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Mar 19, 2018
This is a sore. Not like an eyesore, but a sore that is physically on my body after watching this. I cannot describe the pain from enduring this anime.
I've seen so many bad, bad shows, anime or no, but THIS, THIS TAKES THE CAKE.
If I could take this entire day back, I probably would. This destroyed half my soul, I feel violated, and all my human rights have been stolen away. On top of all this, Production I.G., known for their work on Attack on Titan, made this. Now again for the people in the back, PRODUCTION I.G., KNOWN FOR THEIR WORK ON ATTACK ON
Who allowed this hell spawn to defile all things good and holy..? Who birthed this demon into this dimension so that I may lay my eyes upon this disgusting excuse of a show..?
Watching this show is hell. Not just fire and brimstone hell, oh no, this is super mega hell. The only ones that must endure this pain are those who commit one of the ultimate sins, because GOD THIS IS TERRIBLE.
Is this for children? No grown adult could ever be entertained by something like this, but the last episode has nipple bullets. WHAT DEMOGRAPHIC WAS THIS AIMED AT?
Overall, I'd not reccomend this anime unless you enjoy enduring pain.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Oct 30, 2017
A comedy anime targeted for a more adult audience, Ebichu knew what it was trying to be, what humor it was going for, and what audience it was trying to appeal to, and goddamnit it did a good job for what it was trying to be. A raunchy anime about a hamster? SIGN ME UP!
On my initial viewing of the first episode, I expected some Hamtaro type thing. Ohhh boy, was I incorrect, but what a pleasant surprise I got when Ebichu started talking about sex!
So, let's talk about the main character, Ebichu. An adorable hamster with a taste for icecream and camembert cheese just
trying to make her owner happy. A simple concept for a character, but that's all it needs to be. Without a complex story, complex characters aren't needed.
Ebichu was a joy to watch, and I'd recommend this to anyone looking for some adult comedy.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 25, 2017
Another is a horror mystery anime surrounding one class. This anime has a dark tone to it, but unfortunately, I found myself laughing quite often at how over the top these death scenes are. From falling on your umbrella to stabbing yourself in the throat, this anime is packed with deaths that are over the top, so much it amused me. this is the main issue with this anime for me. The tone that it tries to have gets ruined by how odd the deaths are. They're so impractical, just have someone get a heart attack! Oh wait, they did that too.... Okay, not all
the deaths were weird, but many of them were..
The main part other than the horror, is the mystery. Without giving it away, I actually didn't see it coming, and felt it was a good concept that was done well. The art and music were well directed too, and were fitting.
The characters are... Bland. Other than maybe Mei, all the characters bled together, and weren't memorable, other than maybe their deaths. i'm lookin' at you, umbrella girl.
If you can look past the logical leaps (Why not just burn down the school if one class is cursed?) and weird deaths, I would reccomend this anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 25, 2017
Elfin lied is an anime that gets a lot of praise, whether it be for its intriguing plot, amazing musical score, and beautiful art (At least, the opening and ending) This is not lead me to watching the show though. I actually found it by accident and began watching it out of curiosity. I was around 10 years old, so you can all imagine my face with the first 10 minutes. Despite this, I watched anyways.
Elfin lied, while decently written with an interesting plot, fails a bit due to its sheer 'edge'. It is for lack of a better way to put it, way
too edgy. I don't mind gore, not at all, but I feel in this show it was overused, and the conflict was used to make tension that wasn't truly real, as many of the people dying weren't important characters, but were being killed just to show off that the budget was mainly being spent on animators to animate blood seeping out of the decapitated heads. Gore to this level is something I'd expect to watch in Corpse Party, not a show that tries to give a deeper meaning like Elfin Lied.
Despite my opinion on the overuse of gore, I still love this show. It has interesting main characters with stories you can sympathize with, an amazing soundtrack, and a nice plot. I would recommend this to anyone who can stomach gore.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 25, 2017
Wolf children is a visually stunning movie about a mother raising her children without their father. The catch is, they're not just any children, they're WOLF children!
Yes, this premise is cheesy, but I will never put something with an odd premise down if it's done right.
Hana was a collage student who met a man sneaking into classes trying to learn. Befriending him, they slowly fell in love, and the man revealed that his family could turn into wolves. Hana, unfazed by this, began dating the wolf man and became pregnant with his child. She willingly bared this child for the person she loved, and birthed
a girl, naming her Yuki. A year or two later, she had a son, naming him Ame.
Her husband, left the day Ame was born, and unfortunately died. This is where the plot truly starts.
Past that point, Hana stays strong and raises up her two children, alone. She couldn't take them to the doctor, or ask advice, as she was afraid of what the government would do if they found out, so she kept it secret.
This is a nice film mainly about Hana, and her struggles to raise her children. I won't spoil much more, but it is an amazing movie I urge anyone to check out.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 25, 2017
Clannad is a beloved anime that gets its fair share of praise. It's a romance story, with a 'tug at your heartstrings' feel to it, but despite this, it is also comedic, and should be praised for being able to pull all three off fairly well.
Clannad's main characters are Tomoya and Nagisa, and their friendship blossoming into something more. Tomoya is a hilarious, slightly pessimistic guy who is fairly cynical on things, while Nagisa is a cheerful and shy girl who really likes food.
Tomoya's mother passed years prior, and his dad is a drunk, while Nagisa faces her struggles in the form of being ill.
They both set aside their own problems to help each other, which is very well written and realistic. I praise Clannad for not rushing the romantic development.
Where Clannad shines though, is in its comedy. Clannad has a cast of brilliantly written characters that are hilarious, Nagisa and Tomoya aren't even the funniest. Nagisa's parents, Youhei, Fuko, Tomoyo, Kyou and Ryou, Kotomi, and many others I am forgetting shine brighter in the comedy department than the main two, especially Nagisa's parents.
