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The Quintessential Quintuplets
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Aug 27, 2020 11:31 PM

Dec 2015
I just finished reading it and it feels like a 7/10 to me, but I can understand why there are several 5/10 and lower reviews from other readers.

This has been pointed out already, but I think there is more to it than the "mai waifu didnt win >:( " thing. I knew where it was going to end up after chapter 86 and I can respect what the author was going for, but it just fell a bit flat and I think the problem of why that happened for a lot of readers is because of the story as a whole.

Writing a romance story with five viable heroines is extremely hard. Most manga/anime harem stories I have encountered get by this problem by (1) being long enough to appear to give each heroine a real shot (aka long enough to develop and make you care about all the girls) or (2) make the "winner" obvious from the beginning. I guess there are also the true harems, but those are a bit rarer and not what this story was ever aiming to be.

The quintuplets thing is a good hook, but for one reason or another, the girls were not treated fairly, much less equally in the story. For the record, I was primarily on team Ichika but I was willing to accept anyone except for Itsuki. She was sidelined most of the story after volume 4 and that was a shame because I wanted to like her too. She just fell into the background with Futaro's dad and sister, who were also woefully underused. Ichika, Nino, and Miku had more page time and were better developed because of that. Yotsuba got somewhat-decent page time towards the end but because of the whole mystery aspect the author was going for, she was treated more like a comic relief/support character for most of the first 86 chapters and ended up being underdeveloped as a result.

Another problem is the MC, Futaro. I get that he is written to play the straight man against the girls' hijinks, and that is what he ended up doing for most of the story. The beginning wants to hammer in that he is poor and has abandoned everything except his studies to find a way to help his family escape the debt, a debt that isn't explained (and only briefly at that) until the end of volume 14. His dad and sister are used so rarely that you barely get a grip on his home life at all!

This story was trying to juggle too many characters and as a result there are too many things left unresolved or resolved so quickly it didn't offer the reader enough catharsis.

How did Futaro and girls' dads know each other? That got one or two pages.
What was going on with the bake shop feud? Who cares?
The girls' biological father? A throwaway character in two chapters.

Overall, the girls certainly grew as characters but because of the uneven page time, Yotsuba and especially Itsuki were left in the dust. Since Yotsuba ended up being the girl Futaro ended up marrying, it felt unearned by several readers. If he had gone with what i consider to be one of the main three, I think the overall backlash against the ending would have been less. It is simply because the reader had more time to understand what these characters were thinking and feeling and were able to empathize with them more. I think Miku winning the popularity contest by a large margin was more than "she's the awkward, cute one." I think she was the most developed girl early on and the readers noticed that.

It is a joke but is also true in many ways - when a winner is picked in a harem, the story is basically over. If Yotsuba was going to be the girl that Futaro ended up marrying, then there needed to be more time with the two of them together. I get what what they were going for and it's enough to get the point across, but I didn't fully buy that Futaro was in love with her. I think that is because even when it committed to this pairing, the story decided it needed to spend too much time on the other sisters. The chapters following the confession scene should have spent more time solidifying the the budding romance between Futaro and Yotsuba instead of more sister angst. I'm not saying to ignore the angst completely, but it should have addressed less since that should not have been the main focus of the story anymore. The books started with a wedding - now that we know the players, how did they get there? I think the story needed at least 8 more chapters to wrap everything up in a more satisfying way.

To conclude this diatribe, I think the way that the story was written is its main problem. As it stands, it would have been better if it was about triplets - you still could have had the sister dynamic and you could have made one or two of the others real support characters, which is what I believe Itsuki already is after volume 4 (most of the time) and what Yotsuba is until chapter 86. Framing a story around a wedding with five viable candidates to be the bride is hard to do and the way the story was written didn't fully work as intended. It should have been written more as a slice of life story with the five sisters, perhaps finding their dream or landing their man or whatever, or it should have been written as a romance story with fewer heroines vying for the affection of the MC - it ended up too cluttered with elements unexplored, rushed, or dropped altogether. I'm just guessing, but it would probably need another 20 chapters or several chapters reworked to give five viable wedding candidates enough page time to make them all compelling.

