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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Nov 18, 2012 1:18 AM
Jun 2009
I read the post on MMORPGs that are like SAO and this is my opinion on how the world now has developed MMORPG and which games are most likely be similar to SAO.

The perfect MMORPG... that everyone who watch/read SAO is probably waiting for...

Personally I find that TERA Online has definitely come close to what we are expecting, except for the virtual reality, graphics, sleep, eat, fish, cook, etc that some people commented on.

However the need for any of those skills seem unreasonable in the current MMORPG world since it's not that we can use our five senses for it. For example, if we eat something in the game, we won't know what it tastes like that's just pure bullshit (excuse my language). So for now, it's more effective for game developers to leave it out.






I guess what I'm looking for is - a game that has the following:
TERA Online's combat system
Talesweaver or Guild Wars 2's individual storyline for character development
World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy's storyline as a whole
Vindictus or Skyrim or Elder Scroll's FPS mode
which equals to = SAO :)

If a game comes out like this, then I would definitely play it and even pay to play it.

These aspects are all incorporated in SAO and I believe that's why people are so into the anime itself. It's like the .hack series that had developed all this, except SAO takes it a level higher by incorporating the control by senses into virtual reality. .hack series does have the virtual reality component, but it's controlled with a joystick or game pad.

Oh, and note, I'm not that excited about the new SAO game that's coming out... I feel like they're going to ruin it...

Thank you for reading and feel free to comment as I'm exciting to read your opinion on MMORPG and the road to develop SAO :)
Nov 18, 2012 1:20 AM

Apr 2012
Did you really just spend like an hour analyzing and writing this?
As a child, I was told that society is a melting pot of talents; knowledge and experience combined to form important alloys that will contribute to mankind. When I got to highschool, however, I thought that it's more like a river in which the water represents our peers while we ourselves are the stones in the river. Constant erosion by mindless majority sheeping has made us lose our unique edge. After I hit the age of 18, I realized that I've been wrong all along. Society is no melting pot. Society is no river. Society is a person, a very skilled rapist, and he has fucked us all.
Nov 18, 2012 1:33 AM

Sep 2012

the fandom continues to amaze me
..this space under construction...
Nov 18, 2012 2:15 AM

Jun 2009
replace TERA's combat system to Dragon Nest and we'll talk.

No, the fights are not sped up in the slightest.

First person shooter "Crosshair" aiming type fast pace action MMORPG...
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Nov 18, 2012 3:55 AM

Jul 2007
You won't really find all those features in ONE mmo, tbh.

Aion has character customization and flight and the whole faction-warfare thing, but it does not really focus on anything else SAO is known for and just bears certain resemblances to Alfheim storyline. Not to mention that it does NOT offer any sort of twitch combat.

RaiderZ has the "feel" of the earlier SAO episodes in terms of combat and gigantic encounters, but offers less in terms of character customization. But its the closest you will get to the first arc combat of SAO for now.

In a year or two we will be getting Swordsman Online which offers the sandboxy nature of the first SAO story arc(be whatever you want to be, have advanced interactions with NPC, experience game world being affected by thousands of factors like weather changes or seasonal changes affecting what you encounter, etc) and has a factional warfare ideas similar to the second arc. not to mention the game lore and the game itself is based almost entirely on swordfighting. It even has aion/pwi like character creation system. Combat-wise its a mix between RaiderZ movement and dodge usefulness and Guild Wars II. But of course aesthetically it won't remind of SAO.

Currently we have(or soon will have if you are not in the closed beta), Age of Wulin, which is also using similar ideas to Swordsman. However while Swordsman is more of SAO first arc with mix of bits of second, Age of Wulin is more like the second arc - no levels, no classes pvp driven factional warfare between 7 factions, with ability to switch faction or just split from any factions. Of course combat wise its nothing like SAO, since it uses more of a rock/paper/scissors system with an active dodge, blocking and parkour mixed in.
Nov 18, 2012 7:53 AM

May 2011
SAO's end game/progression doesn't make sense. 1 time boss spawns and there's only 100 of em, the lifespan of the game won't be long because it will play like any normal single player game, and it alienates the casual crowd from even seeing the bosses, since the hardcore will be on alot longer and will kill the bosses long before anyone gets a chance.
Nov 18, 2012 8:10 AM

Sep 2010
RockerXD said:
SAO's end game/progression doesn't make sense. 1 time boss spawns and there's only 100 of em, the lifespan of the game won't be long because it will play like any normal single player game, and it alienates the casual crowd from even seeing the bosses, since the hardcore will be on alot longer and will kill the bosses long before anyone gets a chance.

