I'm on episode 9 so far and i must say that i think it's pretty okay. Kinda like CCS and MGLN S1 but i still like this series. Chihaya is like the total package, a loli and a hot loli combined when she turns into Carmein lol.
I'll be writing a review on this series as soon as i'm finished.
Well I liked it. I watched Magical Canan long before I got into anime properly, so I hadn't already seen loads of series that were too similar and I wasn't familiar with lolis at that point. I only really watched it because I bought a figure of Carmine at a con lol and felt I had to buy the series and watch it xD wasn't a waste of money, in my opinion though :D
I watched the original hentai version way before I watched this one, and I must say that the story in that one was better, and having a story worse than a hentai-anime really isn't something to be proud of.
My opinion might have been influenced by already knowing all the spoilers thought, and I noticed that this one left lots of things out. Like all indication of Chihaya and Natsuki ever getting close, he was in animal-form like 99% of the time, and "chuu" isn't really that good a relationship-builder.
At the end I was actually surprised that they had fallen I love in this version, even thought I knew they did that too in the hentai, because there they were actually more than just a pet and it's owner. In this one they took away all of their relationship development and then in the end just pretended that it was there to fit the story.
Also, while I understand that they needed to change some of the characters in order to take away the sex making the school-nurse and that waitress wanting to dissect a very cute animal while it was alive and fully conscious was really too much.
So, over all, the story and character development really bad compared to the hentai version, sadly, that one contained too much raep.
I ust finished watching it and I wasn't really a huge fan of it. There were some parts that were enjoyable, but like overall it was just so mediocre and lacking in effort. I'd watch Nanoha over this any day
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