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Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan
Bleach: Sennen Kessen-hen - Soukoku-tan
Mar 6, 12:28 AM
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Fairy Tail: 100-nen Quest
Fairy Tail: 100-nen Quest
Nov 13, 2024 3:41 PM
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One Piece
Nov 13, 2024 3:41 PM
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Black Clover
Black Clover
May 2, 2021 2:46 PM
Reading 4/? · Scored -

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SuperGreenTea Sep 6, 2022 1:05 PM
Haha. Indeed.

I never pressure people in these things. It's totally up to them.
SuperGreenTea Sep 5, 2022 5:28 PM
CosmicStardust14 Sep 6, 2021 3:44 AM
Happy Birthday!!
SuperGreenTea Jul 21, 2021 12:48 PM
Yeah, the Myth and Roid openings for Overlord are rather iconic and I can well imagine that people who have yet to see the series would be able to recognize them. Overlord is one of my fave isekai's and is a bit like if you crossed Log Horizon with Dungeons and Dragons, or another sword and sorcery dark fantasy. It can be quite cruel and violent but there's also a nice dash of humor to it, as well. I'm sure it'll be right up your street.

Yeah, on completion, Alicization (season 1) is probably the best SAO, and if you include War of Underworld (Alicization part 2) then it definitely is. At 47 episodes, it contains so much content and sensational and thought-provoking moments. Also, the combat and action sequences were rather astonishing and a definite evolution of what's come before in the franchise. I'd say it was also one of Kajiura's best OSTs, and perhaps it was just a tad behind Unlimited Budget Works' style of art and animation. I think there's a fair chance that the Progressive movie will be on a par with Ufotable. Let's see. Things are always evolving!

I dropped Black Clover at episode 20 as I started to get bogged down in a particular section but I really enjoyed the first 10 episodes. It kinda reminded me of Fairy Tail but with a whole bunch of new characters. Tbh I didn't think Asta's voice was that annoying in the English dub. If I ever have time in the future, I'll try to give it a second chance.

Woah, the top 5 Fairy Tail arcs are still to come! That makes it seem all the more enticing!

Likewise, I know basically zero Japanese words as I'm terrible at picking up other languages. Foreign languages were always my worst subjects at school but I excelled at everything else, like Maths and Science, as well as subjects taught in English like History, Religious Studies, Sociology, and Geography.

Soz for the delay in replying, I've been caught up in some things but I think I have some free time for anime and MAL again, so I'm looking forward to pressing ahead with the Otaku lifestyle lol. How have you been during this time? There's been this heatwave hitting the UK and it's been pretty difficult to cope with. Too hot to even eat anything substantial during daylight hours. I definitely find the high (atmospheric) pressure oppressive and draining. Do you follow any seasonals? There's this new series called 86 which I stumbled into that's highly reminiscent of AOT and has started very strongly. I have high expectations for it and the first few episodes have been of the finest quality. If you like war-themed anime, I couldn't recommend it more.
SuperGreenTea Jul 13, 2021 7:25 PM

A treat for ya!
SuperGreenTea Jul 12, 2021 4:16 PM
I was too silly to recognize or appreciate its worth the first time around. You're right, it is quite different from the other anime adaptations. Completely different vibe and atmosphere. I won't forget your long message. It's in the pipeline :)
MG20010604 Jun 30, 2021 2:41 AM
cool i like it because i like characters for me not a bad anime
MG20010604 Jun 29, 2021 1:46 PM
you have amazing taste
SuperGreenTea Jun 19, 2021 3:01 PM
Firstly, sorry about the delay in replying. I've been snowed under with comments lately, and I've not been able to make much headway.

Other than Log Horizon I'd say my other fave Isekai shows are Overlord and SAO. I've actually just started a rewatch of SAO Alicization and I'm enjoying it so much more than I did previously. I think there were other things competing for my attention at the time and I just didn't make any effort to reach out with my concentration or consciousness or to try to connect with it. It's totally different this time around though, and I'm definitely reaping the benefits. How do you feel about SAO? I ask because I know it's a bit of a decisive title. There's no need to sugarcoat it if it's a negative feeling, you can speak your mind freely with me!

Oh, regarding Fairy Tail, I've put it on hold for now but I plan to come back to it again sometime in the future. There's a lot of episodes to commit to and I want to get through some rewatches of shorter series first. I always enjoy it when I drop in on it though, and I won't forget about it.

Yeah, I'm the same as you, in that some emotional scenes get to me, or resonate better with me in English because it's going directly into the brain without any translation process or conscious effort. We're fortunate that we live in a time when dubs are now regarded as a professional industry that attracts highly talented people. If it was just amateurs reading out the lines without any feeling then maybe I would prefer to watch everything subtitled but alas, this is not the case.

