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Sep 13, 2018
If you'd ask me to describe this show in just three words, I'd say: What the Fuck?
Shokugeki no Soma is the absolute peak of fan service in anime.
Cooking. A completly normal activity that has its own intricacies, its own competitive world and a chance for sucess as long as you have the talent for it. You find everywhere, from your grandmother's house and campfire barbecue, to the greatest heights of haute cuisine.
A story about the growth of young boy in a world where he aims for the top, in journey along his friends and rivals.
Up until now you'd think this is a cooking version of
a typical shounen. And you'd be mostly right. However, from the moment you start watching this show you'll be surprised at how ridiculous and absurd the fan service is in this show. People have orgasms eating food here. Each scene surpasses the previous one in how crazy it gets. And just when you think you've seen it all, they hit you with something you'd though would not be possible. It takes the ecchi genre to new heights.
Nice story. Quite the typical growth MC is gonna win story but I still enjoyed.
I absolutly refuse to describe or rate those scenes. Go watch it for yourself to see how it is.
Not a lot of character development, but the characters in the show are really cool.
I enjoyed this train wreck of show. It was quite the absurd madness but I still enjoyed it.
Not higher because my pride won't allow me to give a 9 to a show with those boob physics.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 7, 2018
I remember looking at the MAL entry for this anime and thinking to myself: "probably not worth my time." BOY was I wrong!
After a bit a friend of mine recomended this anime to me. I was going into it with high expectations due to how much that friend of mine hyped it up for me, which is always a good way to be massively disapointed. Plot twist: I was not disapointed.
Man this show is awesome. If you're a fan of games and good worldbuilding, this show is definitly a great one to pick up.
The characters are awesome. Each of them is likable in their
own way. Shiroe is a great protagonist for this show.
The writing isn't without its flaws, but honestly, they are not even close to being big enough to have an impact in the quality of the show.
I enjoyed watching this a lot. And by a lot I mean 10/10. That's the rating I give this show. I was hesitating as to whether I should give 10, but I honestly believe the 1st season of Log Horizon deserves it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 5, 2018
If you are looking to know whether you should watch this show or not, here is a couple of things you should know.
The whole "friendship" and "protecting friends" is very present in this show, so if you don't like it, you probably are better off watching something else.
The world in which this story is written is a mess. I heard the novel is a lot better in this regard, but this is the anime review. I still have the question as to why there are aliens, underground humans, ghosts and magical girls in this story, and what is the connection between them (if there is
even one). I would not be complaining if there were plans for a second season, given that they would have the chance of explaining something, but it's been 4 years since the release of this.
Lastly, Harem show. If you don't like that, this is not your show.
Now, the review. Some spoilers ahead.
Man, is this a mess. I mean, I liked it but damn. I wished it was less of confusing cliché fest. I know they kind of foreshadowed Koutarou's secret whatever power at the beggining, but is still felt like it came out of nowhere.
I liked all of the characters, even if some of them have a personality as deep as a puddle.
MC is still kind of your typical Harem MC but less of an astronomical idiot.
Kiriha's backstory was a bit unpolished, but I like her calm and colected attitude.
Theia would be one of may favorite characters if she was just slightly less annoying. Miss princess is nice but should really get off her white horse in her marble palace.
Ruth is a character that really ticks me off. I liked her until they started the whole bettle thing. Like, really. There are a trillion better ways to add more to a character than that.
Yurika is way to much of a cliché character for me to really like her, but she has her moments.
Sanae feels like the typical childhood friend character without being one. Well, she is still really cute and likable so I don't have that much of problem with her.
Shizuka, more known by the name Landlord (really?), was awfully created. If you want to make her into the calm and collected until she gets pissed off and goes super sayan character, you need to do it better. She lacked hte impact that those characters tend to make. It felt half-assed Also, I know her super human strengh is supposed to be a gag, but if you are going to have her participate in a fight, give a proper explanation for it. One thing is having her be super strong for the sake of a gag. Another is having that gag strengh be part of a fight. It just doesn't work.
Makkenji is a place holder character that annoys me a lot. Not because of the character itself, but how the story treats him. He ends being a pure plot tool that only appears when convinient. They didn't develop him and, honestly, I'm not sure I even wanted them to, since, instead of the cool and hilarious friend they hinted at him being, they would probably turn him into "that pervert friend of the MC", which is even worse.
Finally, best girl, also known as Harumi. I love her character, although I may be slightly biased. Shy and introverted, but with a pure heart.
I had fun watching this show even if sometimes I felt like hitting my ahead against the wall in some situations. It probably doesn't deserve this, but I'm stilll giving this show an 8/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 14, 2018
A fun show as long as you don't look to much into it. Had fun.
It has more plot holes and inconsistencies than I can count, but you should still be able to enjoy it, as long as you're not to picky about it.
To be honest, I slammed my head against the wall a couple of times while watching this show. If you've ever played FPS games, some situations will leave you baffled as to how stupid and unrealistic they are, given the skill level some of the characters our protagonists face should have.
I personally ain't the kind of guy to let that kind of
stuff ruin my fun on a show I watch for pure entertainment (the story doesn't rely on a highly believable setting and there is no way in hell I am taking a SAO show seriously, unlike most people who insist on doing it), but if you're the kind of person who is unable to do such a thing, I won't recomend this to you. I personally just moved on from those moments.
In regards to the story, which I'll refrain from spoiling as much as I possibly can, I did not like how rushed the ending felt. The Pitohui situation felt like it should have taken more to solve. Apart form that, the writng was nice. Not great, but nice.
