[18] [X] ... that has at least 1 Alternative Setting listed The series used must have, under "Related Anime" below the "Synopsis", another series listed as "Alternative Setting"; An "Alternative Version" is something different and won't count.
[21] [X] ... with more Side Stories than Sequels listed The series used must have, under "Related Anime" below the "Synopsis", at least one listed "Sequel"; Only series listed as "Side Story" can be used (no summary, spin-off, other, etc).
[04] [X] ... that has no Producers listed Under "Information", must be listed as "Producers: None found" or "Producers: Unknown".
[07] [X] ... that has no Licensors listed Under "Information", must be listed as "Licensors: None found" or "Licensors: Unknown".
[10] [X] ... that has 4 or more Producers listed Under "Information", must appear listed as "Producers".
[13] [X] ... that has 2 or more Studios listed Under "Information", must appear listed as "Studios".
[22] [X] ... that has 1 Licensor AND 1 Producer listed There must be only one of each listed; Under "Information", they must be listed as "Licensors" and "Producers" respectively.
[08] [X] ... that is tagged with 4 or more genres, themes, or demographic Must be listed on the anime page on MAL.; Must have 4 or more different tags.
[28] [X] ... that has 2 tags AND 2 main characters listed The series must have only 2 tags (a combination of genres, themes, and/or demographic) and only 2 main characters; There can be supporting characters listed.
[23] [X] ... that started airing on the 1st day Any month/year.
[22] [X] ... that started airing on the 2nd day Any month/year.
[09] [X] ... that started airing on the 5th day Any month/year.
[10] [X] ... that started airing on the 7th day Any month/year.
[15] [X] ... that started airing on the 8th day Any month/year.
[11] [X] ... that started airing on the 9th day Any month/year.
[12] [X] ... that started airing on the 12th day Any month/year.
[17] [X] ... that started airing on the 13th day Any month/year.
[17] [X] ... that started airing on the 18th day Any month/year.
[08] [X] ... that started airing on the 19th day Any month/year.
[19] [X] ... that started airing on the 20th day Any month/year.
[29] [X] ... that started airing on the 30th day Any month/year.
[24] [X] ... that started airing on the 31st day Any month/year.
[28] [X] ... that's a Movie-type aired on the 28th day Any month/year; Must appear listed as "Type: Movie".
[32] [X] ... that's an OVA-type which started airing in 1999 or before Any day/month; Must appear listed as "Type: OVA".
[21] [X] ... that started airing in 1971, 1977, or 1984 Any day/month; Must have started airing during one of those years.
[31] [X] ... that started airing between 1980 and 1982 Any day/month.
[14] [X] ... that started airing in 1986 Any day/month.
[17] [X] ... that started airing in a year ending in 4 Any day/month; Can be any year that ends in a 4 (2014, 2004, 1994, 1984, and so on).
[02] [X] ... that only has an Aired year, with no specific month or day Under "Information", it must appear listed, for example, as "Aired: 1973"; dates that appear as "Aired: Not available" can't be used.
[18] [X] ... that started airing during December AND was completed by less than 20,000 members Any day/year; Under "Summary Stats" in the Stats tab, there must be 19,999 or less users that completed the series; Link a screenshot showing your username in case that number changes by inspection.
[09] [X] ... that started airing in the 1990s AND has a "B" in the main title Must fulfill both requirements; The letter B just needs to be part of the main title ; Must have started airing between January 1, 1990 and December 31, 1999 (any day/month).
[20] [X] ... that started airing in the 2000s AND has less than 20 Related Clubs Must fulfill both requirements; Must have started airing between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2009 (any day/month); Must have 19 related clubs or less; Check under the Clubs tab, they must appear listed as related. If the list is long, you can do a search of the word "members" to get an estimate.
[06] [X] ... that was broadcasted on a Monday Under "Information", must be listed as "Broadcasted: Monday..."; If there is no broadcast listed, it can't be used.
