May 25, 2015
After reading the title and synopsis and watching the first episode or two, you might expect to be treated to an anime where a group of friends gain superpowers and proceed to battle with each other for their own enjoyment...
- That might even have turned out to be a unique and enjoyable adventure story, adding some flair to the supernatural genre...
...but, you'd be wrong for expecting something special.
In fact, you'll be disappointed if you expect this anime to live up to its premise at all!
This anime is, in fact, nothing more than a generic harem with an abundance of emotional drama.
Supernatural battles are minimal and
take a back seat to the harem drama. In fact, they have a negligible effect on the overall plot.
It would be possible to remove the supernatural element, re-write the story without it, and end up with something essentially the same.
The supernatural aspect of the story is somewhat developed, but leaves much to be desired. We are given a slight bit of background, but it ultimately just leaves us with more questions than answers. All the potential that was there to turn this show into something unique and exciting was essentially wasted by taking it in an entirely different direction. With the exception of the last episode, nothing significant really happens.
// [Note: I've avoided spoilers, but the plot is so generic, that the following part of my general review might just spoil it. //
// That being said, you should rather read it anyway so you know what you're in for and avoid some disappointment.] //
The harem aspect is the main focus of the show and is about as generic as they come. All the girls will ultimately fall in love with the male MC and end up competing with each other (Note: NOT with their supernatural powers) to be the "chosen one".
For a show that looks to be a "fun" story, there is an unnecessary amount of emotional drama. Even [that] is just the generic jealousy/bitterness/longing/depression cycle - where girls bring themselves pain by bottling up their emotions. They'll eventually have their breakdowns, release their stress, come clean, make up, and ultimately just go back to trying to win over the MC for themselves.
~ Move along, nothing to see here ~ (etc.)
As a harem fan myself, I should be enjoying this - I enjoyed many other generic harems after all ...but that is not the case. Most generic harems have some unique, worthwhile story to provide a little variation to the generic setting. Many throw in some fanservice and comedy. This anime, however, does not add any interesting flair to the harem setting - just an insufferable amount of drama - leaving the harem portion with an entertainment value of 0.
In general, the anime does include small amounts of action and comedy to keep you watching, but not enough for meaningful enjoyment.
The biggest crime of this anime, however, is that it didn't make proper use of the supposed "main" premise/setting. It ultimately fails to deliver on the [fun, supernatural battle action] that the [supernatural anime] fans, who'd be the most likely target audience, would enjoy. The whole basis of the story is neglected for the sake of bringing you a love drama. It's the ultimate bait-and-switch.
The failed plot aside, the video is good, the sound is good, and the characters are somewhat interesting if you put their obsession with the MC aside.
== Final verdict: ==
If you're into supernatural battle action anime: Don't waste your time watching this - it's pretty much all filler.
If you're into harem anime: Put it LAST on your plan to watch list - every other harem I've seen is better.
If you're into drama: Go right ahead - this one's for you.
If you're a troll: Recommend it to your friends.
For not being what it's supposed to be, I give this anime a mediocre 5/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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