Yes, I finally finished the English dubbed Heaven's Feel trilogy rewatches, but I had already seen them all with Japanese audio, as soon as each of them had become available. My final score for them all was an 8/10. Rin is still the best girl for me and the UBW route is still my fave, but the movies were decent enough. The art and animation were incredible and there were many wonderful musical pieces on the OST. On the downside, the dialogue was sometimes a bit hard to get a handle on and make proper sense of, which is completely the opposite of the UBW series, and it was overly brooding and melancholic for me. There was an all-pervading dank, dark, grim, and gloomy atmosphere to it which was unrelenting, and there wasn't a single mirthful or comedic moment throughout the entire trilogy. For me personally, my very favorite franchises manage to encompass a wide range of different moods, emotional states, and atmospheres. Stuff like Naruto Shippuden, FMAB, HxH (2011), ATLA, Trollhunters, and even Fate/stay UBW.

I'm contemplating giving the latest Re:Zero a go because I'm curious about how Betty gets on in it, but sadly, unlike you, I feel no connection to Subaru lol. Hey, don't give up on life, Lars, no matter how bad it gets!

Oh, rereading your last correspondence has reminded me about Angel Beats. I'm still serious about giving it a shot and might even try the first episode later tonight. Thanks again for the recommendation.

Adieu, for now, buddy!

P.S. I just saw Alicization in your faves after posting this latest comment. Ah, I'm glad that it's something we both like. Imagine, I was enjoying the rewatch without any conscious knowledge of your appreciation for it! I'm just at the part where Kirito is going to sort out those two bullies, Raios and Humbert. Things are about to get heavy and rather graphic!

SuperGreenTea Jun 2, 2021 6:22 PM
I was just saying to someone that if it's not worthy of a rewatch, or makes you want to rewatch it, then it's not worthy to be a favorite. I've rewatched all my MAL top 10, and most of my top 20.

I loved the parts where Izuzu composed some unheard-of before, new songs and music, to add to the Elder Tales database. I really enjoy the intricacies in the worldbuilding of that series.

I'm glad to hear that Laxus reappears. He seems like a super-powerful badass. Edolas Natsu is comical in his wimpiness, and even enjoys driving! Yeah, I'm usually an English dubbed watcher. Probably 95% of the time. I think they did a great job with the script and voice performances in Fairy Tail, and it's nice that a lot of my fave VA's feature in the main roles.

Wow, another worldbuilding Dr. Stone season would be great. I love the discovery and invention part of the show. I'm expecting the old, buff, crafting guy to end up getting very excited about the new advances! I like Kohaku so I'll be interested to see how she features in season 3. I like all the OP and ED songs. They really have a nice chilled-out vibe that suits Senkuu's personality. I mean, he's one chilled-out dude! Even the direst of circumstances fail to faze him, and he has something prepared for every eventuality!

I only have the final Heaven's Feel left now. I loved the ED song of the second movie and I've just downloaded it. I think the English dub has helped me to understand Sakura a lot better than before. That second movie was quite emotionally heavy and was certainly worthy of an upgrade to a 9/10. The animation, artwork, and OST, were all exemplary. Rider has a cool design and it's a nice twist that she features much more prominently than in UBW. I was shocked that her role was over so quickly in UBW.

OK. I will try to give Angel Beats a go. I had another MAL friend highly recommend it to me as well, and it seems like it's a permanent member of the MAL most popular charts. My fave Re:Zero so far has been Memory Snow, but it's a less well-liked one by the MAL populous for some reason. Y'know, I'm still not overly invested in Subaru's trial and tribulations. In his pains and his euphoria. I just can't seem to relate or warm to his character. Betty is my favorite, I suppose. Lol. I'd like to see more of her. Maybe Betty will be enough of an enticement to check out the second part of season 2. Do you know if a third season is in the pipeline or not?
SuperGreenTea May 29, 2021 10:26 PM
I've seen long-running series like Naruto/Shippuden and Bleach twice, so there's no reason not to indulge in a second watch. Also, you often pick up things you missed the first time around.

Yeah, Laxus was a good antagonist and it was quite surprising to see how powerful his little rebel group was. There were many awesome confrontations. I've heard Jellal mentioned by Wendy a few times but I think we're going to find out more as it goes on. It was kinda hinted that Jallal might be Mystogan, or have something to do with him at least. Unless I just got the wrong impression of all that. Haha, I thought you might like Juvia. She makes a good couple with Grey I must say, although it's funny when their roles are reversed in the Edolas arc. He's really needy and insecure and she's like a dominatrix or something!