That's just what I think though. As I said, this is still a 7/10 (good) for me and I can't say that I didn't have fun reading it as is, but it also didn't rise up to become anything really special.
ArchsagePentAug 30, 2020 10:09 PM
Aug 30, 2020 12:39 AM
Feb 2020
its the classic "main heroine is A,lets develop and progress with b,c,d,etc,but yeah later mc be like i love emilia,i mean i love A" so yeah thats it,no its not that bad,but still its always falling to the same cliche that it will be fine if the author focus on it,but no,like u know nisekoi,lets just forget that its "chitoge love story" right? then focus on other but in the end mc be like "i love emilia i mean chitoge",look like harem in japan really have to stick to the cliche NO MATTER WHAT.
Sep 2, 2020 5:29 AM
Jul 2018
I remember somewhere in the 90s chapters I realised that Yotsuba was the one character that had like zero plans after high school, and I remember thinking “I hope she doesn’t win because she’s got nothing else to go on with” and uh, that’s kind of exactly what it ended up feeling like happened.
Sep 4, 2020 10:51 AM

May 2015
I just finished reading it. I was rooting for Ichika the whole time. I was rooting for her big time because she seems to be very passive in the beginning and acts as the big sister type who just wants accepts whatever happens and wishes what's best for her sisters. She even helped Miku with her feelings in the beginning. Even helped Futarou with his problems with Itsuki. I can't even remember how many times she cried over the fact that she's conflicted with her feelings. But then after that talk to Yotsuba, her attitude changed thus ruining all her chances during the trip....and then she left. Too bad, she's a well written character and her moments with Fuutarou doesn't seem so forced especially in the earlier chapters. Her redemption seemed fast too, wished she could have a better redemption chapter(s).

But to be honest, Ichika, Nino, and Miku would have been fine. I don't see Itsuki being a thing tho, because they only developed their relationship during the start. After that, it's all Ichika, Nino. and Miku.

Yotsuba was a surprise. She never even confessed until Futarou did. I guess Futarou really isn't that dense to not notice the good things Yotsuba was doing. I just wished there are more moments with them.
kristoffSep 4, 2020 10:55 AM

Sep 6, 2020 4:44 PM
Oct 2018
I liked the ending, it wasn't my favorite girl. The only thing missing was a pair for the other girls, maybe if the author had put more loving pairs for other people at the end.
Sep 12, 2020 1:10 AM
May 2018
The ending was very good ..
Yotsuba deserved it but wished if there were more chapters .. overall , it was nice manga
Sep 29, 2020 2:57 PM
May 2016
some people take the shipping scene to much to heart, I have my ships, but I can't argue with the cannon unless it was just THAT bad
Sep 30, 2020 1:41 AM
Jul 2018
The only issue I had with the last chapters were the pacing. We needed more time to explore Yotsuba's issues. They got brush off too easily.

The ending itself is fine. The dream sequence was a flashback. I was cool with Yotsuba being the bride since she was always my second choice.

The one thing I didn't like was how the other girls followed them on their honeymoon because it's been about 4 or 5 years since he rejected them and it's low-key pathetic that they haven't moved on.
Oct 1, 2020 1:52 PM
Feb 2020
why? if u read from start u should realize that gotoubun is "good" and have good potential,then that exactly what happen,until when its going downhill towards the end.

the start with amazing "harem",like every girl is actually "equal",like anyone can be with fuutarou right?? yeah heck they are quintuplets to begin with,but sadly after amazing development with 3 girls,yeah ONLY 3,ichika,nino and miku.then we back to the same problem with typical harem like this,what about the 2 girl?? yeah 2 girls left behind,yotsuba and itsuki.

