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Aug 3, 2007 12:43 PM

Dec 2006
I like series that focus more on the relationships between girl (like Maria-sama ga Miteru, one of my favorites),
even a little fanservice here and there is acceptable (Strawberry Panic is an excellent example of combining a good story with some fanservice).
so how about you ? do you watch yuri for the sake of yuri or you are watching for the strong connection between the characters ?

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Aug 3, 2007 2:31 PM

Aug 2007
Both. XD
Aug 6, 2007 3:38 AM

Apr 2007
Just like Evadoll, it's a bit of both.

It all depends on what series I'm watching really. Take the small amount of yuri in Zombie Loan for instance, you just can't escape the fanservice, and I can quite honestly admit I'm only watching that series for the small amount of yuri. Namely, because, at the moment, it doesn't look like the girls are going to get together, it's just a bit of fanservice yuri that the producers threw into the pot! ^^
Aug 7, 2007 3:00 PM

Jun 2007
lol Both as well :3 But i do prefer where they focus on the relashionship more....but fanservicey ones are good as well, as long as its yuri ;3
Aug 7, 2007 3:04 PM

Aug 2007
I agree actually. Story and relationship are much more important than fanservice. That's why I adore Simoun, it's not filled with pointless fanservice but a good storyline and relationships.
Aug 7, 2007 4:09 PM

Apr 2007
I prefer watching for the character relationships and story. That doesn't mean I wouldn't watch a yuri anime for the hell of it but I probably wouldn't enjoy it as much.

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
Aug 7, 2007 4:29 PM

Jul 2007
I watch it for both, but the character relationships is definitely more important than things like fanservice. Strawberry Panic had some great fanservice, but could back it up with the relationships between the characters.
Aug 8, 2007 12:14 PM

Jul 2007
I guess I mostly watch it for the relationships and characters, but fanservice is OK too.
Aug 10, 2007 1:40 PM

Jul 2007
marimite is best.. thats my favorite.. i didnt really like strawberry panic at all.. was just too much at times + the quality/drawing style/coloring was awful.. so just ruined it for me.. some fanservice is ok but i dont wanna see they basically trying to rape each other.
Sep 10, 2007 11:48 AM

Aug 2007
I would say that what I enjoy most is the relationship content. "Pure fanservice" without a strong character interaction becomes a bit redundant. If the relationship is well developed and explored then the fanservice, if it exists, starts to make sense instead of being just eye candy
Sep 17, 2007 4:14 AM

Sep 2007
Hmm...with me it's kinda different. It sounds weird, but I can quite often like an anime that doesn't have a lot of character depth and interaction more than one that does if the former has a large cast of interesting characters. I am a real sucker for fanfiction, and if a series doesn't have any good fanfiction, well, my interest in it will be limited. (I don't know why, but I hardly ever really like canon pairings...probably just my subconscious being difficult, haha!)
Though, I have to say that character interaction is important too. What I love is interaction that is realistic, yet kinda sweet, kinda angsty at the same time if that makes sense. I want people to be awkward and nervous about their crush/love/ whatever, with lots of sexual tension. It sounds weird, but this time before they actually get together is often my favourite because of that. If a couple hasn't got this, or it's really stilted/rushed/unbelievable, then I will find it very difficult to like the couple, and if it's a canon opinion about the whole anime will suffer.
If it's just fanservice and the girls make out or's pointless. However, if an anime has fanservice AND character interaction, well, you won't see me complaining! :)
Sorry about the long post, I suffer from Rantitis - the mistaken impression that people are interested in your opinion when it gets longer than a paragraph or two :P

Sora/Riku is best friends love

Proud to be both a yaoi AND yuri fangirl!
Sep 19, 2007 3:33 PM

Jul 2007
If there is even the slightest possibilty of there being yuri in an anime, I'm immediately interested. Although, with this reason alone, I often stumble across series... not really good, to say the least. Take Tactical Roar: I read that in some episodes there might have been some yuri scenes, and so I got my greedy hands on it and started watching, but I had to drop it after the first episode, such were the boring fanservice and cliche situations. Knowing that there was yuri wasn't enough to keep me interested, because if I can't find a single character interesting, then I can't connect with them.

