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Apr 5, 2022
It's sad to admit it but truth has to be told:
Shingeki no Kyojin lost all of the magic and charm that had before.
Back in the day, when I was watching this series from the beginning, I was hooked by all the misteries that intrigued a lot and also by the action pack scenes that were epic and amazing. First episode of season 1 is probably one of the best first episodes (if not the best one) of all animes ever. I mean it.
Seriously, it's absolutely incredible and keeps you interested in the story by all the following episodes, until the end of the season. Seasons
2 and 3 were also very good on their own way, giving us more interesting characters, really cool fight scenes and also some genius plot twists that makes you more curious to know more. Animation was tier GOD, characters were beautifully made with very fluid scenes of them talking and fighting, not a single moment that I watched and thought that could be better. Direction was flawless, we had parts like the revelation of Reiner and Bertholdt of being Armored and Colossal titans that adds a lot of emotion and impact to us when watching it. And last but not least, the soundtrack was legendary, some moments had OST that fits so perfectly that is unbelievable.
Many memorable songs that are classics.
I can say without any doubt that season 1 to 3 of Attack on Titan are fucking awesome and made what this show is today, one of the most popular animes series that has ever been made, deserving the high scores that they received.
But after the time-skip of 4 years that have passed on the story, since the release of the Final Season (part 1), all of the excitment is now long gone by many reasons. The story now is not about surviving, scouting and investigating anymore, is about war, politics and race conflicts. The problem that I have with those themes is that they are not well worked on the story, Isayama didn't know how to properly written his story about these topics. Instead of trying to make us think about the reasons that the characters has to do the things that they did, the author just makes them talk about their problems and situations in a way that the conversations are loaded with desnecessary information and too much exposition.
That kind of thing kills all the immersion that we could have with the scenes.
Talking about the characters, they seems to be a hollow copy version of themselves that they were before, their motivations are just uninteresting and unispiring. For instance, Eren just turned to be the most evil thing that has touched the world, it's a character's transformation of personality that happens so fast and out of a sudden that it feels really forced and unnatural. He changed off-screen. Some random flashback is given to us after his introduction on the Marley's Invasion arc that could maybe has some points that makes us think that they are the reason that made him change completely. But it's just not enough to actually buy it. Mikasa is the same that she has ever been, all of her character revolves around "Eren", besides that she's is bland and underdeveloped. She used to be cool and badass, but lately she doesn't do anything. Armin is the character made to be the smartest one of the main group but many times he just talks no jutsu everything, we never see him make any strategies of think tactifully about the situations in a way to save his friends or the ones he love, instead, he is just there for the sake of...being there. I don't recognize him anymore. I wish that they had chosen Erwin instead of him to save back on season 3 part 2, but it is what it is. All of the other characters are just revolting or forgettable due to the lack of screen time they have. Annie is one that I used to hate with a passion because of all the things she did, she brutally murdered a lot of soldiers on the forest arc in Season 1, she annihilated Levi's squad completely, assassinating them like they were insects, (I miss my girl, Petra...) and now she is on their alliance that was created to go against Eren. It's really frustrating to see Conny, Jean, Mikasa, Armin, Hange and Levi not having any problems to work with her or with Reiner that killed Marco and many other people. I think they all already forgot all of Annie and Laina's monstrousity.
The souls of their friends that died doesn't have any justice. They died for nothing.
Actually, they are dead now because of enemies that were there without them knowing it and today these enemy is somewhat on board with the Avengers group. Annie reappeared after literally being frozen for years and she met her old enemies suddenly when she was eating a pie and all of them just laughed. hahahahaha Bravo, Isayama! What a compelling writing. Anyway, I'm tired of talking about the story and characters, both of this two aspects sucks ass right now. Yeah!
The narrative is all about prasing genocide as the only answer to the cycle of hatred that existed and will always exist, like there is never any other option.
What a good message of the author, right? :)
If you don't agree with me, just read the manga until the end and in the very last chapter (SPOILERS AHEAD):
Armin thanks Eren for being a mass-murderer for them.
Yes, It is real. I wish it wasn't but it actually is. D I S G U S T I N G.
Art/Animation wise, just a lazy effort adaptation of the manga.
All the characters have that shit risks below their eyes, they tooked the manga panels and couldn't even remove this lame point of it? It's ugly and pathetic.
The characters feels depressed ALL OF THE TIME, even when they are having a happy/funny moment like on the flashback, when they were knowing the city and discovering some new foods and deserts, they seemed to be sad all the time.
Animation now relies too much on 3D on the fight scenes, mainly when titans are involved, the characters models feels inconsistent and souless. It's just that bad.
About the sound departament: It's slightly better than the previous part but still is unispiring and less impactful than all of the other seasons. OST's are poorly mixed in the situations that needed some powerful music to make us more conected to some specific scene, they just repeated some 3/4 songs almost all the time, it's even hard to remember a moment that had a nice OST playing that fitted perfectly.
The best part is that opening is a banger. Really strong music. The ending is okay.
And that's pretty much all I have to talk about this new part of the Final Season of Shingeki no Kyojin.
And what a fucking joke is this "Final", huh?
Attack on Titan the Final Season part 1 (2020)
Attack on Titan the Final Season part 2 (2022)
Attack on Titan the Final Season part 3 (2023)
What is next? Attack on Titan the Final Season, Final part: Last Movie (2024)?
