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Jan 14, 2017 2:07 PM

Sep 2016

He listened to her story.a story that saddened him cause he knew very well how bad loneliness hurts.but he kept a smile not to make her feel sad
well then it's great you came here.but why have you only got 3 years to spend here?and what matters more,what do you want to do?your life won't be fun after 3 years so let's make it fun before that
Jan 14, 2017 2:17 PM

Mar 2014

well i am fisrt year of high school, i have to be here 3 year until i graduate" she said and looked at him as started thinking "Well to tell the truth i have no idea what i want to do, first of all make Music club and write songs.. and have a concent.. i think it would be fun, after all music is fun right? we will become friendly and every day will be more and more fun" she smiled "well and you will study playing better.. so let's just go and find Music club' room..."
Jan 14, 2017 2:39 PM

Sep 2016
He didn't queite like her plans but he couldn't object.He didn't want to crush her hopes.
alrighty then let's make that club.
Said he full of excitement as he went in a direction that after a few steps he realized he didn't where it leads he just went back and asked her
do you know how we make a club?
Jan 14, 2017 2:48 PM

Mar 2014

setsu looked at him and smiled "i already did... i even get a room... and it is full of instruments... and a main clean that place, i think she must already done cleaning" she said and smiled, she knew Rai did not bealived that she could do anything but she was really good manager and knew what to do and how to do.. after all she is a genius. and if she could not menage this little club how could she menage the largest company as Star company.. and she looked back at him "do not worry.. i know the way" she said and smiled as contenew walking

~next i will post in Music club~
Jan 14, 2017 2:58 PM

Sep 2016

He walked with a little surprised that she isn't just starting so he just followed her to the club
so you already made a club huh?

Rai and setsu left the area
Jan 16, 2017 3:04 AM

Mar 2014

shiki cross his hands and nodded "yea yea yea.. good job... and yea.. they must be really werd guys... do not think too much... but here all of the students are rich... so if they try to kiss you must not beause you are rich..." he said and smiled "yea... well in my old school was fighting every day, and reason was all the time the same... they wanted to know who was stronger... or... i slept with thair girl... i had fun life... and now i am end up in this school... but i think this school will be fun too..." Said Shikio and looked at her "if someone try to kiss you and you do not liked that boy tell me.. i will beat him for you" he said and looked at her eyes, if this girl was 1 or 2 year older what would he done in this situation? even he do not know.. but now he sees her like a little sister
Jan 17, 2017 1:26 AM

Sep 2014
Yuuna Yoshida

she would listenShikio said she should have as much fun as she wants before she gets married. "Well luckly It will only be an arranged marrage so I have all of my high school year to have fun other than I have to date the guy ever so often to get to know him." Yuuna would say smiling. "There are some rich familys that don't do arrange marriage, but my family wants to make sure that the family business stays running" Yuuna would continue to say.

Jan 17, 2017 1:29 AM

Mar 2014


Shikio looked at her, even thought he was just 14 year old she was smart girl, and was thonking at her bussiness as he smiled and pet her head "Yuu-chan you are really good girl" he said and smiled sweetly "i wish you will meet a boy who willl fell in love with you and not your fathers bussiness" he said and smiled "Well where do you want to go?"
Jan 17, 2017 1:45 AM

Sep 2014
Yuuna Yoshida

"Well I hope so, but who knows maybe I will fall in love with a guy at school who is rich and my parents pick him for the marriage meet up." Yuuna would say smiling optimistically. He would then ask her were she wanted to go. Yuuna would then think about it. Her stomach would then grumble which made the decision a lot easier. "How about the School Cafeteria?" Yuuna would say smiling.

Jan 17, 2017 1:51 AM

Mar 2014


Shikio smiled "aww ok.. so you are hungry little girl" he said and walked "well i am kinda hungry too" he saidn and contenew waling. "but yuu-chan, what would you do if you fell in love who is not rich boy?"
Jan 17, 2017 1:57 AM

Sep 2014
Yuuna Yoshida

"Well if he wasn't rich, I would lend him some money and have him learn how to buy and sell stocks and then raise up his money and then help him make a huge business that he could run. Who said you can't start young right?" Yuuna would say giggling as she walked with Shikio. She would then adjust her bow again and brush her hair down with her hand. "And if he does love me he would do whatever he could so that he could be with me right? That way my parents would have no complaints at all." Yuuna would continue.