So, after all this rant, I have to say that what's most important to me is the interaction/connection between the characters, AND an interesting story. Marimite was good in the first two aspects, but it often bored me. I have to say that I prefer action/fantasy series to high school ones (with Mai HiME being the exception, since there was LOTS of action, plus the awesomeness that is Yuki Kajiura =D).

Uhmm, I should have bored you enough for now =)

Sep 25, 2007 4:30 PM
Sep 2007
Strawberry Panic!!!!XD
Oct 2, 2007 8:09 PM

Sep 2007
I watch it for both really... Most stories that have shoujo-ai have the relationships' between the girl's portayed as sweet and emotional. Those types appeal to me most (like Maria-sama, or Haruka and Michiru from Sailor Moon).

However, I don't see a problem with fanservice, mostly because I kind of enjoy it. So long as it's between the two girls like Strawberry Panic *giggles* XD
Oct 2, 2007 9:19 PM

Sep 2007
Though I'm a yuri fan I also watch a whole lot of other stuff... basically I'm happy if two girls get together, but I'm also happy if two guys or (oh the humanity!) a guy and a girl get together. All I care about is that there's some kind of character build-up, because that's what I enjoy watching anime for. Beamspam and fanservice and special effects and whatnot is all fine and dandy, but when you get down to it I'm really just in it to see the characters interact with each other.

On the other hand I'm also not opposed to fanservice in the slightest. Two girls getting together for little reason but to entice the straight 20-something otaku male audience-- well hey, call me a bad person but I might as well enjoy it if it's there anyway. :P
Oct 29, 2007 7:07 PM

Oct 2007
I like more the relationship type than the fanservice part.
I also think it's cute when one girl is more like.. a tomboy and the other is very girly
But two girly girls look so pretty together ^^
Nov 4, 2007 5:20 AM

Sep 2006
O.o at lynx's reply. That's EXACTLY what I'd have said too. And heh, I also tried Tactical Roar, only to drop it after 2 episodes. man, that series sucked.

I'd say that I want the yuri to be at least a tad meaningful (or funny, but this only in comedies. AzuDai is an example.). I can take yuri as fanservice, but not yuri treated like the pr0n videos where the girls constantly look at the camera to tell the viewer "we are doing this for you, you know".

Nov 7, 2007 7:54 PM

Jul 2007
Yuri for the sake of yuri is always fun, but the deeper the relationships are, even if no confession is made *cough*NANOHA/FATE*cough* the longer lasting and more acclaimed I will hold the series.
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
Nov 8, 2007 7:23 PM

Oct 2007
I watch yuri for the rather complex, frequently emotional relationships that usually develop between the characters. The fact that both characters in the relationship are girls is icing on the cake.

I also like the very gentle and soft feel yuri anime/manga tend to have. It feels more like the way love ideally should be, rather than the way love is. Of course, that's a function of fiction, but...
Nov 10, 2007 1:55 PM

Aug 2007
OGT said:
I watch yuri for the rather complex, frequently emotional relationships that usually develop between the characters. The fact that both characters in the relationship are girls is icing on the cake.

I also like the very gentle and soft feel yuri anime/manga tend to have. It feels more like the way love ideally should be, rather than the way love is. Of course, that's a function of fiction, but...
Summed it up for me ^_^

Nov 14, 2007 7:40 PM

Jul 2007
I'm basically in with the same thing as OGT, I'm seriously not into the whole fanservice thing, especially when it just seems unnatural. If it comes naturally, I'm usually fine with it I guess.

Even though I prefer straight relationships, I find myself looking at the really good yuri/shoujo-ai relationships and thinking it's really quite soft and gentle, and far less akward, basically just what OG Said again.

Nov 15, 2007 11:52 AM

Nov 2007
I will quote the almighty FasteriskHead who shares my deep love of Marimite.

