Anime & Manga News

Keen Competition over the Online Polls on Blu-ray Specials of Kamisama Dolls

by dtshyk
Aug 4, 2011 10:35 PM | 25 Comments
Online polls for the stories of the Blu-ray & DVD specials have been conducted on the official website of Kamisama Dolls. Voters choose elements of a sentence from the options and create a story: "Who" does "What" in "Which costume". Special short episodes will be produced based on the opinions that collect the largest number of votes. The poll's result for the first special episode's story was announced on August 4th. The extra episode will be bundled with the fourth volume of the Blu-ray & DVD. Currently, a new poll has been running for the second special.

Polling website on the Blu-ray specials

Result of the first poll
1, 4,304 votes "Utao participates in a costume-play photo session as a model."
2, 3,937 votes "Aki produces an ad of Karakami village in a sailor blouse."
3, 3,722 votes "Hibino swims in a sea in a gym uniform."

Interim result of the second poll
1, 1,225 votes "Aki goes out on a date dressed up."
2, *,948 votes "Utao guides around Tokyo in a swim suit."
3, *,310 votes "Hibino swims in a sea in a gym uniform."

Source: Kamisama Dolls official website

20 of 25 Comments Recent Comments

windy said:
Yeah, vol 1 has Utao on a date,
Well that looks interesting. I am assuming it is with Kyouhei?
windy said:
2 has Hibino training in a swimsuit,

Fan service/breast show off obvious to understand.
windy said:
and 3 has Mahiru doing something undecided.
Mahiru is always good to watch.

BTW thanks for the info, I had problems to find out about it.

Sep 13, 2011 1:21 PM by Yumekichi11

Pfffffhhhhhhhhrrrrghhhh~ >.>

Anyone but Utao.

Aug 22, 2011 12:47 AM by seishi-sama

>utao is now beating aki

(ノ `Д´)ノ ミ ┻┻

Aug 21, 2011 10:01 PM by windy

You can vote once every day, so don't forget to come back once a day!

Aug 8, 2011 7:36 PM by mezzoguitar

Aki definitely

Aug 8, 2011 8:18 AM by Mr_Gutts

lol awesome.... the specials for this show are gonna be good

Aug 5, 2011 1:48 PM by Neverarine

@ Amaya-no-Hime and Sanguis - BROFISTS

seishi-sama said:
dtshyk said:

1st of the poll in July -> Special in vol.4
1st of the poll in August -> Special in vol.5
1st of the poll in September -> Special in vol.6

What about vol.1, 2 and 3? Are there going to be any specials in those?
Yeah, vol 1 has Utao on a date, 2 has Hibino training in a swimsuit, and 3 has Mahiru doing something undecided.

Aug 5, 2011 11:04 AM by windy

dtshyk said:

1st of the poll in July -> Special in vol.4
1st of the poll in August -> Special in vol.5
1st of the poll in September -> Special in vol.6

What about vol.1, 2 and 3? Are there going to be any specials in those?

Aug 5, 2011 8:45 AM by seishi-sama

Ugh, I've seen enough of Utao moeness, I don't need more.
The Aki one on the other hand is something I'd gladly watch.

Aug 5, 2011 8:22 AM by Sanguis

I need to upvote Aki too. He's pretty much the reason I'm watching K-Dolls.

Aug 5, 2011 8:09 AM by amayadori

I feel like if Aki wins this one and /a/ doesn't screw with the last one, she has a good chance to win the last one.

Aug 5, 2011 1:40 AM by windy

If that's the case, I'll likely not get any Hibino short. What a let down. All these rockets and nothing to set them off.

Aug 5, 2011 1:39 AM by notsureifsrs

Thank you for clarifying :D
Still important for me to keep voting for Aki then~

Aug 5, 2011 1:39 AM by windy

windy said:

The phrase "1位のシチュエーションがBD&DVDの4~6巻の新規特典映像になります。" makes me think it's just the situation that got first place that gets animated? Though I don't know why they would bother showing who got second and third if that's the case. Can you clarify, dtshyk?

1st of the poll in July -> Special in vol.4
1st of the poll in August -> Special in vol.5
1st of the poll in September -> Special in vol.6

I don't know why they showed the top 3. I guess it's fun to see the dead heat. You can see the current interim result up to the tenth spot, anyway.

Aug 5, 2011 1:34 AM by dtshyk

I can read it if I try hard enough, but I skimmed over most of the text because the font/color is annoying... I'll check it out.

So is /a/ generally voting for Aki now? I somehow haven't come across a single thread about this poll.

Edit: The phrase "1位のシチュエーションがBD&DVDの4~6巻の新規特典映像になります。" makes me think it's just the situation that got first place that gets animated? Though I don't know why they would bother showing who got second and third if that's the case. Can you clarify, dtshyk?

Aug 5, 2011 12:56 AM by windy

windy said:
Wait wait wait... the top three are all winners????
I must have really missed that and I feel like a dumbass now.

Well that's what I heard. (When /a/ had a hand in the first poll Utao was 4th so she wouldn't be in, but they bumped her to 1st) Then they tried to upvote other things to kick Hibino out.

Somebody who can read it should check the site.

Aug 5, 2011 12:53 AM by notsureifsrs

I have been following the second round like a hawk; I missed the first. If Aki doesn't win I'm going to be honest to God depressed. I LOVE YOU AKI~N

notsureifsrs said:
I think they take the top three to make three 2 minute shorts. I can't remember the details.
Wait wait wait... the top three are all winners????
I must have really missed that and I feel like a dumbass now.

seishi-sama said:
notsureifsrs said:
If it's a date with the MC I'd be pleased. You can totally tell he's got a mancrush going on.

Yes indeed...but they'll probably make him go on a date with Kuuko instead. :/
I'm fine with either tbh, Kuuko is legit.

Aug 5, 2011 12:48 AM by windy

notsureifsrs said:
If it's a date with the MC I'd be pleased. You can totally tell he's got a mancrush going on.

Yes indeed...but they'll probably make him go on a date with Kuuko instead. :/

Aug 5, 2011 12:42 AM by seishi-sama

If it's a date with the MC I'd be pleased. You can totally tell he's got a mancrush going on.
And yeah, Aki in a sailor blouse sounds hilarious.

I think they take the top three to make three 2 minute shorts. I can't remember the details.

Aug 5, 2011 12:37 AM by notsureifsrs

But Aki going on a date is anything but creative. The first option about him wearing a sailor blouse was much better.

Aug 5, 2011 12:32 AM by seishi-sama

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