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Jun 25, 2012 9:23 AM

Mar 2012
I've always felt friendless.
Yes, i do have friends, all fake friends perhaps. It's just like they need you for something, then ignore you afterward, thus, maybe my definition of friends now is mutual benefits.
I have the feeling that behind their smiles, they are always plotting. Or maybe, i'm just being paranoid.
Anyone felt like this?
Jun 25, 2012 10:23 AM

Nov 2011
Ever since my guild died in Guild Wars three years ago, I've felt friendless like you do. My family isn't too friendly with me, so I went about three years without any personal conversations. People at school and church simply don't like my presence. I wish I could enjoy being a loner, but all I ever feel is lonely. When I tried to talk to people, they'd snap at me or just stare as if I'm not allowed to talk. Anime is strange in that it fulfills social needs for me, where games are just fun but leave me just as lonely as ever. Still, I'd much rather find friends that want to talk to me. It's getting better recently.

I've found that anime conventions and Friday Night Magic are places where people pay attention to me and genuinely enjoy my presence. The people at school are nice, but I can tell most of my class prefers for me not to try to include myself in their conversations, especially at lunch. Lul, so after enough strange looks after trying to say something, I spent half the schoolyear in the bathroom throwing up from intense social anxiety during lunch.

Eventually, I built up the courage to sit at the same table with the boys who had been nice to me in computer programming class one year. They happily accepted me and miss me whenever I skip for an appointment. I had just assumed that they would push me away, too, so I had been afraid to try any earlier...I seriously regret that. They are the first friends I've made in school, and I made them halfway through my junior year of high school. They would have accepted me just as well way earlier if I hadn't been so afraid because of how everyone else treats me. I seriously regret that. Now it's summertime, and I'm all alone again. :P

I quit the Youth Group at my church years ago because the girls were very clique-ish and so mean to me and the teacher, they nearly made her quit. This summer, though, the new girls I volunteered with at Vacation Bible School were very accepting of me, so I've tried going back to the youth. Everybody else ignores me or makes weird comments behind my back, but those two new girls let me sit beside them and talk to me. They are so nice, and I really think they care about me.

I'm seriously hoping college will be better. I still spend most of my time on facebook, wishing there were people to talk to, but things are definitely brighter than they were before.

My advice is not to be afraid of people just because most people treat you poorly/ignore you. Not everyone will be like that. Find people with similar interests you can relate to and be yourself. Even if they seem to be, friends aren't the most important thing in life, so take it slow and they will come. Just be sure to be just as friendly and open as ever and don't let negative people affect your disposition. Being cold and sad won't help. It's hard, though.
Jun 25, 2012 1:45 PM

Jun 2008
I had the same five close best friends since sixth grade, and I've had a lot of friends throughout that come and go. I think our class was really close and we all hung out during games, dances, parties as we got older, of course high school kind of split everyone up every now and then with pointless drama so the cliques really formed. I definitely felt a little friendless during my sophomore year, because our group of five split and I stuck with the one they all hated. So it was just she and I for a long time, with a new group of people I didn't really like.

But, throughout high school I think it's been much better having a lot of friends you can talk to, but have those close bestfriends there no matter what. I met the most amazing people my senior year, and reconnected with friends I lost :)

I'd consider myself much more of a people person now than I was, and I really do love meeting new people. The more the merrier! So, I'd say go out there and make new friends for sure!
Jun 25, 2012 1:56 PM

Jul 2011
I have had periods in my life where i have had no friends, few friends and allot of friends. I have been both popular and bulled. The by product of moving house a bit and being a bit of a loner *thumbs up*. Honestly i have gone through extreme loneliness in my younger years but after awhile i got used to my own company, i found the good things about it and now the friends i do have are added bonuses to my life. They are not essential but mean allot to me.

Love your life, find many hobbies, be okay with being alone and you get a strange level of self confidence out of it. People are more attracted to confidence then someone who needs them to be happy.

That is my consensus on my weird life so far anyway and now that i have been strangely honest for once, let us never talk about this again *thumbs up*
Jun 26, 2012 12:48 AM

Jun 2011
I never feel alone. Like, ever.
I love being alone too, and it's practically impossible for me to actually being alone most of the time. I talk with my friends very frequently, and with my very best friends, well, I talk to them basically every day.

