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MAL Game "Fantasy Anime League" Opens for Spring 2024

Mar 17, 5:53 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007

Make Your Team

Sun Mar 31, 22:00 GMT
and receive a profile badge

Can you predict the #AOTS?

Fantasy Anime League (FAL) is like Fantasy Sports with an anime twist. Players form their own "team" of anime from the Spring 2024 season, which collect points according to criteria like: # of users watching, # of users discussing, etc. You don't even need to watch the anime you've chosen!

Compete against your friends and other community members to see who has the best prediction power (or luck!) to come out on top.
  • Top 3 will receive a $50 Amazon gift card
  • Top 10 will receive 1 year free MAL Supporter
  • Top 11-50 will receive 3 months free MAL Supporter
  • Top 51-100 will receive 1 month free MAL Supporter

Get weekly reminders before swaps and aces are due by joining:
  • MAL Discord - After following the #how-to-verify instructions, go to #bot-spam (under Miscellaneous), type /asar join and then choose FAL.
  • FAL Club - Click "Join Club" under the image.

Changes since Winter 2024
  • Restrictions are pick max. 2 of 4 sequels this season. (Remember you can also pick 1 or even 0!) Instead of throwing Kaijuu in with a bunch of sequels—and everyone just picking Kaijuu—we opted to restrict sequels with similar prequel members, sequel members, and scores. We hope this will help vary up the teams this season~
  • No more hoodies! Sorry guys, it's become a little too time-intensive to arrange this each season.
  • Points made in episode 1 discussion threads before season start will now count. The goal with this change is to try to make it a bit more clear for players to predict points.

Please spread the word of FAL and get your friends to join!
If the game continues to grow, we can devote more resources to making it better and better.

Also, as a head's up:
I'm sorry to say that we won't be running FAL for Summer 2024 this year :< It's a bit too labour-intensive for our resources at the moment, so we'll return to only Spring/Fall seasons for now. Thanks for your understanding :nyaapray:
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Mar 17, 6:04 PM

Feb 2020
Rip no Summer 2024.

Anyway, by how the restrictions list goes, i might not having any restrictions for spring fal. Let's see if i change my mind near the deadline...

Edit: also this is my initial pick. Feel free to copy xd
badabassMar 17, 6:35 PM
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Mar 17, 10:49 PM
Ceasefire NOW

Aug 2009
Time to internally debate against myself which anime is going to be AOTS >_<

Oo Amazon gift card, nice.

Kinda sad that there won't be any Summer/Winter FAL now, but it's understandable. Btw, will the interest stacks be making a comeback? Didn't see any in the badge lineup that was posted in another thread.
Mar 18, 3:54 AM

May 2021
Team is ready to rumble. First fantasy league I'm taking part in, I'm scared.

No hoodies :(

Mar 18, 4:52 AM
Feb 2024
Hello, everyone!

First time playing FAL this season! Any advice??
Mar 18, 6:00 AM
Oct 2019
Damn all sequel on the restrictions list... wow
Mar 18, 6:44 AM

Apr 2021
Here is my prediction for spring season
Mar 18, 7:49 AM

Oct 2017
There is my first draft team
Mar 18, 8:24 AM

Feb 2020
Reply to Asvados
Hello, everyone!

First time playing FAL this season! Any advice??
@Asvados pick Kaijuu, popular animes, and animes that can brings >8 scores
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Mar 18, 9:08 AM
Feb 2024
Reply to badabass
@Asvados pick Kaijuu, popular animes, and animes that can brings >8 scores
@badabass Noted, thanks!

So if I go with popular anime then Kaijuu and Maou should be a no-brainer. Or is there some catch with Maou?

Finding the anime that can get >8 score is probably gonna be the tricky part...
Mar 18, 10:14 AM
Jan 2020
Yes sir time to get another badge
Mar 18, 11:00 AM

Nov 2021
Mar 18, 11:08 AM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
Didn't do so well for Winter 2024 FAL, so hopefully Spring 2024 would be better.

Mar 18, 2:38 PM

Feb 2020
Reply to Asvados
@badabass Noted, thanks!

So if I go with popular anime then Kaijuu and Maou should be a no-brainer. Or is there some catch with Maou?

