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Oct 3, 2009 8:22 PM

Aug 2006

Since we've had such a huge influx of new members lately (I'm so excited), I figured I'd open a thread and let them all come in here and introduce themselves.

Welcome aboard, mina!! Tell us a little something about you!!

Note: For any of my current members who want to know why they got assigned the Ouran member they did above... hehe... well... maybe I'll tell, maybe I won't :P I just picked the members that seemed to most fit those characters for club purposes. I had fun with it, so hush!!

(edit: Made this into a Stickie thread. Sorry, Chelle)
OrlahEhontasOct 25, 2014 6:27 PM
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Oct 4, 2009 8:04 AM

Sep 2009
Hey all…

I’m Jeffrey, a 38yo male living in South Florida .. I used to buy 2-episode imported (and quite possible bootlegged) subbed videotapes from the local comic-shop back in the late 80’s & early 90’s of several shows like Fist of the North Star, etc… Thought they were really cool, but never really took up collecting Anime as a hobby and eventually stopped in lieu of other interests… Anime kinda always lingered in the back of my mind and from time to time would spark back up mostly in the form of single movies. I went to a small fest in the late 90’s to see the movie’s Sin and Wicked City, rented Ghost in the Shell.. my girlfriend at the time owned Ninja Scroll and she introduced me to series Record of Lodoss War (still one of my faves). But this mild to moderate interest in Anime soon became a full blown obsession thanks to Cartoon Network airing Outlaw Star in 2001. I’ve now spent thousands on Anime and related items (Wall scrolls, Soundtracks, Figures, etc…), I’ve an ENOURMOUS collection of Ranma related merch - Buttons, Pencil Boxes & Boards, Video Games, Wall Scrolls, A Screen Saver, Figures, just about every music related release on both vinyl & CD, plus many many other assorted related items.. I guess "Ranma stuff" would be one of my guilty pleasures. I’ve collected many series and the list keeps growing… I’m a fan of both Subbed & Dubbed and will watch most series both ways when I can.

I guess that about sums it up for now… thanks for being so friendly & welcoming, I’m glad to be part of this group!
Oct 4, 2009 8:15 AM

Aug 2007
welcome Jusenkyo_Guide! i promise most people around here don't bite. well i might. lol!
Oct 4, 2009 8:37 AM

Aug 2006
Welcome aboard Jeffrey. ^_^ I'm glad you're enjoying your stay around here.

And don't listen to earthbender... she's a sweetie. Now Archaeon... he may nibble from time to time, but never bites. ^_~
Oct 4, 2009 10:49 AM

Aug 2009
Hey Everybody, My name is Debbie and I'm 43 years old. I live in Sarasota Florida and have 2 kids. I guess I've always been a kid at heart. I used to collect action figures and comic books with my ex. Yeah, I'm a geek. As my daughter got older she started to get heavily into anime and manga. She also likes to draw and has made me pictures of my favorite characters that I hang up over my desk at work. Yep, they all think I'm nuts, but my plan is to have my entire desk covered with anime and manga related stuff.(take that boring people). I'm a very laid back person and love to laugh. I've already told my children if I start to act old they better just put me out of my misery! I'm going out with a smile on my face! I'm enjoying being a part of this club. Thanks for inviting me.
Oct 4, 2009 11:00 AM

Mar 2007
Irasshimasen! (think I spelled that right....)

I, too, had a plan to cover my desk at work with anime and manga related stuff, but, alas, the powers that be have thwarted any and all attempts :[
You've come a long way, baby.
Oct 4, 2009 5:48 PM

Aug 2007
i would love to put up a pic of a few of my fave characters, BUT i'm still a little shy about this stuff, especially since i'm with a new group of ppl in my office. i do proudly wear a few my con t-shirts on the saturdays we work overtime.
Oct 4, 2009 8:37 PM

Feb 2009
Welcome Jeffrey, Debbie, and Earthbender!