[05] [X] ... that was broadcasted on a Tuesday Under "Information", must be listed as "Broadcasted: Tuesday..."; If there is no broadcast listed, it can't be used.
[04] [X] ... that was broadcasted on a Wednesday Under "Information", must be listed as "Broadcasted: Wednesday..."; If there is no broadcast listed, it can't be used.
[03] [X] ... that was broadcasted on a Thursday Under "Information", must be listed as "Broadcasted: Thursday..."; If there is no broadcast listed, it can't be used.
[02] [X] ... that was broadcasted on a Friday Under "Information", must be listed as "Broadcasted: Friday..."; If there is no broadcast listed, it can't be used.
[01] [X] ... that was broadcasted on a Saturday Under "Information", must be listed as "Broadcasted: Saturday..."; If there is no broadcast listed, it can't be used.
[13] [X] ... that was broadcasted on a Sunday Under "Information", must be listed as "Broadcasted: Sunday..."; If there is no broadcast listed, it can't be used.
[07] [X] ... that was broadcasted on an Unknown day Under "Information", must be listed as "Broadcasted: Unknown..."; If there is no broadcast listed, it can't be used.
[19] [X] ... that started airing on a Friday but isn't a TV-type The used anime must have a full date listed (day, month and year); To check the week day, you can do a web search of the date and/or check and old calendar.
[31] [X] ... that was broadcasted at 17:00 (JST) Under "Information", must be listed as having aired during that time; Any day; If there is no broadcast listed, it can't be used.
[32] [X] ... that was broadcasted at 18:30 (JST) Under "Information", must be listed as having aired during that time; Any day; If there is no broadcast listed, it can't be used.
[19] [X] ... that was broadcasted at 22:00 (JST) Under "Information", must be listed as having aired during that time; Any day; If there is no broadcast listed, it can't be used.
[24] [X] ... that's a Music-type with a total duration of 6 minutes or more Must be listed as "Type: Music"; Can have one or more episodes.
[30] [X] ... that's an ONA-type with a total duration of 60 minutes or more Must be listed as "Type: ONA"; Can have one or more episodes.
[13] [X] ... that's between 80 to 90 minutes long The total duration for the anime used must be between 1 hour and 20 minutes up to 1 hour and 30 minutes; Can be a single episode series or one with multiple episodes; You can use our Hall of Fame to check the total duration of an anime by replacing the ID (numbers) of this link.
[06] [X] ... that's 94 minutes long The total duration for the anime used must be exactly 1 hour and 34 minutes; Can be a single episode series or one with multiple episodes; You can use our Hall of Fame to check the total duration of an anime by replacing the ID (numbers) of this link.
[14] [X] ... that's between 120 to 130 minutes long The total duration for the anime used must be between 2 hours up to 2 hours and 10 minutes; Can be a single episode series or one with multiple episodes; You can use our Hall of Fame to check the total duration of an anime by replacing the ID (numbers) of this link.
[18] [X] ... with episodes that are between 5 to 10 minutes long Must have more than one episode; Each episode must be listed to have a "Duration" of 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 minutes in the "Information" section.
[20] [X] ... with episodes that are 20 minutes long Must have more than one episode; Each episode must be listed to have a "Duration: 20 min. per ep." in the "Information" section.
[23] [X] ... with episodes that are 21 minutes long Must have more than one episode; Each episode must be listed to have a "Duration: 21 min. per ep." in the "Information" section.
[31] [X] ... with episodes that are between 25 to 30 minutes long Must have more than one episode; Each episode must be listed to have a "Duration" of 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 or 30 minutes in the "Information" section.
[03] [X] ... that's 12 episodes long with a duration of 22 minutes per episode The series used must have listed "Duration: 22 min. per ep."; Must be exactly listed with the required episodes and minutes per.
[05] [X] ... that's 13 episodes long with a duration of 24 minutes per episode The series used must have listed "Duration: 24 min. per ep."; Must be exactly listed with the required episodes and minutes per.
[29] [X] ... that's 25 episodes long with a duration of 25 minutes per episode The series used must have listed "Duration: 25 min. per ep."; Must be exactly listed with the required episodes and minutes per.