The parts that aren't as strong for this anime are the odd fantasy elements it tries to add in between. In my opinion, they weren't needed, and add absolutely nothing to the story. They were just there to add an unneeded element to a story.
The reason I'm rating Clannad so low is because I personally found that Nagisa was somewhat lacking in character. She had flaws, but they weren't that unique. Being shy and ill are fairly common in shows, and I wish her character was developed more.
Other than a few issues, Clannad is a very solid title I would recommend to anyone who likes romance stories.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 17, 2017
It's Hamtaro time! Ah Hamtaro, so many fond memories of replaying the first six episodes non-stop for 5 years straight.
Hamtaro is a cute show about hamsters that gives me mad nostalgia! As I lived in the craze of hamsters from around 2010, I was like most other kids at the time, OBSESSED with these cute fuzzy creatures.
Now I know that Hamsters have always been popular, but it seem searches boosted in February of 2010.
Now, I loved hamtaro as a young kid, but how do they hold up today?
Well, after revisiting it and watching the first 8 episodes, I think it is still an adorable little
romp that kids and some adults may enjoy!.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 17, 2017
I'm giving Yuri on ICE a 5 star.... I'm not making many friends with my opinions here...
So, why the 5 star? Well, simply, way too much time was devoted to side characters. Victor, Yurio and Yuri? NAH! LET'S BRING IN KING JJ!
I'm sorry, but if you want to do a show with good, in depth side characters, take notes from Chobits, they did it correctly WITHOUT taking main focus off the main characters.
The only side character I found tolerable was Chris, and that's only because he had an orgasam everytime he skated, which, I found amusing.
I feel this got way too overhyped JUST because
there was implied yaoi/gay couple in the lead characters. Honestly, I don't think it was done well. They could have really made their relationship special and stand out, with the whole coach and student relationship, Yuri looking up to Viktor, and so on, but they just.... Didn't. I was disappointed, their relationship wasn't fleshed out and was put on the side just for the side characters who couldn't even get fleshed out!
Also, while not quite as bad as your Lie in April's piano playing sequences, the constant ice skating with internal monologues with little to no character interaction became rather dull after a while...
If you want a good story with interesting side characters? Chobits or Fruits Basket. You want a cute romance anime? Chobits, Your Lie in April, Clannad are all fine. You want a Yaoi anime? I haven't seen many, but I'm sure that Junjo Romantica is better than this mess. You want more ice skating? Can't help you there.
I'd recommend to anyone who really likes ice skating, implied Yaoi, though have your remote handy to skip the ice skating, or just someone who wants this on in the background. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend this to anyone seeking thick plotted anime, if you want that, check somewhere else.
[EDIT] Because I was talking about this with some of my friends, and something was brought to my attention... Did Viktor and Yuuri even love each other?
Starting with Yuuri; He clearly highly admired Viktor to the point of idolization and internet stalking. He has many posters of Viktor, he copies one of his acts move for move, AND named a dog after him, clearly this boy has an obsession, or some amount of unhealthy fascination with this man. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I don't think unhealthy obsession translates into love. Admiring someone doesn't make you have a personal relationship with them to such a point to call it love. They were acquaintances at best before Viktor became Yuuri's coach.
Now for Viktor; He seemed to take interest in Yuuri, due to the aforementioned Ice Skate routine Yuuri copied, and took up being his coach, likely being impressed with Yuuri and finding him to have some amount of talent or skill, or maybe it was because Yuuri did his routine and that alone interested him. Then of course, Yuuri because Yuuri is a freak when he got drunk. Viktor saw this, and probably began lusting after Yuuri, and then yuuri asked Viktor to coach him.
Now, maybe they fell in love while Viktor was coaching, but I don't know, they focused so much on side characters I actually don't know if it really got to true love, or if it was just the admiration and lust. Either way, it started out as a one sided admiration, and I'm assuming the other side was lust.
Due to my further thoughts, I'm bringing YoI's score down to a 4. this is again, just my opinion, and you're allowed to like and dislike what you please, these are just my opinions.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jul 14, 2017
Oh dear lord...
This anime... OHHHH this anime... The animation is bad, the story seems weird and cut short... Just... Play the visual novel, this is trash.
Also, if you're making an anime based of a yaoi game, at the very least, ADD SOME ACTUAL YAOI OTHER THAN IN THE BAD ENDINGS.
I want to see them in their good endings too man, like, unless I'm blind, those weren't even in there, sooo
Honestly, this anime just annoyed me... I still kinda didn't hate it though.
Visual novel is better.
I'd suggest stay away from this and go to the visual novels.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jul 14, 2017
Watamote... This is a very interesting anime.
It has a very simple-- and relatable-- plot. An unpopular introvert ball of socially awkwardness and anxiety wants to become popular, failing miserably in almost every attempt.
Now, this will have some slight spoilers, if you can even call them that, but...
My issue is with the lack of progression in the story.
I felt like there was no pay off. I felt almost like we were back at the beginning. The only thing I really saw change was that Tomoko accepted she was unpopular.
Now, don't get me wrong, I didn't want her to become super popular by the end or anything,
I just wanted her to have some friends... She had one girl kinda okay with her, and the girl who moved schools (Which she had when the show started), but that's it...
Now, as someone with a bit of social anxiety and someone who is homeschooled, i get it can be hard to make friends, but I really wish she would have maybe made some online friends, or just, SOME KIND OF FRIEND!
I just felt bad for her, and felt the only progress wasn't even fully positive at the end, it seemed she just accepted that she didn't have friends, and I feel that isn't good, and could likely do more damage.
I would recommend this to though who like awkward comedy, but I personally have no plans to re visit this anime in the future.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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