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iftsistrnn Mar 12, 5:38 PM
Dw I understand, and if anything that kind of works well for me too, lol; I'm also really busy atm.
iftsistrnn Feb 22, 1:09 AM
I might not ever pick them up again, but if I ever want to I can kind of thing, like if there's ever a really bad season or I ever get a massive break, I'll have the option and time to pick them back up then. Yeah, it lets you feel the satisfaction of knowing you're not watching them because you chose not to. I guess, although I don't get why each studio can't do a good anime every season, lol. That's cool, it being adapted gives you more of a reason to watch it; are you enjoying it so far? Yeah, like that, the more time I spend doing stuff I don't really want to, the more time I should get to do the stuff I like. Yeah, if you realise you don't like it halfway through you still feel like you should finish it because unless it has a sequel, there's not much of it left to watch until you finish it. A day like that every so often sounds good, but overall spread would be more enjoyable, because otherwise all the other days would be a bit lacking. They wouldn't pile up that bad tho, because the next day might only have 1 or 2.

Yeah, you would have to be wary of everyone, probably even including your friends, because people will do a lot of things for money, and just having to become your friend to get some would be one of the easier ways. Yeah, unless some unfortunate or anime-like accident happens to his family, he should be fine for life, because he can grow up learning how to manage the money responsibly from his parents. It is cool how perspectives can differ, lol. Do you feel like you'll ever reach your ideal amount of knowledge, like after you finish your course or once you've worked for a while? Because I feel like psychology is one of those fields where you can never have enough knowledge. Same, lol, they would let you off or warn you the first couple of times, but when he realises that you're never going to get any work done they just don't let you sit next to each other anymore xD If you were taking it alongside psychology then yeah, that would take a lot more effort. Exactly, not everyone is able to pay for a subscription, even if they want to, so pirating offers them a plausible way of watching anime (because watching on legal sites without paying is basically unwatchable). Haha, I get what you mean, you play to win, but winning's not the only thing you care about; it was the same with my football team, we played in leagues (like the lowest or second to lowest one, I can't remember now, lol) and tournaments, and we tried to win our matches, but when we didn't it didn't bother us much. I have no clue either, it's just my thoughts are that if they are going to remake the whole show, even if they condense everything they're still gonna need at least 400-500 eps, probably even 600 eps, otherwise the pacing will feel supersonic or they will have to cut everything non-essential and more, which will upset the current fans, which is why I assumed it wouldn't be covering the whole show. Yeah. Yep, in the end it comes down to that, lol, making the most of your time.

The fun is in the process. Yeah, like maybe in the past they were more popular in Korea when they were sold physically in black and white, but now I doubt that's the case. Yeah, like they raised/brainwashed a whole mini army in secret and are planning to use them to take over the world, lol. Looking back on it, it does feel like that, lol.

Assuming he's not doing another manga alongside it. Exactly, that and we're just used to clothing merch being overpriced anyway. Yeah, like the more money gets spent on merch, the more money they'll reinvest into it hoping to make an even bigger profit.

Oh nice, the kind of stage where you don't really need them, but they're nice to have. Like you can wear them at home when watching anime and using your phone and stuff, but you can get away with not wearing them when you go out places.

That would probably be better, but in the end, that would take away time from seasonals (which I enjoy more than finished shows). Yeah :) Is committing suicide due to bullying that common of a thing, I thought that was more of a thing that happened in anime, or maybe at most Japan. That's a good point tho, I wouldn't be surprised if increased rates were just due to increased awareness. True, the longer you live, the more you experience and learn from, and the wiser you become from everything you've learned.
iftsistrnn Feb 11, 4:52 PM
That's also a fair point, you can enjoy some of them while you have the chance and then pick them up later on, which is actually what I've done recently, final projects and exams for my modules have just started, and I just need more time so I've put 8 shows on-hold so far and might put more. There's no way they would let that slide, lol. True, it's probably better to watch everything and drop the worse ones than not start what you want and wonder what if, which also helps give me stuff to do before the busy period. Yeah, there were fewer shows to be excited about; I'm the same there were 5 for me when there's usually around 10 or 12, those 5 shows being the top 5 shows from the season. You were excited for Ubbel Blat? Did it have a good manga or were you just interested by the description? I'm kind of the opposite, lol, the more stuff I do/have to do, the more time I want for myself which comes from getting a little less sleep. I completely agree there pretty much anything's good, but I would never start something like a film unless I was going to watch it the whole way through, it just feels wrong otherwise, lol. There have definitely been seasons like that previously, and whilst it makes for a great day to look forward to, I just wished they were spread out more. Nah, if it's a ridiculous amount of anime like 8 or 9 and for some reason I left every single one until midnight, I would just leave some for the next day, instead of getting no sleep (I hope xD).