This assumes that casuals want to kill bosses more than dancing naked in the center of town or collecting pets/mounts.

Nov 18, 2012 11:49 AM

Aug 2009
RockerXD said:
SAO's end game/progression doesn't make sense. 1 time boss spawns and there's only 100 of em, the lifespan of the game won't be long because it will play like any normal single player game, and it alienates the casual crowd from even seeing the bosses, since the hardcore will be on alot longer and will kill the bosses long before anyone gets a chance.

that can be fixed easily.In Raiderz many bosses are instances where only you or your party(if all have the quest for the boss) fight against the boss.Of course they respawn every time you get out of the boss stage.Farming bosses never was easier.
Nov 18, 2012 1:30 PM
Jun 7, 2013 11:27 AM
May 2013
I think Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn will feel like but i think the combat is a little lacking
Jul 4, 2013 8:26 AM
Jul 2013
Ok, so I registered only to tell you guys this. There is a game from 1998, called Ultima Online. Its so similar to SAO that im almost 100% sure they stole this idea from ultima. Its basically sandbox mmo game, where you can do basically everything. I wont tell all its features, but it has almost everything sao does. In general, you can murder anyone, anywhere and when you do so, you can loot everything they had on them, even armor/weapon. Same can be done to you. If other guy ran away you can use tracking skill to track him down. It will tell you in which direction he ran and how long ago. There are 30+ different skills, each can be maxed up to 100%. The more you use certain skill, the better you are with it. No classes, you can be knight, rogue, mage, crafter etc in one character. Since all items are essentially crafted by players, this game have player driven economy. A guy with mining/blacksmithing 100% will have huge demand, as he is only one who can craft AND repair your armor/weapons. Best part about this game is, its best pvp system I have seen in all my life, hands down. Each spell have different effect and casting time. People exploit this feature. For example, you are casting high damage spell with casting time 3.5 sec. I see that, and cast very low damage spell on you, which has casting time 1 sec. Since I cast spell with lower casting time, it will damage you before you finish casting your spell. By doing so, you will fail at casting your spell, because you received damage while casting. It will say "your spell fizled". Also, if in the moment when you finish casting your spell I am not in your line of sight, your spell also will fail. So I can run behind a three or other objects. To start casting spell opponent doesnt need to be in line of sight, therefore this gives excellent opportunity to cast your spell while youre hiding behind object (hence not being in my line of sight) and walking out just before spell casting finishes. This is only about mage pvp system. Not mentioning features like poison, stun (paralize) and other features you saw in sao. There are also knights, rogues, archers each with different play styles. Housing, boats, rideable mounts, pets who assist you in attacks etc. Huge arsenal of armors. Unlike other mmo's, in ultima you have several equally good armors/weapons which only differs in stats so you must think for yourself and choose correct piece of equipment for your current skill build and play style. No other game have so complex pvp system with such rewards. If you like sao and dont play ultima, you can just as well go and kill yourself right now, as you are missing out best time in your life.

PS- this game was designed so that players would actually live and die in there. Its was meant as second world where you can live in. People in real life have been tracked down and beaten because of their in-game words and actions. I have seen it myself. Admin of one other server simply put one player in jail because that player told him his opinion about this server. Result was that jailed player got together his real life friends, went to capital city, found apartment of that admin, and waited until he comes out... and he did. And this is only MY experience, about ONE server located in MY country. I have no clue what other incidents have happened across to globe with other people and with more popular servers, but Im sure as hell incidents have happened A LOT. I will give you best server out of them all and also most popular one, with almost no restrictions in player interaction whatsoever And remember, if you quit game couz its too harsh and hard for you, its not because game sucks, its simply couz ur too much of a noob ;)
Jul 6, 2013 5:58 AM