Oct 5, 2009 4:43 AM

May 2009
Hello all. I'd better follow the others' example and try to introduce myself. Name's Tarek, from Lebanon. I'm 30 years old, yup, just barely made the age quota for the group, heh.... wait, does that make me the runt of the litter? nuuuuuuu...

Anyways, anime pretty much snuck into my life through a chain of events. As a child, there were some *very* limited series shown on tv (dubbed in Arabic *shudders*), but I suppose those dropped the first seeds in my mind.

Fast forward later, and you find my hobby of making custom wallpapers, themes, sounds for computers. I noticed so many wallpapers posted under the anime section. Curiosity led to interest, then research, then looking around for the actual thing in shops, and when the net kept expanding, it became my main source for new, and old shows. As it stands now anime has become my main source for entertainment, shared with local friends whenever possible.

But the biggest point I advertise as to why I love anime, is because it doesn't assume the viewer is an idiot. It makes the viewer think, analyze, dig for the topics shown instead of presenting them all on a silver platter. In short, it inspires.

Oh, and as you've probably guessed by now, I'm one heck of a blabbermouth. I'll probably wind up bound and gagged in a closet somewhere eventually. But hey..... could be fun, hehe.

Thank you all for having me over ;)
Oct 5, 2009 4:46 AM

Aug 2006
midnightspecter said:
I'll probably wind up bound and gagged in a closet somewhere eventually.

You shouldn't be giving me ideas like that. ^_~ **goes off to plot**
Oct 5, 2009 6:00 AM

Mar 2009
Chelle said:
midnightspecter said:
I'll probably wind up bound and gagged in a closet somewhere eventually.

You shouldn't be giving me ideas like that. ^_~ **goes off to plot**

Sorry your to late Chelle :)

Shameless plug signature The Shorts Club

Oct 5, 2009 7:23 AM

Feb 2009
Howdy new people.

I'm generally the person you were warned about in some fashion be it your mom or dad or the church elders or the establishment etc.

I do not fit in, I'm the sand in your underwear, the seed in your seedless fruit, the odd number in an even numbered item.

But at least I'm interesting :)
While not technically anime, currently I am a big fan of Hatsune Miku.
At least I can go see her in concert.
Oct 5, 2009 4:07 PM

Apr 2009
Great to see so many new members.

Hi Guys and Girls. See you around!
Oct 5, 2009 5:12 PM

Oct 2008
hello, i am Evanna age 52, I am from Texas. married to hubby since 1979, Have 2 grown daughters and 2 gkids. oldest daughter introduce me to Anime because she had some already bought so while i was laid up in bed. i watch Anime. and then i started watching and finding them on the internet. we also have 4 pets here. 2 dogs and 2 cats. and my two cats are name after some anime. Kakashi and Yuuki..
I be looking forward to getting to know everyone.
Oct 5, 2009 7:59 PM

Nov 2008
I really hate doing introductions, but anyway...

My name is Jason and I live in Iowa. I got into anime around late 1991 while in college from some bootleg tapes borrowed from a friend of a friend. The show that grabbed me and made me a fan was Megazone 23 part II. Over the years I've been involved in fansubbing, did a lot of VHS trading back in the day, and ran a serious fansite among other fanish activities. Currently I help with the Anime Sunday showing in Omaha, NE ( and run anime panels at a local science fiction con ( Outside of anime I'm into science fiction books, history, role playing games, and am an AFOL (Adult Fan Of LEGO). I'm single and have no children (I can spoil my siblings' kids and not have to deal with the consequences).
Oct 5, 2009 8:05 PM

Aug 2006
Great to have you, Evanna and Jason. ^_^

And Evanna, you can see pictures of my lil' one here. He also got named after one of my favorite anime characters. >.<
Oct 5, 2009 8:12 PM

Mar 2007
I can spoil my siblings' kids and not have to deal with the consequences.
*high five*
You've come a long way, baby.
Oct 5, 2009 8:47 PM

Feb 2009
I really hate doing introductions, but anyway...