After that we will have Attack on Titan the Final Episode: The Last Final (2025)??
Just end this dumpster fire of a show already, MAPPA. PLEASE!!!
Let's have some respect for what this show was and will never be again.
I used to be a fan of this show, now I hate it.
And I hate even more the fanboys that doesn't criticize anything.
I don't recommend, this part 2 of FINAL (haha) Season. It's bad.
Accept it like I did and let's move on without pretending this is great.
Thank you, Isayama. Thanks MAPPA.
I don't love this show anymore.
I blame both of you for that. ;D
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 19, 2022
Honestly, I only decided to watch this anime in the first place because I thought the premise is laughable: a virus that killed the majority of all men in the entire world and just a few ones survived and they have to have a lot of sex with random woman to re-populate the earth. It speaks for itself, right? Yeah!
But the problem with this anime is that the author didn't know what to do about the story, because sometimes feels like you are watching a worthless hentai that doesn't have enough sex scenes and no focus at all and also another moments seems that the
story is promising and interesting when actually it's not, the author wanted that we take this thing seriously, but how could we? I mean, take a shot everytime two characters are having a dialogue and at least one of them is without any clothes, man...you will get very drunk and fast! It's ridiculous.
The only character that I think it's fairly decent is the protagonist that I didn't remember the name, because this anime is trash, let's just call him Number 2.
Number 2 is a good guy, a trustful person with morals and coerent with himself and he stayed looking for his true love without failing into temptation. He had many oportunities to have sex with all of women you could ever imagine but he didn't, what a true man! This guy restored my faith in humanity a little bit and I mean it. The other man are all the same: have sex with woman treating them like garbage, using them like they are their pets, their personal objects and that's pretty much it, it's offensive how they portray woman in this story. Of course that exist countless man that is repulsive like that on our world, but on this story is 100% generalized.
The feminine characters are all underdeveloped and don't have much screen time on the story, either they are there to have sex 24/7 or to be evil as fuck. Oh, I forgot to mention before, but a small group of ladies is helping the MC through the investigations. They are okay, but we don't know much of them and I think we never will. Woman on this story exist just for fanservice or to be supportive.
That's it, Ironic, huh? In a world that more than 90% of all men are dead and only few of them survived, women doesn't appear as much as men, neither have the same importance, too. It's a shame.
Animation is fine, but could be better. Art design is mediocre.
Sound is bad, not a single OST that is memorable, the opening is forgettable.
The enjoyment is something personal and I can say that I think this anime is boring as hell to what. I watched for the memes and I must tell the truth:
what a disappointment!
Do you know that kind of anime that is so bad that is actually hilarious and makes you laugh hard? (like Ex-Arm). Well, this anime is not an example of so bad that is funny, it's just bad. Simple as that. I don't recommend.
Key words to describe: Boring, uninteresting, non-sense, forced, lame, pathetic.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Feb 13, 2022
What can be said about Demon Slayer that wasn't already stated before?
We all know that it's one of the most popular anime series since 2019, also that has one of (if not) the best animations ever made.
It's worth the praise? Deserve all the sucess or it's overhyped?
I'll try to express what I think of Kimetsu no Yaiba without being too harsh.
Demon Slayer has a pretty simple story. Kamado Kenjiro discouvers that his entire family has being murdered on cold blood by some mysterious creature, that later on is revealed to be a demon, and one of his sisters was alive - Nezuko and now she
became a demon after being infected, but instead of attacking other people like demons normally do nezuko can stay just fine without eating human flesh.
And know, he will go look for a cure to his sister while he started his training to become a demon hunter.
Season 1 has some random fights against the 1st Onis that appeared, some low level ones and 1 of the superior, too, that has included the epic episode 19 that is remarkable for the extremely beautiful moment captured by the GOD tier animation and the insert song that hits the moment just perfect. Before the end all the top tier Demon Slayers are introduced as the Hashira's. And the main trio was entering the train that was the place to happen the next arc (mugen ressha-hen).
And now it's time to talk about season 2.
They go on a mission to find out the location of the wives of Uzui Tengen, one of the Hashira's that were introduced before and also to fight and defeat an Oni that was behind some bad things going on the Entertainment District.
The problem that I have with Kimetsu no Yaiba is that the story is not engaging, interesting or anything on those lines. I mean, sure, you can watch and follow the narrative with no problem, but everthing is so predictable that is really boring.
When I'am watching and something is about to happen I already know what it's and I haven't read the manga yet. Also, I don't know why but the author has the necessity to explain every single point of the attacks, tecniques and moments on the batlle scenes leaving us the expectators only wondering:
"Am I stupid? Because I can't even have the pleasure to analyze for myself without everything is explained of me."
This is just lazy writing. I am sorry.
The characters are very uninteresting to me.
Kamado Tanjiro is the protagonist. He is honest, a loyal friend and a nice guy, he is so good that he wouldn't do anything different in any situation whatsoever, even if the context asked for some change of behaviour. He didn't change since the 1st S.
On the end he saw the heads of the 2 demon brothers that were together the superior 6° Oni on the floor, they were discussing hard after being destroyed and when the old brother was about to say that he wished that his sister was never being born Tanjiro went to shut him up, because he was wrong, like??? what?!?!