I would have to be surrounded by friends, but the few people I actually call friends, are always there whether I want them or not.

There will always be someone opening their arms for you. Just look for the right people.
Jun 26, 2012 12:23 PM

Oct 2011
I have three friends from college and that's it. Once in a while we get together for dinner or a movie.

Everyone else I've met just disappears after a couple years or less. Online, offline, it doesn't matter.

I do like being alone most of the time, but loneliness is really something different.
Jun 26, 2012 1:33 PM

May 2010
I use to have a lot of friends when i was in high school. I stopped hanging out with them because they weren't really friends if you know what i mean. Now I usually prefer to be alone.
Jun 26, 2012 4:14 PM

Jun 2012
Allecto said:
I'm the kind of person who has lots of good friends but *needs* to spend a lot of time alone doing my own thing. Seeing friends a lot is mentally exhausting for me, yet if I spend too much time alone even I feel lonely and friendless sometimes.

This basically sums up all my feeling on this subject. I have no better way of saying it.
No matter where you go, everyone's connected.
Jun 26, 2012 7:07 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
"Friendless" is my normal state, and I enjoy it. So I can't say that I identify with your concerns about it. I would suggest you pick up a hobby or something else you enjoy doing alone. Or just go out and meet random people, if any of your friends is interested in hanging out with you.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Jun 28, 2012 10:26 AM
Nov 2011
In some sense, yeah, I have felt sorta friendless when this particular guy I used to adore left the city due to his dad's job when I was young. I also felt friendless when I had to leave my girlfriend in my last school due to my dad's job. I didn't get to talk to her for a while or maybe even, I didn't want to face her, talk to her. It was hard, but as they say, time fixes everything. It got better, I visit her now; though, only as a dear friend.
Jul 9, 2012 3:10 PM
Jul 2012
I talk to people if they're willing to listen to my odd ideas, and it's even better if they've got ideas of their own or understand what some of my interests are. I don't consider them to be friends necessarily... I'm awful at keeping in contact with people. If I do have friends, they are the few to whom I write on the internet.
Jul 9, 2012 5:48 PM
May 2012
No. Honestly, I wish most of the people that constantly bother me would leave me alone. If I don't answer a text from one person in particular, he texts me every two seconds (and very profanely) because I'm 'ignoring' him.
Jul 10, 2012 9:40 AM

Apr 2012
Considering that I'm alone a lot, and don't do much of anything cause mostly what I do drains my energy....I'm glad that I don't have that many friends.

Though at times wish I did but sadly my energy levels can't take much...

Pretty much the one thing that sabotages my efforts to do more to try to interact more to make more friends is my low energy -having to put a lot of it into controlling my emotions and other things to keep from screwing things up so much that I'd piss people off probably but luckily that hasn't happened yet[I just have to deal with either possible self destruct or meltdown]...just the side effect apparently is I'm drained so much by the end of the day/week/month-

Just don't have any friends more or less around here where I live so try to do what I can over the net.
Jul 10, 2012 2:27 PM

May 2012
TyjosAzari said:
Considering that I'm alone a lot, and don't do much of anything cause mostly what I do drains my energy....I'm glad that I don't have that many friends.

Though at times wish I did but sadly my energy levels can't take much...

Pretty much the one thing that sabotages my efforts to do more to try to interact more to make more friends is my low energy -having to put a lot of it into controlling my emotions and other things to keep from screwing things up so much that I'd piss people off probably but luckily that hasn't happened yet[I just have to deal with either possible self destruct or meltdown]...just the side effect apparently is I'm drained so much by the end of the day/week/month-

Just don't have any friends more or less around here where I live so try to do what I can over the net.
You're absolutely sure that the problem at hand is "low energy"?
Jul 10, 2012 3:54 PM

Apr 2012
Wouldn't know now these days, there are days I'm fine though.

Plus I'm kinda spread out with what I do now these days, burnt out a little bit but recovering...still gotta try to do better to socialize a bit better.

