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Apr 13, 2024
I don't know the source material, but I do know it's short. No matter its quality, this seems like a poor adaptation. I'm not exactly sure how Umibe no Étranger came into being in the first place, but whoever steered the wheel on its production course either had a limited budget, or conceived this as a series of shorts initially, because the story feels chopped into rather disjointed parts that have clumsily been put together. The plot itself is nothing to write home about, so when you further ruin a pretty simple, straightforward love story by ruining its pace, omitting its conclusion, and rushing through ...
Apr 2, 2024
So close, yet so so far.

This movie starts off surprisingly well, one of the few anime that distances itself from the anime tropes and makes characters well defined and closer to realistic. Everything from characters to aesthetic was so sweetly spot on, and though the plot is nothing to write home about, it is a very comfortable ride thanks to how non-anime it seemed and how chill it is: a true proper slice-of-life experience with a supernatural twist, and some nice, romantic drama.

Alas, what was supposed to be a nice, comfortable movie about growth, maturity and following your dreams, was that for about two ...
Mar 30, 2024
For the love of god, please watch this fucking masterpiece.

Peak animation, peak over-the-topness, peak comedy. Everything you ever wanted to get out of a mecha anime, parodied to hell and back and packed into twelve extremely easy to watch episodes that will leave you craving more. All that being said, god-forbid you try to take anything too seriously or question the plot too much - it's entirely not what the anime wants from you. Sit back and enjoy how much this title seems to indulge the goofiness of itself and anime as a genre. There is little I can say the other reviews haven't pointed ...
Jun 7, 2023
Saw this at a recent animation festival. Was not disappointed.

I will mention right of the bat that this movie isn't perfect. The occasional use of 3D character models compared to the traditional medium that is mostly used makes some scenes stick out like a sore thumb. For what it was, it perhaps could have been briefer too, and voice acting, though not a lot of it, is sometimes over the top in the wrong places. As a prime example of this, all the character breathe and gasp really loudly and much too often. It's more of a personal gripe, but I do think it detracted ...
May 16, 2023
I've held a semi-deep interest in space, science fiction, robots, and mecha for many years, but have never quite dived into any mecha titles. With how popular this title has been lately, I figured I might as well give it a chance. Words alone can hardly describe the 'everything' of things this show gave me, whereas I expected - or rather, merely hoped, I would get a few cool robot battles out of it. I humbly and happily admit I was proved wrong, and all my initial thoughts about what this show might be like had quickly been pummeled into the ground.

The wonderful thing that ...
May 30, 2022
Preliminary (17/25 chp)
Ok, look, hear me out.

I don't really usually review stuff like this but as I read, I really couldn't help thinking just how different this thing is from all the others of this type I've tried to read. It's supposedly a 'boys' love' genre but frankly it goes just enough beyond that, that I'm hesitant to put in in that category; firstly because it involves no typical 'boys' one would encounter in manga like this, and additionally, why not simply call it a romance, since it fits that category so much better? But I'm getting subjective, so let's move on.

To put it simply and without ...
May 19, 2022
Redline (Anime) add
Animation seems to be somewhat of a complex topic for fans of animated media, either that of Western or Eastern origin. Some would argue that the point of animation is to look prettier than real life, some to do what real life can't. Some I've even heard say they can't appreciate animation if any and every frame of it doesn't look like a wallpaper, which just so happens to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard someone say about an animated piece of art.
I would argue that none of these statement are entirely, or at all, correct. In my humble opinion, animation is about ...
May 12, 2022
Bubble (Anime) add
Bubble is a mess of a movie that tries to portray the chaotic magic of its brief music video in a movie-long format any boy, does it show.

There is plenty going on in Bubble and all of it is, most importantly of all apparently, an absolute eye candy. A world sunken into an odd, bubble induced apocalypse makes for unique and colorful scenes, the parkour subplot turns the impressive feats of athleticism into an absolutely stunning feats of animation, and the character design is creative, unique and colorful - some might even say, 'bubbly'. (Ha.)

But there is also that part where the whole story ...
Apr 21, 2022
Mixed Feelings
Season Three is disappointing, which is more than I can say for season two - an almost insultingly boring experience - but still, disappointing.

Mind you, Season Three had a pretty good thing going because al it had to do was reveal everything to us, and as such, it had a lot of genuinely interesting plot points to solve. And for the most part, it did great!

... And then the plot simply ends.

... That's quite literally it. It ends! The very last episode doesn't really explains as much as it glosses over where our characters might go. Doesn't ask deeper question about what might be, ...
Apr 21, 2022
Fruits Basket Season Two can brag itself to be one of the worst anime I have ever seen, which is not a small thing. In direct comparison, the first season, which I thought comfortably average, seems almost like a masterpiece - there is an actual plot, and actual characters, and actual investment you get from watching the first season play out.

Alas; Season Two decided to take a step away from all that ‘actual plot that makes me want to watch more’ and instead takes us on a metaphorical twenty-something-episode school trip through absolutely unnecessary points of… of something I can’t quite call plot, because it ...

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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