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Feb 21, 2020 11:45 AM

Oct 2008
Hello I just joined and firstly I want to thank all those that created it and are sustaining MALGraph at the moment. I have been using it for years and don't want to think about it not beeing here.

Currently my MALGraph is taking longer to update, than normal. I understand that there is extensive information to be scanned on my profile. I just want any information anyone can give me about this issue and if and when it will be remedied. Again I am grateful to you and I hope to get a reply from you, at your convenience.
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Jun 17, 2020 12:11 PM

Dec 2019
zieek said:
Hello I just joined and firstly I want to thank all those that created it and are sustaining MALGraph at the moment. I have been using it for years and don't want to think about it not beeing here.

Currently my MALGraph is taking longer to update, than normal. I understand that there is extensive information to be scanned on my profile. I just want any information anyone can give me about this issue and if and when it will be remedied. Again I am grateful to you and I hope to get a reply from you, at your convenience.
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