Jan 17, 2017 2:21 AM

Mar 2014


shiki laught a little "well it's good dream.. but you can make it come true" he said as walked in cafeteria "butt yuu-chan... you be careful too... we boys are wolfs.. and we can act too.. a pure boys want to get richer by marrige a rich girl" he said and smiled "all i mean is to be a careful"

(next part in cafeteria?)
Jan 17, 2017 2:27 AM

Sep 2014
Yuuna Yoshida

"I am pretty well aware of the chance one can be that's why I will make sure he is someone who loves me and not my money, funny thing though is there is more of a chance of the guy I meet being rich here then not" Yuuna would say smiling. She would then try to remember where the Cafeteria is and then she would figure out how to get there from the garden. "Hey race you to the Cafeteria!" Yuuna would say as she got the head start.

SayuSummarillJan 17, 2017 8:11 AM
Jan 17, 2017 11:40 PM

Mar 2014


Shikio looked at you and smiled "well I think there is cafeteria..let's go there" he said as contenew walkibg
Jan 22, 2017 11:53 AM

Dec 2016

Alice Charlotte

Alice approached the garden with Matt, both of them where carrying their food. A grin came across her lips as he said she was 100 years to young to be able to tickle him. She giggled malevolently before looking straight as his eyes "ohhh, is that what you think? Don't be to sure about that cause when you least expect it, I will get you. Specially now that I know that you are indeed ticklish. Besides by underestimating me, you just got yourself a challenge." She giggled a bit and lead him down a flowery path that lead to a small bridge. She then stepped on the bridge, but not before turning her head towards Matt and saying, "watch your step, I wouldn't want you to fall over or your food. Oh but don't worry, if that happens I'll be your knight in shiny armor" She giggles and was amazed at how well she could communicate and just be herself around him.

Jan 22, 2017 8:33 PM

Aug 2013
Matthew Belcher

Matthew clicked his tongue upon hearing Alice's deduction, talking back to her with a fake deep voice. "Tch, so you did pick up the innuendo, huh? Quite the sharp girl indeed. I'll be waiting for your attack, girl, and then I'll crush it and pay you back in double!" He did a fake exaggerated evil laugh as he followed Alice through the garden and into a bridge, where Alice expressed her fear that Matthew might fall off with a joke. "You know, after this promise I'm quite tempted to throw myself out of the bridge so I can get rescued by you.l, my White Knight!" He imitated an amazed face and then laughed, a good laugh that showed how much he was enjoying her company. Matthew was amazed at how well they were doing, since she was joking alongside him instead of calling him childish or something like that, which was what normally happened. He held his smile as he stepped forward and grabbed Alice's hand with his free one to cross the bridge. "You better not let me fall then, Ms Savior!"
Jan 22, 2017 8:47 PM

Dec 2016

Alice Charlotte

Alice giggled when he mentioned paying her back in double, "guess we will just have to see who outsmarts who." After the tickling joke, she heard him call her the white knight and it was just fitting for her since she was indeed wearing white. Alice blushed a bit as Matt held her hand and walked to the other side with her. She could only imagine that from any other point of view, they looked like a couple. She shock her head, trying to shake the thoughts of her head. "Oh look, there are two seats over there." Alice pointed to them before leading him towards the seat. "see! you made it safe and sound over here, and its all because of your savior. Oh, Did you have to leave anyone thats close to you in order to come here?"

Sakura_megamiJan 23, 2017 4:41 PM
Jan 23, 2017 5:23 PM

Aug 2013
Matthew Belcher

Matthew walked to the other side of the bridge with Alice, where she pointed them to two open seats. He walked along with her there, stretching his legs a bit upon sitting down and hearing Alice's question. "All thanks to my knight...thanks, knight!" He'd cheer happily before grabbing his sandwich and taking a bite out of it. "Hmmm, aside from my parents, some friends... I think that's it for me; how about you? Is your boyfriend still waiting for you in Scotland?" He'd take another bite and drink a bit of juice, waiting for her answer.
Jan 24, 2017 12:09 PM