If that happened then you're just screwed, you'd have even less chance of knowing you're being scammed. I mean surely if the parents have kept the money around for that long (whether the money is a business or just inheritance), they can't be that stupid since they still have such a large amount of money. That does make sense, like if we lived in a completely safe world, that has and always will be safe (as in nothing can harm us like tigers), then there would be no need to fear darkness because nothing hiding in it could hurt us, and the same goes for if nothing hid in the darkness in the first place as well. Yep lol, nothing beat chatting to friends when a lesson was supposed to be going on. It definitely wouldn't hurt to have an overall understanding of Biology when studying stuff like psychology, but if you wanted it to actually be helpful and fully worth your time, then taking a specialised biology course to do with the brain would be a way better option. Yeah, those ones are annoying, but if that's all I have to put up with in order to watch every anime for free, then it's worth it in my book (plus there are some sites without those kinds of ads too). Ah, that's a shame, did your team play competitively or more just for fun? If you want to watch the whole show again, doesn't the remake only cover one arc of the show, or will it cover everything? Fair enough, you kind of trade the surprise and novelty factor of the show for a better connection with the characters. 100%, which is what I realised this season, leading me to just drop those kinds of shows instead of carrying them on.

Yeah xD and if we look it up now, it could just be the most simple and boring thing, lol. Yeah, I also wonder how famous/popular manhwas are there, especially because they're mainly digital now; if I had to guess I'd probably guess they're more popular outside, although that's based on nothing other than the fact they're mainly digital. Yeah, there would be a lot of possibilities for good character relationships, and it also perfectly sets up an amazing betrayal, lol. True, I don't think any of the other hunters did anything more than provide emotional support.

Yeah, like they chose that art style on purpose to make it funnier. Yeah, plus clothes are probably more profitable than food. That's cool that anime clothing is reaching normal stores, and then the more people it reaches the better designs people will come up with.

Yeah, feelings of nostalgia can be great. As in you got glasses recently?

Especially since I'm not able to properly enjoy it, with the pressure of catching up and even more work. That's true, rest is important too, which is what led me to this new approach this season of dropping loads of shows that I don't whole-heartedly enjoy watching, this way I have considerably more time for work and everything, but also still leaves anime to watch while resting without missing out on that much. True, the biggest reason could be something that excludes those people. Haha, yeah, we've been talking about this stuff like we have a full life's worth of experience xD
iftsistrnn Jan 28, 4:14 AM
Yeah, if you keep the number low enough then you can get away with not cutting any when you get busier. Lmao, you just start fasting until your exams are over to the point of death, that would be some dedication to your uni xD Yeah, it's good as an idea, but when you actually put it into practice you'll find it hard to drop enough shows, lol, or at least I do, but yeah, this way I still get to try everything and I can make sure I'm choosing the best animes to watch when time becomes tighter. Yeah, lol. Yeah, there are quite a few meh shows this season, probably more than in previous seasons, although that could be because this season's fresh in my mind. You aim for 8 hours of sleep? That's quite healthy for an anime watcher, lmao. But yeah, when you're eating and have nothing better to do, that makes for the perfect time to watch stuff; I prefer to watch yt instead of anime while eating tho. Haha, nah I'm not that bad, plus I'm lucky that some of the shows I dropped were from those days, like Kono Kaisha ni Suki na Hito ga Imasu and Zenshuu. Exactly.

Not if you have servants that handle everything, plus there's no way the parents would set it up so that all the money could be stolen or withdrawn at once. I mean our fear of darkness may stem from dangerous animals and stuff like that, but I feel like if that wasn't a thing in the past it would still be a thing now because people tend to fear the unknown and unseen. Nah, that's not frustrating, that's funny, lol, the longer they spend trying to get tech to work, the more frustrated they get and the more funny it all becomes. If you studied the parts of biology that have to do with the brain, then yeah that would definitely be helpful, but just a general course in biology wouldn't be that helpful because they don't really focus too much on the brain or how it works. As long as the pop-up ads don't obscure the player then that's fine, the only ads I have problems with are the invisible whole screen ones, where you click on a feature and suddenly get directed to a random website in a new tab. That's true, and we do talk about the shows that we both watch which is nice. Yeah, it's hard to find people irl who watch as much anime as us, so sites like MAL are a great way of finding like-minded people. You still playing volleyball now? They could do that, or they might just skip to the arc they wanted to see. Yeah, that is one plus side to it; you're already a little attached to the story and characters and you feel the hype for upcoming epic scenes more. Tbh, I'm guilty of doing that sometimes, although only with the seasonals I'm not really into, before I started dropping as many as I did this season, I don't do it with shows I enjoy.