My name is Jason and I live in Iowa. I got into anime around late 1991 while in college from some bootleg tapes borrowed from a friend of a friend. The show that grabbed me and made me a fan was Megazone 23 part II. Over the years I've been involved in fansubbing, did a lot of VHS trading back in the day, and ran a serious fansite among other fanish activities. Currently I help with the Anime Sunday showing in Omaha, NE ( and run anime panels at a local science fiction con ( Outside of anime I'm into science fiction books, history, role playing games, and am an AFOL (Adult Fan Of LEGO). I'm single and have no children (I can spoil my siblings' kids and not have to deal with the consequences).

*shakes hands with another otaku veteran*

Wow, Megazone 23, great anime! And someone else here who actually remembers the days of VHS fansubs...

Oct 5, 2009 11:58 PM

Jul 2008
Unacustomed as I am to public speaking, I... oh wait. I'm not speaking. Okay...

I usually don't post much anywhere on MAL but since I seem to have joined a bunch of clubs think that I ought to at least contribute something. MY PEERS, AT LAST!!!

I got into anime ass-backwards, from some pretty lame hentai ---> figures ---> Elfen Lied. Then it was all over; been hooked ever since! Pretty recent (comparatively speaking); only since May of 2007. But since I wasn't working (had been writing my novel), I was able to devote myself full-time to it. BIG TIME!

Er, BIG FULL-TIME. Yeah, that's better xD

My faves run the gamut, but I try to watch anime that is noteworthy in one respect or another, as time is limited. If a show really satisfies me, it gets a 10 whether it's a "masterpiece" or not. Very simple system. Which figures, 'cos I'm a simple guy :-P

Since my novel is still unpublished and I don't want to bore my Blog visitors with endless posts about how nothing is happening yet, I'm using it to expose them to anime. (I'm somewhat subversive as well as simple LOL) AND IT'S WORKING, MWU-HAHAHAHAAA!

My faves are Haibane Renmei, Air, Kanon 2006, E.L. (natch), Last Exile, Spice and Wolf, and... wow, this'll take all night :-O

I better stop while I'm behind. Well-met, M:TLY! :-)
Oct 6, 2009 2:06 AM

Dec 2008
WHAAAAAAAT?!? Another Jeffrey in this club? Sugoi!! I'm a Jeffrey too! Welcome aboard, Jusenkyo_Guide! And there's new blood here older than I am (50)! Welcome, Evanna! Welcome also to all the other new folks! There's plenty of chilled Geritol in the fridge! Enjoy! ^_^

May the DESU be with you! Always!
Oct 6, 2009 2:33 AM

Apr 2008
I just want to welcome everyone as well!!
Oct 6, 2009 10:48 AM

May 2009
Chelle said:
You shouldn't be giving me ideas like that. ^_~ **goes off to plot**

A plotting Chelle. Should I be worried? Guys? ..... Guys?
*only a receding cloud of dust remains in everyone's wake*
Oct 6, 2009 11:00 AM

Mar 2007
Nah, you should be more worried if Chelle *isn't* plotting.
You've come a long way, baby.
Oct 6, 2009 11:11 AM
Nov 2008
I am a former U.S. Marine from Philadelphia. I live and work in California these days.
I have spent just over three years in Japan and the Far East. My Japanese is very rusty as I never practice anymore but I continue to study kanji hirigana and katagana for fun. By the way, Kokojindesu is "the Black man/person" in Japanese.
I am an artist and have stuff posted in I was into anime when there was hardly any around (Astro-boy,Speed Racer, etc...) so I went nuts when I was in Japan!!
I'm glad to meet you all (dozo yoroshiku minna-san).
Oct 6, 2009 11:59 AM

Dec 2008
I can spoil my siblings' kids and not have to deal with the consequences.
That's what unmarried siblings are for, isn't it? That and to be the person the parents point to and say "don't do like he/she does".
Oct 6, 2009 12:52 PM

