not going but i told em i'll make it up with them soon and that i will. :)

Yes you did i remember the server stuff you did months back i havent forgotten! x3 basically it was the same thing but harder and a larger server then and new bugs and problems. oh ok so you and your group actually did the work to fix the server, debugging it etc this time and presented it to the supervisor then and im very happy it went well by the end of it. :) and i bet it would be super frustrating at times when things go wrong or whatever but im happy your group members were such nice people and worked with you to get it done! even when you're the noobiest ones there but they treated you as a member of the team an helped you get it done and im very happy for that :) and thats good! :D. i'm glad it was good from start to finish, i hope you work in similar places someday, you really had a good time from everything you told me and i hope you find work just as fun or funner. :) and oh im sure you aren't ;-; but don't worry you got this okay ? :)

Hehe well i havent made much since i got those games, i been gaming more till now but now i'm thinking of taking a break and watch some anime again or other TV shows and anything upcoming hmm yes the Persona 5 animation :D its out in April so thats one thing im lookin forward to. :)
My break so far could been better but its nothing bad though, last year was worse for sure but i really wished i went to see family tbh. :( but like i said i'll make it up to them soon! :) and exciting ? yes omg :D so when my mom and siblings came home, they told me 2 things! first around my birthday i'm gonna have my first ever birthday party :D and second in April during Spring break i'll be going to Colorado to see family there and tbh i'm getting so excited for that and i really can't wait for both things so thats why this break isnt so bad, i feel things are gonna get better too so to say ? yes i am and i'm looking forward to New Years day :)
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