Jan 2009
for everone who like to read LN try Legendary Moonlight Sculptor, this story is also based on VMMORPG game like SAO, just have more interesting game sistem, or better said one level closer to reality than even SAO.
Jul 15, 2013 1:31 AM
Jul 2013
ultimist said:
Ok, so I registered only to tell you guys this. There is a game from 1998, called Ultima Online. Its so similar to SAO that im almost 100% sure they stole this idea from ultima. Its basically sandbox mmo game, where you can do basically everything. I wont tell all its features, but it has almost everything sao does. In general, you can murder anyone, anywhere and when you do so, you can loot everything they had on them, even armor/weapon. Same can be done to you. If other guy ran away you can use tracking skill to track him down. It will tell you in which direction he ran and how long ago. There are 30+ different skills, each can be maxed up to 100%. The more you use certain skill, the better you are with it. No classes, you can be knight, rogue, mage, crafter etc in one character. Since all items are essentially crafted by players, this game have player driven economy. A guy with mining/blacksmithing 100% will have huge demand, as he is only one who can craft AND repair your armor/weapons. Best part about this game is, its best pvp system I have seen in all my life, hands down. Each spell have different effect and casting time. People exploit this feature. For example, you are casting high damage spell with casting time 3.5 sec. I see that, and cast very low damage spell on you, which has casting time 1 sec. Since I cast spell with lower casting time, it will damage you before you finish casting your spell. By doing so, you will fail at casting your spell, because you received damage while casting. It will say "your spell fizled". Also, if in the moment when you finish casting your spell I am not in your line of sight, your spell also will fail. So I can run behind a three or other objects. To start casting spell opponent doesnt need to be in line of sight, therefore this gives excellent opportunity to cast your spell while youre hiding behind object (hence not being in my line of sight) and walking out just before spell casting finishes. This is only about mage pvp system. Not mentioning features like poison, stun (paralize) and other features you saw in sao. There are also knights, rogues, archers each with different play styles. Housing, boats, rideable mounts, pets who assist you in attacks etc. Huge arsenal of armors. Unlike other mmo's, in ultima you have several equally good armors/weapons which only differs in stats so you must think for yourself and choose correct piece of equipment for your current skill build and play style. No other game have so complex pvp system with such rewards. If you like sao and dont play ultima, you can just as well go and kill yourself right now, as you are missing out best time in your life.

PS- this game was designed so that players would actually live and die in there. Its was meant as second world where you can live in. People in real life have been tracked down and beaten because of their in-game words and actions. I have seen it myself. Admin of one other server simply put one player in jail because that player told him his opinion about this server. Result was that jailed player got together his real life friends, went to capital city, found apartment of that admin, and waited until he comes out... and he did. And this is only MY experience, about ONE server located in MY country. I have no clue what other incidents have happened across to globe with other people and with more popular servers, but Im sure as hell incidents have happened A LOT. I will give you best server out of them all and also most popular one, with almost no restrictions in player interaction whatsoever And remember, if you quit game couz its too harsh and hard for you, its not because game sucks, its simply couz ur too much of a noob ;)
Seriously calling people noob when your a extreme nerd obsessed with old boring rpg without any action or real goal.Nerds like you is what make me angry overly obsessed with boring old games and making it sound like its the best game in the world in reality it is just a boring old rpg.You say SAO copied this game 'BIATCH PLEASE' Ultima Online isn't anything close to SAO and how can a old rpg drag someone into it are nut do you need to see the doctor?The technology for that have not even been developed if it had why would they allow an old poor gaming company use it on such a boring pixel game.SAO is a sword fight skill Vmmorpg and Ultima Online is a boring game with less action plus it is a game that allows you to use stuff like staff with magic and how could anyone would think of SAO while playing it.I rather play runescape the player base is higher than Ultima Online and it came out in 2011 and it is already far more famous than Ultima Online which you said came out in 1998 the game is boring so stop trying to drag people into boring old rpg.I'm pretty sure you are imaging that your in that game and pretend it is another world but FACE IT NERD YOUR REALITY IS NOTHING BUT A LIE!Plus the incidents you mention are not real if you say is real then prove it find a news paper article which contains missing people in a room with a computer on just so you know i ain't no fool I'm good with modern technology which is far more advance than you stupid window xp or what ever old shit your using FREAK!

PS - Freaks like you are just weak you escape reality so you can't be fooled,tricked or heart brokened by other because you are weak you can't take the fact that you being hurt by others because you give up being a human and became a person who never existed in reality.You just ran thats all you did you ran from reality because you can't face it.You just a wimp too scared of reality that you ran to somewhere that doesn't exist.Your just useless that you can't face reality.