Apr 2008
I found all the joys of this over the summer. My boy is 14 going on 30 now, so outside of the occasional fights over homework and messy rooms, I've got it pretty easy. During the summer we were visiting my in-laws and my husbands sister brought her baby up for the weekend. I cannot tell how much fun it was to play with him, feed him and rock him, then when he got fussy... give him back to mom. It was also great that when I heard that 2 am cry and out of instinct I jumped out of the bed that I realized, I didn't HAVE to get up and I curled back up all cozy as you please.
Oct 6, 2009 1:40 PM

Dec 2008
Awesome! Kokojindesu! Welcome from the Philly detachment of the club! Nothing like hearing from a one time homeboy! Yeah, I know I'm too old at 50 to be using such terms, but hey! I like to think young! HA! I served in the Navy for 20 years (1976-1996) and was lucky enough to have been in Japan wa-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ay back in 1977 and had a great time there. Walt Disney was right, it IS a small world after all!

May the DESU be with you! Always!
Oct 7, 2009 1:26 AM

Mar 2009
Just want to say another hello to all the new members here, its great to read a little about you guys and gals and look forward to some chatter with some new friends :)

Shameless plug signature The Shorts Club

Oct 14, 2009 5:16 AM

Jan 2009
Hi all
Introduce yourself. Mmmmm right as long as I don't have to stand in a circle and remember all the names around me I'm fine with it ;)

Been into anime for so long I don't even remember how old I was when I started watching AND realizing I was not actually watching cartoons...OMG I used the forbidden word.

Favorite genres are action, horror and sci-fi. Tend to stay away from cuteness and comedy series. Have however watched a few I actually liked.

Soon to be 33 year old US girlie. Currently stationed far away from home. Work as a comp techie.
What else...... Blonde hair so some of the anime crazed ppl I know call med BAKA Blonde just for the hell of it. Also answers to names like Two, Soxxs, TS and I'm sure plenty more names.

Known to be a mental case and have a rather peculiar and twisted sense of humor. Have also been known to sing "Their coming to take me away hahaha" if working on an annoying coding issue, or just being bored while at work.
Oct 14, 2009 6:51 AM

Mar 2009
TwoSoxs said:

Known to be a mental case and have a rather peculiar and twisted sense of humor. Have also been known to sing "Their coming to take me away hahaha" if working on an annoying coding issue, or just being bored while at work.

Well you should fit like like a glove here :)

Shameless plug signature The Shorts Club

Oct 14, 2009 11:00 AM

Dec 2008
TwoSoxs said:
Been into anime for so long I don't even remember how old I was when I started watching AND realizing I was not actually watching cartoons...OMG I used the forbidden word.
Not forbidden, just forgotten.

TwoSoxs said:
Have also been known to sing "Their coming to take me away hahaha" if working on an annoying coding issue, or just being bored while at work.
And this is different from the rest of us, how? Welcome, TwoSoxs
Oct 14, 2009 11:58 AM

Jan 2009
Everybody here are crazy OrlahEhontas? Sweet I'm gonna like it here
Oct 14, 2009 6:21 PM

Feb 2009
TwoSoxs said:

Been into anime for so long I don't even remember how old I was when I started watching AND realizing I was not actually watching cartoons...OMG I used the forbidden word.

Another long timer, cool.

At any rate, it does seem like you'll fit right in!

Oct 16, 2009 1:32 AM

Dec 2008
TwoSoxs said:
Everybody here are crazy OrlahEhontas? Sweet I'm gonna like it here

I've always been of the belief that sanity is vastly overrated, so you'll fit in just fine here! HA!

