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Apr 1, 9:07 AM

Sep 2017
Mediocre April Fools' joke, it's not even funny

On the other hand, Anilist' AF is hilarious and pretty creative
Apr 1, 9:14 AM
Feb 2022
Hope this is an april fools joke
Apr 1, 9:32 AM
Jul 2008
Lmao this is hilarious
Apr 1, 9:50 AM
May 2023
For april fools?
Apr 1, 9:56 AM

Mar 2008
Id actually be fine with this being a permanent thing lol
Apr 1, 10:07 AM

Sep 2016
I really expected this update to be an April Fool's joke because the old system is much better.
Apr 1, 10:46 AM
Mar 2023
Reply to dicloflom
april fools exist you know. but the cats were better
@dicloflom i forgot about that tbh 😅
Apr 1, 11:15 AM

Sep 2019
takkun_ said:
It ain't that serious bro lmao. Posting an April Fool's prank on March 31st is lame, but kudos to the MAL staff for making it believable. After terrible updates, such as using emoji to rate user reviews, anything is possible on this website. Despite the joke bring poorly worded, its believabilty is what makes it better than prior year's pranks.
I wouldn't really say it's believeable. It sticks out like a sore thumb. Also it was 31st for you but it was april 1st for most of the world. But anyway yeah its nothing serious.
Apr 1, 11:45 AM

Feb 2021
The real joke would be if this was an actual update.
Apr 1, 12:23 PM

Nov 2014
MAL is not US based tho:
13. Data Storage in Japan and the United States

Our offices are located in Japan. We store and process data for the Sites in Japan and may also store and process certain data in the United States. If you visit the Sites from another country, please be aware that information you provide to us or that we obtain as a result of your use of the Sites may be processed in and transferred to Japan and the United States and will be subject to Japan and U.S. law. By using the Sites or providing us with your information, you consent to the collection, transfer, storage, and processing of information to and in Japan and the United States.

15. Contacting Us

If you have any questions, inquires, requests, or complaints concerning this Privacy Policy or our information collection practices, please contact us at or by regular mail at: MyAnimeList, Attn: Privacy Officer, 1-1-1 Hitotsubashi Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0003 Japan.

...nor "we" are in America. US users might be the biggest group (if even), but I highly doubt they are majority.
Apr 1, 12:42 PM

Apr 2020
I think they should just keep it that way B)
Apr 1, 12:58 PM

Nov 2016
100% based peak skibidi update
Apr 1, 1:01 PM

Dec 2016
Ruining your site for a whole day just for a joke is such a stupid move imho, esp. when the season starting today. Wish people stop wasting time and resources for this dumb day.
Apr 1, 1:04 PM
Nov 2019
Reply to Plats
How is nobody realising this is for April Fools
@Plats Smartest MAL users
Apr 1, 1:13 PM

Nov 2014
@TheDefCrypt My company's domain and server are also in US simply because it was cheaper, despite it being EU company started and ran be people here. By your logic we should use US times etc?
Apr 1, 1:32 PM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018

Honestly, majority of our userbase is now from the EU and SEA, the North American portion is only 1/3.

English will remain the dominant language, but North America is no longer the dominant geography served.
Apr 1, 1:35 PM
Feb 2020
@TheDefCrypt Well that's what happens when a standard is set for a sometime that just doesn't really exist.

Like you who celebrate things early in US, we celebrate the same things late in India.

MAL follows GMT as the standard for all its activities, which co-incidentally happens to be the standard across the globe for a standard time reference.
Apr 1, 1:44 PM

Jul 2015
Gotta love how MAL still manages to troll some people
Apr 1, 2:19 PM

Apr 2012
@TheDefCrypt 28 years old and still getting fooled by an aprils fool joke and ranting like hell.
Apr 1, 2:43 PM

May 2021
Reply to terminador_2397
Gotta love how MAL still manages to troll some people
@terminador_2397 They really do . They have released so many bad changes to the website that we don't know what is April fools joke or not

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Apr 1, 3:20 PM

May 2021
I was looking around on MAL with a friend doing the Easter hunt and saw this change without seeing the forum post update about it. Was losing it like this has to be a clue?! LOL
Apr 1, 3:27 PM
Dec 2014
I know this might be April Fools, but no way guys come on! I hope you put back the scores as it was before! thanks! this is really awful to see and don't understand a sh*t like that, guys! please!
Apr 1, 4:28 PM

May 2021
lol thanks for the April fools laugh as always, this site will always be mykittylist in my heart since last year lmao
Apr 1, 4:47 PM

Feb 2011
I hope this is a horrible April fools joke because this is absolutely a dog water update.

Please revert this trash.