Strawberry Panic is a terrible show. It's not enough that they took everything from Marimite and replaced half the shoujo (the flowers, the glances that last forever, the designs so sharp and angular you could open a beer bottle with them) with backstocked moe. Oh no. It totally misses what the older show had long understood, namely that there are distinctions between cuteness, sexuality, and eroticism (Marimite partakes in the first and third a lot, but almost never the second). The effect while watching SP is like you have a short, pudgy guy sitting behind you, constantly whispering into your ear: "They're all gay, you know!!" At every big moment: "Ha, oh man! Those girls totally want to have sex." Right after a scene ends: "Bet they're lezzing it up, eh? Eh??? I'll tell ya, I bet that short one's the one on top, right? She's feisty! She's totally giving that other one the ol' magic carpet ride, you get it?? ...I mean to say they're having SEX. They're SCREWING right now. SEX SEX SEX. Because they're LESBIANS and they enjoy having INTERCOURSE with WOMEN, and right now that's what they're doing. SEX."

Good god, give me real shoujo - coy to the point of absurdity - rather than this horrible imitation stuff spawned from an unfortunate one-night stand with moe (shoujo must have been really, really drunk). Not every show needs to be one where you can look up the dress of its licensed figurines and see the girls' panties.
Nov 15, 2007 6:03 PM
Oct 2007
"Not every show needs to be one where you can look up the dress of its licensed figurines and see the girls' panties."

Oh I never thought to try that!

Thanks for letting me know ;)
Nov 15, 2007 7:04 PM

Oct 2007
Yeah, but that's just because Strawberry Panic's creators mistook moe as a method of generating good character development, and not as a product of good character development.

Although he is right, Starwberry Panic was far more concerned with THESE GIRLS ARE LESBIANS AND THAT IS HOT than "these girls are in love with each other". But there's nothing wrong with that, really.
Nov 17, 2007 8:59 PM

Nov 2007
OGT said:
Yeah, but that's just because Strawberry Panic's creators mistook moe as a method of generating good character development, and not as a product of good character development.

Although he is right, Starwberry Panic was far more concerned with THESE GIRLS ARE LESBIANS AND THAT IS HOT than "these girls are in love with each other". But there's nothing wrong with that, really.

Mind you, I don't hate SP! like that gu does - I've only seen 18 eps and I didn't mind it - there were some things I lliked but the attempts at drama just didn't click with me. In any case, though, I just wanted to point out that... well, just click here:
Nov 17, 2007 10:24 PM

Oct 2007
2007DigitalBoy said:
Mind you, I don't hate SP! like that gu does - I've only seen 18 eps and I didn't mind it - there were some things I lliked but the attempts at drama just didn't click with me. In any case, though, I just wanted to point out that... well, just click here:

I never watched either Strawberry Panic! or Kannazuki no Miko (they never interested me). I'll agree with that post, on the proviso that I take a much less "elitist" stand, and instead accept that people frequently watch yuri for the overt sexual "undertones". It's a perfectly legit reason, even if it ignores aspects of the show other than the sexuality. Some people just watch anime for different reasons than, say, you or I would.
Nov 22, 2007 4:16 AM

Oct 2007
my post from another forum... it somewhat describes my view of Yuri and I like the dramatic ones... :)

"I see it as romance, but, as you said, the feeling is a lot different from the classic romance. It is a lot deeper and not quite the same, don´t know how to describe it, but it was more intimate and as you stated in an earlier post - pure..."

Nov 23, 2007 7:06 AM

Aug 2007
When I do watch Yuri, I watch it for the storyline and relationships. I have difficultly following along with a series that is just plain pointless. (Meaning that I dislike anime that have a storyline that goes something along the lines of "Oh, I just defeated the evil dark lord. Next day, I'll become a servant for my best friend!")
And as far as KnM is concerned, I like it better than Strawberry Panic. KnM has a plot. SP is more fanservicy. I'll go with the plot over fanservice any old day.
Nov 23, 2007 10:37 AM
Nov 2007
Evadoll said:
I agree actually. Story and relationship are much more important than fanservice. That's why I adore Simoun, it's not filled with pointless fanservice but a good storyline and relationships.
I can't say it any better than that.
Dec 21, 2007 12:20 PM

Dec 2007
Relationships are important, of course... Fanservice doesn't have to be strong, as long as they kiss I'm statisfied... ^^
Dec 31, 2007 5:37 AM

Oct 2007
I love character studies - what I want to watch is all the people interacting with each other. Another intervening storyline can completely ruin it for me (*cough*Kannazuki no Miko*cough*) and so can characters that are unsympathetic (it was the main problem I had with Strawberry panic! - the girls were so cute/moé it made me want to puke X_X)

Also, too much fanservice, and I'm down on the ground, rolling and laughing. I mean, all those "innocuous" panty shots, shower scenes and dressing up for P.E. are just... hilarious.