May the DESU be with you! Always!
Oct 24, 2009 9:26 AM

Sep 2008
Hi! Im Marika. Im from Sweden, married and mother of a soon to be 4 year old daughter (In January). I spent 3 years in the USA studying at Texas A&M university where I got a degree in MIS and later returned home to complete my Phd in, Sociology. Though I currently use none of that education and work as a DJ at a local radio station. Go figure that out huh? Its a long story, but suffice to say I really love my job. Initially I had gone into teaching but I really did not have the patience for it. I was teaching middle school age kids, and I think I would have ended up strangling some of them eventually. :0

Back in the mid to late 90s I competed internationally as a swimmer but shoulder injuries forced me to retire from that in 2001. Since then I have spiraled down the path of dorkdom getting into MMOs like Everquest and World of Warcraft among others. I think my evil american friend for introducing me to EQ in which dominated my free time for about 7 years. In case you are wondering thats also where my username came from. Skadi was my character name, I am so unoriginal. I have long since quit those games though and am now solely addicted to anime and manga. I have yet to discover which of these things makes me a bigger nerd. I guess I am a bit of an obsessive/compulsive personality because when I do something I usually DO IT at the expense of everything else. It was like that with my swimming, gaming, and now anime. I have other hobbies but I never do them, because all I do in my free time is anime stuff. heh. Though I admit my free time seems to shrink by the week.

Ive liked anime for a while, but I am really only recently obsessed with it. I love writing reviews, I think I am pretty good at it too. (I know shameless plug :P) You can review my profile if your really interested in the stuff I like. Though my favorite show is Skakugan no Shana. I am an obsessive fangirl when it comes to it. Its not even close either. Dont tell me it sucks! Im not listening! Its the show that made me a huge anime fan. When it comes to characters there is none better than Kaname Chidori! She is the most like me in personality. My daughters favorite show is Tokyo Mew Mew. She has to watch it everyday. Honestly I never get tired of it. See her dance and sing "My Sweetheart", well its beyond cute and adorable. Im surprised I havent dropped dead from cuteness overload. I just finished her costume for Halloween, shes going to be Ichigo. :o Halloween is not that huge here but its grown. Anyway all kids like to dress up in costumes. So do I come to think of it...

Thats enough rambling! Look forward to chatting with you all. Those of you who I dont already know feel free to drop me a comment.
Oct 24, 2009 10:14 AM

Aug 2006
Wow, Skadi!! Nice intro!! Would have loved to see you competing as a swimmer. And I completely understand the OCD thing. Whether it be MMOs, anime, or Facebook. I find something new and become obsessed with it. LOL. Thank God my kids are old enough to fend for themselves when it comes to dinner. LMAO.
Oct 24, 2009 10:47 AM

Nov 2007
Hi Skadi. Glad you could join us reprobates :)

Thankfully I only have nephews and nieces, so I can give em back at the end of the day. My other half has been broody lately though....
What a day! What a lovely Day!
Oct 24, 2009 3:09 PM

Apr 2007
Hi, I'm Karl. It's hard for me to believe that there are otakus here that are actually older than myself!

I grew up loving animation starting off with usual Saturday morning fare. American shows were good but I always felt there was something special about Japanese animation. Something different, something definitely 'cool'. I was drawn to shows like Speed Racer, Battle of the Planets, Robotech, and Star Blazers. In high school I was a member of the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization and used to buy anime laser discs and Beta tapes (yes Sony β!) via mail order from Japan. However the high costs and not having material with subtitles made it harder and harder for me to keep up with anime.

Fast forward quite a number of years and now I'm a IT guy with two children. We started watching Naruto together and all the things I loved about anime came flooding back. Going online I couldn't believe the wealth of material that was out there and I really am amazed with the fan groups and fan subbers. I like all kinds of anime genres (well maybe not 'Magical Girls') and I'm very glad to have found some good shows in most of them. I love a good cliffhanger and also appreciate shows that have a real emotional impact (and maybe a few guilty pleasures too).

So thanks for the letting me part of the club. I have to say that I am pretty bad when to comes to creating posts but I'll try.