(You some what reminds me of the useless character from Chaos;Head Nishijou Takumi useless at first but became useful in the end but you,you will always remain as a useless pig forever)
Aug 4, 2013 1:52 PM
Jul 2013
About Tera Online, You can't customize what you wear, Unlike WoW where you have thousands of items to choose from, Tera has a bunch but most people would be seen wearing it as its an outfit not multipul parts of equiptment. I would suggest for closest to Sword Art Online or more Precise ALfeime as it is Very considerably close Perfect World International. Gun Gale Online Would be a shooting game from Perfect World Games, And Sword Art Online Tera online

Sword Art Online: Tera Online
ALfieme: Perfect World International
Gun Gale Online: Black Light Retribution
Aug 10, 2013 10:57 PM
Aug 2013
There is this game "DOFUS" which i find a lot of similarities with SAO. In here you can choose between 15 race. You level up, there are many cities which you can explore, there are tons of different equipments/sets that you can use and modify, there are guilds, pvp,pvm, wars between guilds, alliances, you can marry someone else, there are pets, you can have your own house. Its a good game, give it a try!
Aug 31, 2013 3:09 AM
Aug 2013
ZeroTheTruth said:
ultimist said:
Ok, so I registered only to tell you guys this. There is a game from 1998, called Ultima Online. Its so similar to SAO that im almost 100% sure they stole this idea from ultima. Its basically sandbox mmo game, where you can do basically everything. I wont tell all its features, but it has almost everything sao does. In general, you can murder anyone, anywhere and when you do so, you can loot everything they had on them, even armor/weapon. Same can be done to you. If other guy ran away you can use tracking skill to track him down. It will tell you in which direction he ran and how long ago. There are 30+ different skills, each can be maxed up to 100%. The more you use certain skill, the better you are with it. No classes, you can be knight, rogue, mage, crafter etc in one character. Since all items are essentially crafted by players, this game have player driven economy. A guy with mining/blacksmithing 100% will have huge demand, as he is only one who can craft AND repair your armor/weapons. Best part about this game is, its best pvp system I have seen in all my life, hands down. Each spell have different effect and casting time. People exploit this feature. For example, you are casting high damage spell with casting time 3.5 sec. I see that, and cast very low damage spell on you, which has casting time 1 sec. Since I cast spell with lower casting time, it will damage you before you finish casting your spell. By doing so, you will fail at casting your spell, because you received damage while casting. It will say "your spell fizled". Also, if in the moment when you finish casting your spell I am not in your line of sight, your spell also will fail. So I can run behind a three or other objects. To start casting spell opponent doesnt need to be in line of sight, therefore this gives excellent opportunity to cast your spell while youre hiding behind object (hence not being in my line of sight) and walking out just before spell casting finishes. This is only about mage pvp system. Not mentioning features like poison, stun (paralize) and other features you saw in sao. There are also knights, rogues, archers each with different play styles. Housing, boats, rideable mounts, pets who assist you in attacks etc. Huge arsenal of armors. Unlike other mmo's, in ultima you have several equally good armors/weapons which only differs in stats so you must think for yourself and choose correct piece of equipment for your current skill build and play style. No other game have so complex pvp system with such rewards. If you like sao and dont play ultima, you can just as well go and kill yourself right now, as you are missing out best time in your life.

PS- this game was designed so that players would actually live and die in there. Its was meant as second world where you can live in. People in real life have been tracked down and beaten because of their in-game words and actions. I have seen it myself. Admin of one other server simply put one player in jail because that player told him his opinion about this server. Result was that jailed player got together his real life friends, went to capital city, found apartment of that admin, and waited until he comes out... and he did. And this is only MY experience, about ONE server located in MY country. I have no clue what other incidents have happened across to globe with other people and with more popular servers, but Im sure as hell incidents have happened A LOT. I will give you best server out of them all and also most popular one, with almost no restrictions in player interaction whatsoever And remember, if you quit game couz its too harsh and hard for you, its not because game sucks, its simply couz ur too much of a noob ;)
Seriously calling people noob when your a extreme nerd obsessed with old boring rpg without any action or real goal.Nerds like you is what make me angry overly obsessed with boring old games and making it sound like its the best game in the world in reality it is just a boring old rpg.You say SAO copied this game 'BIATCH PLEASE' Ultima Online isn't anything close to SAO and how can a old rpg drag someone into it are nut do you need to see the doctor?The technology for that have not even been developed if it had why would they allow an old poor gaming company use it on such a boring pixel game.SAO is a sword fight skill Vmmorpg and Ultima Online is a boring game with less action plus it is a game that allows you to use stuff like staff with magic and how could anyone would think of SAO while playing it.I rather play runescape the player base is higher than Ultima Online and it came out in 2011 and it is already far more famous than Ultima Online which you said came out in 1998 the game is boring so stop trying to drag people into boring old rpg.I'm pretty sure you are imaging that your in that game and pretend it is another world but FACE IT NERD YOUR REALITY IS NOTHING BUT A LIE!Plus the incidents you mention are not real if you say is real then prove it find a news paper article which contains missing people in a room with a computer on just so you know i ain't no fool I'm good with modern technology which is far more advance than you stupid window xp or what ever old shit your using FREAK!