i got the bad feeling about this,this is gonna end up with ever single "trash harem cliche" out there,the "girl who did nothing/the main or first girl will ALWAYS WIN" because the author choose the "safest" choice aka have no F balls.but no,negi will not do that right?? WRONG.

negi pull "yotsuba dont want anything,she didnt do anything from start right?? BUT she will win,because what reason?? the answer is YEAH SHE IS THE MAIN HEROINE/THE FATED GIRL/CHILDHOOD FRIEND/FIRST GIRL",we back to our typical trash harem my friend lmao,not gonna lie,negi got me with the start of this manga,i thought its gonna be good,but i was wrong,another 5/10 typical harem ship war manga.
Oct 17, 2020 7:29 PM

Aug 2014
zerokarasu said:
why? if u read from start u should realize that gotoubun is "good" and have good potential,then that exactly what happen,until when its going downhill towards the end.

the start with amazing "harem",like every girl is actually "equal",like anyone can be with fuutarou right?? yeah heck they are quintuplets to begin with,but sadly after amazing development with 3 girls,yeah ONLY 3,ichika,nino and miku.then we back to the same problem with typical harem like this,what about the 2 girl?? yeah 2 girls left behind,yotsuba and itsuki.

i got the bad feeling about this,this is gonna end up with ever single "trash harem cliche" out there,the "girl who did nothing/the main or first girl will ALWAYS WIN" because the author choose the "safest" choice aka have no F balls.but no,negi will not do that right?? WRONG.

negi pull "yotsuba dont want anything,she didnt do anything from start right?? BUT she will win,because what reason?? the answer is YEAH SHE IS THE MAIN HEROINE/THE FATED GIRL/CHILDHOOD FRIEND/FIRST GIRL",we back to our typical trash harem my friend lmao,not gonna lie,negi got me with the start of this manga,i thought its gonna be good,but i was wrong,another 5/10 typical harem ship war manga.

What people fail to realise is how the writing went from good in the first half to oh this is just another harem Romcom crap in the 2nd half.

Author tried to pull a twist that barely explained.
I am not salty because my ship didn't win, but I am salty because the title didn't live up it's name or how author pulled a "Happy ending" for everyone which is kind of bullshit.
Even Bokuben author has more balls writing multiple ending route but for Gotoubun it just doesn't felt like it meant to lean that way.

Let's admit it, no one will remember this manga in future. It just left too much disappointed soul scarred for the harem Romcom genre.

Likewise Gotoubun is pretty much Nisekoi all over again. Started like no any other harems, but ended like one. (Quoted from one of the reviews)
Oct 19, 2020 8:05 AM
Dec 2019
They jus salty their best girl didnt win so the whole manga instantly became shit๐Ÿ˜ YOTS BEST GIRL BEEN TEAM YOTS SINCE DAY 1
Oct 19, 2020 9:25 AM
Sep 2014
I just started reading this manga two days ago and have to admit it was a fin ride BUT I felt that the manga changed somewhere along the way and the writing style too.

This is the first time that the "best girl" for me doesn't win (Miku) even though i thought it would be itsuka since the last 20 chapters or so she started realising her feels etc etc and that's how it usually goes in this type of manga and tbh i didn't expect Yotsuba to win.

I was like wtf just happend how did we get here and yeah maybe the mangka explains it pretty quick during the i love you scene on the grass but that doesn't explain how the MC got here and it reminded me of another manga that ive read a few weeks ago : Nisekoi (Even though there best girl won haha)

For me Yotsuba was kind of a side character that didn't have enough screen/page time and that's a fact. We can apply that to Itsuki too, most of her interactions with the MC where "i want to tell you something" and then one of the sisters pops up from nowhere and cuts the conversation... it can happen once or twice but not each time...
The only time(s) they actually had a normal conversation was when they were talking about her future and her dream etc or studying..

I'm glad that the mangka had the "balls" to make a choice even though it's not the one some or most of us expected, all we saw was Yostuba cheering them all and her "romance evolution" was and stayed the same she loved him after meeting him and 5 years later it's the same love and i found that to be a bit weird.