Yoroshiku onegai shimasu!
Oct 24, 2009 3:56 PM

Dec 2008
I just realized I hadn't posted an introduction yet. I sort of introduced myself in the Member Spotlight: Kimura post, but didn't give many details, so here goes:

Hi, I'm Terry. I'm a 46 year old, animation obsessed, male. I have been fascinated with animation for as long as I can remember. I originally wanted to be an animator, but I can't draw at all. I thought I might be good at running a multiplane camera or writing. When CG animation started I wanted to try getting into that, but the local schools only had programming, and TV Broadcasting. I never really learned the stuff I needed to become an animator.
I met my wife in Middle School. She was in the library drawing cute furry mice in a sketchbook. It is amazing how much like the Rescuers the mice looked, despite the fact that film hadn't been made yet.
We ended up dating in High School, graduated in 81 and married in 85. Had our first child (a girl) the same year, and our second one (a boy) in 1990.
The kids sort of kept me interested in cartoons in general. I slowly got drawn into the current animation. This eventually led to an interest in Japanese animation, and my love of anime began. In the early 2000's I started really watching and collecting anime, and I now have over two terabytes of anime fansubs on my external drives and I don't know how much copied off to DVDs I also have quite a few purchased DVDs in my collection.
I love the Japanese culture. I am constantly enamored with the way they do things. I often find myself wishing that it was the same here in the States.
I enjoy the comedy, and drama of anime. I tend to get drawn to those types of shows the most. I am not a fan of the bloody splatter shows.
Not much more I can think of to say. I'll be hovering about and check up on this forum every week or so.
Oct 24, 2009 6:53 PM

Jun 2009
Kimura said:
Irasshimasen! (think I spelled that right....)

I, too, had a plan to cover my desk at work with anime and manga related stuff, but, alas, the powers that be have thwarted any and all attempts :[

That's the spirit!

When I worked in an office, it was in a working showroom for a furniture manufacturer, so we couldn't go wild with our workstation decorating. My otakuness only showed with my wallpapers and messenger bags at the time.

But now that I'm self-employed and work from home, I can decorate my office however I want to. My students tell me I have one of the coolest offices they've ever seen - anime figurines and plushies, one Happy Bunny poster and one Star Wars poster. And it grows with every animecon.

As a present, one student sketched one of my fave scenes from Bleach. It's framed and hung in a place of honor.

A very belated welcome to all new members. What a colorful group we have. Happy writing and chatting!
ChibiSamuraiTV | My YT Channel |
Oct 25, 2009 2:17 AM

Dec 2008
Welcome aboard to all the newcomers! There's chilled Geritol in the fridge! Drink up! ^_^

May the DESU be with you! Always!
Oct 25, 2009 6:51 PM

Feb 2008

Hi, everybody,
This is Aleksandra, female, 30, from Macedonia (FYRO), Europe. Married for someone that I've been with for 13 years now, no children, soon to be separated, but still stuck on that "better" half of me. Kind of traditional and I don't give up easily in sight of trouble.
Achitect, working, currently not so much work, so I have enough time for anime. There is a rather large community of anime fans in my country, considering the total of 2 millions citizens, so I don't feel very lonely in my addiction to these so called "cartoons". Tho most of them are 20+ and I started to look for the company of more "grown-up" watchers, hope I found I good place to start.
I started watching anime couple of years ago, on sunday mornings on TV, together with my husband, and for a time it was an addiction that we both shared . It grew to a daily exercise. I started blogging, I have a personal blog for anime, in my native south-slavic language, in cyrillic alphabet, so if anyone checks it out it would probably mean bunch of ??? for you. That means that few people actually read it. Also, part of the collaborative blog of Macedonian fans of Japan - my section is mostly art, design, architecture and "new gadgets". Also, that means more ??? for you. :)
I like mystery, military, sci-fi and mecha animes, stuff that I don't usually find in the real world. Not a big fan for drama, although my favorite characters are female officers with a bit of a drama in their lives - those who are tough on the outside with a touch of a soft side, the tragic past/future is a must!