Why the author has to have the constant need to show that the MC is a completely good human being at any circumtances? It's plain stupid. There is no space EVER to see him as a normal person would struggle and conflict on himself with some specific situations. For example of a comparison, Gon of Hunter x Hunter is a brilliant character because he has a great construction and also good development.
At the beginning, he seemed to be a peaceful and nice kid, but at a certain moment of the show, he was just consumed by anger, hatred and other intense emotions.
He did things that were just crazy to see that I would never imagine happening.
Tanjiro is a MC that never leave me impressed or surprised. He is always the same.
Zenitsu is just as whinny and annoying as before and Inosuke is still the running crazy friend he was since the start.
Nothing changed. I'm serious.
The Hashira's doesn't have any screen time until only when they appear to go on a mission and when they have they die. Literally. What a sad thing.
There is no time to connect and feel close with any of them at all.
Uzui should have died but Nezuko suddenly could use a tecnique that cure and remove all the poison of him and Inozuke. Where and when she learned to do that?
I don't know. She only knows and that's it. Well explained. :D
Art/Animation wise, it's pretty obvious to say:
One of the best animations of the last decades.
Extremely beautiful, not even a single scene that wasn't perfect.
Fight scenes were amazing and crazy good to watch, very flashy and detailed.
Easily a 10 out of 10 here.
Ufotable is carrying this show, I am sorry.
The truth has to be spooken and accepted.
Sound area: Very good 8/10.
Some OST's are emotional and well fitted on the scenes.
THE OPENING IS A BANGER. The ending is okay.
But I think the soundtrack was better on the movie.
Enjoyment 6/10:
I could watch easily every episode.
It's an acessable anime that I would recommend to anyone.
Fights were very nice, dialogues were okay and story is nothing new.
Above average but not as good as could be...at least for me.
It's a mediocre shounen and overall an okay anime.
I don't think it deserves all the praise and hype but I understand.
The audiovisual of this show is just unbelivable. It's almost irresistible.
There are better shounen and so much better anime out there.
But if you want something easy and fun to watch, Kimetsu no Yaiba is for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Oct 7, 2021
Yes, our favorite gangsta is back!
Another season of Gokushufudou.
And of course, doesn't change much from what we had before...
First of all, one thing that remains and I absolutely love is that the jokes are still very good, every single one of them lands perfectly and makes me laugh hard.
Those awkward situations where two characters come close to each other with angry faces ALWAYS gets me. It's amazing due to the context they are in.
So, you are asking me right now:
"Why don't you give a higher score for this anime?"
Well...because there is a issue that is pretty relevant and if you haven't figured out:
The animation...or the lack of it.
The way they did the adaptation of the Gokushufudou's manga is terrible.
I can't emphasize enough how awful it is. Makes me sad and I mean it.
It's like they took the manga and made it on movement. That's it.
They couldn't think a better or more interesting way to adapt than just make those black and white pages get colored and with movement...lame as fuck.
I don't know if they did that on purpose or because they had a really low-budget but this kind of adaptation COMPLETELY DESTROYS the immersion on some moments that were supposed to be funny. When I see them being static with 0 fluid scenes and they only moving their mouth while talking I can't think anything else other than:
They could made one of the most successful comedy anime of all time.
(a enormous waste of potential)
Imagine if this anime had a animation'a quality like Kaguya-sama or even Saiki-Kusuo (isn't that good but far better than this), would be crazy and way more enjoyable, hands down.
And yes, animation's quality is a big deal when you talk about some specific anime (those of comedy) because they actually benefit from it when it's a well done job.
But it is what it's. What we can do is pretend that is okay and accept it...
Talking about other production parts of this piece of media, the sound area is easily tier GOD and I say that only because the VA's fits perfectly and the voice of the main character is LEGENDARY. It's almost like he was born to do this.
(Tsuda, Kenjirou: I love your work with all my heart!!!)
Also, the opening and ending are catchy and cool to listen to.
Not a single complain about it. Sound 10/10.
The characters, on the other hand, aren't anything special, but is not a problem since everyone of them makes me laugh and I think is great. They are believable
The protagonist is hilarious and anytime he is on focus is amazing. 7 out of 10.
Well, I guess that is not much more I can say about this anime.
At the end of the day, Gokushufudou is the reminder of how a great manga can be totally disgraced and disrespected with such a lazy effort adaptation.
Gokushufudou deserved more, so much more than what it has received.
It's okay and all, you can watch with no problem, but it's not special. Should be...
This anime gets a 6 out of 10.
Maybe one day they will adapt it better...let's hope for that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Sep 18, 2021
(Contains some spoilers, BE CAREFUL!)
That is the perfect word to describe what I feel about this anime.
First of all, the premise is kinda interesting but the execution is...not good.
Takemitchy, a 26 years old man discovers that his love interest of the time when he was a teenager, died because of clash of two gangs.
After an event he gains the opportunity to go back 12 years in time and now has to follow a plan step by step to prevent the death happening on the actual present of his life.
Do you think that he will try to do his best and make good choices, that
he will outsmart his opponents with some strategies or that I don't know, be at least useful in any imaginable way, right?
Well, prepare to know now what he does.
