Casual_Watcher05 said:Piromysl said:Heh. Funny to see you bickering for way over a month and writing entire books each post. Admirable dedication. xD
Anyway, I'm just gonna give me two cents.
Shin might perform his role as a protagonist, but not as a central one. I tolerate him, because I don't expect much from him. Despite everything, he is still a Gary Stu, an ace of a squad who excels at everything, shows little emotion and overall seems like a generic self-insert character. Even his design is nothing original. Characters like him appear in every other LN nowadays, but still, I'd say he presents himself "above average".
Lize on the other hand is a phenomenal character and thankfully she is the central protagonist. Not many writers are able to make a decent female character.
You parroted what you said months ago without providing any proof again.Milize good,Nouzen bad.Milize central protagonist,Nouzen not central protagonist.Because you said so?Where is the proof?People keep bickering because they have actually read the LNs and know how well-written Shin is.
1.The POV in the novel is split 50-50.I'd say even 60-40 in favour of Shin.His standalone volumes are excellent.(Run through the battlefront volume 2 and 3,Fragmetal Neoteny,both LN and manga)
2.It's hilarious when you say nothing about Shin is original including his design when Lena is a literal esdeath copy with a standard attractive military female uniform.
3.Charecters like Shin appear in every LN these days?Name a few of them.Ik you won't be able to.Simply because you don't even know what you are talking about.LN male mcs have genetic bland,vanilla personalities with minimal traits and maximum edginess aka supposed to be relatable so the readers can self project.Shin stands miles above most of them.He isn't supposed to be relatable or a self insert.He's a cold blooded,almost schizophreniac battlebeast.His personality has a lot more common with Heero Yuy than LN mcs except the death threats.(Asato is a gundam fan so big chance)He is the furthest thing from a Gary Stu because he earned everything he has going on now.I can see why you think he's though.Actually competent,great at his job=Gary Stu,Incompetent,bad at everything=relatable.That's how you think about a charecter.
4.LNs on the other hand,every LN has a charecter like Lena,kind,caring,only one who wants to save the male mc from himself(Your point of her pathological altruism is just so laughable after reading the LN)Doesn't make her a bad charecter,but not an "excellent central protagonist" like you keep claiming she is.She offers us readers the outsiders pov in the lives of 86 and Shin and is a moderately competitive person.
5.You are the guy who said in "This Detective is already Dead" that the loli queen is voiced by a loli so anime of the season right?Also called Kokoro from Darling in the Franxx a slut and zero two a goddess right?Your ceiling for a decent female charecter is so low Lena barely has to do anything at all to cross that bar lmao..
Solid piece of advice,go read the light novels instead of trying to pass off your opinions as facts.It's no wonder the two guys with the bad takes about Shin have terrible tastes and keep lying about reading the LNs.We all know you didn't xD