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[Update Jun 26] Web Novel Writing Contest: Win $5,000 USD & Get Published!

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Jul 10, 2021 2:26 PM

Dec 2018
Somehow didn't comment on this before, but wow this sounds interesting!
I might not join myself as I don't even have ideas for drawing anymore (so how on earth will I find something for this lol), but I think it's exciting and I know some people on this site who I totally would love to see participate! This is definitely one for the potential writers on these forums who are tired of the same ol' stories being made nowadays—I say if you want to see a change in something, you might as well go and make that change yourself! Good luck everyone!

I just have one question:
Are you allowed to share your story on parts of this site like the Creative Corner board and on one's forum signature/profile page?
Or advertising your story like that for potential readers not allowed?

✶ ⋆ ✶ ⋆ ✶ ⋆ ✶ ⋆ ✶ ⋆ ✶ ⋆ ✶ ⋆ ✶ ⋆ ✶ ⋆ ✶ ⋆ ✶ ⋆ ✶

Anyway, also:
Psajdak said:
Advice to those who will engage - even if you have some very unique, or revolutionary ideas, do try to incorporate them into isekai, or RPG like fantasy setting - that is, IF you want to have any chance of success.

I personally firmly believe that most of us have ideas in our heads which other people would find rather interesting, but at the same time, there is a reason why in the last 10 years isekai stuff was so popular to this day, no matter how often many will comment with Oh, another isekai., when something new is announced.

People simply don't care for anything else, and it is a waste of time to be daring, and experimental in this era.
This is genuinely some good advice.
Sure, isekai is everywhere, but it will guarantee you some readers.
And there are still ways to make it unique, like by adding your own niche interests into it.
Jul 16, 2021 9:04 PM

Apr 2007
Having just found out about this contest, I'm questioning whether I'd have enough time to complete it. I have 4 story ideas total, with only 1 fully written in script form and I just started writing it as a regular novel. Problem is I struggle to write it as a novel so it kind of comes off as half-assed to me. That could hurt it a lot in the judging phase...

I may be able to get half the story written in time, which will still have a satisfying conclusion. But basically; I wish there was more time for this contest rather than 2 months haha. I do appreciate this great opportunity though.
Jul 17, 2021 12:00 AM

Jul 2008
Good luck to everyone participating.
Jul 26, 2021 7:37 AM
Jul 2021
Hello, I was wondering if Kodansha has mentioned their plans to publish the winner, anywhere?
Jul 27, 2021 9:15 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
HandofRel said:
Hello, I was wondering if Kodansha has mentioned their plans to publish the winner, anywhere?
Hello. The winner being published is not guaranteed. Rather, Kodansha will receive JP translations of the top 3 winning novels and may decide they are interested in publishing all, one, or none of them. If they are interested, the author will need to agree to a new contract before anything will be adapted/published.
Jul 31, 2021 2:57 PM

May 2011
One of the criteria being popularity seems illogical, as someone unknown might write something but then because some hypothetical Hollywood person submits something they'd obviously be eclipsing them for no reason related to writing. Also, encouraging the usage of social media when discouraging external postings is illogical too, unless it's only links they want (but as before, it's not sensible as this shouldn't be a popularity contest, and that's before the voting phase too).

Also, for a purely writing contest images shouldn't be used, really (besides weekly/monthly rankings being corruptive in nature, as they seed popularity effectively, since they're always on the front page), as currently it's like an obvious who's who of what's more sensually alluring (and for any unrelated stories there's clearly no hope), so maybe next time it should be made clear that this is more of an image contest really (as it happens practically whether declared or not), and it's not flowers or balloons that are the most popular...
SeyfertAug 3, 2021 7:30 AM
Aug 7, 2021 12:35 AM

Sep 2015
I’ve been having loads of fun with the contest, been chugging away to try to meet the deadline though. Honestly I wish we had longer to write, maybe an extra month or two. Most of us aren’t professional authors who can dedicate so much of our time to writing, so I think having more time would be really helpful. ^^

Sep 7, 2021 4:06 PM
Jan 2019
Would it be possible for the synopsis of the novel to be accompanied with the novel for the voting phase? I mean, directly with the novel. Not having to click into it to see what it's about. I'm sure there will be plenty of people who will only vote based on the cover of the novel itself (let me remind those, that this is a writing contest, not an art contest). So those of us without any drawing/illustrating skills or those of us without the ability to pay someone else to do them for us will most likely lose simply for not having artistic talent (again, this is a writing contest).

With a synopsis, even though it won't guarantee that people will take the time to read the entire novel, at least they have a better chance of standing on equal ground with others who have the ability to make/pay to make an art cover for the novel.

Thanks for hearing me out.
Sep 8, 2021 8:12 PM
Dec 2018
damn. writing period is over, hope u guys did well. check out mine in my bio lol
Sep 9, 2021 9:51 AM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
tony01p said:
Would it be possible for the synopsis of the novel to be accompanied with the novel for the voting phase?
This was already planned, don't worry :)
Sep 10, 2021 7:47 AM
Jan 2019
Kineta said:
tony01p said:
Would it be possible for the synopsis of the novel to be accompanied with the novel for the voting phase?
This was already planned, don't worry :)

Thanks! I know many people will appreciate this. I do at least :)
Sep 20, 2021 1:33 PM
Jul 2021
Hello everyone. I entered the contest with my novel named The Young Knight of the Desert.

Now, I have a question: would people still be allowed to establish accounts after October 3 for the purposes of voting for an entry?
Sep 20, 2021 11:26 PM
Dec 2018
HI , Im the author of Crimson Soul writing in the competition,

I wanted to know if MAL would block all new accounts created during the voting phase, since id have to ask my friends and family to make a new account and download the app.

Obviously in the process, some of them, who do watch anime but have never used mal, would end up using the mal acc.

I just wanted to know if I need to ask my friends and family to make an account in mal and download the app right now? or can I ask them to download, create acc n vote for me during the voting phase itself.

Thank you
Sep 21, 2021 2:10 PM
Jul 2016
Well this was fun, kinda sad I joined the contest a bit late, so I didn't have time to fully develop my ideas, but I hope the minority that did read it enjoyed it even slightly.
Sep 22, 2021 12:42 AM
Dec 2018
Kineta said:
Damian66 said:
If this is a writing contest, why is the cover a part of the judging criteria? That seems irrelevant to me. Someone with a lot of money could just commission an artist to draw a nice cover but someone else maybe can't, although both stories should be judged on the same grounds. This kind of disqualifies people for the wrong reasons I think. If it were to come to a manga publication, which was hinted at in the contest description, do we have to draw the manga ourselves? I'm a bit confused.
An engaging cover is just one of many criteria of "presentation." Engaging doesn't necessarily mean commissioned with super awesome art. It's just putting a bit more effort into it instead of having a blank black square.

No, you wouldn't need to draw the manga yourself! If Kodansha decided they wanted to publish your novel as a manga, they would hire someone to draw the art. Manga adaptations of LNs/WNs are very common in Japan. Don't worry about that.

Would Mal allow new accounts to be created during the voting phase? Cuz I need to know if I have to ask my friends to download the app n create their accounts now or during the voting phase is fine.

I hope mal will allow new accounts to be created during the voting phase.
Sep 22, 2021 3:27 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
@RealAire During the voting phase is fine. However, they should use their account and not just be empty throwaway accounts to vote...

Sep 23, 2021 12:04 AM
Dec 2018
Kineta said:
@RealAire During the voting phase is fine. However, they should use their account and not just be empty throwaway accounts to vote...

thank you for confirming.

yes don't worry about that. i have quite a lot of friends who watch anime AND DONT EVEN KNOW ABOUT MYANIMELIST!!!

n then they give excuses, eh I don't need an ACC to see reviews etc bla bla

so this is a good opportunity for them to finally make an acc,

and thanks for pinging me
Sep 24, 2021 2:59 PM
Jul 2021
Kineta said:
@RealAire However, they should use their account and not just be empty throwaway accounts to vote...

