Manga Stats
Days: 1.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries4
- Reread8
- Chapters71
- Volumes4
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All Comments (52) Comments
But, there will be quite a few questions left. So you have to read the manga later.
Since the anime was released after the manga to explore the past.
The manga takes 2 years later.
Any male leads or characters in Michiko? Since the main characters are females and Michiko is a bit topless. Bouncing tits is consider ecchi for me. None of that, right?
Oh and is there any ecchi in Michiko to Hatchin?
^^ Awesome signature. Did you make it? Oh and why does the text say Chiaki?
It kept changing every time I went on MAL, and it probably went through like 5-6 different avatars...
Damn MAL!!!
where is that from ? :D
and they are totally right
To LoveRU ftw
Above average then xD