People change and their feelings with time also do change so is it possible? yeah maybe and somewhere in the manga the MC states that it's all in the past etc but how did he end up with Yotsuba again? I don't know still trying to figure out the ending.

The ending for me was fine, not good not bad either.
The Quint game at the end is what saved it and made it kinda enjoyable.

This was a bit long lol and i'm sorry for my poor english :D
Oct 19, 2020 9:52 AM

Jul 2020
Because "best girl" in their opinion didn't win

Oct 26, 2020 9:49 AM
Aug 2019
I am a Miku fan but I personally thought Yotsuba was the most underrated quintuplet, I personally dislike the ending not because my ship didn't sail, it's because it felt rushed and out of nowhere, I remember reading it and thinking "that was the ending"?
Oct 28, 2020 8:02 AM

Mar 2020
Completely agreed op! Maybe it would have benefitted from a chapter or two showing how yotsuba & fuutarou relationship became after the confession but overall it was a really good ending.
Oct 29, 2020 10:50 AM
Sep 2020
Personally the ending is really beautiful!It was a greatful climax and the choice surprised me.I thought one among Itsuki and Nino would win and I had never imagined Yotsuba as a the possible winner.It would go beyond the perfection if we could see their life before and after the marriage.
Oct 29, 2020 3:49 PM
Sep 2016
Does itsuki like fuutaro? She did not show much romantical interest.
Oct 29, 2020 3:50 PM

Jul 2020
its cuz he didnt pick FUKIN MIKU!!!!!!!! im super pissed.
I am the handle of my mop
Rags are my body, and detergent is my blood
I have scrubbed over a thousand floors
Unknown to sick leave
Nor known to pay
Have withstood abuse to sweep many
Yet those hands will never hold money
So as I clean, Unlimited Maid Works
Oct 30, 2020 5:58 AM

Nov 2015
uwaifutrsh said:
its cuz he didnt pick FUKIN MIKU!!!!!!!! im super pissed.
i was a Miku stan also, but honestly every girl was really awsome, and as usual, the one girl that changes MCs life is the winner
You cannot spell Light without L
Oct 30, 2020 9:52 AM

Jul 2020
Bronos23 said:
uwaifutrsh said:
its cuz he didnt pick FUKIN MIKU!!!!!!!! im super pissed.
i was a Miku stan also, but honestly every girl was really awsome, and as usual, the one girl that changes MCs life is the winner
i know. at least he stayed true to himself and picked the one he truly loved. props to futaro
I am the handle of my mop
Rags are my body, and detergent is my blood
I have scrubbed over a thousand floors
Unknown to sick leave
Nor known to pay
Have withstood abuse to sweep many
Yet those hands will never hold money
So as I clean, Unlimited Maid Works
Nov 2, 2020 10:30 PM

Mar 2020
I think it's because of their girl not winning? There's those types of people in the anime community.

kioalneNov 2, 2020 10:35 PM
Nov 11, 2020 2:18 PM
Nov 2017
Xaelath said:
zerokarasu said:
why? if u read from start u should realize that gotoubun is "good" and have good potential,then that exactly what happen,until when its going downhill towards the end.

the start with amazing "harem",like every girl is actually "equal",like anyone can be with fuutarou right?? yeah heck they are quintuplets to begin with,but sadly after amazing development with 3 girls,yeah ONLY 3,ichika,nino and miku.then we back to the same problem with typical harem like this,what about the 2 girl?? yeah 2 girls left behind,yotsuba and itsuki.

i got the bad feeling about this,this is gonna end up with ever single "trash harem cliche" out there,the "girl who did nothing/the main or first girl will ALWAYS WIN" because the author choose the "safest" choice aka have no F balls.but no,negi will not do that right?? WRONG.

negi pull "yotsuba dont want anything,she didnt do anything from start right?? BUT she will win,because what reason?? the answer is YEAH SHE IS THE MAIN HEROINE/THE FATED GIRL/CHILDHOOD FRIEND/FIRST GIRL",we back to our typical trash harem my friend lmao,not gonna lie,negi got me with the start of this manga,i thought its gonna be good,but i was wrong,another 5/10 typical harem ship war manga.