Yeah, all the younger members of the guild have their moments in the spotlight. The world-famous Rundlehaus Code, Miss Izuzu the (musical) bard, and of course, Minori's brother Toyah the samurai in training, and cute little Serara, as well.

Yep, only the last episode to go with the Stone Wars now. The penultimate episode was really tense and dramatic. I didn't know what the outcome would be and I'm still not 100% sure if you know who's going to make it or not. I think he might be a goner. It was nice when the two of them high-five at the end, though. It was like they finally reconciled their differences. Oh, wow, I didn't know a third season was scheduled. It definitely deserves one though, as it's been one of the freshest and most original mainstream/shounen series in a while. Also, Senkuu is quite the charismatic and loveable lead. I really enjoyed that worldbuilding in season 1 and I'd like to see more technological progress and scientific advances, and some new stories introduced, going forward. To the power of science!

I'm actually rewatching the Heaven's Feel trilogy in English dub right now and I have to say, I think I enjoyed the first movie (the only one I've seen so far) more like that, as there were brilliant voice performances in all the main roles, and it was easier for me to follow and empathize with the characters and their emotions. I boosted the rating from an 8 to a 9 and it'll be interesting to see if I can better understand the two following movies in this (dubbed) incarnation and whether it will affect my ratings. I was already a fan of Fate/stay UBW and I think Heaven's Feel dubbed might end on a similar kinda level for me.

I just had a look at our affinities list to see if there's anything I've given a 10, that you've not seen yet. I'd say March Comes in Like a Lion is a delight if you're looking for something gentler and more true to life, and AOT would be suitable if you're looking for action and dramatic thrills. Girls Last Tour is a slow-burning, slice-of-life mystery, that's spellbinding and surprisingly thought-provoking. The two main girls are very entertaining and memorable and there are many heartwarming and beautiful moments shared between them, as well as adventures and explorations in a deserted post-apocalyptic world. Take your pick. I'd heartily recommend them all!
SuperGreenTea May 25, 2021 8:37 PM
Wow, that's a lot of episodes to watch twice, but I've done the same myself with both Naruto/Shippuden and Bleach.
I'm not ashamed in admitting I've seen most of Bleach, twice. Lol

Yeah, I'll try to keep you in mind when I've completed a particularly good arc. My fave so far has been the Battle for Fairy Tail, where the guild owner’s grandson Laxus Dreyar comes to try and claim Fairy Tail for himself. Though Laxus and his Thunder God Tribe are outnumbered, they give some of the strongest members of the guild a really good run for their money. This was definitely the most gripping and entertaining arc for me, so far. The Oracion Seis arc is probably my next favorite, but that's only so far, of course. I still have a long way to go so maybe something new will stand out and really grab my attention and capture my imagination. Oh, my fave characters so far would probably be Happy, Lucy, and Grey. From the side characters, maybe Mirajane and Elfman. How about you? I sense you're a big Juvia fan!

Minori is so sweet and she really comes a long way as it progresses. She's successful in emulating her master Shiroe with some very complex strategic planning and organization in a big climax towards the end of season 3. I think any real fan is bound to love it!

I'm two episodes away from the end of The Stone Wars. I'm following it dubbed you see, and there's been a bit of a delay. I think it's been pretty good up until now but then again I was a big fan of the first season. I think I enjoyed the gradual building up of the primitive world in the first season but I was quite moved (in this latest season) by Tsukasa's back story, like when he was younger with his sick sister. It made you more sympathetic to his misanthropic ideology, in only wanting to bring back certain, 'pure', people. It was nice to see him compromise with Senkuu and accept his assistance with trying to revive and cure his sister. I'm hoping for a happy ending, but we'll see how it goes!
Azu__ May 24, 2021 9:47 PM
I rec shokugeki no souma which is also a shounen anime, n it's really gud. U will enjoy it
Azu__ May 24, 2021 11:00 AM
U liked fairy tail, so I m sure u will also like naruto shippuden

Really nyc choices. i hav watched Re:zero n it was really gud. I enjoyed it too. D rest I m planning on watching them.

So, u r a fan of shounen genre?
Azu__ May 24, 2021 5:01 AM
I m really fyn with it. i don't mind.

Fairy tail has shown really gud characters but my fav wud b just like others, it's natsu n lucy. My fav arc wud b grand magic games n tartaros

I really naruto shippuden. It's my fav anime. Filled action, shounen mixed wid comedy n also a bit of rom I must say. It shows everything that makes me like d anime a lot.

So, u hav any fav anime other than fairy tail?

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