All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 354.0
Mean Score:
- Watching113
- Completed515
- On-Hold47
- Dropped17
- Plan to Watch53
- Total Entries745
- Rewatched328
- Episodes21,717
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 491.3
Mean Score:
- Reading534
- Completed1,519
- On-Hold2
- Dropped1
- Plan to Read21
- Total Entries2,077
- Reread1,317
- Chapters28,041
- Volumes4,938
All Comments (23) Comments
YOU THINK I'M JOKING you ask, well bestow your eyes upon this.
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And here is a pdf called "remembering the kanji" i advise you read it only after completing Wanikani and Genki kanji look and learn, it's more of a way to glance over the kanji you've learned for a quick refresher on what you have forgotten, because it has no guidelines on what exact kanji you're looking at it's kinda hard to follow, it's more for learning quick trivia on the words than anything else though.
couldn't agree more. bl with repetitive elements can be tiring to deal with and it makes me think i'm such a masochist for seeing most of them all the way through despite of the things i can't stand in them. like now, i'm reading this LN called The Guilty which has punchable leads (abusive jerkass seme x stupid uke) yet i managed to reach 75% reading progress on it because apparently i like torturing myself for the sake of completion. what really keeps me going are the nice illustrations done by Takanaga Hinako who's one of my fav yaoi mangakas.
haha i get what you mean! you know, i have high respect for fujoshis who can switch between different demographics. idk i just think they/you (or we including me?) are rather flexible unlike others who can only think about homo porn 24/7 aka those rabid scary fujoshis although that's just my bias ^^;
oh and i haven't got your name yet? :D
glad to know my list was of help then. iirc, most titles i've given 9s and 10s reek of angst and tragedy (i'm a sucker for heartbreaking scenes swear) so is it safe to assume you also dig those stuff? then again most of them i initially read just for the gayporn lol.
The death of Megaupload -
SOPA / PIPA means the end of the internet -
. So it seems
Yes, it pretty far.
Oui en effet c'est vraiment trooop hardcore ! Par contre les musiques sont vraiment trop excellentes donc c'est toujours sympa à jouer/écouter ^^
Et puis il y a tellement de gens qui écrivent plus que moi, y a qu'à voir mon mur xD
En ce moment j'écoute que du Touhou j'adore ça, les thèmes et les musiques sont juste magnifiques !
Le jeu est trop difficile donc j'ai arrêté xD (en gros le Space Invaders en mode Insane où t'as que des tirs sur l'écran omg)
Ca sera jamais le bordel chez moi, les seuls anime qui traînent dans ma liste "Watching", je suis en train de les voir, ils sont en cours ou alors il n'y a pas encore de trad dispo pour toute la série ^^
Et non, je ne connais pas le village ? C'est quoi ?