What people fail to realise is how the writing went from good in the first half to oh this is just another harem Romcom crap in the 2nd half.

Author tried to pull a twist that barely explained.
I am not salty because my ship didn't win, but I am salty because the title didn't live up it's name or how author pulled a "Happy ending" for everyone which is kind of bullshit.
Even Bokuben author has more balls writing multiple ending route but for Gotoubun it just doesn't felt like it meant to lean that way.

Let's admit it, no one will remember this manga in future. It just left too much disappointed soul scarred for the harem Romcom genre.

Likewise Gotoubun is pretty much Nisekoi all over again. Started like no any other harems, but ended like one. (Quoted from one of the reviews)

Agreed. The ending was disappointing not because of the choice but because it felt rushed. I would have liked it more if MC realized that she was the girl from his childhood and if they had a bit more romantic interactions.

MC choosing her because she was nice to him and supported him didn't make any sense because she was nice to everyone, even to a stranger. There was just no chemistry or emphasis on special connections. TBH I would have been fine if MC ended up with any of the girls but Futarou X Yotsuba had the least (romantic) development so it felt odd.

And it also seemed the author tried his hard to please everyone by trying to steer away from polarizing Nino and Miku fans but also tried to suggest a harem ending by having MC and all quints go together on a honeymoon? It just felt all over the place, that's why people feel unsatisfied.

Not to mention there were a bunch of unanswered questions like
1. Who kissed Futarou in the hot spring?
2. What was in the charms?
3. Even after 5 years, why haven't any of the girls moved on and found someone else? I mean the MC has the charisma of a wooden plank. They only fell for him because he was the guy they had most interactions after moving out of all-girls high school to co-ed and were going through their adolescent phase.

Finally, a shout out to the underrated real MVP, the father of the girls. This man, even though he was introduced as a fan of the mother, decided to adopt her FIVE daughters after her passing and give them the best quality of life (despite being distant) and watched over them till the very end.
Nov 18, 2020 10:23 AM

Aug 2014
flipsyde said:
Xaelath said:

What people fail to realise is how the writing went from good in the first half to oh this is just another harem Romcom crap in the 2nd half.

Author tried to pull a twist that barely explained.
I am not salty because my ship didn't win, but I am salty because the title didn't live up it's name or how author pulled a "Happy ending" for everyone which is kind of bullshit.
Even Bokuben author has more balls writing multiple ending route but for Gotoubun it just doesn't felt like it meant to lean that way.

Let's admit it, no one will remember this manga in future. It just left too much disappointed soul scarred for the harem Romcom genre.

Likewise Gotoubun is pretty much Nisekoi all over again. Started like no any other harems, but ended like one. (Quoted from one of the reviews)

Agreed. The ending was disappointing not because of the choice but because it felt rushed. I would have liked it more if MC realized that she was the girl from his childhood and if they had a bit more romantic interactions.

MC choosing her because she was nice to him and supported him didn't make any sense because she was nice to everyone, even to a stranger. There was just no chemistry or emphasis on special connections. TBH I would have been fine if MC ended up with any of the girls but Futarou X Yotsuba had the least (romantic) development so it felt odd.

And it also seemed the author tried his hard to please everyone by trying to steer away from polarizing Nino and Miku fans but also tried to suggest a harem ending by having MC and all quints go together on a honeymoon? It just felt all over the place, that's why people feel unsatisfied.

Not to mention there were a bunch of unanswered questions like
1. Who kissed Futarou in the hot spring?
2. What was in the charms?
3. Even after 5 years, why haven't any of the girls moved on and found someone else? I mean the MC has the charisma of a wooden plank. They only fell for him because he was the guy they had most interactions after moving out of all-girls high school to co-ed and were going through their adolescent phase.

Finally, a shout out to the underrated real MVP, the father of the girls. This man, even though he was introduced as a fan of the mother, decided to adopt her FIVE daughters after her passing and give them the best quality of life (despite being distant) and watched over them till the very end.

Yotsuba route would be justified if she has the same amount of time among the 5 girl.
Yet, we didn't get much her time and I don't remember her arc much even for Itsuki.

For the 3 questions, it's just another unaswered plothole.

People who praised gotoubun ending probably the same person who praised Nisekoi but at least for Nisekoi WE ALREADY KNOW WHO'S going to be the WINNER.

For harem title, I am thankful things like Highschool DxD or author like Bokuben exist.
You either go harem, or get a fucking balls to write multiple route.

I honestly don't think there's much to discuss about this title, majority of people already took it with a grain salt and moved on.
Even when someone picked a topic out of it. It'll be about how good 5 toubun on it's 1st half, then how bad it is on 2nd half.
I am sure it'll only worth the read till a certain chapter of manga, otherwise getting invested in it was worst the thing I had ever done.
Dec 1, 2020 4:54 PM
Aug 2020
of all the girls to choose the author chose the least significant girl in fuutarou life :/
Dec 1, 2020 8:57 PM

Feb 2016
The usual "peoples waifu didn't win so this is shit". Same song and dance with (almost) every harem/romance series sadly
Dec 4, 2020 6:40 AM

Dec 2020
Because it's trash
Dec 4, 2020 6:46 AM

Sep 2018
I liked the ending. People dislike it because it kind of does the it`s a dream copout. (I assume this is not spoiler worthy as it directly answers the question).
Feb 2, 2021 4:30 AM
Jan 2018
rohan121 said:
I liked the ending. People dislike it because it kind of does the it`s a dream copout. (I assume this is not spoiler worthy as it directly answers the question).

Ch 122.5 shows it wasn't a dream
Feb 3, 2021 11:11 AM
Feb 2017
I believe in Yotsuba supremacy

We're sipping on gamer tears boys, Miku is a walking L
It's Aiko!!!!
Feb 10, 2021 9:09 AM
Jan 2021
I mean the obvious reason is that a lot of people hoped for a different girl to end up with Futaro. That being said I think there are some legitimate complaints with the last half of the manga. While I read from chapter 32-122 in about 3 days so I'm probably not the best person to judge drop in quality. But it did feel like the ending tried a little too hard to be a twist. Midway through the author managed to give almost all the girls enough back story, character growth, and special relation to Futaro to make each of them seem like they could reasonably be the one to end up with him. Ichika was the first to have a real romantic with him, Nino was the first to admit her feelings to him, Miku was the first to have feelings for him (at least from our perspective), Yotsuba was Rena, and Itsuki was the one pretending to be Rena. I suppose in retrospect the fact that Yotsuba was Rena made her the inevitable winner but given how much more time we'd seen the others girls interact with Futaro, going into the last arc it did feel more like a 3-way race between Ichika, Nino, and Miku. I'm however glad the story didn't drag on too much more. Mabe another 10-15 chapter could have fleshed out Yotsuba but it was nice that once several of the girls admitted their feeling for him he actually gave them a clear answer. The last arc was interesting with how they showed the same 3 day period from multiple prospectives but honestly, I was kind of done with it by the 3rd iteration. Personally the story kind of peaked for me during the Kyoto Trip arc and then went downhill.
Feb 13, 2021 1:33 PM
Dec 2020
Honestly, each girl had enough development to merit being the bride.

Negi Haruba and Kodansha should have given the reader the choice by publishing the last volume as an interactive volume.
Feb 13, 2021 1:48 PM
Dec 2020
ke1estial said:
of all the girls to choose the author chose the least significant girl in fuutarou life :/

What did you even read.