He cries. He panics. He overthink everything.
He is almost useless every single time that he is on screen.
I'm not saying that he can't be emotional or weak, because those things can make a great protagonist if done in the right way, like for example, Subaru of Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu.
Subaru is not strong, powerful, influential, threatning or any thing like that.
But he is determined and does whatever is necessary to achieve his goals, even if takes time, effort and/or sacrifice himself in the process to reach what he wants to do at that certain time.
Takemitchy, at the end of the day, doesn't seem to learn or grow at all.
He is an adult in his teenager's body of the past, but he has the mentality of a grow-up man, or at least, should have, you know?
But he makes bad choices or doesn't even think properly before anything.
Some example is when Kisaki is about to enter the Toman's gang, baby boy (that is one of the few names I give to him), see that and what he will do?
Suddenly run on that direction and punch that dude on the fucking face!!!!
What he was thinking? Only him knows what happens on the future and the fact that Kisaki is bad news, a real threat but instead of just act that he is on board with the enemy being close now or trying to be pacient and make decisions that will lead him to get to know more about the guy, he just lose his mind. He is like kid Naruto in a way that when got pissed by someone, went instantly agaisnt the enemy, running like a idiot, not thinking.
But Naruto at the very least, had self confidence, determination and the will to change his life. Takemitchy just...don't have many qualities.
Another moment that he is 100% useless is at the climax of Bloody Halloween arc. Baji is about to die because he is stabbed by Kazutora while Mikey's screwed because he's hurt and has to face many guys that went to take him down. What baby blonde dude does?
Run on his direction? Try to make a distraction with the idea of making time to help Mikey to escape? Look for a weapon on the floor and fight?
Throw something on the enemy?
Nothing. He stares at his friends, crying and thinking:
"OMG, this is bad.
That guy is going to die.
What can I do? I'm useless.
If I could make something..."
Jesus Christ man, it's infuriating. This guy is unlikeable most of the time.
Not many good things can be said about him.
Some moments he does something but almost 90% of the situations he's the incapable of doing anything. He doesn't even try.
About the other characters, few of them are quite interesting, like Draken, he's one of the biggest reasons to watch this show.
The guy is nice and chill, and of course is strong, has the guts to stand and fight, he is loyal, he is understanding, has a good background.
The scenes that he is the focus I always find myself curious to know more about him. Good character. Mikey is another one that may be boring on the surface but actually has a complex personality. Doesn't show much of what he thinks or feels, but when he does is genuine. Strong, respectful, has great leadership, is a guy that I would follow with no problem.
Hinata is a character that is supposed to be very important on the story and know what? She doesn't appear frequently. She is here is there sometimes, but many times, a completely ghost. Seems like the MC is trying to save the life of a total stranger, even that is somebody that he used to love and date on the past, they two has nearly 0 scenes together.
Before he found out that she died they had being apart for a long time.
And when he goes back in the past to go on the mission to save her life, he doesn't stay much time with her. Why he would like to know her better or stay with his older lover to be closer when he can stay away from her?
After all, connect and establish a trustful relationship with the person he will try to save the life is not important.
It seems that is not worth his time
The characters are okay, in fact, I don't care much about them.
Some things that needs to be addressed:
- The time travel concept is barely explored in any imaginable way and feels like it's only a plot devide to works conveniently in favor of the protagonist.
- Parents, relatives, teachers, police officers, any person that could represent a responsible adult on the story doesn't exist at all.
Only Hinata's mom that appeared one time and that's it.
- The fighting of this shounen is just nonsense. A adult that goes down instantly with a high kick of a teenager, another one that manages to make a dude fly over a long distance, a child who is able to take several blows of iron bar on the head and stand up; etc...So many BS things that are overly exagerrated.
The art design is good. I really like it.
The author made a good job creating different and stylish visuals.
The animation are okay, could be better. Some scenes are not clean.
I give a 6 out of 10 here.
Sound 8/10:
I think it's well done.
The opening music is a banger, no doubt about that.
The ending song is really enjoyable too.
The OST's were fitting on the scenes, they are atmospheric.
I'm disappointed as I said here earlier.
I expected more. Maybe something more exciting.
The first few episodes are pretty good, but the quality start to drop quickly while you watch week after week.
The final episode had a awful ending, I was like:
"That's it? This is the end of the final episode of the 1st season? Lame."
6 on a scale of 1 to 10.
Overall 5/10:
Truth be told, this is a mediocre series
It's fine, like, watchable and okay at best, being generous, but it's not necessarily good because lacks many things:
A intelligent and well constructed plot, more characters with minimum development, good dialogues, believable situations, dinamic figths and the most important thing: A LIKEABLE AND RELATABLE MC that you can genuinely root for, because this guy is a shame.
I'm sorry, but is a fact.
One of the most overrated anime of the entire year.
Doesn't deserve all the praise it gets, but it is what it is.
I wouldn't recommend it because this wasn't worth my time.
So please, only watch if want to see brainless figths, plot holes, shit MC, a and a overall inconsistent story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Aug 30, 2021
(This review does contain some minor spoilers, be aware of it)
Fumetsu no Anata e, or "To your Eternity", just ended it's 1st season and let me tell you the honest truth: This anime is something else.
