All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 90.7
Mean Score:
- Watching48
- Completed625
- On-Hold3
- Dropped14
- Plan to Watch170
- Total Entries860
- Rewatched43
- Episodes5,632
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 193.2
Mean Score:
- Reading38
- Completed1,849
- On-Hold71
- Dropped175
- Plan to Read636
- Total Entries2,769
- Reread19
- Chapters23,196
- Volumes3,217
All Comments (401) Comments
Honestly, feel free to make your own Art Nouveau stack, as mine is obviously biased towards Mucha despite him not being the only Art Nouveau artist at the time.
I love art nouveau... I'm surprised to see how popular my interest stack got but I'm also glad to find fellow Mucha fans.
Thanks to you reminding me, I've tried searching through the blog again and am updating it rn!
Here's what it looked like:
Here's more about what Digital Manga Guild was: