I love this show so much! I would cry with happiness if there was a second season. I havent heard anything about it though. If there was some information they would probably talk about it here: http://community.livejournal.com/oofuri_etc
Anyway theres some really adorable fanfics and icons on that place. I will keep looking for the second season on the internet and be sure to post if I can find anything.
I'm thinking another season could cover everything from the end of the Tosei match to the most current chapter. I'll just be sad there's not going to be any Haruna in it ;__;
Don't worry! A special is going to be released in the 28th of May in Japan.
In Japanese it's called: 'Ookiku Furikabutte ~ Our Summer Will Never End!'
So the story will continue! Someone better upload it! or else...
Kazejimonji said: Don't worry! A special is going to be released in the 28th of May in Japan.
In Japanese it's called: 'Ookiku Furikabutte ~ Our Summer Will Never End!'
So the story will continue! Someone better upload it! or else...
*GASP* Now that was a freaking worthy one and only post!!! That's the best news I've heard in a while!!! Yay! XD
More News!, there's another thing being released in the near future. It's something about 'New Animation' and that there are matches with Niishura vs Mihoshi and Niishura vs. Kiriaoi.
I think it's called 'Animation File(ie:Volume?) 1. Ookiku Furikabutte- PASH!(ie:Passion?)'
This could be the 2nd Series! It'll be released/scheduled in 10th of May.
Super-sadly, I don't think that's announcing a second season. The announcement dated 4/28/2008 and that mentions a 5/10 release seems to be a book or something else? It's also got a price listed of 1575 yen. Aww, that's a shame. But, I guess if you want whatever that is, it isn't all bleak. ;)
Kazejimonji said: Don't worry! A special is going to be released in the 28th of May in Japan.
In Japanese it's called: 'Ookiku Furikabutte ~ Our Summer Will Never End!'
So the story will continue! Someone better upload it! or else...
Oh... I just looked it up because I didn't see any mention of fansubbing a special on central anime's site. The special isn't actually anime, I think. T.T
According to http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=ANSB-2610, it's description is: "Event DVD release from the February 17, 2008 "Okiku Furikabutte - Orera no Natsu wa Owaranai" event at the Kosei Nenkin Kaikan. Includes performances from the Nishiura members and special guests for one wild event."
I feel really sad now. I was really hoping that there was going to be more Oofuri. T.T
I don't think Our Summer Will Never End is animated at all. It probably doesn't have a story or have anything to do with the substance of the series. I don't really know for sure, but my best guess is that it's a recording of a live promotional event that's for sale. Kind of like those "specials" they do before dramas air, where the actors appear to promote the show and play silly games, probably. I think it's something like that.
Episode 26, however, is a special DVD only episode that doesn't really concern the main story. ;)
I know I'm probably late but yes their is a second season the first episode was April 2nd i haven't watched it yet gotta search the web maybe they'll have it on animefreak.tv
Yeah, it's up and running and absolutely awesome. The fansubbers are extremely slow in getting new episodes subbed, but it's worth the wait.
The site I visit to watch the 2nd season is animecrazy (dot) net, but otakucenter (dot) com seems to be getting more and more up-to-date. Anyway, subbed episodes seem to be available one week approximately after the newest RAW is made available: I'm guessing Fridays.
The current RAW episode out is 6. The current subbed is 5. Hope that helps.
TiTaNz said: I think Central Anime is the quickest when it comes to subbed releases at the moment for those with BT.
They are. They actually released episode 6 before I had finished downloading the raw.
Watching it raw is also an option for those that read the manga recently since the anime follows the manga well and the recent episodes correlate to the latest scanlations. That will only work for two more episodes, though.