I mean I can talk with people and that,just haven't had energy to deal with other stuff-Due to not sleeping well too lately so starting to get that back under control-

[Though I have Anxiety so that adds into it,plus probably not looking in the right places to make friends now these days I suppose]

I could also say one thing if anything that having to deal with others in terms of communication-which there are times I'm bad at it- messes up things. I've always had a problem with how to say things at times without ending up with stuff happening.

-I did just go through a 6 Month Job Training Program/Rehab Program so that's helped with at least some of that so just been drained from that since I've been recouping the last month for sure-
TyjosAzariJul 10, 2012 4:00 PM
Jul 10, 2012 7:22 PM
Jul 2012
I'm one of those people who can't really find reasons to have friends. Normally when you have a problem, you tell your friends.
I don't know how to help them, they probably don't know how to help me. And I don't really ever need any help. Plus friends can be troublesome at times......
I'm okay being alone, BUT I do have friends.... it's just we don't ever contact each other MOST of the time, unless were at school, then we contact each other a lot. xDD
but then again, I barely have classes with them. And then again, it's summer. >.<
Jul 10, 2012 8:04 PM

May 2012
TyjosAzari said:
Wouldn't know now these days, there are days I'm fine though.

Plus I'm kinda spread out with what I do now these days, burnt out a little bit but recovering...still gotta try to do better to socialize a bit better.

I mean I can talk with people and that,just haven't had energy to deal with other stuff-Due to not sleeping well too lately so starting to get that back under control-

[Though I have Anxiety so that adds into it,plus probably not looking in the right places to make friends now these days I suppose]

I could also say one thing if anything that having to deal with others in terms of communication-which there are times I'm bad at it- messes up things. I've always had a problem with how to say things at times without ending up with stuff happening.

-I did just go through a 6 Month Job Training Program/Rehab Program so that's helped with at least some of that so just been drained from that since I've been recouping the last month for sure-
Judging by the amount of words you just used to make a point, you seem to be fine when it comes to talking.

Just look at it all like it's a bad dream. That's how I get by.
Jul 10, 2012 9:08 PM

Apr 2012
I had alot of friends in highschool although i moved away right after to try to find work and havent really looked back, i go and see them but due to gas prices and the fact im a cheap sob (my truck eats gas faster than Takeru Kobayashi in a hotdog eating competition) i dont go and see them but once every few months.

Although i keep myself busy watch anime or reading manga oh and work.....
Jul 10, 2012 9:26 PM
Jul 2009
It happens occasionally.
Jul 10, 2012 11:11 PM
Jun 2012
yes... Especially last year when all my friends just ditched me for no reason and hate me now for reasons they have made up all on their own. So... that was one lonely summer.

I'm still in that state right now so I feel that all the time. Stuffing your mouth with sweets help if you don't mind a few extra pounds... Running is good to get your stress out as well, it is my prefered option.
Jun 22, 2014 9:39 PM

Jun 2012
I havent made a single friend since I started uni. And I dont keep in contact with any of my old friends. At most its like a text every 5 months.

I enjoy my "alone" time but its really getting hard seeing other people have fun and converse so I've resorted to talking on the internet. Yes that is the only reason I am commenting on a thread that hasnt been active since 2012.
Jun 23, 2014 6:10 AM

Jun 2014
I had a few friends back in high school, but they all moved away to find work. I now only have one friend left. We meet up once every couple of months to play some games.

Jun 23, 2014 6:51 AM
May 2009
Jun 23, 2014 8:05 AM

May 2014
"Aurora, what is a home?"
"A place where you truly grown."

-Child of Light
Jun 23, 2014 12:23 PM

Dec 2013
2 good friends and no more.
Jun 23, 2014 12:47 PM

Oct 2013
Havnt had a good experience with "Friends" so Nah Aint got many. only like 3 or 4. Fuck the world man!
My Manga List
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Shabada shabadabadaba
I am DjG545 aka Dj Fo Fo aka The Mutha Fkn Name I'm Usin Now
Jun 24, 2014 7:14 PM
Jan 2012
I feel as if though my friends are drifting farther apart or rather the're just being friendly for the sake of not being badmouthed for being a jerk or something.