Lmao, yeah, we're too lazy to look it up, so instead we choose to spend 10x the time speculating xD Yeah, TBATE doesn't count as a manhwa, I think it's more counted as an OEL, a comic or just a general webtoon. I do wonder how well-known authors are over in Korea tho, like does anybody there even know the name of the author of Solo Leveling or is his name just as famous as the manhwa there, like with J. K. Rowling and Harry Potter. Yeah, he probably got it from a video game. I actually wouldn't mind reading a manhwa like that, lol; he just gradually makes the most op team by telling people about it. If that's the case, then he's literally the only hunter the world needs then, lol.

Yeah, I guess the fact that it's a fun manga from a guy who doesn't really draw adds to its appeal a bit. Yeah, the fact that one mistake could lead to a loss of millions is mad, although understandable, plus you also need accurate expiration dates, nutrient info and all that too, it just sounds like a massive hassle. That would be cool; designs that are more unique than just a generic logo or mc face can be good, it's I don't feel like too many unique designs are sold.

Tbh, that doesn't sound like the worst way to escape, lol.

But that's the thing I always feel like there's more I could do, for example, I'm behind on some of my uni work because of my job giving me a fuck-ton of shifts around Christmas as well as having to do midterms over Christmas too, so sometimes when I watch anime I feel like I should be catching up on that, even though I might have been working that day (especially since exams are approaching in a couple months too). One thing I wonder with regards to the higher suicide rates, is how many are from around our generation or age, because I wonder how much all the snowflake behaviour plays into it. Yeah, achievable and purposeful goals that aren't stressful, and fun hobbies and friends, that's all you really need in life, lol.
Faltero Jan 22, 2:37 PM
Thanks for accepting the FR!

iftsistrnn Jan 22, 2:19 AM
I get what you're saying, and doing that makes sense, but it's just right now I have more free time than when I was struggling to keep up a month ago, so what happens is I keep on piling the animes up whilst I've got this free time, and then when I lose a lot of it (around an exam period for example), I start wishing I didn't start as many shows because I don't really want to drop them when I'm over halfway through them; what I've done this season though is drop the shows that really aren't that great early on, to hopefully cut down on the amount I'll be watching when I get busier. Lmao, I wouldn't mind that being my main regret when I'm on my deathbed because it's a lot better than loads of other possible regrets xD I don't think it's that near to 90% because it's including continuing shows as well like Shangri-la S2 (plus I've dropped 8 seasonals by now). You mainly only watch anime when you eat? Because I don't really watch anime when I eat unless it's a decently good show like Solo Leveling S2; the time for watching them comes from "midnight motivation" lmao, I shave an hour off my sleep to watch them if I find myself falling behind, just like every healthy human being. Yeah, it's easy to lose track of how many you're watching and if you watch anime to fill time, like "I always watch because I have 50 mins before work", or "I always watch when I have dinner", when you finish everything you're watching and still have time left, it makes you want to start something else, like you said.

It would definitely be advised, but if you're super rich you don't have to listen, lol. I don't really know the reason, but we're definitely not exceptions, like I know several people who do the same with things that aren't anime, lol, but yeah, it's most likely because of that initial excitement of something new, plus I wouldn't say that the feeling means nothing since it's all probably tied to human emotions and it's influencing us enough, lol. Exactly, lol, it's convenient on top of giving us what we want (starting smth new). Yeah, things were so much more convenient online, and I wish we kept some influence from it xD Yikes, yeah I can imagine you forgot nearly everything over those two years then. Tbh, I don't really see how the other sciences (the main 3) would help with psychology, except for maybe a tiny bit of bio, but even then the stuff I remember studying for bio at a-levels that would relate to psychology were as small as a crumb, lol. If you had a reason before then I can see how it carried on as a habit, especially with downloading eps, but I've never seen an ad before/during an ep of anime except when I was watching on crunchy and funimation, lol. Yeah. Exactly, lol. Yep, and then just to make sure you have watched it, you click on it, realise you have watched it, and then realise that you've just wasted 30 secs, lol. He watches anime, but he doesn't watch much, like he's watching Solo Leveling from this season, and will watch the new season of JoJo when it comes out, but other than those 2 he only watches the occasional couple of eps, but yeah, it's still pretty nice having someone around who has a bit of interest in anime; I get what you mean tho because before he got "into" anime I don't think I had anyone who even knew I watched anime, lol, because none of my friends at that time were the type to watch it (which is the main reason I chat to people on MAL). I could see quite a few people watching that remake for the nostalgia, but don't shows nearly always air out one ep a week? I do, but I do it wishing I hadn't read the manga, lol; for example, if I'm about to start a manga, but then I realise it will get an adaption in a year or even 5 years, I won't read the manga. Yep, for that reason and also if you feel like you need to watch it in 2x speed in the first place, why are you even watching it, lol.

