Really curious to see what'll happen in the last episode of this season with all the development we got in this one. Everyone is becoming open and clear about their feelings with themselves and the ones they love. It looks like everything is cleared up on Akari and Minami's side, Akari telling Minami that she loves him, and Minami sparing her the pain of heartbreak before it gets too great by telling her that he knows what it's like to have an unrequited love- and doesn't want her to go through that as well. Minami helps Akari really come forward and be honest with her feelings toward Jiro, which he immediately recognized when she had called out his name. And he also makes it clear that he feels nothing for Shiori. Yes I think everything is good on this side, and I'm glad all that happened before at least this season of this anime ended, because you never can know whether or not you'll get another.
Now on Shiori's and Jiro's side of things, it looks like things have been cleared up over here as well. Shiori's case is pretty simple, she likes Jiro, and made it clear that she does as they kissed in the haze of the lamp light under the rain. And it seems obvious that Jiro had responded with what he believes is his own genuine feelings as well, as he shares in the kiss Shiori gives him. That said, Jiro still is a wild card in this game. He says he loves Shiori and that is true, but to say he has no feelings developed for Akari would also be an utterly blatant lie. He almost didn't hesitate at all when he heard Akari was missing, and went to go look for her despite Shiori's pleas. And when he found out that Minami and already found her, I believe that was a look and response of disappointment on his face. He wanted to be the one to find her, and I thought it was just going to follow the cliché route and indeed have her find her in the rain and share an intimate moment, in which maybe Shiori stumbles upon and complicates things. But no, they subverted MY expectations at least, and it feels more mature this way; especially Minami. Minami was a big boy in this episode.
But now it begins, two girls fighting for the eyes of the not-a-total-wimp that is Jiro. And man, Akari better leave no prisoners alive and rise victorious, making it clear and decisive who the winner is and leave nothing to the judges.
Just want to discuss Shiori for a bit, sorry Shiori and Jiro shippers, but I find her just to be so dull and boring when cast under the fiery scorching light of the super giant Antares (or whatever those big stars are called) of Akari. Yes she is a much better girl and much more of a sweetheart, I mean she went out to look for Jiro in the rain and brought him an umbrella. But Akari's just got the FIRE you know? And let's be real, who besides a select few really care about Shiori, she's just the typical side character childhood friend thrown in there to spice things up. Except in this case, she kind of takes AWAY from the spice which is Akari herself. Shiori deserves a good man, but leave Jiro and Akari alone and let them go crazy for each other. Honestly make Shiori lesbian and pair her up with that red-haired chick, Mei I think her name is. I'm no Yuri/Yaoi shipper, but I legit feel more chemistry between Shiori and Mei than Shiori and Jiro lol.
Anyway, whether it ends on a good note between Akari and Jiro or a bad one, I'll be happy either way. If it ends on a good note, obviously that'll make me happy. If it ends on a bad one, I'll appreciate the ballsy move made by the studio, and it will also give me more hope that they intend to follow it up with another season. I just hope it won't end on a "meh" note, you know? Right now it's a very high 7 out of 10, if the last episode delivers, it'll easily push it to an 8 for me. Maybe even a 9 if they go batsh*t insano mode. Heck it looks like they even have a new ED for the final episode if I'm not mistaken.
Speaking of the ED, I liked what they did here with it: we got to hear more of it this time. It started playing earlier, but the ED visuals itself remained at the same length, so we heard more of the song as compensation. Something special for the ED, since something special happened in this episode.