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Jul 28, 2020
okay so before I start the review, let me warn anyone that hasn't seen this movie: there WILL be spoilers, I can't talk about this movie without spoiling the fuck about it, so there is your warning

Evangelion 3.0 is probably the most divisive thing to come out of the Evangelion series. The reaction to this movie was mixed at best. Now, what camp do I fall in? Both. I haven't felt this way about an anime in a LONG time, as I have a strong love-hate relationship with this movie. I think alot of the good parts of this movie are some of ...
Jun 13, 2020
wow, its panty and stocking: one of the more divisive anime on this platform. The series has seen a lot of criticism, some of it is justified, so let's just jump into it (sorta light spoilers). Man I watch this after berserk, wtf
Story- 6: Panty and stocking follow's, well panty and stocking, two angels that are stuck on earth and have to find their way back to heaven by defeating monsters. Now the story is pretty good up until the ending which is a cliffhanger: now this has aged poorly but I'm willing to forgive it because back in 2010 GAINAX most likely thought ...
Jun 12, 2020
Its berserk, of course, it's good. there's your review
(outro music)
an, I wanna actually go into this show, cause I have a lot to say about it in general
Story- 7: k so I will try to not spoil as much as I can, so basically all the episodes have a nicely done story: nothing feels barely paced, it gives the almost all the characters moments to shine, then the ending. Not to spoil anything, but it's pretty underwhelming. Now, I know its different in the manga which I will read eventually, but this on its own: I'm sorry but you can't just have "that" happen and ...
May 24, 2020
Kakegurui×× (Anime) add
alright finished this a few days ago might as well review while it's on my mind
Story-7: Its really similar to the first season, like basically "gamblers try to take Yumeko down, gambling fun'. yeah, I know its more but, the point is its similarity to the original. Now, while it's still pretty good, the of kakegurui was far more.. fresh in this aspect. it's fine I guess tho, not much to say
art- 10: okay, this is clean. the animation is far better than the 1st season and the character designs for all the clan members are excellent, representing each incredibly well. It's more of that ...
May 22, 2020
Kakegurui (Anime) add
okay so I just finished the first season of kaketgurui and I, like so many other people, have a lot to say about it. This is one of the most divisive modern anime if you ask me, so I think it should be interesting to talk about.
Story: 8- The story is about Yumeko (the main character) enrolling in this school that puts is almost entirely focused on gambling, and about her making a huge breakthrough through this and just being good at gambling. I know that's probably not a very good representation of the actual story but that's the vibe I got from it; and ...
May 21, 2020
Steins;Gate (Anime) add
okay so I'm gonna do one of those standard list things where the reviewer goes through all of the categories and gives their thoughts on that section because I feel like that should work with steins;gate (SPOILERS I REPEAT SPOILERS)
Story/pacing: 10- Easily one of the things steins gate excels at: it definitely is a roller coaster of a story: as in there's the anticipation of what's going to happen in the first half of a big hill, and then going down it is so rewarding: that's steins; gate pretty much. The plot is slow in the beginning and if the show was just one or ...
May 20, 2020
FLCL (Anime) add
it's weird: there are shows I enjoyed more than FLCL that I haven't reviewed yet (yes I'm referring to it as FLCL shut up), and yet I haven't reviewed then. I watched FLCL on Hulu about a month ago, and I can't stop thinking about it. I guess I'm using this as a way to express how much there is to this anime. If traditional anime go right, FLCL goes left. Almost every single aspect of the anime and everything surrounding the show as a whole is completely different from any other anime. The dub is preferred to the sub by most people, it's more ...
Apr 13, 2020
okay fuck my old review I'm writing a new one and talking about how this is one of the best-animated movies ever made.
Story- 9: okay: the story is insane. it goes all over the place and occasionally scratches rough but it's smooth. I don't care if its a mess it's a complete ending. now I have to bring this up: this movie is entirely made with the idea you've seen the tv show Neon Genesis Evangelion (not as good as the movie, but still very good) because basically it's a different version of the ending to that show, which is pretty good to me ...
Apr 13, 2020
Gamers! (Anime) add
I actually quite like this show. Okay, let me get my personal gripes with the show out of the way. I'm a pretty big GAMERRRRRR, and I feel like sometimes, the shows got a little too, how should I put this, "OH PIXELS YA GET IT GAMES HAHA", and that's a shame because, besides that, I thought it betrayed games and the industry very well and made me laugh a few times because of the way they poked fun at it, but at the same time being respectful of it. The only other thing I could think of as a problem is that some of ...
Apr 13, 2020
Death Note (Anime) add
Where to begin, this shows almost flawless. The character writing is the best i've seen in any anime, maybe even tv show. L has so many quirks that make him feel so humoress and alive, and hes complex in a way too, making you easily see him as a great person, and hes just perfect as a character. Light is likeable and unlikeable: theres equal good and bad with him, and you see that hes a great guy without the notebook, but with it....., that's leaning toward the bad guy, but not all the ay . These two just are perfect and are the two ...

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