All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 109.0
Mean Score:
- Watching15
- Completed355
- On-Hold7
- Dropped267
- Plan to Watch409
- Total Entries1,053
- Rewatched0
- Episodes6,966
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 81.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries290
- Reread0
- Chapters13,870
- Volumes633
All Comments (114) Comments
Well, one's thing for sure, your profile picture made me want to watch Fate/Stay Night, lol.
Awesome to hear it, I'm excited to check it out in a couple weeks with some friends. How you liking the other shows you been watching?
How you liking Kill la Kill so far? I've heard good things but don't want to jump in it until it's finished.
I must ask, what's the source for your stunning profile image?