As for close friends or should I say EX-close friends we basically not talk to each other except for when we're at school. Sure in my opinion having lot's of friends is good but it times i feel like I'm all alone in the world
Jun 24, 2014 7:27 PM

Mar 2012
Me and my closest friends are pretty far away from eachother right now. I don't have true friends close by. I have a couple I go to coffee with and the others only want to hang-out when it's to party.
There's no such thing as a painless lesson.
They just don't exist. Sacrifices are necessary.
You can't gain anything without losing something first.
Although if you can endure that pain and walk away from it,
you'll find that you now have a heart strong enough to overcome any obstacle.
Yeah, a heart made fullmetal.
- Fullmetal Alchemist
Jun 24, 2014 7:28 PM

Jun 2014
only haters
Oct 9, 2014 3:08 PM

Jul 2011
Sol_Ou said:
I havent made a single friend since I started uni. And I dont keep in contact with any of my old friends. At most its like a text every 5 months.

I enjoy my "alone" time but its really getting hard seeing other people have fun and converse so I've resorted to talking on the internet. Yes that is the only reason I am commenting on a thread that hasnt been active since 2012.

Sorry to hear that. Let's chat haha.
Yakuzaa said:
Me and my closest friends are pretty far away from eachother right now. I don't have true friends close by. I have a couple I go to coffee with and the others only want to hang-out when it's to party.

Exactly my situation atm fml. But I do not have people to have a coffee most of them -since they are from work- just wanna party and get drunk. I do like parties, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I prefer to be sober and have some more interesting conversations.

Oh well, life.
Oct 9, 2014 3:17 PM

Oct 2012
I had a lot of friends but my girlfriend wasn't comfortable with me talking to them much so I gradually stopped talking to them to avoid a fight (most were girls) we broke up months ago and I missed the date for my 2nd year enrolment at uni so now I'm all alone...
But I've actually never been happier, the only friends I have I can shut up by turning off my phone or not opening kik or logging into forums/chats for a week and I do whatever I want without having to think about anyone else if I dont want to. To my surprise not getting laid suddenly after so many years of... nevermind thats tmi but the point is I have no IRL friends atm and I'm surprisingly happier than when I had a lot or was in an obsessive relationship.
Oct 9, 2014 3:22 PM
Feb 2014
My first year in college before I met my girlfriend, definitely.

Felt like when I moved away from high school I became more alienated with my past friends, and it was tricky to adjust the first year to meeting new people.

Right now I don't have as much friends as the next guy but I'm definitely not the person I was when I did start college. The smaller the better anyways, too much is too much stress for me because I am horrible with maintaining too many relationships anyways.
AqutanOct 9, 2014 3:35 PM
Oct 9, 2014 3:32 PM
Jul 2018
Without, because apparently I have a lot but they don't seem to remember me. I'd rather have one or two. We'll only have each other to look out for.
Oct 9, 2014 4:25 PM

Jul 2014
In truth we are all alone, there are no such things as relationships of any nature you are your only friend.
~Hime Hime~
Oct 9, 2014 6:26 PM

Oct 2014
What is a friend, it sounds useless. I have my computer and my cellphone, they keep me happy. Wait, I can't forget my bed, we spend all our time together <3 #besties.
Oct 9, 2014 7:16 PM

Jul 2010
I am definitely on the side of having only a few friends. But in situations like these, I like to think that quality is better than quantity by a big margin.

Being a first year at a new school, making new friends was harder than expected. Since no one talks during a lecture making the time before a lecture or outside the class the only option. I find myself being closer to my old friends and acquaintances that are going to my school. The classrooms being really big just makes it harder as I wouldn't know the name of a single person.
Oct 9, 2014 7:38 PM

Jan 2014
I guess I don't have that many friends since I'm really shy and quiet, but I'm happy with what I have. c:
Oct 9, 2014 7:44 PM

Oct 2012
SparkleBunnies said:
I guess I don't have that many friends since I'm really shy and quiet, but I'm happy with what I have. c:

One of my problems with friends if that they are ALWAYS loud and obnoxious, I need to try finding shy and quiet friends. That way I will have my peace and quiet but not feel lonely? On second thought that'd be pretty weird if its a dude... and awkard if its a female... shit nevermind Ill stay alone!! D:
Oct 9, 2014 8:26 PM

Jan 2014
Democracy said:
SparkleBunnies said:
I guess I don't have that many friends since I'm really shy and quiet, but I'm happy with what I have. c:
One of my problems with friends if that they are ALWAYS loud and obnoxious, I need to try finding shy and quiet friends. That way I will have my peace and quiet but not feel lonely? On second thought that'd be pretty weird if its a dude... and awkard if its a female... shit nevermind Ill stay alone!! D:
I like that it's easy to talk to loud people, but I like my quiet friends just as much. cc:

Aww, good luck. You can do it if you at least try. *^*
Oct 9, 2014 8:27 PM

Oct 2012
SparkleBunnies said:
Democracy said:

One of my problems with friends if that they are ALWAYS loud and obnoxious, I need to try finding shy and quiet friends. That way I will have my peace and quiet but not feel lonely? On second thought that'd be pretty weird if its a dude... and awkard if its a female... shit nevermind Ill stay alone!! D:
I like that it's easy to talk to loud people, but I like my quiet friends just as much. cc:

Aww, good luck. You can do it if you at least try. *^*

Oh I have no problem at ALL making friends xD the problem is I just get annoyed when they done leave me alone xD
Oct 9, 2014 8:30 PM

Jan 2014
Democracy said:
SparkleBunnies said:
I like that it's easy to talk to loud people, but I like my quiet friends just as much. cc:

Aww, good luck. You can do it if you at least try. *^*
Oh I have no problem at ALL making friends xD the problem is I just get annoyed when they done leave me alone xD
Oh you're still here.

Lol I see, that doesn't sound like the worst problem to me. xD But GL anyway. c;
Oct 9, 2014 9:23 PM

Jul 2013
Steezus said:
In truth we are all alone, there are no such things as relationships of any nature you are your only friend.


I have a ton of acquaintances, but not much friends to hang out with really.. I honestly only think one of my friends only hang out with me just because he wants me to play in his band :/

Besides that one guy.. Don't hang out with anyone else.. maybe a neighbor once every 2 months or something.

I usually just stick with music and watch some stuff to pass some time unless I got some stuff to do. Oh the great senior life.. So boring. This is just making me realize how much shit I don't do and how pathetic I am living damn.

Oh well.
Oct 9, 2014 9:24 PM
Jul 2018
I enjoy being alone.
Oct 9, 2014 9:27 PM

Jul 2012
I always feel friendless tbh
But that's good. I can watch my animu with peace and quiet.

I still talk to my high school buddies though. They're great.
Oct 9, 2014 9:34 PM

Oct 2012
no never had very many friends in the first place
Oct 10, 2014 8:01 PM

Aug 2014
I don't even have friends.
Oct 10, 2014 8:02 PM

Dec 2013
Ever since i became a hikikimori, i don't have any friends, got to say, most of the time it feels good, but sometimes this painful agony just swallows you and u feel hopeless :/

I had some friends when i had a life though, normal friends, not into anime, with an exception of 2 or 3, but they were also normal.
FragOutFire said:

Why am I a Berserk fan? All I ever experience is pain.

We are in the eclipse and Miura has sacrificed us
Oct 10, 2014 8:03 PM
Jul 2018
All my friends are online. .-.
Oct 30, 2014 4:23 PM

Jul 2011
mayukachan said:

But that's good. I can watch my animu with peace and quiet.

True, but there comes a time when you want something else.. Even if I love anime I do need a break sometimes, too much is too much -.-

Generally few friends are better it seems. Now I can feel less weird when I hear others going on about their SOO BIG groups of friends.
Oct 30, 2014 6:34 PM
Oct 2014
I actually prefer being alone. I do have bestfriends, but we're very different. One likes to party and shop, while I hate parties...and..I do like to shop, but I prefer to do it alone or with my sisters. I don't really try making friends (irl and on the internet) it's whatever, to be honest.
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