Apr 1, 6:25 PM

May 2021
Lmao a lot of people fell for it.
Echidna best waifu :D
Apr 1, 6:50 PM

Mar 2019
Was about to rant about how the new score system is irritating af but it's April Fool's, well played. Just subtle enough to go under the radar.
Apr 1, 7:39 PM
I like water

Feb 2020
We need to petition MAL to make this April Fools update stay for good. This is better than the numbers, the emojis are easier to understand!
Apr 1, 8:15 PM
Mar 2018
How can I disable this and go back to the star rating view?
*This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. Important information will follow this tone.*
Apr 1, 9:45 PM

Feb 2018
Reply to Extremo888
Oh doy, I feel like an idiot. I hadn't even realized April Fool's was tomorrow, probably the same for most of the detractors here.
@Extremo888 Yea, I came here to write my first non-anime post I was so upset. Thanks for catching this.
Apr 1, 10:33 PM
Oct 2021
Anyway, we’ve all had our laughs (or not), but April Fool’s is over for most of the world, so it might be time to change it back-
Apr 1, 11:13 PM
Mar 2024
…Why? Doesn't the ranking already speak for itself? Does this mean every anime up to a certain score percentage is considered "peak"? I ask because can't anyone just go to the ranking list and check out the top rated series?
Apr 1, 11:38 PM

Oct 2014
when it's no longer April 1st and the site still hasn't changed back

Apr 1, 11:43 PM
May 2017
You are a disgrace of an Admin. You remove features in an attempt to make the experience better. And replace simple design that work with something that might be used by children application or something. First, you came for the comment under authors/staff which was infuriating, then you added emojis with reveiws were downright non-sense, and now this atrocities.

How long will it take for this sh!tshow to stop. Not until this site drown or when this person finally accept they are doing as bad of a job as diversity hire with no qualification.
almightybismarckApr 2, 5:40 AM
Apr 2, 4:10 AM

Apr 2013
i must say i dont like this format, i prefer to leave it be as numbers, whose idea was this? was there voting?

edit: nvm, i forgot what time it is
Apr 2, 5:06 AM

May 2021
Reply to almightybismarck
You are a disgrace of an Admin. You remove features in an attempt to make the experience better. And replace simple design that work with something that might be used by children application or something. First, you came for the comment under authors/staff which was infuriating, then you added emojis with reveiws were downright non-sense, and now this atrocities.

How long will it take for this sh!tshow to stop. Not until this site drown or when this person finally accept they are doing as bad of a job as diversity hire with no qualification.
Apr 2, 5:39 AM
May 2017
Reply to Tommy-Pickles
@Y3337 Thank god it was a prank. Given how bad she have been doing it was consistent to her actual decisions.
Apr 2, 5:41 AM
May 2017
Reply to Scootboi
I hope this is a horrible April fools joke because this is absolutely a dog water update.

Please revert this trash.
@Scootboi Celebration time! It was a April fools joke.
Apr 2, 6:09 PM

Jan 2016
Thank God it was a joke. That percentage was really driving me crazy... if was true, it was the worst change MAL could make.

Apr 2, 11:49 PM

Oct 2023
It's amazing to see how unfun and angry some people are over a joke tbh. It was just a bit of a laugh, let loose a bit.
Apr 3, 3:15 AM
No.1 Rias Lover

Feb 2021
Peak? Bro I know I'm late and this is April fools and all but this seems like lazy story writing kinda shiz.

Fellas out here thinking adding :mountain: is good content
Apr 3, 3:26 AM
Apr 2018
I pray this isn't real
Apr 3, 4:03 AM
Aug 2020
Boooo change it back to the old Ranking
Apr 3, 7:52 PM
Mar 2022
Seems illogical to me.
Apr 4, 6:02 AM

Nov 2021
I guess
Apr 5, 3:47 AM
Oct 2022
Mal only does some really useless updates and changes which are by the way no important. What they should do instead of this is to update their freaking MAL terms and rules. Which are by the way more annoying then anything in this website.
Apr 5, 3:56 AM

Oct 2023
Reply to almightybismarck
You are a disgrace of an Admin. You remove features in an attempt to make the experience better. And replace simple design that work with something that might be used by children application or something. First, you came for the comment under authors/staff which was infuriating, then you added emojis with reveiws were downright non-sense, and now this atrocities.

How long will it take for this sh!tshow to stop. Not until this site drown or when this person finally accept they are doing as bad of a job as diversity hire with no qualification.
Apr 5, 7:06 AM
May 2017
Reply to N1ghtsh4de
@N1ghtsh4de For me, this was consistent to the previous decision of adding emojis to reviews and removing the comment section under staffs profile. It is almost as if she is subconsciously aware of what we dislike about the current changes and made it into a joke without realizing it or they sadistically know that we dislike the current things and purposely torment us wishing it was a joke.
Apr 5, 7:08 AM
May 2017
Reply to Light-
when it's no longer April 1st and the site still hasn't changed back

@Light- They eventually did. Maybe because they were either slow or maybe they tried to sadistically mess with us.
Apr 5, 10:25 AM

Jul 2021
i'm still saying they shouldn't have changed it back to normal, new one is too good.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Apr 8, 12:57 AM

Aug 2020
I honestly really liked it! Someone please make it into a browser extension
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