Well duh, you insult something I like by writing a dumb review about it, I'm much more likely to respond than I would be to any of the hundreds of poorly written reviews that I think came to the correct conclusion, even if their logic getting there was flawed. That's irrelevant though, you bringing it comes across as an attempt to distract from the fact that you don't actually have a clue what you're talking about here.
For example, of course I don't know what jokes you're talking about, you've failed to provide specific examples, that's your fault, not mine
It's just that a lot of your criticisms are objectively false. For instance, you say the jokes were shit, and "not in an intentional way," but um, the writers draw attention to themselves, namely by Kurisu calling Okabe out on his shenanigans. It's called a straight man, and is objective proof the writers are aware of what they're doing. Again, you can say you personally don't like this style of humor, but to say it's an objectively bad style of humor is not a valid criticism because it doesn't hold up under logical analysis. Frankly, none of your criticisms do.
And saying 90% of positive reviews are just as non-specific is not a valid excuse either.
Those examples are so vague that they are effectively meaningless. For example, you said they used low-brow humor in place of character development, that's outright false, jokes such as making sexual allusions while experimenting on a banana (that's an example, specific and gives actual information) develops the characters as ordinary, juvenile young adults, even when they are engaging in garage variety scientific experiments, which in itself develops the characters as a little unrealistic, but passionate about science. That would be bad, if not for the opening scene where Okabe established himself as genuinely intelligent by verbally sparing with a published scientist, even if his charade of being a mad scientist is a bit luny (and even that they call out and justify)
If you had said their juvenile humor turned them off to you, that'd be a simple matter of preference, and we could agree to disagree, but instead, you attempted to make it a failure of the show without sufficiently explaining how it failed, and that, is a failure on your part
It's fine to not like popular shows like Stein's;Gate, but if you're going to go to the trouble of posting a review of it, at least put a little bit of substance behind it. For how uncompelling you said it was, you didn't provide a single example of how you think it failed to compell you, and overall you didn't contribute anything with your review
you watch a 4 episode out of fucking 24 .... that's a pretty solid reason not to even review the show.
and you said it yourself. if you couldnt complete the show. how can you point out the pros or cons the show has ???
whatever i just want to state my point about review that's all .
People who are new have a harder time predicting it as well as archetypes etc in it feels less generic than to someone with more experience, and even those tend to right it fairly highly as they might agree to it not being the 9.15 some people make it out to be but still think its good.
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For example, of course I don't know what jokes you're talking about, you've failed to provide specific examples, that's your fault, not mine
And saying 90% of positive reviews are just as non-specific is not a valid excuse either.
If you had said their juvenile humor turned them off to you, that'd be a simple matter of preference, and we could agree to disagree, but instead, you attempted to make it a failure of the show without sufficiently explaining how it failed, and that, is a failure on your part
and you said it yourself. if you couldnt complete the show. how can you point out the pros or cons the show has ???
whatever i just want to state my point about review that's all .