PS - Freaks like you are just weak you escape reality so you can't be fooled,tricked or heart brokened by other because you are weak you can't take the fact that you being hurt by others because you give up being a human and became a person who never existed in reality.You just ran thats all you did you ran from reality because you can't face it.You just a wimp too scared of reality that you ran to somewhere that doesn't exist.Your just useless that you can't face reality.

(You some what reminds me of the useless character from Chaos;Head Nishijou Takumi useless at first but became useful in the end but you,you will always remain as a useless pig forever)

Zero. Runescape came out in 2007 jan 4th Which is now known as runescape classic or Old school runescape. Don't lower yourself to calling people names just cause his opinion is extreme doesnt mean he's PERSONALLY insulting you. If for some reason you read his message an wanted to say something crude to a person who did their best to explain why they love that game.
Then it is NOT your place to crash on that.

We all have our own likes and dislikes. I think xownsrlox nailed his review. Ofcourse without the virutal reality games no game can really be "feeling" like SAO or ALO.
Therefore most people think after watching the anime. "Do they have games like this?" or "When are they going to make a game like this?" If you search enough you'll find out we're about 15-20 years to getting that experience.

I will be there when they do have it, I know my first thought will be "Finally. A game of a life time experience"

And for you to call anyone a nerd is a tad overboard. If you played a MMO your a nerd.
Plus You've nooooo clue if this person is a buff dude who could falcon pwanch you into next week or a disabled person not able to leave they're house, Or perhaps they a person like most of the population and are healthy.

And i find another thing funny is cause your criticizing him about how bad his game is and having a crappy computer and all that. Yet you don't know what he's experienced as well as calling him a nerd lol. Remind me. Whats this title forum about? LOL SAO The ultimate MMO you cant help but be a nerd.

Cause the ONLY reason people found this certain page is cause. the keywords were something along the lines of. Games like SAO

Im finished here.

A lesson to learn here Zero is that you have Zero facts about what you claim. cause Opinions aren't stable. Facts are.
Oct 1, 2013 8:53 PM
Oct 2013
I really think that we can develop NERVE GEAR up but the thing is, it control all of you body in case that it have a problem with NERVE GEAR it gonna be so dangerous .
Oct 2, 2013 2:33 PM
Nov 2012
Game in mind- Mabinogi.
I'd love to explain in full detail about the awesome of this game and how it can relate so much SAO, ALO, AND even Gun Gale Online, but to put it in 3 words:
Perfect Fantasy Life
Oct 11, 2013 1:22 AM