[32] [X] ... with only 7 episodes listed The series used must have the exact amount of episodes listed.
[14] [X] ... adapted from a Novel or Book Does not include Visual Novel, Light Novel or Picture Book; Must appear listed as the "Source", under the "Information" section.
[07] [X] ... with an Unknown source Under "Information", must appear listed as "Source: Unknown"; Keep in mind that the source can be updated later and invalidate your challenge, so a screenshot is suggested.
[01] [X] ... with less than 500 On-Hold users Under "Summary Stats" in the Stats tab, there must be 499 or less users that put the series on-hold; Link a screenshot showing your username in case that number changes by inspection.
[02] [X] ... with 10,000 or more Dropped users Under "Summary Stats" in the Stats tab, there must be 10,001 or more users that dropped the series; Link a screenshot showing your username in case that number changes by inspection.
[08] [X] ... that has 0.5% or less users rated a 1 On the Stats tab, under "Score Stats", the percent for the total votes on the score of 1 must be 0.5% or less. Example; Link a screenshot showing your username in case that number changes by inspection.
[10] [X] ... that has 0.1% votes for any rating On the Stats tab, under "Score Stats", the percent for the total votes for any score must be exactly 0.1%. Example; Link a screenshot showing your username in case that number changes by inspection.
[22] [X] ... that has less than 100 votes for any rating On the Stats tab, under "Score Stats", the total votes for any score must be 99 or less. Example; Link a screenshot showing your username in case that number changes by inspection.
[20] [X] ... with the number "20" in the Rank -OR- Popularity State the one used and the current Rank/Popularity; Link a screenshot showing your username; The number can be alone or as part of a bigger number (any position, for example 820, 2040, 11207).
[01] [X] ... that's rated G Rating is "G - All Ages".
[10] [X] ... with the word "the" in the main title Must be the word alone, separated of others by a space.
[15] [X] ... that has an English color in the main title English names only; The name of the color can be alone or as part of another word. If it's part of another word, bold or underline the name of the color.
[16] [X] ... that has 2 or more numbers in the main title The numbers can be separated or together making a bigger number, like a year (2019); The numbers should be in its cardinal (10, 19, 1995) or roman (II, III, IV) form; Written numbers can't be used (one, five, ten).
[12] [X] ... with the letters "s" and "z" in the main title Both letters must be present; The letters can be alone or as part of a word.
[31] [X] ... with the letter "q" in the main title The letter can be alone or as part of a word.
[12] [X] ... that has a single letter in the main title Must be the letter alone, separated by a space from other words.
[29] [X] ... with a main title that ends with the letter "D" The letter can be alone or as part of a word.
[30] [X] ... with a main title that starts and ends with the same letter The letter can be alone or as part of a word; If the main title has a number or symbol at the start/end, it can't be used.
[08] [X] ... with a main title that has at least 3 keyboard punctuation marks There must be 3 or more keyboard punctuation marks; Keyboard punctuation marks are the symbols that are commonly used in writing. For example & . , ! ? : ; “ ” ‘ ’ ( ) { } [ ] @ * ~ / – # $
[09] [X] ... with a special character/symbol in the main title Refers to symbols that aren't commonly used in writing. For example ♥ ☆ ★ ♪ etc. ; Excludes keyboard punctuation marks such as & . , ! ? : ; “ ” ‘ ’ ( ) { } [ ] @ * ~ / – # $
[09] [X] ... with a main title that has three or less characters The series main title must be of three or less letters, symbols, and/or numbers. It can be a combination of them or just letters/numbers.
[08] [X] ... that has 5 or more words in the main title The words must be separated from others by a space to count as one; Single letters count as a word, but numbers and symbols don't.
[01] [X] ... that only has an alternative title in English Under "Alternative Titles", it should have an English listed title; Japanese titles are allowed; Nothing else is (neither Synonyms or a different language).