Dec 2016

Alice Charlotte

Alice couldn't help but chuckle as he called her his knight. The way he said it made it sound even funnier. She did a couple of warrior like poses before putting her arm up making her elbow make a 90% angle. "just look at these muscles, you have nothing to worry about." She had no muscles despite doing this. She then took a peek at matt biting into his food. Alice sat down right next to him before moving her hand so that her finger was right in-front of his lips. She took her finger and whipped of something from the corner of her lips. Alice then took her finger and licked it. "mm, kechup.. I don't have a boy friend... I have never had one, to be quite honest," She said while blushing at the fact that she had never gotten a boyfriend.
"what about you, do you have a boyfriend?....I mean girlfriend... I got confused cause of what you asked me" She blushed and looked away from him for a couple of seconds before looking back at him and awaiting a response.
Jan 24, 2017 7:08 PM

Aug 2013
Matthew Belcher

Matthew took a moment to analyze her muscles, making a joke by clearing and then stretching his eyes, as if he was having trouble seeing them. After a while, he'd clean his glasses and then approach her biceps with his face, his eyes just some centimeters away from her arm, and after a while he'd make a surprised face. "Ahhhhh, I think I saw them! I really feel more safe now, whew!" Laughing, he'd return his attention to his lunch, when suddenly a finger popped into his field of vision, clearing some ketchup from his lips for Alice to eat it right after. He became a bit embarrassed with the act, but tried to keep a straight face. "Want a bite?" He'd offer his sandwich for her, holding it beside her mouth while hearing that she never had a boyfriend and asking him if he had one. He laughed at her mistake, and then proceeded to answer, holding his hand up and lifting his fingers as be mentioned names, looking upwards as if he was having trouble remembering them. "Tons of them! Carla, Lucy, Jeannette, Mar- Oh wait, you must mean the ones that actually exist, right?" He'd laugh at his silly joke and face her. "Just kidding, I don't have one. I never had one either... I went on one or two dates, but it seemed like I wasn't interesting enough, haha" All his dates ended up in some sort of awkward silence at some point, which he didn't know how to fill.
Jan 24, 2017 7:59 PM

Dec 2016

Alice Charlotte

Alice made a sad facial expression and sniffled while looking at matt. "a-a-are my muscles really that unnoticeable?" she pretended to look sad for a good couple of seconds before turning that frown into a smirk, "just kidding." He then offered her a bite of his sandwich, after she tasted the ketchup of it. Since it was so close to her lips, she decided to go for it. Alice parted her lips and took a small bite of his sandwich and as expected, it was delicious. "It is really good, I will give you a bite of my burger, in exchange for letting me taste your sandwich. It will even be the first bite!" She soon started to set her food and place it on her lap. She had a big plastic tray so it wasn't to hard. As she was setting up her food, a thought got into her head. "t-t-that was an indirect kiss...." She couldn't help but blush and look at matt's sandwich than at his lips.... She shock her head and tried to forget about it..
Alice took her sandwich and put it up to matt's lips, "well, as promised, go ahead and taste it, hehe" Alice was later on dissapointed when Matt Started to say all those girls names. He finished of by saying they didn't exist and she just started laughing. "baka! haha, Are you talking about those dating harem games? And how can you not be interesting, I have laughed more while being here with you today then I have in months!!!!"

Sakura_megamiJan 24, 2017 8:04 PM
Jan 24, 2017 8:43 PM

Aug 2013
Matthew Belcher

Matthew was worried for a second, thinking that maybe his joke had actually hurt Alice's feelings, but then she smiled after a while and thankfully he found out it was just a joke and laughed along. He'd more than once hurt people with his jokes, so despite doing them all the time he was a bit on the edge with them too. Alice took a bite out of his sandwich, and in turn offered the first bite out of her hamburger. "Ohhh, I'll gladly take this honor, Sir Alice!" He took a bite out of it, making sure not to eat too much though. "Hmm, I like it. I approve of all food I've tasted here until now!" Like expected, their food was great too.
Matthew thought maybe he could see a smalm disappointment on Alice's face when he listed fake girl's names, but he shrugged it off as his imagination. Alice's next sentence, however, was heard loud and clear and he was surprised at it. "Really? Well, I'm glad to hear that; I like to make people laugh... But well, the girls I went out with didn't seem to think like you, haha. Either we ran out of subjects and a strange silence stood, or she was just plain bored from the start... And I just pulled some random names out right now, although I could definitely get some use out of one of those games!" He smiled at Alice, a bit uncomfortable due to telling her of his love life...or the lack or it.
Jan 25, 2017 11:57 AM

Dec 2016

Alice Charlotte

"well a place cannot be famous unless it has good food. I can almost bet that they hired some of the best chef in the world" Alice smiled before taking a bite of her hamburger. It was cooked to perfection and the spicing was just right. "aww, well it is their lost. You seem like a good and funny guy. A comedian! Hehe. Now I just wonder how long it took you to come up with all those girl names" she playfully stuck out her tongue before giggling and looking at him. "how about I teach you about girls and you teach me about guys. That would certainly solve all of our problems." She continued to eat her food as she awaited his response.