Beware! For I wield the chair leg of truth!
Jan 9, 2008 1:51 PM

Nov 2007
Madlax & Simoun are my two prefered yuri series, though Mai Otome is the only thing in the world I'm fan of. (I even got t-shirts. :D )

The most important thing is the anime's quality for me. I totaly don't care about fan service (well, depends on what we call fan service I guess), I prefer a good story and good depths of character, good music...

In the yuri itself, only the romance counts. Some fanservice just makes me laugh (oh geez, sweetie, you've cut your finger, lemme suck the blood... mmm... mprrrf... mwahahahahah ), while other pisses me of (hey hey, Nenene, look at the big breast of little Michelle... - ...Thanks, I was wondering where you'd lost your character depth... Now I know -_- And buy a bra next time...). Other are funny because they are cynical or satyric (heyyyy, Arika-chan, wtf is this great pink octopus in the swimming pool with all these tentacles ? - waaaaa, I dunno, sugoi sugoi, where is the sugar by the way ? - geez. ), or sometimes they just are good. (though I have no examples atm :D )

But romance is the best. (even if nothing happens)
Jan 19, 2008 11:29 AM

Jan 2008
the question is for me after reading the title of topic: fanservice makes gal-couples better together?
amm, maybe. i'm not a clever one in the style.
i mostly like when something happens between gals, and not understandable only as subtext.
for example that's why i like Utena much! ^^

Ladies, disregard your limits! [KT Tunstall]
Jan 19, 2008 4:53 PM

Jul 2007
I felt cheated with Utena =/ With the pictures going around depicting certain subjects, and the praise it got as a great example of shoujo ai, I was expecting something explicit shown; instead I got Utena fawning over Anthy's brother, and him having relationships with both of them.

The movie was another story altogether, considering they put more shoujo ai in one episode than in the whole series. Still, I didn't like it much.

Just my opinion on the matter. runs away

Jan 20, 2008 11:28 AM

Jan 2008
I like a yuri with canon pairings or at least a one sided affair. It can be any style as long as it's not just subtext. I love cutesy relationships like in Kashimashi (if you take for granted that Hazumu is a girl inside from the beginning) or Marimite, but I can also thoroughly enjoy serious or angst-y relationships like in Kannazuki no miko. To me fanservice is okay, I have been known to enjoy some fanservice series with shoujo-ai or not. (But I must admit that I love Strawberry panic *guilty pleasure*.

Generally speaking, as long as there is love, I will love it.

Feb 6, 2008 2:37 PM

Jul 2007
Feb 7, 2008 2:19 AM

Feb 2008
I'm ok with yuri fanservice, but it would never really attract me to a series. I like to see how a relationship between characters develops. I'm perfectly happy if it's only on emotional level, and nothing "really" happens (like, no kiss or anything further), while the general story of the series keeps me interested.

Oh, and I hate angst.
Feb 13, 2008 7:58 AM

Dec 2007
I like the romance in Yuri Anime and manga.
There's something about two grils in love that attracts me to Yuri.
It's just really amazing.
Mar 13, 2008 7:12 PM
Jul 2007
the first shouju-ai series I saw, and probably the only one I've seen (to my knowledge), has been Strawberry Panic. I was really, really dissapointed by what I saw. I hate the indecisiveness of most boy-likes-girl anime, I know I can identify with the guy but after a while it just get's really annoying to watch him do the same thing over and over and not build up the nerve to ask some girl out. I don't know, but I think that maybe watching two girls doing the same thing is alot more....interesting and fun than watching a guy fawn over a girl.
Mar 17, 2008 11:08 PM

Jan 2008
Kleo said:
Oh, and I hate angst.