[19] [X] ... that has 5 or more Alternative Titles listed Under "Alternative Titles", any language listed can be used (Synonyms, Japanese, English and so on); Two or more per language also count individually.
[25] [X] ... with an exclamation mark in one of the titles You can use the main title or any of the Alternative Titles; Must have an " ! " somewhere.
[26] [X] ... that has a single letter in one of the titles Must be the letter alone, separated by a space from other words; You can use the main title or any of the Alternative Titles.
[14] [X] ... that has Synonyms, Japanese and English titles listed They must appear listed under the "Alternative Titles" section.
[11] [X] ... that has a number in an Alternative Title, but not in the main title Can be any that appears under the "Alternative Titles" section; The number should be in its cardinal (1, 5, 10) or roman (I, V, X) form; Written numbers can't be used (one, five, ten).
[28] [X] ... with the word "no" or the hiragana "の" twice in one of the titles The title used must have either (word/hiragana) repeated twice; The word can be alone or as part of another; Under "Alternative Titles", the hiragana must appear on any of the Japanese titles; Chinese titles are allowed; it doesn't matter the meaning, it just need to appear as is.
[03] [X] ... with the kanji "世" as part of the Japanese title Under "Alternative Titles", the kanji must appear on any of the Japanese titles; Chinese titles are allowed; it doesn't matter the meaning, it just need to appear as is.
[07] [X] ... with the kanji "言" as part of the Japanese title Under "Alternative Titles", the kanji must appear on any of the Japanese titles; Chinese titles are allowed; it doesn't matter the meaning, it just need to appear as is.
[23] [X] ... with the word "angel" in the Synopsis The word can be alone or as part of another.
[24] [X] ... with the word "black" in the Synopsis The word can be alone or as part of another.
[22] [X] ... with the word "blood" in the Synopsis The word can be alone or as part of another.
[24] [X] ... with the word "leaf" or "leaves" in the Synopsis The word can be alone or as part of another.
[31] [X] ... with the word "red" in the Synopsis The word can be alone or as part of another.
[28] [X] ... with the word "safe" in the Synopsis The word can be alone or as part of another.
[27] [X] ... with the word "salary" or "job" in the Synopsis The word can be alone or as part of another.
[29] [X] ... with the word "tall" in the Synopsis The word can be alone or as part of another.
[07] [X] ... that has Background information You can find the "Background" section on the series main page, under the "Synopsis".
[05] [X] ... with no Openings listed Below the "Staff", the "Opening Theme" section must be empty. It will show the usual message "No opening themes have been added to this title. Help improve our database by adding an opening theme here."
[06] [X] ... with no Endings Listed Below the "Staff", the "Ending Theme" section must be empty. It will show the usual message "No ending themes have been added to this title. Help improve our database by adding an opening theme here."
[21] [X] ... with more Opening than Ending songs listed Below the "Staff", the "Opening Theme" section must have more listed than the "Ending Theme" section.
[04] [X] ... that has 5 or less Related Clubs Check under the Clubs tab; they must appear listed as related; No clubs listed is can be used.
[20] [X] ... that has between 20 to 49 Related Clubs Check under the Clubs tab; they must appear listed as related; If the list is long, you can do a search of the word "members" to get an estimate.
[03] [X] ... that has 50 or more Related Clubs Check under the Clubs tab; they must appear listed as related; If the list is long, you can do a search of the word "members" to get an estimate.
[25] [X] ... with a related club that has more than 500 members Check under the Clubs tab; they must appear listed as related; Can be any club that has 501 or more members.
[11] [X] ... that has no Recommendations listed Check under the Recommendations tab; Saving a screenshot that shows your username is suggested.
[21] [X] ... that has 12 or more Recommendations listed Check under the Recommendations tab; Saving a screenshot that shows your username is suggested.
[20] [X] ... that has 20 or more Recommendations -OR- characters listed State the one used; It must have either, 20 or more recommendations --or-- 20 or more characters listed;
Recommendations: Check under the Recommendations tab; Saving a screenshot that shows your username is suggested;
Characters: They must appear listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section; Can be main or supporting.