Jan 25, 2017 7:38 PM

Aug 2013
Matthew Belcher

He watched Alice eat her hamburguer, smirking at her pleased face; it seemed like she was enjoying the food too. Matthew felt good after hearing Alice praise him. "If you say so, haha. I don't think all that highly from myself; I'm just a silly guy. About the girl names...about 2 miliseconds, maybe? While you train your body, Sir Alice, I workout my mind. The brain is just another muscle!" He tapped twice on his head, pointing at his brain. "Here I keep all sorts of useful information, including girl names, of course!" He gave his sandwich another bite while he thought about Alice's offer. "Hmmm, I couldn't tell you about all guys, since each one has his own preference... I'll try to help with my own, then." He was slightly embarassed by entering the subject of his preferences. "Well, I kind of like the company of cheerful girls... It's nice to laugh alongside others, and girls like that seem to lift the mood just by being there... Although I would also go with a more shy one, since it's kind of nice challenge making shy people laugh, and most times shy people turn out to be very kind too.
As for appearance, I don't really go much by it, but if I had to name things that I like...smiles, colored eyes and... a-anyway, mostly cute stuff! I think that's it for me, how about you?"
He got even more embarassed towards the end, once he noticed that Alice had many of the traits he named, both in appearence and personality.
Jan 26, 2017 1:22 PM
Mar 2014

"Well that was unexpected" I said with struggle, still panting from the great escape (from the pool area)
"Well I can't say this place isn't interesting" I chuckled then looked around. Not knowing where I was running to it was a surprise to be in the garden,
"Huh, they have a garden" Looking around quickly to see anyone was around I bent over to smell the fresh ivory pedals of the tulips, surely if my brother seen me do such a thing there would be end to it. They smell like... well flowers, I laughed to myself with such a though but I couldn't describe any other way.
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Jan 27, 2017 11:40 AM

Dec 2016

Alice Charlotte

"ohh?~ so it is your brain that you train, so does that mean you are a straight A student? training your brain sounds difficult, I think I will stick to the classic, putting a lightbulb over your head. It works in the movies!" Alice then stopped eating and watched as Matt finished the last bite of his sandwich and started talking. She gazed into his deep green eyes while listening to him. She blushed at the mention that he liked blonde haired girls. she looked down then at Matt. Alice then leaned towards matt while moving her hand up to his face and caressing it. She used her hand to slip his glasses off while moving her other hand to the back of his head, caressing his neck and hair. She pushed herself fowards, parting her lips and kissed Matt's lips.

Jan 27, 2017 3:05 PM

Aug 2013
Matthew Belcher

Matthew laughed at the 'A' grade mention. "I guess you could say so! My brain is highly trained, and not only on memorization skills!" He was referring to his cheating skills, but wasn't going to mention it for now. "Is that so? Maybe you could use cotton candy as a thought bubble to wrap it up nicely. A friend of mine said putting your hand into your chin also helps."
Matthew was still embarassed about his last statement: he had unintentionally described a lot of stuff that actually fit into the girl right in front of him. He couldn't help but wonder if she had thought he was hitting on her, and was a little bit airy after that... And then, Alice actually started caressing his face and took off his glasses, bringing him back to reality in just a second. He only had time to see her grabbing his neck and utter a half sentence, embarassed. "O-oi, Alice, wh-" His sentence was cut short by Alice's lips meeting his own, suddenly. His brain took a second to actually process what just happened, and even after that he couldn't believe it.
Matthew would look at Alice once she was done, a half smile on his red face. "T-that was...unexpected, haha!..." It was different from his last laughs; it was much more nervous than before. "I liked it, though; won't deny that..."
Jan 27, 2017 4:55 PM
Mar 2014

"Well that's that" I stood up and stretched, maybe over excessively but because my shoulder now burned
"On ward" I said to myself marching off, wanting to explore all the grounds eventually I had no set direction and not idea where I was headed- the only wrong way to go was somewhere I have already been... oh and off campus of course.
Headed to Dorm 1
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Jan 27, 2017 5:56 PM

Dec 2016

Alice Charlotte

After unexpectedly kissing Matt, Alice gives matt a kiss on the cheek and quickly pulled away. Her cheeks were bright red as she looked away from matt. Her hands made their way to her lap as she stayed looking away. After a few seconds, she took a deep breath and decided to tell him why she did it. "i-It was a shame that neither of us had our first kiss so I saw the perfect opportunity.... I hope your not to mad at me. I do like hanging out with you....hopefully that won't be the last kiss.."
Alice looked down, "omg, what am I saying, he is going to thing that I am a weirdo.."