Experimenting on your own would be the most fun method, but yeah, I assume they have a system but can't use it to level up. I can imagine the author leaving it out, but I don't believe that some of the more hardcore fans wouldn't have noticed because after all it is a really popular, maybe even the most popular, manhwa. That would be cool if that were the case, but I imagine the author of Solo Leveling probably took the idea from somewhere too. That would make for the most unbelievable and stupid manhwa ever lmao. Yeah, he could just swarm the bosses with thousands of minions; like imagine him doing every gate raid at once (as long as the system allows him to be that far away from his minions).

Exactly; like I could understand it if it were a really good parody, like on the level of "I'd read this even if OPM didn't exist", but it's not lol. That's probably it, clothes are probably the only thing that doesn't need to be regulated/held up to a certain standard unlike food, makeup, and electronic things. Actually, that's a good point, I wasn't thinking the design could actually be cool, I was more thinking just a big picture of an anime character's face or a big picture of just the show's logo kinda thing.

Haha, yeah I guessed you did xD There could be, like they've just done it for so long they can't give up now.

Yeah, it's easy to feel guilty for doing something you enjoy, although I kind of feel like you should feel guilty when you do actually have stuff to do like homework or exam revision, and you're just not doing it. That's a fair point, although there's also the point that in the old times, people were just told to man up and mental health wasn't really a thing, so if you went back and did proper mental health research you might find it was the same, or maybe even worse. Yeah, that is a one-way ticket to depression, constant pressure combined with denying what you want to do sounds like hell. Yeah, to me that's what a healthy work/life sounds like it should be, feeling like you've earned your enjoyment, but at the same time not feeling like you have no time for enjoyment. Haha, just like that, lol.
LightRans Jan 18, 9:44 AM
Lol, yes

Watching is good, but everything in its own time! I try to watch something when I'm interested and when I have time, these months I'm less busy, so I'm watching a lot.

Bleach is in my top 5 Manga/LN/Manwha

1 - Demonic Emperor (Manwha)
2 - Oshi no ko (Manga)
3 - Ookami to Koushinryou (LN)
4 - Bleach (Manga)
5 - Kimi Nu Iru Machi (Manga)

Oshi no ko anime is amazing (especially animation).
However, the difference is that the anime strongly states that the anime is about "idols", "music" and so on... (although it still covers some parts of the manga).
However, Oshi no ko's manga is mainly strong in psychology, they work hard to develop the psychology of each character, not only that, but also several interesting events, several mysteries in the work, making you have more doubts about what will come next. follow and etc... obviously they still work with music, but the main focus is not there (unlike Anime).

Lol, I understand, but what makes you change your mind so quickly?
I often read the writing after watching the anime, or read it before watching lol.
But I only read the ones that really interest me.
I can give you an example, "Classroom Of The Elite".
I watched the anime first, to be honest, I really liked it, especially the second season.
So I went to the Manga... but I just couldn't read it, the main character looked like a clown in the manga lol.
So I changed my mind and went to read the Light Novel, and I simply thought it was incredible!
I can even tell everyone's differences.
The anime gives the feeling that the main character is a Robot.
The manga makes it seem like he's a clown...
Light shows that the Character who just understands what life is like, he wants to know his own feelings, and for that he starts to interact more with people, it's interesting.

I completely agree with that, watching an anime when you don't feel like it or are bored at the moment, makes one have a bad feeling about the anime...
What I try to do is watch each anime when I feel like watching it, so I can give my best impression and judge according to my taste.

Lol I get it, my English isn't that good either so there are two of us lol

Hmm, I play a Bleach game, but the name is "Bleach Immortal Soul".
I really like this game, I've been playing it since it came out, to be honest I don't remember the release date now, but I think it's been six years or so lol.

Lol, yes perfectly!
I would like to see that, it would give me a good laugh.

Ye, that's true, a lot of people did this (or still do), they want to see Aizen showing his real power, well that's normal lol.
When I'm watching something, I usually try to get to know and understand each character a little, and if I like it, I'll try to understand them deeply lol.