Well, thank you for having me here, and hope to see you around
Lost my religion
Oct 25, 2009 7:01 PM

Sep 2009
Welcome poljaff :-)

I'm fairly new to the club here too... don't let their antics scare you off, they're actually a rather nice bunch of people ;-)
Oct 25, 2009 7:04 PM

Nov 2007
So you say. You don't know what Chelle's put me and poor Kimura through though, especially when she runs out of chocolate.

Oh, the humanity!!!!
What a day! What a lovely Day!
Oct 25, 2009 7:24 PM

Aug 2006
That's nothing, Archaeon. Ask slender about what happens when I run out of nicotine. >.<

And pay no attention to the likes of Archaeon, slenderfall, or Kimura. I'm a teddy bear... really!! ^__^ *glares at her officers and slender and dares them to contradict her*
Oct 26, 2009 12:52 AM

Dec 2008
Chelle said:
That's nothing, Archaeon. Ask slender about what happens when I run out of nicotine. >.<

And pay no attention to the likes of Archaeon, slenderfall, or Kimura. I'm a teddy bear... really!! ^__^ *glares at her officers and slender and dares them to contradict her*

Tsk! Such a delusional person! ^_^ By the way, fearless leader, where's my budget for keeping the fridge stocked with Geritol for the newbies?

May the DESU be with you! Always!
Oct 26, 2009 7:38 PM

Aug 2006
@Philly... we have a budget here? Nobody informed me of this!!! Dammit!!! And here, I'm almost out of smokes and diet Pepsi. How 'bout running down to the Winn-Dixie and picking some up for me, ne? You can pick up a couple bottles of Geritol while you're there. ^_~
Oct 27, 2009 1:22 AM

Dec 2008
Chelle: I refuse to provide your vices! So there! Besides, we don't have Winn-Dixie here in Philadelphia! ^_^

May the DESU be with you! Always!
Oct 27, 2009 2:09 AM

Mar 2009
Wow have not been here for a while - so hi to all new members

Not sure why everyone is taking my name in vain, I am the most sane one here, well I am off to make some porriage for my guests chained in the dungeon

Shameless plug signature The Shorts Club

Oct 27, 2009 7:07 AM

Dec 2008
poljaff said:

Hi, everybody,
This is Aleksandra, female, 30, from Macedonia (FYRO), Europe. Married for someone that I've been with for 13 years now, no children, soon to be separated, but still stuck on that "better" half of me. Kind of traditional and I don't give up easily in sight of trouble.
Achitect, working, currently not so much work, so I have enough time for anime. There is a rather large community of anime fans in my country, considering the total of 2 millions citizens, so I don't feel very lonely in my addiction to these so called "cartoons". Tho most of them are 20+ and I started to look for the company of more "grown-up" watchers, hope I found I good place to start.
I started watching anime couple of years ago, on sunday mornings on TV, together with my husband, and for a time it was an addiction that we both shared . It grew to a daily exercise. I started blogging, I have a personal blog for anime, in my native south-slavic language, in cyrillic alphabet, so if anyone checks it out it would probably mean bunch of ??? for you. That means that few people actually read it. Also, part of the collaborative blog of Macedonian fans of Japan - my section is mostly art, design, architecture and "new gadgets". Also, that means more ??? for you. :)
I like mystery, military, sci-fi and mecha animes, stuff that I don't usually find in the real world. Not a big fan for drama, although my favorite characters are female officers with a bit of a drama in their lives - those who are tough on the outside with a touch of a soft side, the tragic past/future is a must!

Well, thank you for having me here, and hope to see you around


Yeah, had a Russian exchange student stay with us for a couple of weeks back in the 90's. She was the grand-daughter of the interpreter for the group, and was still an elementary school student. The whole group was from Irkutsk. It was interesting taking them to the local "Hometown Buffet" and watching those kids go after the icecream!

My father is an architect, so I know a bit about that field. Just enough to know that it isn't for me. Actually he became a plans examiner for the city of Springfield (the one the Simpsons is based off of).

You like military Sci-Fi with female characters? Ever read anything by Elizabeth Moon? If not, look into it, especially the Familias Regnant universe line of books.
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