[11] [X] ... that has a Featured Article Must have at least one linked; To see if a series has one, either scroll to the bottom of the series page (usually below "Recent Forum Discussion") or search them here.
[13] [X] ... that has any Episode Videos listed You can see the Episode Videos in the main page, under the "Background" section or in the Videos tab.
[13] [X] ... that has only 2 Trailers listed In the Videos tab, under the "Trailers" section. There should be exactly 2 videos listed.
[25] [X] ... with only 2 Pictures listed Check under the Pictures tab; Must be exactly two pictures; A screenshot is suggested in case more are added.
[28] [X] ... with only 3 Pictures listed Check under the Pictures tab; Must be exactly three pictures; A screenshot is suggested in case more are added.
[22] [X] ... with 3 or less Pictures listed Check under the Pictures tab; A screenshot is suggested in case more are added.
[15] [X] ... where at least one of the forum topics is a Poll Link the topic used; Check under the Forum tab; Must appear listed as a Poll.
[21] [X] ... that has 12 or more Reviews listed Check under the Reviews tab; The reviews must have been made before you completed the series.
[18] [X] ... that was reviewed with an Overall Rating of 1 Link the review used; Check under the Reviews tab; The review must have been made before you completed the series.
[30] [X] ... that was reviewed on January 20th Link the review used; Any year; Check under the Reviews tab; The review must have been made before you completed the series.
[26] [X] ... that was reviewed on March 25th Link the review used; Any year; Check under the Reviews tab; The review must have been made before you completed the series.
[27] [X] ... that was reviewed on April 1st Link the review used; Any year; Check under the Reviews tab; The review must have been made before you completed the series.
[18] [X] ... that doesn't have any News listed Check under the News tab; There must be no News listed by the time you completed it.
[25] [X] ... that has a Featured Article and News listed The series used must have at least one from each; To see if a series has one, either scroll to the bottom of the series page (usually below "Recent Forum Discussion") or search them here; For News check under the News tab or scroll below the "Recommendations" on its main page.
[26] [X] ... with more Staff than Characters listed They must appear listed; Under the Characters & Staff tab, you have to confirm that there are more people listed under the "Staff" section than there are characters (main and supporting) under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section.
[12] [X] ... with a main character that has a nickname State the character used; Check their MAL page, nicknames will appear between quotation marks in the middle of their name. For example " Luffy "Mugiwara, Straw Hat, Lucy, Luffytaro" Monkey D. ".
[23] [X] ... with a main character whose first and last name start with the same letter State the character used; Character must be listed with both names; Nicknames can't be used.
[11] [X] ... with a non-humanoid main character State the character used; The character can't have a humanoid shape/physical appearance; Must retain that appearance for more than half of the series.
[32] [X] ... with a main character that has green hair or eyes State the character used; Hair color must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
[12] [X] ... with a main character that has purple hair or eyes State the character used; Hair color must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on).
[24] [X] ... with a main character that has a birthday in October State the character used; Link to your source; Any day/year.
[30] [X] ... with a main character that has a birthday in December State the character used; Link to your source; Any day/year.
[27] [X] ... with two main characters that are 10 or more years apart in age State the characters used; Link to your source; The age gap must be of 10 years or more (for example: a parent and their child).
[19] [X] ... with 4 or more main characters listed They must appear listed under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section as Main.
[04] [X] ... where a main character was favorited more than the anime State the character used; For the character favorites, check the character page, under "Animeography/Mangaography".
[02] [X] ... with a supporting character that has 500 or more Member Favorites State the character used; Check the character page, under "Animeography/Mangaography".
[15] [X] ... with a character that only has a first name State the character used; Can be main or supporting; Character must be listed just with a first name, can't have a full name nor nicknames. For example: Levi.
[23] [X] ... with a character that has 10 or more letters in their name State the character used; Can be main or supporting; Can be the first or last name, but not the nickname; Must be a single word without spaces, numbers or symbols.