Well, that's true!
Women in Bleach are very beautiful, like Rangiku, Soi fon, Unohana, Rukia, even Inoue.
Although I think Inoue is beautiful, I don't really like her lol, I find her character very annoying.

Yes! I understand perfectly what you mean.
Each character in Bleach has its meaning, has its story (not that it doesn't happen in other animes) but I mean, their stories are deep, their character development is excellent! As I mentioned Stark, Nel and Hallibel, but I could mention several others that would be fantastic and incredible in the same way, such as Ulquiorra, Aizen, Urahara, Grim, Mayuri and others.
iftsistrnn Jan 17, 5:18 PM
Yeah, that feeling that you're falling behind. That's a valid point, I probably would enjoy it more by watching less, the only problem is that if I don't watch a show the season it airs, I'll likely never get around to watching it, because when I get that bit of extra free time I just "waste" it, lol. It's more than 20 lmao, I'm currently watching just below 40 and I'm not even sure if every show has started airing yet. Yeah, at least there's some positive to it, lol. Lmao, from 10 to 26 xD But yeah, I know exactly what you mean, once you start one more, you start to think "what harm will one more do" and the amount keeps growing larger without you even realising it, like until I looked I had no clue I was watching as many as ~40, lol.

Lol, that would definitely be one way of solving the problem, but yeah, unless you're already super rich at that age, it's probably not the best option. Yeah for some reason, even if you know the new one won't be as good as the one you're currently watching, you still feel more excited for that new one; I guess we're just hopeful people, lol. Exactly, it doesn't give you chance to get bored and it also gives you an excuse to start 20 new animes at the same time xD Ah nice, I wish my school did that after lockdown, instead they just tried to force everything back to normal (within the guidelines obviously). Are you studying a tough course/uni or is it because you took a two year break that you're feeling the regret? Yeah, like the updates on the site remind me of actual seasonals so I don't forget, but that didn't happen for my "fake seasonals". Nah, not spending money on subscriptions that don't have half the seasonals like Crunchyroll is perfectly reasonable, lol, although that's coming from a guy who's never bought an anime subscription in his life, lol. It was more like 7 I think (because I was watching some seasonals on top of them), but even then it was still annoying to track them. Yeah, it's kind of like having loads of rivals, letting the viewer get attached to more characters than just the main couple. Yeah, that's a good point, it happens across all content, especially with YouTube videos, like they'll pop up on your feed again a year later and it gets you thinking "haven't I watched that video before?", especially when the red watch bar thing isn't there. That's a good point, the only time when it's good to re-watch stuff is either 10 years later or watching with someone else and seeing their reactions. Yeah, it kind of happens subconsciously and the second you stop actively lowering your expectations, they just go back to normal. That would be awesome, I'd love to use that tv to watch back and prove myself right about stuff I remember happening one way and my brother remembers happening a different way, lmao. Haha, yeah, I can't imagine many people re-watching One Piece. Kind of like re-watching but slightly different since it's across two media, but the same content; the only time I do that is by "accident", like a manga I'm reading will suddenly receive an adaption. I will never ever ever watch any media at anything other than the original speed, except uni/educational stuff, lol.

Yeah, but then what happens if they have a super rare power, all of those rare powers would go undetected and the manhwa would have everyone using generic powers. I feel like the author probably did explain it and we just completely forgot, lol, because there's no way a manhwa that renowned would be missing something as obvious as that surely. Yep, and systems are the easiest way to visualise powers apparently xD That's true, there'd be nothing stopping them from learning multiple different types of skills. Yeah, he could just level up and save the world without doing anything except battling the final boss, lol.

I mean, it would have the benefit of potentially drawing in a few more customers, but since it's based on OPM, the only people who will really pay it any attention are people who have seen/read it already. Exactly, the bigger a content creator you are, the more YouTube profits as well. Oh yeah, that's a good point, nearly every popular and semi-popular YouTuber tries to sell clothing merch at one point xD But speaking of clothing merch, I really don't get the appeal of it other than just owning it, like if I ever got given a t-shirt of my fav anime or my fav YouTuber it'd be cool, but I doubt I'd ever wear it unless it's just around my house.

They could do, lol. 'I don't know, I don't really consume any content from Japan' says a guy on an anime site... Just kidding, lol, I get what you mean. It feels like Japan might have a larger age range when it comes to stuff like anime and anime-related goods, so there might be some real big pack openers there, and I wouldn't be surprised if there were.