I can't express in words how those stories and characters makes me feel, the way that they conect with me is unbelievable.
First of all, let's talk about the story, shall we? Story 10/10:
One day some misterious being is sent to the Earth and doesn't have any emotions, feelings or sense of self or even identity. This being is basically a shapeshifter that can transform into other things and creatures, but
first has to reach some specific moment to this happen.
Along the way Fushi, our main character, start to meet new people, making friendships and also new enemies as well and with with all the contact he establishes he learns more about the world around him, how to speak, how to write, how to express what he is feeling, how to understand some situations and how to do things by himself.
It's important to note that he is immortal, but this not make him invencible or a kind of badass MC that wins every single fight, he is actually weak and can't do much against stronger opponents that he eventually face.
In other words, he's not OP and it's interesting to see him growing up as an individual at the same time that he continues his journey.
Some moments of the story you can relate not only with him but to other people as well and the feelings they have are demonstrated in such a meaningful way that it's amazing!
Art/Animation 8/10:
The animation is very good most of the time.
Some moments are not great and has some minor issues, but that's okay.
The art design is beautiful and unique, it's kind impressive and memorable the faces of all the characters.
Sound 9/10:
The opening fits perfectly well with the themes and narrative of the anime.
The ending is good, but I didn't like as much as the opening.
The narrator is made by Kenjiro Tsuda, the extremely talented seiyuu that gived life for characters such as: Overhaul (BnH), Hannes (Shingeki), Nanami (Jujutsu) and many more.
He was perfect doing his job here.
The characters overall had excellent voices, can't complain about it.
Character 10/10:
One of the best parts about this anime.
All of the characters had their own complex personality and they all feel realistic to me. I could find interesting things about them every scene that they did something worth to analyze. Parona was one of my favorite ones.
She is a woman that was trying to live moving foward, despite the bad things that have happened in her life. Another character that is hard to not remember is March, a little girl that had a dream to grow up and be an adult, she just wanted to become a mother and make her family.
Gugu, was another one that always made smile and cry.
I could go on and on talking about them and it's crazy how the characters are impressive and well written. Easy 10 out of 10.
Enjoyment 10/10:
First time that I watched this anime I was so involved with the setting and the first scenes that I couldn't wait for the next episodes.
Literally, all the episodes were very entertaining, few of them were not so high impactful as other ones but they were very good, too.
Overall 10/10:
I don't care if other people will agree or not, but this anime is one of the best of this year and truly deserves all the praise it receives.
I could say that the experience I had watching was simply wonderful.
I laughed, I cried and I felt like I was on that journey with Fushi.
Maybe the message is: live your life the way you want doing things you like to do with people you like as your company, because, you know, all of us will die someday. Life just happens and you need to enjoy it!
Final thoughts:
This is a masterpiece.
Extremely well done. Top tier anime.
I would recommend it to all my friends.
Thanks for reading and you if agree with me, give an upvote. :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 2, 2021
If someone told me that exists an anime that the story is about some girls that like to camp by their own or in groups just to have fun I wouldn't believe it.
I couldn't imagine before that an anime with this premise would be so interesting.
Yuru Camp is an anime with a simple and practical story.
Girls that decide to start camping on peaceful and beautiful places.
When they're not camping, we just see what they normally do on a daily basis.
The story itself doesn't matter much because it's not the main focus.
So you ask me: why I would watch this anime that is just about camping?
my answer to you is: because this anime is not only about camping!
It's about life that can be lived to the fullest in many ways.
It's about feeling joy and having fun, about enjoying the things around you, enjoying the company of your friends and also your own company, about enjoying nature, about loving and respecting animals, about getting to know yourself better, about wanting to live life as completely as possible.
About being productive and making the most of everything.
Absolutely gorgeous, the nature and all the landscapes were always beautiful.
The animation is very well done and the design of the characters is amazing.
Not a single flaw or issue about this area. 10/10
Sound - OST's, VA's and Opening/Ending:
The soundtrack fits perfectly well with all the scenes, places and also the overall mood of the anime. All of the OST's are calm and smooth. They give a cool feeling.
The opening is full of hapiness, very exciting. The ending is wonderfull and relaxing.
So I give a 10 out of 10.
They are all cute, sweet and lovely girls.
Nadeshiko is the personification of happiness.
Always with a smile on her face and excited to do everything.
Rin is the personification of tranquility. She is responsible and organized.
The other girls are kind and friendly in their own ways. I loved them all. 10/10
Enjoyment and Overall:
All the episodes filled me with joy and excitement.
It's a fun anime that has always left me calm and peaceful,
Almost a treatment to remove all my sadness, make me forget my problems and also make me feel good and happy. I could never be more satisfied with this anime.
Actually is more than just an anime, it is a very exciting, well balanced, magical and inspiring audiovisual work. Extremely fun, relaxing and very exciting, too.
It brings valuable lessons and makes us reflect on important things in our life.
Truly a masterpiece! 10/10 It deserves more recognition. I will miss it a lot. <3
Have fun and live life to the fullest. o/
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 28, 2021
Shingeki no Kyojin, as known as Attack on Titan is an anime that everyone has seen at least 1 time and is very popular, well received and praised until today.
This is one of the best anime shounen that come to existence.
I always was a big fan of this anime series since the first time I saw it years ago.