Oct 2013
Slammerbit said:
ZeroTheTruth said:
ultimist said:
Ok, so I registered only to tell you guys this. There is a game from 1998, called Ultima Online. Its so similar to SAO that im almost 100% sure they stole this idea from ultima. Its basically sandbox mmo game, where you can do basically everything. I wont tell all its features, but it has almost everything sao does. In general, you can murder anyone, anywhere and when you do so, you can loot everything they had on them, even armor/weapon. Same can be done to you. If other guy ran away you can use tracking skill to track him down. It will tell you in which direction he ran and how long ago. There are 30+ different skills, each can be maxed up to 100%. The more you use certain skill, the better you are with it. No classes, you can be knight, rogue, mage, crafter etc in one character. Since all items are essentially crafted by players, this game have player driven economy. A guy with mining/blacksmithing 100% will have huge demand, as he is only one who can craft AND repair your armor/weapons. Best part about this game is, its best pvp system I have seen in all my life, hands down. Each spell have different effect and casting time. People exploit this feature. For example, you are casting high damage spell with casting time 3.5 sec. I see that, and cast very low damage spell on you, which has casting time 1 sec. Since I cast spell with lower casting time, it will damage you before you finish casting your spell. By doing so, you will fail at casting your spell, because you received damage while casting. It will say "your spell fizled". Also, if in the moment when you finish casting your spell I am not in your line of sight, your spell also will fail. So I can run behind a three or other objects. To start casting spell opponent doesnt need to be in line of sight, therefore this gives excellent opportunity to cast your spell while youre hiding behind object (hence not being in my line of sight) and walking out just before spell casting finishes. This is only about mage pvp system. Not mentioning features like poison, stun (paralize) and other features you saw in sao. There are also knights, rogues, archers each with different play styles. Housing, boats, rideable mounts, pets who assist you in attacks etc. Huge arsenal of armors. Unlike other mmo's, in ultima you have several equally good armors/weapons which only differs in stats so you must think for yourself and choose correct piece of equipment for your current skill build and play style. No other game have so complex pvp system with such rewards. If you like sao and dont play ultima, you can just as well go and kill yourself right now, as you are missing out best time in your life.

PS- this game was designed so that players would actually live and die in there. Its was meant as second world where you can live in. People in real life have been tracked down and beaten because of their in-game words and actions. I have seen it myself. Admin of one other server simply put one player in jail because that player told him his opinion about this server. Result was that jailed player got together his real life friends, went to capital city, found apartment of that admin, and waited until he comes out... and he did. And this is only MY experience, about ONE server located in MY country. I have no clue what other incidents have happened across to globe with other people and with more popular servers, but Im sure as hell incidents have happened A LOT. I will give you best server out of them all and also most popular one, with almost no restrictions in player interaction whatsoever And remember, if you quit game couz its too harsh and hard for you, its not because game sucks, its simply couz ur too much of a noob ;)
Seriously calling people noob when your a extreme nerd obsessed with old boring rpg without any action or real goal.Nerds like you is what make me angry overly obsessed with boring old games and making it sound like its the best game in the world in reality it is just a boring old rpg.You say SAO copied this game 'BIATCH PLEASE' Ultima Online isn't anything close to SAO and how can a old rpg drag someone into it are nut do you need to see the doctor?The technology for that have not even been developed if it had why would they allow an old poor gaming company use it on such a boring pixel game.SAO is a sword fight skill Vmmorpg and Ultima Online is a boring game with less action plus it is a game that allows you to use stuff like staff with magic and how could anyone would think of SAO while playing it.I rather play runescape the player base is higher than Ultima Online and it came out in 2011 and it is already far more famous than Ultima Online which you said came out in 1998 the game is boring so stop trying to drag people into boring old rpg.I'm pretty sure you are imaging that your in that game and pretend it is another world but FACE IT NERD YOUR REALITY IS NOTHING BUT A LIE!Plus the incidents you mention are not real if you say is real then prove it find a news paper article which contains missing people in a room with a computer on just so you know i ain't no fool I'm good with modern technology which is far more advance than you stupid window xp or what ever old shit your using FREAK!

PS - Freaks like you are just weak you escape reality so you can't be fooled,tricked or heart brokened by other because you are weak you can't take the fact that you being hurt by others because you give up being a human and became a person who never existed in reality.You just ran thats all you did you ran from reality because you can't face it.You just a wimp too scared of reality that you ran to somewhere that doesn't exist.Your just useless that you can't face reality.

(You some what reminds me of the useless character from Chaos;Head Nishijou Takumi useless at first but became useful in the end but you,you will always remain as a useless pig forever)

Zero. Runescape came out in 2007 jan 4th Which is now known as runescape classic or Old school runescape. Don't lower yourself to calling people names just cause his opinion is extreme doesnt mean he's PERSONALLY insulting you. If for some reason you read his message an wanted to say something crude to a person who did their best to explain why they love that game.
Then it is NOT your place to crash on that.

We all have our own likes and dislikes. I think xownsrlox nailed his review. Ofcourse without the virutal reality games no game can really be "feeling" like SAO or ALO.
Therefore most people think after watching the anime. "Do they have games like this?" or "When are they going to make a game like this?" If you search enough you'll find out we're about 15-20 years to getting that experience.