You make a very valid point, and thinking about it in terms of how much happiness it gives me, it's probably the furthest thing from sad. But society places a strong emphasis on being a part of it (society), and because I'm a part of society, it's very easy to get influenced into thinking that if you don't spend the majority of your time outside or doing something productive, you're not making the most out of your life even though you may not want to, but that's a deep rabbit hole, lol. Yeah, something that prompts you to take a step back and admire how much and what you've watched.
iftsistrnn Jan 15, 6:28 PM
I am, but the thing is I told myself I was going to watch less from this season because last season (Fall 2024) I struggled a little to keep up with everything and I felt like I wasn't enjoying a few of the "worse" shows I watched, so this season I was going to try to only start shows I'm reasonably interested in, but it's already looking like I'm going to be watching just as many D: Although ig that reaffirms my love for anime lmao. Are those 10 shows from this season? because if they are, then that's still a pretty decent amount, and not all the shows have started airing yet.

Ah ok, kind of like you break out of a trance and actually register that you're studying twice; in that case, yeah, even though it's sad, stopping watching anime would be the only option, lol. I get what you mean, like once you're a few eps into a show you start to "get used to it" and start to wonder what other new shows would be like and how good they might be; this is a small part of why I usually only watch seasonals. I never got to the point of watching it in class (although that's mainly because I wasn't able to get away with it, lol), but I did sacrifice quite a bit of sleep just to watch more anime and inflate my stats (and ngl I still do, lol, although not for the purpose of increasing my stats anymore). You've just described most of the problems I had, lol; there were plenty of times when I forgot I was supposed to watch a certain ep on that day, I still didn't enjoy it as much as seasonals, and having to hold back watching eps on the only good one I picked killed me xD Exactly, they all improve alongside Isagi and a lot of the time they improve more than him, giving him a new goal to catch up to. Yeah, so you re-watch it to experience and remember why it was good again; I've tried re-watching anime for this reason a couple of times, but every time I start the first ep, a lot of it comes back to me and it kind of puts me off re-watching it, which is why I still haven't re-watched a whole show despite having 1,000+ completed xD I agree with you that setting the bar too high based off tiktok and other people is what mainly lowered the enjoyment, because no matter what you try to think, if you see/hear several different people praising the hell out of it, you're going to expect more from it whether you realise it or not. I kind of wish I could remember what was happening in my life when I watched my absolute favourite shows, I feel like it'd be interesting to look back and see how much it actually affected my thoughts on shows. Have you re-watched any of your favourite shows? Yeah, that's what I'd imagine it to be like since I haven't actually watched one piece, lol. Exactly xD

I think you're right about him accepting the system, but in that case, I still can't wrap my head around how the other hunters know their powers unless that power measuring crystal thing also tells them that. He's definitely the only one whose powers can get stronger, but that might be an extension of the current system, it's hard to remember with all the other player/system manhwas about, lol. If the portals have been around that long then that's easily enough time for them to find some way to differentiate skills, but I doubt they can just choose what they want to be (besides weapons). That too, lol, he can literally use them to auto-farm farm xD

I'd assume that's just part of the credit because they are parodying it, and maybe the people parodying it aren't in the database/famous enough to get listed as an author, although now that I've typed that, that doesn't make much sense, but I'd still be surprised if one of the original creators would parody or try drawing for the first time his own manga plot. Yep, they're all about the money, like the way they're trying to block ad-blockers, or the way they try not to punish big content creators. I don't know how famous you have to be to actually make a living off of youtube, but I doubt many people make it to the point past that, where they've made enough from youtube that they can live comfortably without wanting extra money.

Maybe it could be something like that, I have absolutely no clue. That might be it, like it's a one-time payment based off of its predicted/potential views. That's true, Japan does seem to have a slightly "stricter" culture so maybe they don't care about it as much over there, or there's the possibility that they're even more addicted because of that reason. Tbh, I feel like they'd be bigger outside of Japan since it's the American and European pack openers that are more famous.

Lmao; It actually is kinda crazy tho, 211 full days of my life spent watching anime, which just sounds a little sad when said out loud, lol. That's a good way of seeing it, just thinking of it as more of a little reminder than a big milestone.
LightRans Jan 14, 8:28 PM

My anime list at the moment is

1 - Dark Mark
2 - No game, no life
3 – Ookami for Koushinryou
4 – Hibike
5 – Nier Automaton
6 – Oshi no ko
7 - Bleach

I confess that some of them I haven't read the manga, like in the case of "Schwarzesmarken"
and I can't say it's better than the Bleach manga, but some I read like in the case of "Oshi no ko" which for me is incredible!
The Oshi no ko manga is 10 thousand times better than the anime... haha the same as Bleach for me, I prefer the Manga much more than the anime (but not devaluing the anime, it's simply in my top 10 so still It's amazing!)