I waited so long for this final season to arrive and when it did I followed the season week after week. And now I have to say that I'm kinda dissapointed...
The Final Season of Shingeki no Kyojin is overrated and overhyped.
It doesn't mean that it is bad
or anything like that but it's not a masterpiece or really great as many people are saying and reinforcing to death.
Here I will explain why I think this season was not so good as it should be.
Story 7/10:
After 4 years have passed since the resumption of the Shiganshina district, we are now seeing the war between Marley and Mid-East Allied Forces.
The battle is finally over and the side that emerged victorious is Marley.
They are preparing new candidates to become the holders of the titan powers in Marley’s possession because of the end of Zeke and Reiner's 13-year tenure as the Bestial and Armored Titans. While some people of other countries are gathering there for an event to take place.
The plot of this fourth season is interesting but the narrative's structure is a mess.
First we see all the things that happen pos time-skip at once and only after the conclusion of the arc that we discouver the motivations that Eren had to left and attack at the declaration of War of Willy's Tybur.
Why should I care about this explosive conflict between Marley and the Eldians on the Paradis Island if all the things that brought them to this point in the first place were presented in a flashback after the arc of invasion? This doesn't make sense.
If I'm supposed to get attached to the history then make it that the things that made all this war happen in the first place are constructed step by step before the conflict finally explodes with those people that goes against each other.
The way that was built up is the reason that I find it unimpressive.
Another thing that I think it is a problem is the poor utilization and very few appearances of the pure titans.
Do you remember when they were dangerous, when they represented a constant fear and generated a sense of chaos, panic and insecurity? Not anymore! Why?
Because they never attack or appear at all, only when it is extremely convenient or necessary for the plot like in the forest arc that has the Levi vs Zeke battle.
Zeke invoked them by using the ability of his titan's power to create his own army of Titans. It's okay that he can do that because we saw it before on other situation.
I just think that the main reason why this show was unique and extraordinary once now is long gone. At least for me.
Their presence was natural and really important on the AOT's world and universe as a whole as well and now they're just a tool to be used sometimes (when they appear). Lame.
Now it is just a political conflict with war between nations without any Titans. :)
What about the Titan shifters? Oh, man!
I thought they were so strong and equally important but apparently they are not.
The majority of them are just useless and powerless against Eren.
Eren is invencibly. Do you know that he already has the power and abilitys of 3 titans?
After the time-skip he had a battle with the Warhammer Titan that was apparently far stronger that his titan's form and he actually winned the combat with the help of Mikasa.
One more time he wins a fight with in stupid way.
He had help to win that combat otherwise he would be dead by that point.
The only one that is actually a good and impressive Titan shifter is Zeke.
Reiner? He is a joke. Whenever he is fighting you know he will lose.
He's the armored titan but can't receive any damage whatsoever that he goes down 100%. Awesome! Always being destroyed in his fights. SUPER. \o/
What can we say about Annie that was literally frozen since season 1 after the final fight with Eren and never came back? Wonderful!
Why Isayama would have to develop or utilize properly her in any creative or productive way when he can pretend that she doesn't exist for many years? hahaha
Galliard is a guy that couldn't do nothing because he doesn't have any importance whatsoever, he will do anything against Eren even if he have some help of other Titan shifter. Do you know why?
Because Eren is the protagonist and he will always destroy him.
Jaw, Armored and Warhammer Titans were only there on the story to be defeated by Eren with virtually 0 effort. They were used as plot devices more than anything else.
Colossus Titan almost never appear. Don't wait for more transformations of Armin.
He once transformed at the invasion on Marley's arc and will transform only one more time next the end and that's it. ;D
I could spend all the day talking about the bad use of them by the author.
This is a shame. I would really like to see them being more important on the series.
Anyway, the story is good more for the connection established by the construction of the plot previously on the first seasons.
And for that I give here just a 7 out of 10.
Art - Animation 6/10:
Oh my God, I will have to be honest and tell the truth instead of those people that are pretending this part of the anime is amazing. It is not. Seriously.
The animation quality dropped so much compared to what we had on season 1-3.
Many scenes that you see the characters they are being static with few movements when they walking/ running or even fighting.
The characters actions are limited and the art design is also inconsistent. Characters that look good in one scene or episode on another moment doesn't.
The fight scenes are boring as fuck to watch.
Eren vs Warhammer on the trailer was SO MUCH BETTER that is so depressing to see them clashing on the anime. Those 3D models of them were crappy. Real trash.
The 2D Titan shifters were infinitely better looking than those new 3D Titans.
Levi vs Zeke was okay, but on the manga was way more intense and imersive.
On the previous seasons we had dinamic movements with fluid scenes of the DMT being used by the soldiers tropes, we had Annie vs Eren that was epic, we had top tier animation fights just like Levi vs Zeke (more like one-side fight but okay haha), we had the insane revelation of Bertholdt and Reiner as being respectively Colossus and Armored titan.
Hell, even those cool action scenes of Levi facing Kenny and the gang on the streets were absolutely crazy.
On this season we only have one or two scenes, three at max, that are great and very well animated on the episodes: Declaration of War, Sasha's Death and Zeke's past were 10/10.
Anything else are average of below that...sad but true.
