All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 130.2
Mean Score:
- Watching1
- Completed453
- On-Hold100
- Dropped397
- Plan to Watch0
- Total Entries951
- Rewatched47
- Episodes8,357
All Comments (20) Comments
You judge something because you don't liked the art but you didn't even analysed it properly
My counting right? I added them all up and divided them by the most they could get, so I gave it 24. It's possible it could have received a 50, but it didn't. I divided 24 by 50 to get 4.8 then rounded that up to be 5. I don't understand what you're talking about my numbers?
Btw I fully agree with your Koe no Katachi review. It's on point.
I was really looking for something more creative or interesting in terms of animation. It was all pretty standard. Sasuga animation, but not without it's criticism of being typical KyoAni character designs, camera work, setting etc. As far as artistry goes it's got almost no artistic merit at since it's a completely inhuman work, so I feel like I'm still being generous here.
I'm very glad you found my review useful have a nice day :)