But isn't that the entire point of Romance Anime/Manga?

For the record, I prefer a story. Maria-sama, Blue Drop and Candy Boy are all top rated anime's in my list.
Mar 17, 2008 11:17 PM

Feb 2008
nexist418 said:
Kleo said:
Oh, and I hate angst.

But isn't that the entire point of Romance Anime/Manga?

Not for me. :) However, sometimes it's unavoidable.
Mar 18, 2008 10:28 PM

Oct 2007
I prefer a good story.
Mar 19, 2008 1:28 AM

Oct 2007
Brunhild said:
I prefer a good story.

Ditto - A good story first, makes it even better with a helping of yuri ^_^ I don't specifically watch shows for yuri content, but it sure makes the episode when the yuri goggles find something hehe
Mar 22, 2008 12:17 AM

Jan 2008
I like a good story with some twist, not like the usual shonen story where boy x girl fall in love, happily ever after, there needs to be some plot, but not too much of a twist, then it gets ridic.

Mar 27, 2008 5:12 AM

Oct 2007
I read a nice thing at okazu blog, considering mostly fanservice...
if you exchange one of the girls for a boy and it becomes disgusting, then it's not a good Yuri...
this goes ESPECIALY for rape (Kannazuki no Miko, I'm looking at YOU!)

Beware! For I wield the chair leg of truth!
Mar 27, 2008 8:14 AM

Jan 2008
gunbladekid09 said:
OGT said:
I watch yuri for the rather complex, frequently emotional relationships that usually develop between the characters. The fact that both characters in the relationship are girls is icing on the cake.

I also like the very gentle and soft feel yuri anime/manga tend to have. It feels more like the way love ideally should be, rather than the way love is. Of course, that's a function of fiction, but...
Summed it up for me ^_^

Same here.

I don't really like too much fan service. Strawberry Panic was just annoying with the constant rapeage...
Mar 27, 2008 10:48 PM

Jul 2007
Lunk said:
I read a nice thing at okazu blog, considering mostly fanservice...
if you exchange one of the girls for a boy and it becomes disgusting, then it's not a good Yuri...
this goes ESPECIALY for rape (Kannazuki no Miko, I'm looking at YOU!)

Hm, I never thought about it that way. I really can't imagine any of my favorite girls with a boy though... does that mean they're all bad yuri? ^^'

Mar 28, 2008 1:48 AM

Oct 2007
lynx said:
Lunk said:
I read a nice thing at okazu blog, considering mostly fanservice...
if you exchange one of the girls for a boy and it becomes disgusting, then it's not a good Yuri...
this goes ESPECIALY for rape (Kannazuki no Miko, I'm looking at YOU!)

Hm, I never thought about it that way. I really can't imagine any of my favorite girls with a boy though... does that mean they're all bad yuri? ^^'

That's not the way it was meant ^_^;
It's more like - if a boy did this (groped her breasts, kissed her forcefully, etc) would it be considered creepy/disgusting? If yes, there's a problem...
Seriously, I am not exactly sure what people think goes on in girl's changerooms... or I guess I don't have the right friends :D

Beware! For I wield the chair leg of truth!
Mar 29, 2008 3:50 AM

Mar 2008
Lunk said:
I read a nice thing at okazu blog, considering mostly fanservice...
if you exchange one of the girls for a boy and it becomes disgusting, then it's not a good Yuri...
this goes ESPECIALY for rape (Kannazuki no Miko, I'm looking at YOU!)

I found that scene rather disturbing, actually. It wouldn't find it less angsty if it would be, for example, Souma.
I don't see much difference between guyxgirl, guyxguy or in this case, girlxgirl. I like some soujo-ai series (like the famous Marimite) for its somehow awkward romance, emotional relationships and cuteness, not because it's sexy, but I also like these aspects in straight anime.
Apr 27, 2008 3:25 AM

Apr 2008
i like it in a mix but I'm convincd that the story and relationship is much more important than a lot of sex without meaning :)
But! if the sex is a way for the couple to express there love through a story its just the best ^^
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