I can't say something is better, since I haven't read it, what I see or read, I judge according to my taste.
But there are some animes that are in my top 5, that don't captivate me when reading the manga, as in the case of "Hibike"
The anime is incredible, but I wasn't captivated by reading the manga, well not saying it's bad, I judged it when I read it, but I can see that it won't be as incredible as the anime (I think)
What's different from Bleach haha, I watched the anime, and I read the entire manga, I even re-read it, it's incredible!
Bleach is so amazing to me that I even play a game of it itself, and I love the game lol

Yes, it's worth it, the new season is incredible!

Well, lol I have to agree with that, Bleach has a range of good characters!
Ulquiorra, Byakuya, Shinji, Unohana, Toshiro, Grim, etc... even some out of the picture (like Kon lol)

Aizen is simply the Goat💀

Well, yes, that goes by taste, I know what you mean.
Starkk is a very complex character.
He is someone who has experienced and still experiences loneliness, someone who seeks "companionship" in his life, because he is so strong, he destroyed his enemies on the battlefield just by getting close, this was not only valid for the enemies, but also probably to his allies, which left him alone, without anyone... he is lazy and easily gives up on anything that requires a lot of "effort".
In the end, he lost and ended up dying due to his laziness and lack of desire to fight, leaving an opening for Kyouraku to take advantage and kill him easily.

Well, I already gave a summary about Starkk, so let's move on to the others lol

Hallibel, in my opinion, I like a lot, not only because of her beauty and impotence shown in front of her enemies, but also because of her intelligence and calmness in a battle that requires her life to be at risk, she will not show despair or anguish, even in death of his allies, but he will try to take "justice" or so we can say "revenge" with his own hands.
Well, I really like hallibel, because it reminds me of someone I know, who is very similar to

And Nell, this one I disperse comments, is simply the female of all the animes that I like the most lol.
Well, she has fun moments, but there are also serious moments, and even if someone challenges her to the death, she will only accept if that person is fully prepared, and is not just "hungry" as she says, seeking that "death" come and get her.
That's interesting, I like everything about Nell, lmao.
LightRans Jan 12, 8:01 AM
Hello Javi!
Yes, it's in my favorite manga, not anime
But that's not because the anime is bad, it's the opposite, the anime is amazing!
But there are some animes that I think are better.

But the manga is incredible to me, I've already read it 3 times lol.

Lol, Kenpachi, Urahara and Aizen, i see
They are truly incredible characters.
Although I don't really like Kenpachi's style...his fights are exciting and good, but I don't like his personality lol
Unlike Urahara and Aizen, Aizen is simply the Goat, there's no way not to like him lmao

Ye lol
Coyote Stark is my favorite character in all anime, because he is the character that most resembles me in
I also like his powers and the story itself.
It's just a shame he wasn't put to good use...

Anyway, my favorite characters in Bleach are

Coyote Stark, Tier Hallibel and Neliel Tu
LightRans Jan 10, 6:53 PM
Lol, nice to meet you!

My name is Rans
I love bleach, it's certainly one of my top 5 Manga/LN/Manwha

Bleach is incredible, the development of each character, the fights, the villains, powers, etc.... Who is your favorite character in Bleach?
iftsistrnn Jan 8, 5:19 PM
Yeah, I've just finished catching up to the seasonals, so here, lol:

Yeah xD Ig it depends on how forced the studying is (like I think this whole part of the convo was based off of anime becoming really addictive right?), so if the studying feels super forced because of the addiction, then yeah, I could see them hating studying. Yeah, I get what you mean, like sometimes you can get much more "focus" and enjoyment when you feel no pressure to watch anime, and as you said, if you have some kind of goal set, like finishing this anime before watching anymore eps of seasonals, you might feel like you're rushing through that so you can watch those seasonals, or do the thing after. As in you used to force yourself to watch more anime to increase your stats? because if so, I used to do the same thing, and there was even a point where I would treat normal finished series like seasonals to encourage myself to watch more (as in watch 1 ep a week), and now that I look back at it I realise how stupid it was, lol. Every character in Blue Lock has so much talent, it feels like it'd be hard to make a protagonist stand out unless they were to make him super op, so I can see why they kind of went the other way, and made him stand out by being "less" talented than a lot of the other players (for some of the series at least). Yeah, similar to the feeling of knowing that you enjoyed a show, but not actually remembering anything from it. I really hope that's not the reason we didn't enjoy it as much, but in reality that probably is the case, because like you, I also went into it expecting to see one of the best villains in anime, and whilst I'd probably say he is, because it only really met my expectations at best and didn't do anything like surpass them, I feel like that might take away from how good it actually is. Like I wonder if I were to have watched Monster back when I'd only seen 150 shows, would it currently be sitting in my favs with a score of 9 or maybe even 10. And actually, just piggybacking off my last sentence, that's part of the reason why I avoid re-watching my favourite shows, because I know that if I were to watch them again now, there's no way I'd enjoy them as much as I did and it would kind of ruin my great memories of them, if you get what I mean. That's a good point, thinking of starting a series that will give you 1000+ eps worth of enjoyment is pretty insane, the only thing I would compare the "length" of enjoyment to is games that you play for a long time. Exactly, and then anything "non-important" will come back to you when you come across it again, like some random demon-slaying sword, lol.