I will be there when they do have it, I know my first thought will be "Finally. A game of a life time experience"

And for you to call anyone a nerd is a tad overboard. If you played a MMO your a nerd.
Plus You've nooooo clue if this person is a buff dude who could falcon pwanch you into next week or a disabled person not able to leave they're house, Or perhaps they a person like most of the population and are healthy.

And i find another thing funny is cause your criticizing him about how bad his game is and having a crappy computer and all that. Yet you don't know what he's experienced as well as calling him a nerd lol. Remind me. Whats this title forum about? LOL SAO The ultimate MMO you cant help but be a nerd.

Cause the ONLY reason people found this certain page is cause. the keywords were something along the lines of. Games like SAO

Im finished here.

A lesson to learn here Zero is that you have Zero facts about what you claim. cause Opinions aren't stable. Facts are.

well actually Slammerbit, RuneScape came out in 2001, in 2007 is when they started to update a lot more, however many people preferred the Classic, that's when they bought in all the massive world events etc. so that's why there is now, RuneScape 3, RuneScape 07 and RuneScape Classic
just passed by as I was checking out SAO and noticed this little scuffle, and thought I'd correct it, seeing 6years off of the actual date isn't right at all...

people really shouldn't argue and insult each other over something like this, sadly, Virtual Reality games like this aren't possible yet, seeing it's gotta interfere with our brain waves, that's just not possible yet..
anyways, ciao for now peeps

you know, I once said I'd never get addicted to something... well I'm still not

Forum Avatar Size needs an update to atleast 600kb instead of 51kb, can barely have any gif in here unless it's black and white aaaand they need to allow gifs -_-
Oct 12, 2013 4:51 PM

Dec 2012
Let me know when a re-creation of SAO is made100% like the anime/manga into a game, with the playing equipment you put on to play the game and such

I will be one of the first to buy it
my avatar is the bus driver from Rosario + Vampire
Oct 20, 2013 4:46 PM

Jul 2007
AirStyles said:
replace TERA's combat system to Dragon Nest and we'll talk.

No, the fights are not sped up in the slightest.

First person shooter "Crosshair" aiming type fast pace action MMORPG...

That actually looks pretty interesting, that game is fairly recent huh? I played a bit of terra online but i though it kind of lacked content, imo aion is a better MMO, the only thing i absolutely hate bout is the laggy servers and the game as a whole is just full of lag, especially during air combat.

I been looking for a good MMO, one that is similar to SAO where you can own housing, propose, take up all kinds of professions like crafting, raid fights and something similar to like PKing in SAO would be nice to.

I am mostly a solo player like Kirito or maybe pick a party and go through the game with a few friends but i like a game with some good competition and good pvp systems as well.

Oct 20, 2013 4:50 PM

Apr 2013
Jan 24, 2014 3:42 PM

Sep 2012
Just play ff14
Sep 6, 2014 5:15 PM
Jun 2014
What i feel is we will nvr make these gamea like soa till we focus more on virtual reality whicth wont happen as long as companies like sony and Microsoft focus on one system till they cant make any money i know they have vew virtual sytems like occulus but we will need a company to focus on that alone so we could really taste feel eat maby even feel pain nowadays games are similar and lack a challenge or excitement that i used to feel and crave as a kid
Sep 1, 2016 5:21 PM
Sep 2016
I am watching sao and it came to thinking ever since I started. I have been looking for agame exactly like sao but not like how the story goes like its a real game that its a free roam. Its hard to explain, like the game is exacly like sao on a computer or system but that doesnt involve kirito or any of them. like its a real game but not in nerve gear. Just a computer or something. Even though it would be awesome if something like that was real.
Sep 10, 2016 7:46 AM

Jul 2014
Well since people kep necro'ing this thread, there are SAO games out for PS3/vita/4 out. Hollow Realization is the latest one in the series I think, honestly I'll be buying this game to see how it is.
Apr 19, 2017 1:29 AM
Apr 2017
Guys if you have come this far reading, we now have a game that has a lot of mechanics in common with what SAO pretends to be.
The Elder Scrolls Online has everything listed above and more. A big con however is the community:Beeing it less open to co-operation than most MMOs, it gives the gameplay kind of a single player feeling.
Playing with friends is highly suggested.

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