Finding the anime that can get >8 score is probably gonna be the tricky part...
@Asvados yea maou gakouin seems like a common pick. Restrictions list also suits for the popular jobs. Some new shows also gonna be popular like Wind Breaker, or like Spice and Wolf, id assume. So good luck choicing all that matters xd
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Mar 18, 2:53 PM
Apr 2021
How to do this ?
Mar 18, 3:33 PM
Feb 2024
Reply to badabass
@Asvados yea maou gakouin seems like a common pick. Restrictions list also suits for the popular jobs. Some new shows also gonna be popular like Wind Breaker, or like Spice and Wolf, id assume. So good luck choicing all that matters xd
@badabass Okay great, thanks.

I noticed something interesting about Maou Gakouin: The part airing next season has ~98,400 but the previous part that aired on Winter 2023 has ~82,600 completed. Is that something I should take into account? Perhaps an indication that it's gonna underperform?
Mar 18, 3:38 PM
Feb 2024
Reply to Jevasamy
How to do this ?
Press the "Make Your Team" hyperlink on the top of the thread and then pick 8 shows. Follow the advice badabass gave me for team-building in this thread if you want.
Mar 18, 3:53 PM

Feb 2020
Reply to Asvados
@badabass Okay great, thanks.

I noticed something interesting about Maou Gakouin: The part airing next season has ~98,400 but the previous part that aired on Winter 2023 has ~82,600 completed. Is that something I should take into account? Perhaps an indication that it's gonna underperform?
@Asvados yeah should be about at least half. But i hopes its gonna be more than that.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Mar 18, 7:33 PM
Blitzball Player

Dec 2011
This is my first fantasy league! I combed every single entry and went with shows I plan on watching or looked interesting to me (sans sequels, prequels, etc). I'm probably playing to lose hah but I'm just in it for the fun. Concerning my current roster, I am almost guaranteed to try and watch the Active shows. The Bench shows are possibilities that I may watch. I'm hoping to be surprised on what will stand out to me! Have fun everyone!

Mar 18, 9:23 PM

Jul 2013
nice new badge
Mar 18, 11:52 PM

Jun 2012
Damn sad that there's no hoodie this coming season D: but really glad to hear we are going back to 2 season per year!!!
I find that it was getting more difficult to keep up with FAL when you have back to back seasons since you're focused on the current season ending while in just 2 weeks, you need to prep for the next season. I think having a season break in between is nice!
My 2023 Candies:

Bonus 2023 Candies:

Mar 19, 2:50 AM

Nov 2017
let's gooo another one, hope getting lucky this time lol
Mar 19, 7:14 AM

Jun 2020
Oh no! There is no FAL summer this year. 🥺

Luck doesn't know. All the anime released this season all have potential. Looking at the competition, I see two that might make a good impact or flop.

And here are my predictions for this season.

Good luck guys in this challenge. have fun!!!
Mar 19, 11:58 AM

Jun 2021
Winter 2024 was a ranking disaster for me, gearing up for spring 2024 now
Mar 19, 5:14 PM

Nov 2018
No FAL summer? Well... at least I want to rest (vacation mode)... if I remember correctly, there might be 1 season break per year and not continuing per season...

Here's my prediction for this season...

I have a little confused, why the Misfit demon king academy s2 2nd cour put it on general vote that the no. Of viewers almost reach to 100k (99,140+ views) and this anime considered it banned in less than 14 days, together with the 5 very popular banned anime for this season?🤔

And lastly, my question was: why hibike euphonium put it on restriction mode? 🤔
PersiaJuliet23Mar 27, 6:57 AM
Mar 20, 10:58 PM
Aug 2019
Reply to whiteknight826
Damn sad that there's no hoodie this coming season D: but really glad to hear we are going back to 2 season per year!!!
I find that it was getting more difficult to keep up with FAL when you have back to back seasons since you're focused on the current season ending while in just 2 weeks, you need to prep for the next season. I think having a season break in between is nice!
@whiteknight826 well you know,you dont have to play every season .. you can take a break whenever you want and if u can't handle taking out 5 mins to figure out each of your teams 1 time (5 mins to pick a new team) and 5 mins to figure out your existing team) then you might actually need that break lol
Mar 21, 10:03 AM
Nov 2023
This is new for me. Wish me luck! There were some great choices, I'm looking forward to watching these anime later on.
Mar 22, 9:05 AM