Sound 4/10:
The OST's that are used on this Final Season are less impactful than ever.
I barely can even remember a moment when a song was playing that made it so remarkable as the many epic scenes with GOD tier soundtrack that we had before.
The poor mix of them doesn't help either.
Some moments we listen to OST's that felt totally out of place.
The new opening has an okay music but nothing compared to classic openings like:
Guren no Yumiya, Sasageyou and the underrated Jiyuu no Tsubasa.
The song of the season 3 part 2 opening also smash this new one, too.
The only thing that I found it amazing is the song of the ending, very good.
For being only decent and average at best that I give here a 4 of 10.
Character 7/10:
This is one of the best parts of the anime series but is not very good.
There are so many interesting and important characters like Armin, Hange, Zeke, Levi, Falco, Gabi; etc. I didn't mention the edgy lord MC cause I hate him.
The problem of AOT is that the characters doesn't get much development as they could receive and when they are developed we don't know how, when or what happened that made them change. Mikasa never gets any good treatment.
She is pretty much the same she always was. This is clear as the day when we saw her stopping Armin that was trying to go against Eren on their reunion.
That shit pissed me off. Armin is now someone who almost never wants to fight or plan an surprise attack on his enemies or make something tactically genius (like he constatly did before) and instead of those things he only wants to talk and to choose diplomatic solutions. I like him a lot, I always did, but I miss him being more active.
Eren...what can I say about this motherfucker? He is a completely different character now.
We didn't see him changing with our own eyes on the actual history itself, he changed off-screen on the time-skip process. We see some points here and there that may helped him to get to what he is now but only through flashbacks. His development is so sudden and radical that is almost unbelievable. Seems forced sometimes.
He choosed to left and disapear of Paradis Island, infiltrate the enemy's nation by himself, without any help and in the last hour he invited everybody for his rescue and backup for when he would being attack all the people there were present at the declaration of war.
He killed innocent people. He killed civilians that were Eldians slaves.
And he couldn't care less about what he did.
If Eren demonstrated any emotion or stop at any time whatsoever to think about his actions I think I could sympathize more with him. I know, war is war, right?
True but doesn't mean that when he is doing something I have to praise or accept anyway.
He didn't had a good development.
More than 3 seasons with almost 60 episodes and 10 years going by so he could grow up and do anything but cry and scream all the time.
But whatever, enough of talking about him.
Other characters like Connie, Sasha (RIP), Mikasa, Historia, Pieck, Galliard; etc doesn't get any good screen time to be developed.
Enjoyment 6/10:
It was okay for the most part but that's it.
Not epic or incredible anymore. I lost almost all the interest on this series.
The great old but gold times when I finished an arc or a season and get 100% hyped to continue watching is beyond gone.
I'm not even sad that this Final Season of the anime has finished, it's actually a relief that I will not have to watch this anime for a while.
If I would describe my enjoyment with this Final Season of AOT with one phrase:
"Worth it for being Shingeki no Kyojin, but if it was another anime with the same history and some ajusted things, would be a mediocre show."
Overall 6/10:
I would give at least an 8 or 7 but I actually give a 6.
It's an okay season, good at best. But not as good as anything that came before.
Sorry but that's what I think. I'm dissapointed with this season.
I'm not hyped as I was anymore and only thinking about AOT makes me sad.
If you are a fan of the series is a must watch.
If you are not than it's better to watch other anime instead.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 26, 2021
There is a time when we have to say goodbye to something or someone that we love so much and with a lot of passion and this moment hurts, but what can we do?
It happens and the only thing left is to deal with it.
Jujutsu Kaisen is finishing and I'm already missing this anime.
Is an anime that made me happy and very excited for a new episode every single week and when a new episode was released, was the best part of my day.
It's a rare gem of the shounen genre.
It has been a while since a felt this way about an anime.
I am
being serious when I say that this anime is unique and really surprising.
But okay, let's talk about it with more details.
Story 8/10:
The story itself is not the best part or the most impressive but it's still very good.
A world that curses, espirits and evil creatures exists and not many people can see, talk or interact with them and the few persons that can are training to learn how to face and defeat those threats is kinda interesting.
The things they do, how they organize their groups and how they affect all the things around them are fascinating. From the beginning we see a lot of problematic situations envolving people that are being attacked, manipulated or possessed by the curses and all of those cases are with reasons behind it that are more than just the typical "We are evil for the sake of it".
I like to see the motivations and the objetives that leaved them to that point so far.
It is clear that the story will get much better in the coming seasons with more key elements and important points being presented. But for now it is very good.
There are so many things that happen in this 1° season of Jujutsu Kaisen that I think is so fucking amazing, but I will not mention any of them because this review is spoiler free, but the opening made a great job tricking us...Nice on, MAPPA! ;)
Characters 10/10:
I really like all of the characters, every one of them are so well constructed, with good motivations, an interesting personality and with their own charisma.
Itadori is a great protagonist because instead of just being the MC that wants to be the best or the biggest one in something or someone that wants to be recognized he is just trying to save and protect as many people as possible, do good things in his life while he can and that's it. A realistic person.
Megumi is a good friend that always is there to help and be supportive and is also someone trustful. He is a guy who's trying to improve in his fighting skills but has some issues to resolve. Nobaru is a strong and determined girl who likes to fight but without losing her feminine style.