The art was disapointing. If there was one thing I have high expectations from any show with SAO in it's name is great art and music. Some of the scenes felt half assed to be honest. It was good in comparison with the average anime, specially those bulllet shots, but most of the other scenes dropped the quality quite a lot.
Last thing I'd like to write about is the characters. I'd have liked to see more development of our MC, though 12 ep anime is a 12 ep anime. Can't do everything with just one season, but I feel time was wasted on pointlessly prolonging shots and scenes that should have taken was less time to do. Apart form that, you can't really go that wrong with cute girls, because everyone will like them anyways, unless you majorly fuck up, which didn't happen.
As I think enjoyement is the only score that should ever matter, I give this anime an 7/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 12, 2018
Is this anime absurdly awful to levels incomprehensible to the human race? Yes.
Did I enjoy this anime despite it's massive flaws? Yes.
Smartphone Isekai Anime is fucking awful. Like, holy shit, it's so garbage it blows my mind.
Now, you may ask yourself, if it's as bad as I claim it is why did I say I enjoyed it? Because I liked how relaxed and stupid it was. That simplicity is something I can apreciate in a show.
The writing is abhorrently bad, in sense that the show is full of clichés, extremely inconsistent within it's logic and really predictable when it comes to how things happen within
the episodes. Thing is, it didn't bother me. Probably because I completly turned off my brain while watching it. When I watched it I wasn't looking for proper writing or proper world building and realistic charaters. All I wanted was a fun medieval fantasy style show about a harem. A proper harem, not one of those dumbass "harems" where the author decides to say fuck you to every single character you've come to like because apparently they were only there to create waifu wars within the show.
Enjoyable anime if you have an enormous tolerance for bad writing and enjoy a relaxed medieval fantasy setting with a bunch of cute girls in the mix.
As I think enjoyement is the only score that should ever matter, I give this anime an 7/10.
Fun stuff. Hoping for a second season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 30, 2018
An awesome romance story about 2 kids.
If you like cute romance stories and love major trolling, this is the show for you.
God, this anime was great. When I started watching it I wasn't really feeling it and kind of disregarded it as overrated after 3 episodes. A couple of months after it came to my mind to try the show once again, as I may have been in the wrong mood to watch it. I was god damn right. After I picked it up again, I watched 3 other episodes, and I loved it. I finished the remaining ones at the moment of writing this
For starters, I love Takagi-san as a character and her relationship with Nishikata. I laughed my ass off so many times watching the way she completly owned him again and again. Nishikata is a perfect character for what he does in the show. Which is getting completly owned. I kinda feel bad for him but I love those two as a couple. The 3 girls whose names I can't be bothered to remember are also quite fun to watch as they face some of the funniest antics without stealing the show from the great and fun romance bettween Nishikata and Takagi-san.
I enjoyed this show a lot. Can't give it less than a 9/10.
Season 2! Season 2! Season 2! Season 2! Season 2! Season 2! Season 2! Season 2!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 27, 2018
An entertaining garbage tier story that somehow manages to be enjoyable. Fantasy JRPG style (based on one afterall), with typical characters.
If you like typical fantasy stories and also enjoy stupidity, you're gonna enjoy this.
I would be lying if I said I managed to keep all of my brain cells after watching that. I was either facepalming or laughing at the level of stupidity of this througout its entirety. The story is ridiculously predictable and incredibly cheesy. God, that writing is awful. Or maybe it isn't, because I still ended up enjoying the show. I would only recomend this to those who can tolerate quite a
lot of what I like to call stupidity. The show is stupid, but enjoyable.
7/10, dumb but enjoyable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 23, 2018
A story about individual growth and learning the importance of fun.
If you like relaxed stories with likable characters, go watch the first season and then watch this one too.
Amanchu! and Amanchu! Advance are amazing. The story is great (except for that whole deal with ghosts and dreams but the rest of the story is still awesome), the art looks great and the music is perfect for the style the anime is aiming towards. The characters are likable and relatable. They push through the same sittuations we all have or will at some point in our lives. The fear of the unknown, the feeling of emptyness
after you've had fun, and more. I genuinely enjoyed both this season and the previous one.
As I think enjoyement is the only score that should ever matter, I give this anime an 9/10.
Those emoji-like faces are awesome.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 21, 2018
A story about relationships bettween otaku.
If you like stories about love without the typical trucks of drama that every non-comedy romance show has, this is for you.
This show is tagged as both a Comedy and a Romance, although there is a huge emphasis on the latter. I did have a bunch of laughs while watching this, but what sold it for me was how the whole otaku relationship narrative was handled. The characters felt real, and the relationships built bettween them likewise. I really enjoyed this series on its entirety.
Also, that opening is awesome.
As I think enjoyement is the only score that should ever matter,
I give this anime an 8/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 21, 2018
A story of cute girls doing cute things, manga drawing version.
If you enjoy MOE, relaxed anime, this should be your thing.
I enjoyed Comic Girls quite a bit. In part it was due it falling within a laidback anime style of which I am quite the fan, but the anime in itself should not be discredited as average within that genre. It excelled on what it did, which was making us have some laughs and root for Kaos-sensei on her quest to start her mangaka career. The writing is nothing to marvel at, but it did the job more than well enough. This is a Slice
of Life anime afterall.
As I think enjoyement is the only score that should ever matter, I give this anime an 8/10.
First review ever, might do more of these in the future.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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