[27] [X] ... with a character that has "red" or "aka" in their name State the character used; Can be main or supporting; Must be either stated word only; The word can be alone or as part of another; Nicknames can't be used.
[14] [X] ... with a character that has "sora" or "sky" in their name State the character used; Can be main or supporting; Must be either stated word only; The word can be alone or as part of another; Nicknames can't be used.
[16] [X] ... with a character that has the letter "z" in their name State the character used; Can be main or supporting; The letter can be alone or as part of a word; Nicknames can't be used.
[26] [X] ... with a character that has a spoiler tag in its Details page State the character used; Can be main or supporting; Check the character page, in the Details tab.
[05] [X] ... with no characters listed The "Characters & Voice Actors" section must be empty.
[06] [X] ... with only one character listed The "Characters & Voice Actors" section must have only one character; Can be main or supporting.
[32] [X] ... with only one main character listed The "Characters & Voice Actors" section must have only one main character; Can have supporting characters listed.
[01] [X] ... where a character has 4 or more voice actors/actresses listed State the character used; Can be main or supporting; VAs can be of any language.
[26] [X] ... with a character that appears in 5 or more series State the character used; Check the character page, under "Animeography". Series must appear listed and related there.
[17] [X] ... with a female main character that has the letter "y" in her name State the main character used; The letter can be alone or as part of a word; Nicknames can't be used.
[17] [X] ... with a male main character that has the letter "k" in his name State the main character used; The letter can be alone or as part of a word; Nicknames can't be used.
[09] [X] ... that has more males than females as main characters From the total amount of characters listed as Main, there must be more than half of them listed as males; It can be a males only main cast; Can be only one main character.
[10] [X] ... with at least one male and one female main character There must be, at minimum, one of each. The rest of the main cast doesn't matter.
[16] [X] ... with at least one child/teen as part of the main cast State the character used; Can be main or supporting; Must be 19 years old or younger.
[16] [X] ... with at least one adult as part of the main cast State the character used; Can be main or supporting; Must be 20 years old or older.
[27] [X] ... with a character that wears a hat in their main Picture State the character used; Can be main or supporting; Any kind of hat. Helmets don't count; Only use their main picture listed.
[25] [X] ... with a character that wears glasses in their main Picture State the character used; Can be main or supporting; Any kind of glasses. Sunglasses don't count; Only use their main picture listed.
[29] [X] ... with a character that wears a cape or a cloak State the character used; Link your source; Can be main or supporting; Any kind of cape/capelet or cloak. Robes and coats doesn't count.
[30] [X] ... with a female main character that wears pants State the character used; Link your source; Can be main or supporting; Any kind of pants (jeans, capri, shorts, cargo, harem, etc). Leggings don't count.
[02] [X] ... with a voice actor/actress that has more Supporting than Main roles State the VA used; State the amount of Supporting vs Main roles.
[06] [X] ... that has birds in it State the episode and timestamp on which they are shown; Include a screenshot for comparison; The birds must appear clearly and be easy to identify as such; Can't be a half-bird character.
[05] [X] ... that has cats in it State the episode and timestamp on which they are shown; Include a screenshot for comparison; The cats must appear clearly and be easy to identify as such; Can't be a half-cat character.
[04] [X] ... that has dogs in it State the episode and timestamp on which they are shown; Include a screenshot for comparison; The dogs must appear clearly and be easy to identify as such; Can't be a half-dog character.
[15] [X] ... that has rabbits in it State the episode and timestamp on which they are shown; Include a screenshot for comparison; The rabbits (or bunnies) must appear clearly and be easy to identify as such; Can't be a half-rabbit character.
[03] [X] ... that has snakes in it State the episode and timestamp on which they are shown; Include a screenshot for comparison; The snakes must appear clearly and be easy to identify as such; Can't be a half-snake character.
[16] [X] ... that has 2 or more animals in it State the episode, animals and timestamp on which they are shown; Include a screenshot for comparison; Must be real animals; They must appear clearly and be easy to identify as such; Can't be a half-animal character.