Also friendly and a nice person, but gets angry really fast sometimes. She's great.
Gojou Satoru is a badass. The overpowered one that everbody loves and respect.
The perfect example of how to write an insanely powerful character. Simple as that.
There so many charismatic and interesting characters that I could talk about them all day long with no problem whatsoever. An anime full of extraordinary examples.
Before I forget I have to say that Jujutsu is one of the best at developing and highlighting female characters and make them really important and useful in creatives and productive ways and does not use the girls only for fanservice or to just makes them secondary at best like many other shounens.
In Naruto for instance the girls there only exist to be the wife of the guys and that is pretty much it. Not in Jujutsu Kaisen, they are badass, they are indepedent, they are what they want to be and that is trully impressive and beautiful.
Art - Animation 10/10:
The animation is always pretty damn good, everything looks so solid and smooth.
The fight scenes are very well choreographed with a clean and decent art style.
I think in this aspect is truly a masterpiece. Absolutely flawless. Maximum quality.
Sound 9/10:
Both openings are fantastic with catchy song themes.
Kakai Kitan is the opening that makes you want to watch all the anime by itself.
Lost in Paradise is the most swaggy and satisfatory ending song in anime ever.
Is so fucking good that goes beyond my comprehension. Almost unbelievable.
The 2° ending is nice, but it's nothing compared with the previous one.
VA's are all great and combine perfectly well with the characters.
(Sukuna's voice is the GOAT)
The only thing that I would like to critize more is the OST's.
I think they could do a better mix and also a more remarkable soundtrack.
Only for the OST's and the second ending song that I give here a 9 of 10.
Enjoyment 10/10:
I love this anime so much that I can't express in words this feeling.
Not a single episode that I didn't like it or thought that could be better.
Not a single time that I wasn't amazed and extremely happy watching it.
The day a new episode of Jujutsu Kaisen was released was the best day.
Became my new favorite anime so fast that all my friends were surprised.
I would recommend it for anyone. Period. Thank you God for JJK. I needed it. :D
Overall 10/10:
Jujutsu Kaisen is a masterpiece. And that's just my opinion.
Of course it is not a perfect anime because there is no such thing like that.
But it's so well crafted, truly refreshing, interesting, impressive and exciting that is impossible to not say that is one of the best anime shounen that I've ever seen.
Has potencial to be even greater on the next years and I am glad to have watched while it was airing this 1° season.
Deserve all the hype and the credits that is receiving.
Thanks for reading and give an upvote with you liked my review. o/
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 6, 2020
One Piece is a masterpiece extremely rich in details and very well developed.
Has an imense universe of places, stories, characters, relationships and creatures which shows how genius, creative and wonderful storyteller Eichiro Oda really is.
The narrative delivers a story that tells a world marked by pirates, people who have launched themselves into the seas in search of new places, achieve their own goals and make history, living life as freely and without regret as possible.
It is a story that addresses the issue of freedom quite a lot and intrinsically has to do with this theme, although it does not deal with it in a direct
and explicit way, you can observe in several different characters the way they are free, the importance and what means seeking to be someone free.
The characters are all very well developed, they have a complex personality and are very authentic in design, ranging from the simplest and most normal in clothes and behavior to even the most peculiar and extravagant, they are charismatic and win us over their own ways, being close friends to the main group or not (in the case of enemies and even the villains they generate large and quick identification)
Even in the origin story itself and in the things they do, you realize how intense and interesting they are, since they always surprise and manage to mark us deeply.
Various topics are addressed, such as: Racism, prejudice, hunger, abandonment, abuse, pain of loss (grief), loneliness, corruption and even justice, which is put to the test and considered as correct and true in special contexts, where the good and evil can be reversed and assume opposite and controversial roles.
Justice is questioned several times with the plot in an intelligent way through events and moments in which it depends on the point of view and the way it is analyzed.
The anime has a collection of OSTs (Original Sound Trackings) that perfectly captures the emotional essence of each of the passages, scenes, struggles, memories, dialogues and events, causing a vivid feeling of: pain, joy, surprise, admiration, hope, peace , motivation, fear, panic, chaos, conflict, suffering, pre-battle warming, struggle, friendship, rivalry, overcoming; etc. Apart from the openings, which for the most part are absolutely perfect and of an extraordinary admiration and nostalgia.
As last considerations, it can be said that it is not a anime/manga for anyone, since not everyone has the courage and shows patience to start watching and following from the beginning, just because of the size of the number of chapters / episodes and others for the pure prejudice with the author's traits, which are caricatures and do not please all tastes.
But even so, it can certainly be considered what it really is, a masterpiece, an extraordinary creation by a talented and dedicated author and an absolute perfection of the highest possible technical quality, in all aspects.
It is difficult to find another anime / manga (mainly manga) as cohesive, coherent, interesting, attractive, engaging, dynamic, intense, complex, deep, comprehensive, striking, unique and special as One Piece is.
It has enough of all that is good and does everything that is proposed very well.
He manages to conquer millions of fans every year, a sales leader, breaking world records, culturally marking places around the world and serving as a great inspiration and references to other works and other authors, among other indisputable facts.
For those who have an open mind and heart, this is the anime that I recommend.
Simply perfect!!!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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