1. She was the first one to meet him
2. She changed his life into the studyholic he is today.
3. If the above doesn't change your mind, Yotsuba was always going to be the one. It was even hinted in the 1st volume, "When choosing a multiple choice answer, the 4th is usually the the correct answer."
Feb 13, 2021 3:09 PM
Aug 2020
CamusEvergarden said:
ke1estial said:
of all the girls to choose the author chose the least significant girl in fuutarou life :/

What did you even read.

1. She was the first one to meet him
2. She changed his life into the studyholic he is today.
3. If the above doesn't change your mind, Yotsuba was always going to be the one. It was even hinted in the 1st volume, "When choosing a multiple choice answer, the 4th is usually the the correct answer."

We saw very good development with 4 and their relationsjip with fuutarou. Then we saw a very rushed development with yotsuba. Why wouldn't we be mad that the author was forced to rush the ending and didn't have time to develop all the relationships. Im not mad its yotsuba im mad because it made the least sense
Feb 13, 2021 4:30 PM

Sep 2020
they hating on this because they felt like their girl got left out, simple

[Violet X Amy]

[VioletteloiV X squished_lemon]

Feb 25, 2021 5:44 PM
Feb 2018
ke1estial said:
CamusEvergarden said:

What did you even read.

1. She was the first one to meet him
2. She changed his life into the studyholic he is today.
3. If the above doesn't change your mind, Yotsuba was always going to be the one. It was even hinted in the 1st volume, "When choosing a multiple choice answer, the 4th is usually the the correct answer."

We saw very good development with 4 and their relationsjip with fuutarou. Then we saw a very rushed development with yotsuba. Why wouldn't we be mad that the author was forced to rush the ending and didn't have time to develop all the relationships. Im not mad its yotsuba im mad because it made the least sense

Bcs 4 of them have been developed, so fuutarou helps yotsuba to develop by marrying her. I like my logic
Feb 25, 2021 5:48 PM

Sep 2018
Gotoubun ending pulled a bait and switch with what happenned leading an ambiguous ending. It was not awful, but it was a lazy way to reverse a major decision.
Feb 25, 2021 8:00 PM
โ™ก( โ€ขเฅขโ—ก-เฅข)โœงห–ยฐ โ™ก

Dec 2014
I don't see other reasons than they are salty because their favorite girls didn't win xD

(ใฃโ—”โ—กโ—”)ใฃ ๐“˜ ๐”€๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“ฑ ๐”‚๐“ธ๐“พ ๐“ช๐“ต๐“ต ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ฟ๐“ฎ ๐“ช ๐”€๐“ธ๐“ท๐“ญ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฏ๐“พ๐“ต ๐“ญ๐“ช๐”‚ ♥
Feb 25, 2021 11:42 PM
Jan 2018
Extra chapter 122.5 shows it wasn't a dream ending and it actually happened
Feb 25, 2021 11:55 PM

Sep 2020

some ppl still cannot get over the fact that their girl lost

[Violet X Amy]

[VioletteloiV X squished_lemon]

Feb 27, 2021 9:55 AM

Jun 2020
Unfortunately I already knew the ending, because I had seen a meme on a facebook page. I still hoped until the end that I was wrong, because I didn't want to spoil the surprise.
In Italy the volume has only been released in these days (sigh) and I preferred to wait.
I am one of those who did not appreciate the ending, for many reasons. Like so many others, I had other preferences, the problem is that I found myself in a vortex without really understanding what was happening.
A rushed ending, confused and with answers that did not arrive, led me to lose a bit of love towards this manga that I was really enjoying anyway.

Could Yotsuba win? Yes, but at least build something around. Show me how the story unfolds or bring me an extra chapter to develop the relationship.

Perhaps I should say that the ending did not live up to the rest of the story.