And how will an account be judged as an "empty throwaway"?
Sep 26, 2021 6:17 PM

Dec 2020
Looks like the judges' voting phase is nearly over, huh? I guess all I can do now is cross my fingers and hope. But at the end of the day, I had fun writing, and that's all that really matters to me :)

(If anyone wants to check out my entry, just click the "Two Beings, Or Not Two Beings?" link on the left side of my signature. Absolutely no pressure, of course!)
My greatest contribution to this website:
Sep 30, 2021 7:21 AM
Sep 2021
As the title states, I including many, many authors in this ongoing writing competition have concerns about the voting phases coming up. We did our best to ask the HoneyFeed staff, but they told us to ask on the MAL forum since they were unsure. So without further due, I'll list some concerns the authors have been having:

1. When voting begins, will new accounts be able to vote (and have their vote "count") on the MAL app, assuming a different IP address and/or device is being used? The reason we're very concerned about this is because we authors have lots of family and fans that support our work, but do not use MAL. Many anime fans, despite how much they consume in the culture, do not have a MAL account. Furthermore, a plethora of individuals browse MAL but do not make an account (one of those individuals used to be myself until recently).

Not only are we concerned for our following and our family/friends, but also the fact that we will market our entries to a wide audience when voting does begin (assuming my entry makes it). If new accounts won't have their votes counted, then it seems pointless to invest so much into bringing traffic who will make new accounts and such.

2. Also, about the two different voting phases - so let's say 10 novels (total) survive the brawl with 50 novels in the semi finals voting phase.

When the final round begins, will all 10 of those novels have their votes reset to 0? Or will they maintain the votes they accumulated in the semi finals?

A detailed answer would be appreciated, as many authors are behind me are looking forward to a reply as well. Thank you so much and cheers!

Mod Edit: Contents which have since been removed which was talked about within this post have been removed therefore, what were the first two sentences have been removed to reflect this.
DBXSep 30, 2021 6:35 PM
Sep 30, 2021 6:19 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
Hayato_Shinohara said:
1. When voting begins, will new accounts be able to vote (and have their vote "count") on the MAL app, assuming a different IP address and/or device is being used?
Yes, I answered this a few posts above. Registering new accounts during the voting phase is fine. However, I would suggest they use their account and not just be empty throwaway accounts to vote.

When the final round begins, will all 10 of those novels have their votes reset to 0?

If you have a specific question that can be answered quickly, you can mention me in the server and I'll try to answer if I have time.
Oct 8, 2021 6:48 PM
Jun 2021
Fario-P said:
Somehow didn't comment on this before, but wow this sounds interesting!
I might not join myself as I don't even have ideas for drawing anymore (so how on earth will I find something for this lol), but I think it's exciting and I know some people on this site who I totally would love to see participate! This is definitely one for the potential writers on these forums who are tired of the same ol' stories being made nowadays—I say if you want to see a change in something, you might as well go and make that change yourself! Good luck everyone!

I just have one question:
Are you allowed to share your story on parts of this site like the Creative Corner board and on one's forum signature/profile page?
Or advertising your story like that for potential readers not allowed?

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Anyway, also:
Psajdak said:
Advice to those who will engage - even if you have some very unique, or revolutionary ideas, do try to incorporate them into isekai, or RPG like fantasy setting - that is, IF you want to have any chance of success.

I personally firmly believe that most of us have ideas in our heads which other people would find rather interesting, but at the same time, there is a reason why in the last 10 years isekai stuff was so popular to this day, no matter how often many will comment with Oh, another isekai., when something new is announced.

People simply don't care for anything else, and it is a waste of time to be daring, and experimental in this era.
This is genuinely some good advice.
Sure, isekai is everywhere, but it will guarantee you some readers.
And there are still ways to make it unique, like by adding your own niche interests into it.

Looks like my story will fit into that criteria. If interested, you can take a look at my work.
Oct 9, 2021 1:17 AM
Aug 2021
wow... that's great! The winning novel will get a manga adaptation. is this a competition every year?.
Oct 27, 2021 2:38 AM
Oct 2021
$5,000 ? WOW
Good luck to all!!!
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