Title | Type | Vol. | Score | |
Aoba Hagoromo is a mangaka best known for her series revolving around delicious meals. Nichiro Inaba is assigned to be her assistant, but discovers a shocking secret: Hagaromo-sensei is a massive cann...read more.
| Manga | - | - | |
Eight years ago, Hasegawa murdered and dismembered a wealthy man to steal his vast fortune. He would have gotten away scot-free if not for his accomplice, Mimura, who confessed to their crime as part...read more.
| Manga | - | 6.67 | |
Manga | - | - | ||
Manga | - | - | ||
The manga centers on Hayabusa, a girl who is actually a god. The story begins when Hayabusa is looking intently at a man eating croquettes in a park. When the man gives her a croquette, she sprouts me...read more.
| Manga | - | - | |
Japan's population is becoming older. With the advances in medicine and technology, the average age of an individual has steadily risen, but the birth rate has dropped significantly since the "baby bo...read more.
| Manga | 27 | - | |
A new government project is starting, where former convicts are relocated to towns without the knowledge of the citizens who live there. The trial city is Uoboka, a small town that was once a busy sea...read more.
| Manga | 5 | - |