For me, of course :)

p.s My favorites were Miku, Nino and Itsuki (put aside after the first volumes) :(
I'm sorry but I don't know English very well.
Feb 27, 2021 9:38 PM

Feb 2014
Its nice to see a harem series get a proper ending where there was an established couple, im just malding that Miku didn't win. Sadge
Feb 28, 2021 4:15 PM
May 2019
I disliked the ending. One of those you had me going in the first half moments. Character development. Background stories. Delves into the past and future. Just a great time. Then out of nowhere it ends, with someone who didn't even get a fun character development story. We centralized around most of the quints, yet the one who wins was one who had no story? Feels cheap and rushed. Like the author just wanted it over.
Mar 6, 2021 8:05 AM
Jul 2017
Ok. I just want to make this clear. I don’t mind that the girl I was rooting for wasn’t the bride. But this ending was just bad. This manga could’ve easily been, if not the best, one of the best harem/romance manga’s I’ve ever read. But unfortunately the ending was kind of rushed A LOT. It felt so uncompleted to me.. the writer should’ve gave Yotsuba waaay more character development especially because she IS THE BRIDE.. Yotsuba was a side character for like 85% throughout the whole manga.. Compared to the character developments of the other girls, Yotsuba’s wasn’t even close to being as good. On the other hand Nino’s character development was just so good. Not only was her affection for Futaro changing throughout the story but also she herself was changing a lot. Because of this reason I could really felt her suffer when she wasn’t chosen by Futaro and it left me with a broken heart. In the end all those precious moments from the other sisters felt like it was gone to a waste.. I feel like the writer wanted to just wrap this story up and move on to his new manga.. Such a waste, but still I can’t hate this manga.
Mar 7, 2021 8:07 AM

Nov 2007
Even tho my favourite girl didn't win (Itsuki), i quite liked 90% of manga, if not only for last arcs (arc?). It was soooo shitty, everything felt rushed and it didn't keep previous arcs spirit.
I don't mind Yotsuba winning (someone needs to win the bowl right?), but still it was quite a drop in quality later on (especially last(school?) arc).
belcikMar 7, 2021 8:32 AM

Mar 18, 2021 3:26 PM
Feb 2021
To be honest, I like the ending and the author can choose anyone he likes to be the bride and it's totally fine for me because it's HIS idea that brought quintessential quintuplets into this world and he can do whatever he wants with his manga and people should stop swearing a lot about it. Therefore I am grateful for him even tho and the ending is just good in my opinion.
Mar 18, 2021 8:33 PM

Jun 2007

Chapter 122.2 extra is out.

Apr 26, 2021 1:19 AM
Jul 2018
I actually quite liked the whole you decide it yourself thing. I get it why some people don't like it but it's over hated and majority of them are because their best girl lost although it's pretty much a harem end. Anime community is really weird imo, I've seen absolute dogshit shows with terrible writing from start to finish being regarded as "best romance ever" because they are "deep",some writers can't even write normal dialogues properly and are regarded as legends because of their vagueness etc honestly it's disturbing that people think they are doing something special lol.
If it were any of your regular MCs it would've made sense with any other girl but fuu kun is different and after seeing many romance shows I think he has more than enough chemistry with each one of them even if they go with anime original end it'll work out fine.
Apr 26, 2021 2:30 AM

Apr 2019
you guys know that doujins exists to heal the wounds right all I need is Nino sources
May 19, 2021 7:38 AM
May 2021
Actually according to me the reveal part of the girl from past shouldn't be done in the season 2 and raihya shouldn't have told that Futarou first love was the girl in the photo because it got revealed by itsuki that Yotshuba was the girl and from that point everything just got spoiled
And I also think they negi should have made youtshuba a little possessive towards Futarou so that at last we might not regret that why only Yotshuba only and not my fav.
Jun 15, 2021 7:01 PM
Mar 2020
Congintive said:
I hate the ending but loved the honeymoon thing at least now they all can get a piece of Fuu kun.
that is so dumb if you ask me, who tf would go to someone honeymoon, that's literally a couples owned and special day but those 4 barge in like they doesn't want anyone of them gwt Futaro even he is already married to one of them
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