Jun 2020
Too bad, my favorite FAL Badges are Summer and Winter because of the colors. Well, I know it's hard to manage something like this every single season so no problem.
I didn't take it seriously last season so I'll do better for this one!
Mar 22, 3:20 PM

Jun 2022
Any rec to win?
Mar 22, 4:22 PM

Nov 2020
Sentai Daishikkaku or Wind Breaker? both seem good bench prospects rn
Mar 22, 11:47 PM
Jan 2021
Reply to BUTHO
Any rec to win?
@BUTHO kaiju no.8, spice and wolf, windbreaker
Mar 23, 1:35 AM

May 2022
Interesting changes for this season for sure was nice having a full year of mal fantasy, but understandable that it is more feasible to only have the main seasons. Date/yuru camp are the safest restricted. Probably recommended taking yuru for sure as it will def have a 8+ score and have decent viewership. Might change up to hibike, but it doesn't seem like it gets a lot of viewers even if it does score very highly.
Mar 23, 2:08 AM
Jul 2016
Reply to Asvados
Hello, everyone!

First time playing FAL this season! Any advice??
@Asvados First time too. I checked the original source ratings and popularity.
Mar 23, 4:07 AM
Feb 2024
Reply to LuffyetWade
@Asvados First time too. I checked the original source ratings and popularity.
@LuffyetWade Yeah I spent the last few days doing the same. Read some of the sources as well.

This is my draft now:

What do you think?

Edit: also @badabass rating out of 10?
Mar 23, 4:27 AM

Feb 2020
Reply to Asvados
@LuffyetWade Yeah I spent the last few days doing the same. Read some of the sources as well.

This is my draft now:

What do you think?

Edit: also @badabass rating out of 10?
@Asvados your team looks solid. Now you need to understand the rules well and then you settled.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Mar 23, 4:58 AM
Feb 2024
Reply to badabass
@Asvados your team looks solid. Now you need to understand the rules well and then you settled.
@badabass Yeah I'll start reading them now. Is there any rule I should pay extra attention to?
Mar 23, 5:01 AM

Jan 2023
don't want to rub it in, but i said it's to much
Mar 23, 5:16 AM

Feb 2020
Reply to Asvados
@badabass Yeah I'll start reading them now. Is there any rule I should pay extra attention to?
@Asvados well i'd say the most important part is acing rules. There's a good guide you can read to understand the rule better. I'll attach the link here so you can read by yourself:

Here's the thread maker for the guide:
You can ask him more, or just join the mal discord and choose fal channel to ask more people about how the rules impact fal play.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Mar 23, 5:30 AM
Jul 2016
Reply to Asvados
@LuffyetWade Yeah I spent the last few days doing the same. Read some of the sources as well.

This is my draft now:

What do you think?

Edit: also @badabass rating out of 10?
@Asvados Very similar no mine. The main has only one difference, I didn't include the one with the blue haired girl and instead put Viral Hit. It was the first one I chose and wasn't followong the criteria yet, but chose to put some manhwa adaptation in there.
Mar 23, 6:25 AM
Nov 2022
my team

GoldWindYTMar 29, 4:43 AM
Mar 23, 6:55 AM
Sep 2020
blue lock is the best sport haikyuu and slamdunk then currently watching koroko basket
Mar 23, 7:52 AM
Feb 2024
Gushing over magical girls 😈♥️
Mar 23, 8:48 AM
Mar 2023
my team is going to destroy your ngl
Mar 23, 9:16 AM

May 2023
Let the new season Begin!!!

Mar 23, 9:42 AM

Nov 2018

Mar 23, 10:40 AM
Dec 2022
This is my first time taking part in FAL, what do active and bench mean?
Mar 23, 11:01 AM
Mar 2021
Some Anime airing a little too early and are banned... wow
Mar 23, 11:50 AM

Dec 2018
this is my predictions

Mar 23, 12:00 PM
Feb 2014

I did my pick. where's my badge? :)
Mar 23, 12:05 PM

Apr 2023
first time taking part in FAL, im excited
Wake up to REALITY!!
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