After posting in the latest poll I was about to ramble on about something when I thought... this might be another decent topic.
So, to accompany the vote lets have a more open forum of discussion. What appeals to you the most when it comes to Shirley? Alternatively, what are her flaws? Don't be discouraged by that, everyone has flaws and they are after all a part of a persons beauty.
Personally (I'm sure most will agree) it's her innocence that endears her to me and her integrity that appeals to me. In a world where evil and misdeed are abundant, she is, somehow, in the eye of the storm, the pocket of calm if you will. Even when she realizes the truth (again) she sticks to her guns and remains honest with herself.
It is only to sad that just as she was about to commit herself the storm of darkness moved and consumed her.
I'm not sure if there is really anything she could have done to correct for her ignorance but the if I had to force myself to list a flaw that would have to be it. Lelu should never have cast his Geass on her. He prevented her from growing as a person, one obviously filled with love and compassion.'re a professional writer or something, Sidoen? "eye of the storm, the pocket of calm..."
I honestly can't write at that level of English (afterall English is not my native tongue) me
Shirley's Pro:
- pure, innocent, loyal love for Lelouch until the end
- honest to herself (she loves Lelouch too much for anything else to matter to her)
Shirley's Con:
- non
I can't really find anything bad about her (maybe I feel sorry for everything happened to her since the death of her father)
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Well thank you Kaminakun, no I'm not a professional writer, just read a lot, did a lot of prereading for some fan fiction authors, maybe that helped.
Shirleys circumstances do tend to invoke a fair amount of sympathy which would make it hard to criticize her I understand. Consider though, that all people have flaws and to cast her as some form of perfect being actually dehumanizes her. So in this light you can think of it as not speaking down upon her, but making her more real.
I like that Shirley loves and cares about everyone, and wants them to get along, and is so determined to take care of and protect Lelouch. And she's my favorite female/good Code Geass character (plus she's so impossibly, walk-on-air beautiful that I stare at pictures of her all the time despite being a straight girl).
I hate excessively cute, naive people (who aren't children), and find them annoying. So yeah....