Jan 27, 2017 6:26 PM

Aug 2013
Matthew Belcher

Matthew was still red, but couldn't hold down a good laugh upon hearing Alice's words; a mix of embarassment and amusement. "Is that so?" He smiled a bit for a second, before putting his hand under her chin and gently pulling it up. Once she looked at him, Matthew would kiss her back, this time holding it longer than the last one. Once they separated, he'd smile at her; this time it was his normal happy smile. "And I did it because I was horrible at the first one; hopefully this second felt better. Also because I'm starting to like you too...I mean, you're funny and cute, so who wouldn't?" He decided to be sincere and use his usual playful personality to get around the embarassment. After a while, he would add a silly comment to the scene; Matthew was still red, but was also smiling. "Wait, this means I picked the right options at the Alice dating sim?"
Jan 28, 2017 12:51 PM

Dec 2016

Alice Charlotte

Alice was too embarrassed to look at matt but when he gently pulled her chin up, there eyes just naturally met. She gazed into his eyes as he did the same. Before she new it, he moved towards her and this time he was the one to kiss her. Alice twirled her tongue around Matt's tongue and she also played with it. This time the kiss lasted longer and their tongue's were dancing together for a while. Matt then let go of the kiss making a small bit of saliva come out. Alice blushed and put her hand in her lips while looking at him. "not that I have any prior experience to judge on...but you are a pretty good kisser" Alice says this, blurting out the first thing that came to her mind.
Alice then giggled, despite being all flustered at his silly comment. "mhm! you made the right choose in the end. You are a Pro! hehe" She giggled and clinged to Matt's arms. "I can't wait to experience all the nice things that couples get to do together, and what is best is that we have the whole day to ourselves. Why don't we go to the amusement park?"

Sakura_megamiJan 28, 2017 10:32 PM
Jan 28, 2017 5:31 PM

Aug 2013
Matthew Belcher

He thoughtfully enjoyed kissing Alice, and she seemed to think the same. A smile appeared automatically on his face upon hearing Alice's comment on the kiss, giving her a playful wink. "Everyone says that to me." The joke was left on the air as he made his own comment. "If anything, I can already say it was worth coming to this school; they really have the best stuff!"
Despite still being red, he didn't even bother caring for that as Alice clung to his arm, and instead decided to just accept things as they come. "Huuuh, so we are a couple? I don't mind it, I really don't. I'm all up for a park ride, if you want to, but I have no idea where to find one of those...They have one of those here?" It seemed strange for a school to have an amusement park, but again this was more of a school-city mix, and after a while Matthew thought they'd probably have one.
Jan 28, 2017 10:39 PM

Dec 2016

Alice Charlotte

"mhmm! we are a couple as of now" She says this then kisses matt's cheek. Alice then giggled and looked at matt. "Well, think about it this way. Why wouldn't they have a water park in an island? I did look at a map before coming here. This school litterly has everything you can ever ask for. A water park, An arcade, movie theater. You name it, they have it. Its like a paradise... Maybe I should be a promoter..I think I be great at it!" She says this with a slight chuckle. "btw, are you finished eating?" Alice had not finished all her food but she was already full. She decided to just throw the rest out since it was too much for her and Matt seemed like he was full as well but she decided to ask anyways. "well, im done eating, want any of this?"
Jan 29, 2017 4:14 PM

Aug 2013
Matthew Belcher

Matthew finished his food and nodded at Alice's words "Guess it's like you say... Even if it is a school, it's still an island... And yeah, that's a nice idea; bet you would attract lots of costumers there. I would, at least." He smiled before grabbing Alice's plate, eating the rest her stuff too before standing up and grabbing her hand. "Alright, off to the park then! Lead me, GPS!" He would leave the area with Alice if she agreed.
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