It's got to be mentioned in the manhwa, like there's no way smth as important as that isn't mentioned, and tbh, we'll probably see it in the currently airing second season of it. Maybe, but even if it gave them their element, they still wouldn't know what their specific power is. Yeah, lol. Yeah, like the minions are fodder to accentuate how strong the enemy is xD

Like they're dedicated to just making a parody of every single chapter, lol. Surely it's like that, because there's no way YouTube wouldn't take the opportunity to cram more ads into videos, lol. Exactly xD Yeah, although I'm sure they're hoping they can make some kind of profit off their second channel as well.

Yeah, that would make sense, because why would they pay to be on tv, they would only lose money from the actual payment and from sales as well. Yeah, but I wonder if they get paid by commission/royalty (not sure which is correct to use here, lol) per watch on that site, or just one bulk payment from the start. I'd say it depends on how old the child is, like if they're 3, they might be watching pokemon on the tv, but if they're 7, they might be on TikTok instead. That's true actually, because where else would those streamers be getting those card packs from, and yeah, I feel like channels who still do those kinds of pack openings are ones that are dedicated to those cards.

Btw, I recently reached 1,000 animes completed! But tbh, it really doesn't feel all too special, lol, more like it was just a pleasant surprise to discover I had xD
iftsistrnn Jan 1, 4:49 AM
No worries about the late reply, especially since I'm going to be even worse this time, lol. - Just wanted to let you know, I will reply, I'm just extremely busy with extra uni work on top of everything else until the ~8th of jan.
iftsistrnn Dec 12, 2024 4:50 PM
True lol, even if the reason sounds bad, at least we'd be able to watch more anime. I mean, the anime isn't making them study, but making them want to study (because they want to watch more anime), so I feel like they probably won't end up hating it. Yeah, sometimes having a goal or a target can make you read/watch more and also help you enjoy it more because of the satisfaction you'll get from getting closer to the goal. Me too, it feels like they've set it up so that anyone can replace Isagi and become the protagonist (although I doubt that's going to happen), and yeah, I 100% agree with you, and that's why I don't re-watch shows, at least until I've almost fully forgotten them. I had the exact same experience with Monster; I started watching it because everyone I talked to told me it was a masterpiece, and like you, I really liked it, and whilst everything was good, great even, it just wasn't amazing, like I couldn't connect with it on a 10/10 level (I ended up giving it an 8 btw). Well, I mean, there aren't really any other 1000+ ep series out there, and you probably started it a while ago, when you were newer to anime, so I can see why you got more excited over One Piece. Yeah, it just depends on how memorable it is. Yeah, that's exactly it, as soon as you see that "trigger", it all comes back to you (or most of it does at least), and yeah, with manga it can be harder because their chapters are usually shorter and less frequent than anime.

Now that you mention it I think you might be right, but if that's the case, how do they know what powers they've got, because doesn't that assessment only measure their strength? I think I do remember smth like that, smth about the system was designed for him (or maybe the successor). Yeah, he is always facing super strong enemies, lol.

Wow, 151 chapters... I was not expecting that many, but yeah, the art looks just like I was expecting/hoping it would xD Ah, I see what you mean; if the YouTuber is entertaining, the viewers will watch more of the video, and the longer someone watches the video, the more chance ads will have to pop up. True, people aren't going to support you by buying your merch and stuff if they don't actually like you. Almost like using your main channel as a way to fund your channel that you actually like, lol.

I mean, besides streaming platforms they're also on some tv channels (like Japanese ones), although I have no idea if they get paid for that, or if they have to pay to be there. But yeah, as far as I know, physical copies are still one of the main ways of selling anime. Ig "new" kids (lol) are still getting into Pokemon, like it's still playing on kids' tv channels and stuff, so those kids might then buy those games. I'd say those rare cards are more of a collectionist thing, so I doubt they'll lose their value, but are Pokemon card packs still even a thing in stores.
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